美联储突显鹰派 加密行情戛然而止?

币圈资讯 阅读:60 2024-04-22 12:53:13 评论:0



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比特币等加密资产作为小众资产虽然在2020年之后与例如S&P500和全球海外发达国家股票市场等金融市场的相关联性越来越强。我们可以看到在全球主要股票市场(Equity F)的关联性上,是可以看出之前的0关联变成了0.25,仅低于S&P500的相关性0.29。在金融因素(Financials F)的关联性上,从-0.03变为0.19。

Source: IMF
Note: Smart C. = Smart Contract, F = Factor






Arthur Hayes在他最新的文章《Bad Gurl》中也指出,加密市场的牛市可能会随着美元流动性的增加而到来,而美元流动性与美元的货币政策直接相关。因此,从实体经济和全球金融周期的角度来预测,尤其是提前预测美联储的行动即管理“管理市场的预期”将成为未来市场投资者最重要的衡量标准之一。

除了内部美联储存在“心口不一”的立场让市场产生疑虑,我们还需关注美联储的货币政策的外部有效性。投资者需要有更广阔的宏观格局,例如参考实体经济周期动态以及全球金融运行的大环境。考虑到美元国际地位相对下降、人民币国际化进程,以及美国GDP规模相对欧盟整体而言并无明显优势等因素,学界例如Scott Sumner教授在探讨有关于美国的货币政策对世界名义经济有着不成比例的影响,提出了“名义超级大国”和“实际超级大国”的影响区别。


Recently, the market generally expects the US to tighten monetary policy and turn to US monetary policy. Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's statement on US monetary policy last weekend once again makes this expectation full of variables. Powell said that the Fed may have more work to do in fighting high inflation, and the Federal Open Market Committee is committed to achieving a fully restrictive monetary policy stance in order to reduce the inflation rate over time. We are not confident that this has been achieved. These days, the market is also digesting hawks. From the perspective of monetary policy regulation, if the Fed continues to raise interest rates, it will directly affect the interest rate of the US dollar, making the assets of the US dollar more attractive. At the same time, the price of Bitcoin will drop after reaching a high point on January. As the world's major foreign exchange reserve currency and the dominant position of the United States in the global economy, many assets are denominated in US dollars, which gives the Fed influence in the global financial market, especially in overseas developed countries. The response to the Fed policy is highly similar to that of the US stock market. Inconsistency in internal strategies led to misjudgment in the market during the period from January to this year. Some market participants mistakenly thought that the Fed had reached the peak of the interest rate hike cycle, and as a result, the risk market rebounded greatly. With the admission of institutions and compliance, the encryption market including Bitcoin will not be ignored. How about the correlation between Bitcoin and the Fed? Does this niche market continue to have the unique risk aversion of niche markets? Chain-to-chain connectivity encryption markets are more sensitive to Bitcoin, etc. As a niche asset, encrypted assets have become more and more closely related to financial markets such as the stock markets of overseas developed countries. We can see that the previous correlation has become only lower than the correlation of financial factors. According to the calculation results of working papers, the impact of US monetary policy on encrypted currency cycle is almost the same as that on global stock cycle, which is similar to that of encrypted assets in hedging market. The potential of market risk is in sharp contrast. When the interest rate of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy rises by one percentage point, the cryptocurrency factor continues to decline in the following day, which means that the cryptocurrency market is more sensitive to the changes of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy. However, it should be noted that there are differences between the market and the Federal Reserve at present. It is generally believed that the United States is at the high point of the economic cycle or in the ordinary inflation stage. However, the Federal Reserve is this. Although the former insists that the United States is facing the high point of economic cycle or ordinary inflation, its actual actions and measures are more radical, so the market has some doubts about the Fed's inconsistent position, whether it is compliance blessing and accelerated acceptance of institutions, we can clearly see that the encryption market in the chain is no longer niche, and the encryption market has been integrated into the global financial cycle. Institutions enter the market and impact encryption investors with the opportunity. At the same time, professional investors usually pay more attention to the changes of macroeconomic factors and monetary policy, and the increase of institutional investors' participation strengthens the transmission effect of monetary policy on the cryptocurrency market, which will increase the impact of the Fed's monetary policy on the market. In his latest article, he also pointed out that the bull market in the cryptocurrency market may come with the increase of dollar liquidity, and dollar liquidity is directly related to dollar monetary policy. Predicting from the perspective of the real economy and the global financial cycle, especially predicting the Fed's actions in advance, that is, managing and managing the market's expectations, will become one of the most important criteria for future market investors. In addition to the internal position of the Fed, which makes the market doubt, we also need to pay attention to the external effectiveness of the Fed's monetary policy. Investors need to have a broader macro pattern, such as referring to the dynamics of the real economy cycle and the overall environment of global financial operation, taking into account the international status of the US dollar. For example, professors in academic circles are discussing about the disproportionate influence of American monetary policy on the world nominal economy, and put forward the difference between the nominal superpower and the actual superpower. Cryptographic assets such as Bitcoin are moving towards a brand-new stage. With the participation of important stakeholders, from institutional investors to regulatory agencies, the crypto market is accumulating regulations at an unprecedented speed. Mode and influence at the same time, its price trend seems to be increasingly difficult to be independent. In the medium term, even if the encryption market has the blessing of science and technology, the independent market has become a thing of the past. Compared with stock market investors, encryption investors need to pay attention to the trend of formulating monetary policy under the multiple difficulties of inflation, financial stability and economic recovery from a more macro perspective. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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