“ChatGPT之父”奥特曼突遭罢免:从开发者大会起 几件事已有征兆

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美国时间11月17日午间, OpenAI官方发布声明,称公司CEO山姆·奥特曼将不再担任CEO一职,在寻找到下一位继任者之前,由首席技术官CTO任过渡期CEO。与此同时,公司原董事长格雷格·布洛克曼也将卸任这一职位,但仍将留在公司,向新任CEO汇报。





奥特曼对于OpenAI的重要性不言而喻。作为最早的创始成员之一,奥特曼在2020起全职担任OpenAI的首席执行官,随后,OpenAI潜心研发大语言模型GPT,并在2022年年底凭借ChatGPT的发布迅速火爆出圈,成为引领这一轮以大语言模型为核心的AI浪潮的中心。在这一过程中,奥特曼作为CEO,同时也是OpenAI的实际代言人,在他的领导下,OpenAI在ChatGPT正式发布后一年的时间,仍然保持着快速的发展和在该行业的领先地位。两周前,OpenAI刚刚举行了公司历史上首次开发者大会,发布了一系列更新,包括GPT-4 Turbo,以及GPTs和相应的GPT商店,再度引领行业朝着人人皆可开发GPT、皆可定制GPT的方向发展。






Airbnb创始人Brian Chesky表示,奥特曼是我们这个时代最好的创业者之一,对我们的行业做出了空前的贡献。

OpenAI最大的投资方微软在该消息发生后发布声明称,将继续与OpenAI的合作关系。该公司发言人Frank Shaw表示,“我们与OpenAI有着长期的合作关系,微软依然致力于与新CEO和她的团队合作将下一代的AI带给我们的客户。”



11月6日,OpenAI召开首届开发者大会,在该活动上,OpenAI公布了GPTs,也就是人人可定制专属GPT工具,以及相应的GPT 商店。同时OpenAI还发布了一系列自己开发定制的GPT工具,这一发布令许多开发者哭天喊地,认为自己过去基于OpenAI API所开发的应用,分分钟就被OpenAI颠覆了。



11月15日,奥特曼在其个人推特账号上宣布,因为开发者大会之后的使用量超出了OpenAI目前能够处理的能力,而公司希望能够保证现有用户的体验不受影响,ChatGPT Plus付费版暂停注册。




根据公开资料显示,OpenAI的董事会成员,除了上述两人外,还包括OpenAI首席科学家IIya Sutskever,Quora CEO Adam D’Angelo,GeoSim Systems CEO和乔治城安全和科技中心的Helen Toner四人。

有意思的是,就在两天前的一场公开活动上,社交巨头Meta的首席科学家、图灵奖得主Yan LeCun和微软总裁Brad Smith就展开了一场争论,Brad Smith表示,微软所投资的OpenAI是一个非盈利组织,因此相比Meta这样的盈利性公司,大家应该更信任非盈利组织OpenAI旗下的产品。













