Luke向左、Adam向右 铭文和比特币L2将会玩出什么新叙事?

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继12月6日,Luke公开发文抵制比特币铭文之后,12月17日比特币教父Adam Back提出了不同观点,其认为不要试图去扼杀比特币铭文,在比特币链上发行资产的运动给比特币矿工带来的巨大的收益,对于比特币的长期稳定发展是有价值的,而铭文给比特币网络带来的拥堵问题,可以通过发展比特币L2来解决。


Adam Back大家并不陌生,1997年其发明的Hash Cash(数字现金)直接启发中本聪创造了比特币,因此,他又被称为比特币教父,其创办的BlockStream,是全球著名的比特币开发公司,是比特币历次重要升级(包括隔离见证和Taproot升级)的关键推手。在比特币社区拥有巨大的影响力。

因此,Adam Back的推文,引发了巨大的讨论,大家纷纷思考,比特币铭文会和比特币L2擦出怎样的火花,比特币L2到底可以为比特币及比特币链上资产带来哪些新的发展机遇。

笔者非常赞同Adam Back的观点,这是一种建设者的思路去看待铭文和比特币生态发展。反观Luke,看到铭文这种新生事物,就是一棍子打死,坚决扼杀,而Adam Back给出了切实可行的解决方案——发展比特币L2。


之所以选择BEVM举例,是因为BEVM是已经落地且可以部署去中心化应用的BTC L2,其他的BTC L2解决方案,包括RGB、BitVM等,先不说理论是否可行,至少目前看不到任何可用的东西。据了解,BEVM是以BTC为GAS且兼容EVM的去中心化BTC L2,目前先行网已经上线,已经有大量生态项目基于BEVM部署。



2016年-2019年Crypto行业的主流叙事是基于以太坊发行资产,ERC20是当时的主流代币发行标准,就像今天的比特币发币标准Brc20及其他XRC20一样。2017年的ICO盛况,也丝毫不亚于2023年的铭文Fair Mint。当然,大部分ERC20代币暴涨暴跌,最后一地鸡毛,如今火爆的隔离XRC20代币,大部分也将同样命运。

但是,同样是在2016年-2019年间,除了诞生了各类空气代币之外,还诞生了围绕代币构建应用场景的DeFi协议,比如,MakerDAO、比如Uniswap。他们穿越了牛熊,最终迎来了2020年的DeFi Summer,时至今日,仍是去中心化应用的典范。从这个历史角度来看,比特币铭文,或者说各类XRC20代币,是否也可以构建去中心化的铭文应用呢?我想,这是肯定的,而且是必然趋势。




比特币铭文1.0的玩法简单粗暴:构思叙事、Fair Mint、社区Fomo、叙事落空、一地鸡毛很多铭文描述的叙事,比如,要做跨链桥的铭文、要做DEX的铭文、要做预言机的铭文、要做LaunchPad的铭文等等,如果真的要实现这些应用,其最好的选择就是在比特币L2上部署,在L2围绕这些铭文构建所需要的去中心化应用和场景。


因此,我们可以预测,未来的比特币生态应用团队,会基于比特币发行资产,通过Fair Mint的方式来发行代币,然后用户可以把铭文资产跨到比特币L2去玩各类应用,以及使用代币捕获应用或协议本身的价值。因此,未来会看到各类铭文应用跑在比特币L2上。

不仅如此,如果未来BEVM也支持Fair Mint的代币铸造协议,那么,用户也可以直接在BEVM上公平发射资产,然后直接在BEVM上构建各类去中心化应用,这也是一种很好的创业方向。



如果Bitmap想继续拓展更复杂的元宇宙应用场景,比特币主网显然是不支持的,因此,Bitmap可以跨到BEVM上,直接构建各类去中心化场景,比如,基于Bitmap NFT的GameFi或者元宇宙场景,而且,依然以BTC为GAS但是Fee更便宜,而且,Bitmap还可以在BEVM发行治理代币,来治理整个Bitmap生态。

