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文:Paul Grewal, coinbase首席法务官
原文标题:Time to End Craig Wright’s Harassment Campaign Against Bitcoin Devs. 2024.2.1

译者按:在“澳本聪”Craig Wright 自称中本聪并接连动用法律诉讼等手段威胁比特币核心开发人员迫使他们离开比特币的技术维护工作多年之后,业界终于忍无可忍,决定反击。遂组建成立COPA联盟(Crypto Open Patent Alliance,加密货币开放专利联盟),并于2024.2.5与澳本聪对簿公堂。


月初,COPA联盟成员之一的coinbase交易所首席法务官Paul Grewal在coindesk发表了本篇宣传文章,意在向公众简要阐明为何要与澳本聪斗争到底。

注:澳本聪是中文社区赋予Craig Wright的外号,因其来自澳洲,自称中本聪,故得名澳本聪。澳本聪在2018年硬分叉了BTC的硬分叉BCH,冠名BSV,打着中本聪本尊的名号,吸引了无数人入局BSV,赚得盆满钵满。

副标题:澳本聪(Craig Wright)曾多次对质疑他是中本聪的人提起诉讼,在此过程中伤害了无数加密货币从业者。2 月 5 日,加密货币开放专利联盟(Crypto Open Patent Alliance)将向法院提起诉讼,旨在制止这种行为。



但是,澳本聪并没有被这一基本事实吓倒,他利用自己雄厚的资金支持,以这一谎言为基础,对加密货币开发者提起了无休止的毫无根据的诉讼,其中许多开发者甚至连最基本的辩护都无力承担。这与 2008 年中本聪白皮书的愿景完全相反。这是对整个加密经济人才和精神的消耗,必须立即停止。

三年前,加密货币行业的成员聚集在一起,成立了加密货币开放专利联盟(Crypto Open Patent Alliance,简称 COPA),这是一个公开分享加密货币创新的工具,也是保护彼此免受虚假知识产权侵权索赔的工具,这种侵权索赔困扰着许多科技行业。COPA 很快就意识到,澳本聪的诉讼活动是对加密货币发展的征税,而他所针对的参与者根本无力独自反击。因此,2021 年 4 月 9 日,COPA 提起了自己的诉讼,要求法院一劳永逸地宣布澳本聪不是中本聪。

下周,从 2 月 5 日开始,此案终于要开庭审理了。但这次审判的意义远不止揭穿澳本聪的妄想。COPA 致力于对抗像澳本聪这样的恶霸,澳本聪的意图是“亲自追捕每一个开发者,直到他们破产、穷困潦倒、孤身一人”。是时候结束他直指我们行业心脏的活动了,并澄清澳本聪不是中本聪,因此不能用虚假的知识产权索赔来阻挠进步。






尽管澳本聪大张旗鼓地宣传自己的主张,但即使在诉讼中被追问,他也屡屡拿不出任何支持其主张的真实文件。他多次向法庭提供伪造文件。他没有履行承诺,比如用中本聪的密钥签名确认交易。他曾在其他案件中承诺,他将“召集 90 或 100 人”来证明他的说法,但却没有提供一个无利害关系的人。



澳本聪的伪造文件库是 COPA 下周开始的诉讼的核心。事实上,澳本聪自己聘请的两位专家已经承认澳本聪的许多文件都是伪造的。

下周,在法庭上,COPA 将开始指控澳本聪的篡改行为,包括:

一、日期错误的 Word 文档:澳本聪作为证据提供的多个 Word 文档被篡改,看起来像是在比特币白皮书发表之前就存在的。

二、虚假手写文件:澳本聪作为证据的多份手写文件都是写在事先打印好的记事本上的,而这些记事本直到 2008 年真正的中本聪分享白皮书多年后才出现。

三、经过欺诈性修改的 PDF 版本白皮书:澳本聪为此次诉讼提供的多个 PDF 版本的比特币白皮书被故意修改成早期草稿的样子。但其中包含的元数据和字体直到 2017 年才出现。


五、伪造硬盘:去年 10 月,当 COPA 案件的证据开始大量堆积,对他的虚假指控不利时,澳本聪说他刚刚“发现”了一个 2007 年的硬盘,里面有他在白皮书发表 15 年后才开始准备工作的证据。上周,澳本聪自己的专家宣布这个硬盘是伪造的,其中一些内容似乎是使用 ChatGPT 生成的。


COPA 致力于将这场诉讼进行到底。包括 Coinbase 在内的 COPA 成员明白,我们这些有资源的人必须毫不犹豫地开展这些根本性的斗争。在开庭前的最后几天里,我们非常感谢法庭对我们案件的认真关注,以及对双方提出的证据(在澳本聪那里是“证词”)的仔细审查。