Author Ji Zhenyu from Tencent News Looking forward to Sam Altman, the chief executive of the company, who was called the father, was suddenly dismissed by the board of directors at noon on March, US time. The official statement issued on the same day said that the board of directors had initiated a special investigation and concluded that Altman had not been completely frank in the communication with the board of directors, so the board of directors lost confidence in his continued leadership of the company and decided to replace Altman with Milla Murati, the company's chief technology officer, as the company's transition position before finding the next permanent position. It is also said that Greg Blocman, the former chairman of the company, will also step down as the chairman, but he will still stay in the company to report to Murati, Milla, but soon it was reported that Blocman had also resigned. This news undoubtedly shocked everyone. Just two weeks ago, Altman, as the CEO and actual spokesperson of the company, announced a series of product updates and major progress in a high-profile manner, through the technical strength and judgment on future trends demonstrated at this developer conference. Once again, he has established his leading and core position in this round of generative artificial intelligence upsurge around the big language model. At present, Altman himself has only made a short response without giving a detailed explanation on the reasons for leaving his post, but he said that there are still many suspense in the future. In fact, he has experienced a series of events from the developer conference to the past few days, which also reflects that the company may have already had problems and these problems are gradually expanding and becoming public. Civilized and Altman's departure became the ultimate goal of this series of events. During his tenure as CEO, Altman was the actual spokesperson of the company. Many people equated him with or directly. His unexpected departure will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the whole industry. After the news, a general meeting will be held on the same day to stabilize the military's biggest partner, Microsoft, which said at the first time that it will continue to cooperate, but its role in the process and its future role remain to be seen. Other companies are watching the fire from the other side of the bank. This incident may become a turning point for the future industry to re-divide the power structure and reorient its development direction. The sudden expulsion is no less than the event in the technology industry. At noon on March, US time, the official statement said that Sam Altman of the company will no longer hold a position, and the chief technology officer will take the transition period until the next successor is found. At the same time, Greg Blocman, the former chairman of the company, will also step down from this position, but will remain in the official position where the company reports to the new one. It is stated that Altman did not leave voluntarily, but because the board of directors initiated a survey, which concluded that Altman was not completely honest in the process of communicating with the board of directors, which made the board of directors shake their confidence in continuing to lead the company. Shortly after the news was released, Altman himself made a brief response through his personal Twitter account, saying that he loved working at this time, which was a turning point for him personally and had a little turning point for the world. The most important thing is that he loves working with a group of talented people. At the end of the statement, Altman said what he would do next. There are more words to say. The sudden expulsion of Altman by the board of directors is undoubtedly a heavy news for the technology industry. Some even commented that this is no less important than an event in the technology industry. As one of the earliest founding members, Altman became a full-time CEO and then devoted himself to developing a large language model in. At the end of the year, with its release, it became the center of leading this wave with the big language model as the core. In this process, Altman, as the actual spokesperson, still maintained rapid development and a leading position in the industry one year after its official release. Just two weeks ago, the first developer conference in the company's history was held, and a series of updates were released, including and the corresponding stores once again led the industry towards a party that everyone can develop and customize. It is no exaggeration to say that Altman himself is even known as the new king of Silicon Valley. Just this month, Altman started a round of global visits, and the heads of state and leaders from British Prime Minister, French Prime Minister to Singapore Prime Minister lined up to meet Altman to discuss the ethics and regulatory framework of artificial intelligence. Another important role in this round of rise is that Microsoft added $ billion after its superior ability of investing $ billion in 2000 was verified. To provide strong support for the huge amount of money and computing power needed in the process of developing large-scale models, taking advantage of this wave of generative enthusiasm around large-scale language models, as the core leading company, its valuation has also risen, and its latest valuation has reached nearly 100 million US dollars, ranking among the most valuable unicorn startups in the world. After the news of Altman's departure came out, many people in the technology circle commented one after another. Schmidt, former chairman of Google, said on his personal Twitter that Altman was my personal hero. I can't wait to know what he will do next, and billions of people and I will benefit from his future work. This is incredible. Thank you for everything you have done for us. The founder of the picture said that Altman is one of the best entrepreneurs in our time and has made unprecedented contributions to our industry. Microsoft, the largest investor, issued a statement after the news, saying that it will continue to cooperate with him. A spokesman for the company said that I would like to. We have a long-term cooperative relationship with Microsoft. Microsoft is still committed to working with Xinhe and her team to bring the next generation to our customers. Since the developer conference, there have been signs that Altman was expelled from the board of directors. The news is very sudden, except that the board of directors said that Altman was not honest in communication. However, combing through some large and small events experienced in the past may reveal a trace behind this incident. At the first developer conference, the exclusive tools that everyone can customize and the corresponding stores were announced at the event. At the same time, a series of self-developed customized tools were released. This release made many developers cry and cry that they had been subverted in the past based on the developed application in minutes. Many users reported that the service could not be used. The spokesman responded that the failure was deliberately attacked by people. The attack method was that the attacker exhausted the resources of the target by sending out massive traffic, resulting in that the normal traffic could not reach the scheduled server. Microsoft, the largest investor, did not allow employees to use it. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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