不仅是Bitmap,包括Bitcoin Frogs、MNCHRMS、OrdiRocks等比特币链上NFT都可以按照类似的思路,到BEVM上构建更丰富的应用场景。






Foreword After publicly issuing a document to boycott the bitcoin inscription on March, the godfather of Bitcoin put forward different views. He thought that the movement of not trying to kill the bitcoin inscription to issue assets on the bitcoin chain brought huge benefits to bitcoin miners, which was valuable for the long-term stable development of bitcoin, and the congestion problem brought by the inscription to the bitcoin network could be solved by developing bitcoin. Everyone is familiar with it. Therefore, the digital cash invented by him directly inspired Satoshi Nakamoto to create bitcoin. He is also known as the godfather of Bitcoin. He founded the world-famous Bitcoin development company, which is the key promoter of all important upgrades of Bitcoin, including isolated witness and upgrade. He has great influence in the Bitcoin community. Therefore, the tweet has triggered a huge discussion. Everyone has been thinking about what kind of sparks Bitcoin inscriptions and Bitcoin will bring, and what new development opportunities Bitcoin can bring to Bitcoin and assets on the Bitcoin chain. This is a view that the author very much agrees with. In contrast to the ecological development of the inscription and bitcoin, I saw that the inscription, a new thing, was killed with a stick and resolutely stifled, and gave a practical solution to develop bitcoin. The author has a deep participation in the inscription of bitcoin and has a little research on bitcoin. I will take the bitcoin project that I focus on as an example to discuss what sparks can be struck between the inscription and bitcoin. I chose the example because it has already landed and can be deployed for decentralized application. Other solutions include waiting first. Not to mention whether the theory is feasible, at least we can't see anything available at present. It is understood that the decentralization is thought and compatible. At present, the pioneer network has been launched, and a large number of ecological projects have been launched. To understand the relationship between bitcoin inscriptions and bitcoin, we must first review the history of issuing assets. The mainstream narrative of the industry every year is based on Ethereum, which is the mainstream token issuing standard at that time, just like today's bitcoin coin issuing standard and others. The grand occasion of 2008 is no less than the inscription of 2008. Of course, most of the tokens have skyrocketed and plummeted, and most of the isolated tokens that are now popular in the last place will have the same fate. However, in addition to all kinds of air tokens, there are also agreements to build application scenarios around tokens. For example, they have finally crossed the bull and bear and are still a model of decentralized applications. From this historical perspective, can bitcoin inscriptions or various tokens be built? What about the application of centralized inscriptions? I think this is affirmative and inevitable. So can bitcoin inscription assets build applications on the main website of Bitcoin? The answer is obvious. It can't be because of the minimalist design of Bitcoin, limited block space and incomplete architecture of natural Turing that Bitcoin can't support decentralized applications. Therefore, Bitcoin has become just needed. Bitcoin needs this conclusion more than Ethereum. If it is put forward before the explosion of bitcoin inscriptions in, not many people can understand and accept it. However, nowadays, all kinds of inscription assets are flying all over the sky, especially for those teams who have made inscriptions and want to continue to build. Bitcoin has almost become the only solution for the future development of inscriptions. Throughout the development of Bitcoin inscriptions from birth to now, we can divide the gameplay into Bitcoin inscriptions and stages. The gameplay of Bitcoin inscriptions is simple and rude. The narrative community narrative fails, and many inscriptions describe the narrative, such as the inscriptions to cross the chain bridge. If we really want to realize these applications, the best choice is to deploy decentralized applications and scenes around these inscriptions on Bitcoin, so we can vaguely see the gameplay of Bitcoin inscriptions in Bitcoin issuing assets and building applications in Bitcoin, so we can predict that the future Bitcoin ecological application team will issue tokens based on the way Bitcoin issues assets, and then users can cross the inscription assets to bits. Money is used to play all kinds of applications and use tokens to capture the value of applications or protocols themselves. Therefore, in the future, we will see all kinds of inscription applications running on Bitcoin. Not only that, but if the token casting protocol is also supported in the future, users can also launch assets directly and fairly, and then build all kinds of decentralized applications directly on the Internet. This is also a good entrepreneurial direction. In order to better understand, let's illustrate that there is a project called Bitcoin Chain, which is completely based on Bitcoin. At present, the project of quasi-metacosmic land made and cast has a close address. It seems to be a project with a strong community foundation. If you want to continue to expand more complex metacosmic application scenarios, the bitcoin main network is obviously not supported, so you can directly build various decentralized scenarios such as based-on or metacosmic scenarios, and still think that it is cheaper, but you can also issue governance tokens to govern the whole ecology, not only including the bitcoin chain. The idea of building a richer application scenario is based on the realization of the completely decentralized bitcoin and the cross-chain problem of assets on the bitcoin chain, so a large number of bitcoin and assets on the bitcoin chain can circulate without trust, and these are equivalent to the asset security on the bitcoin main network. Therefore, this design has several advantages, which can greatly reduce the operating pressure of the bitcoin main network and avoid creating congestion and invalid data for the bitcoin main network. Bitcoin only does asset registration and accounting. The second layer of security is used to run these applications, with clear division of labor and mutual gain. It is difficult to build a large number of inscription assets on the bitcoin chain. Because of the infrastructure that can expand the application scenarios of inscriptions, the gameplay of inscriptions can be richer and more sustainable, and finally the ecological closed loop of bitcoin issuing assets and bitcoin building applications is formed. This is the development path of this wave of bitcoin ecological development, and we look forward to it together. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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