The translator of the original title of Wen chief law officer claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto in Aomoto Satoshi and used legal proceedings to threaten the core developers of Bitcoin to force them to leave the technical maintenance work of Bitcoin for many years. After many years, the industry finally decided to fight back and set up an alliance cryptocurrency open patent alliance and went to court with Aomoto Satoshi. chief law officer, a member of the alliance at the beginning of the month, published this propaganda article to briefly explain to the public why. To fight against Aobencong, note that Aobencong is a nickname given by the Chinese community. Because it came from Australia and claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, it was named Aobencong. In the hard fork of the year, it was named as Satoshi Nakamoto's deity, which attracted countless people to enter the game and earned a lot of money. Subtitle Aobencong has repeatedly filed lawsuits against people who questioned that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, and in the process, it has harmed countless cryptocurrency practitioners. The Open Patent Alliance for Cryptographic Currency will file a lawsuit in court to stop this behavior. Satoshi Aomoto claims to be the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. He is not, but he is not intimidated by this basic fact. He used his strong financial support to file endless unfounded lawsuits against cryptocurrency developers based on this lie. Many of them can't even afford the most basic defense. This is completely contrary to the vision of the Satoshi Nakamoto White Paper in 2006. This is a consumption of talents and spirit of the entire cryptocurrency economy. The success of the cryptocurrency industry three years ago must be stopped immediately. Members gathered together to set up the cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance, which is a tool to share cryptocurrency innovation openly and to protect each other from false intellectual property infringement claims. This infringement claim troubled many science and technology industries and soon realized that Aobencong's litigation activities were a tax on the development of cryptocurrency, and the participants he targeted could not fight back alone. Therefore, he filed his own lawsuit on, and asked the court to declare once and for all that Aobencong was not from Satoshi Nakamoto next week. The trial of this case will finally begin on April, but the significance of this trial goes far beyond debunking Satoshi Aomoto's delusion. He is committed to fighting bullies like Satoshi Aomoto. His intention is to hunt down every developer personally until they are bankrupt and poor. It is time to end his activities directed at the heart of our industry and clarify that Satoshi Aomoto is not Satoshi Nakamoto, so he cannot use false intellectual property claims to hinder progress. The true spirit of Bitcoin white paper and open source code should have prevailed a long time ago. Over the years, Aomoto Satoshi has been using litigation as a weapon to crack down on anyone who doubts his Satoshi Nakamoto claims. Through a lot of lawsuits and anxious litigation strategies, he tried to economically consume and mentally torture his opponents, including the entire bitcoin developer community. Many of them have contributed to the development of the bitcoin ecosystem, but never expected any economic return. Aomoto Satoshi's harassment behavior is not limited to court cases, but he also opened to the public. The sender threatened to use the legal system to destroy their lives and the safety and livelihood of their families. Hard-working individuals were also forced to give up important bitcoin development work because they had reason to worry about lawsuits that they were unable to fight or that they and their relatives were deeply hurt under the coercion of Aomoto Satoshi, who lacked evidence to try forgery and fraud. Although Aomoto Satoshi publicized his ideas with great fanfare, he repeatedly failed to take the post even if he was questioned in the lawsuit. Why did he support the real documents he claimed? He repeatedly provided forged documents to the court. He failed to fulfill his promise, such as signing the transaction with Satoshi Nakamoto's key. In other cases, he promised that he would call or someone to prove his statement, but he did not provide an unrelated person. Satoshi Aomoto claimed that he was Satoshi Nakamoto, which posed a potential threat to the existence of Bitcoin. If Satoshi Aomoto was really Satoshi Nakamoto, he could easily prove this without doubt, but he could not. The forged document library of Satoshi Aomoto was the next one. In fact, two experts hired by Aomoto Satoshi himself have admitted that many of Aomoto Satoshi's documents are forged. Next week, the court will begin to accuse Aomoto Satoshi of tampering, including a document with a wrong date. Many documents provided by Aomoto Satoshi as evidence have been tampered with. It looks like two false handwritten documents that existed before the publication of the Bitcoin white paper. Many handwritten documents as evidence by Aomoto Satoshi are written in pre-printed notebooks until these notebooks The real white paper shared by Satoshi Nakamoto in 1998 was fraudulently revised for many years before three versions of the white paper appeared. Many versions of the bitcoin white paper provided by Satoshi Aomoto for this lawsuit were deliberately revised to look like early drafts, but the metadata and fonts contained in it did not appear until 1998. A large number of emails provided by Satoshi Aomoto forged dates and tampered with sender and recipient information. In addition, the domain names used in these emails were not changed until many years after the date shown in the emails. Last month, when the evidence of the case began to pile up against his false accusations, Aomoto Satoshi said that he had just discovered a hard disk with evidence that he didn't start preparations until the year after the publication of the white paper. Last week, Aomoto Satoshi's own experts announced that the hard disk was forged, and some of the contents seemed to be generated by using it. Aomoto Satoshi claimed that he was Satoshi Nakamoto, which posed a potential threat to the existence of Bitcoin. If Aomoto Satoshi's claim won the bitcoin community. The basic part will come to a standstill. Those of us who care about the prospect of cryptocurrency and the urgency of updating the global financial system can't tolerate this situation. We must permanently stop Aomoto Satoshi from making such claims, threatening developers and companies with fraudulent intellectual property litigation, and consuming valuable time and resources needed by this application to build innovative products for the modern financial system. We are committed to carrying this lawsuit to the end, including members who understand that we who have resources must carry it out without hesitation. Fundamental Struggle In the last few days before the trial, we are very grateful to the court for paying serious attention to our case and carefully examining the evidence presented by both parties, which is testimony from Satoshi Aomoto. We are proud to lead this accusation today and tomorrow on behalf of developers and every participant in the cryptocurrency economy. We will not stop until developers get rid of the threat, consumption and fear, because fraudsters like Satoshi Aomoto have endless funds, which will have an impact on them and the development of the entire cryptocurrency industry. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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