百度区块链引擎BBE(Baidu Blockchain Engine)操作指南

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百度区块链引擎BBE(Baidu Blockchain Engine)是为企业或开发者快速搭建区块链网络的BaaS(Blockchain as a Service)平台,目前完美兼容Ethereum、Fabric、百度自研超级链三种主流框架。用户可以根据业务场景选择合适的框架,仅需简单的配置网络参数即可快速的构建出高稳定性、高吞吐、安全可信的区块链网络,同时提供逐渐丰富的智能合约基础库,减少用户在区块链网络部署、管理、运维、Dapp开发中消耗的精力和时间,帮助用户简单、快速实现业务与区块链的融合。

The 100-degree grid engine BBE (Baidu Blockchain Engineering) is a fast-tracked network of block networks for businesses or developers. The Bockchain as a Service platform is now perfectly compatible with the three mainstream frameworks of Etheium, Fabric, and 100-degree self-research superchains. Users can choose the right framework based on business scenes, quickly building high-stability, vomiting, and secure block chain networks with simple network configuration parameters, while providing an increasingly rich base of smart contracts, reducing user energy and time consumed in block network deployment, management, transportation, Dapp development, and helping users to integrate operations and block chains easily and quickly.

1. 概念介绍

1. Concept presentation



以太坊(Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether)提供去中心化的以太虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。

Etheeum is an open-source public block chain platform with smart contracts that are processed through a decentralised Etherium Virtual Machine, which is provided with a dedicated encrypted currency in Ether.


Etheria Virtual Machine (EVM)


The Etheraya Virtual Machine (EVM) is the operating environment of the Taiyo Smart Contract. Not only is it packed in sandboxes, but it is in fact completely isolated, that is, the code running inside the EVM cannot reach the network, file system, or other processes.


Accounts (Accounts)


There are two types of accounts in the courthouse, which share the same address space. External accounts, which are controlled by the public-private key pair. Contract accounts, which are stored in the account, are controlled by the code. The address of the external account is determined by the public key. The address of the contract account is determined at the time of the creation of the contract (this address is calculated by the address of the creator of the contract and the number of transactions sent by that address, and the number of transactions sent is also referred to as “nonce”).




A transaction is a message sent from one account to another. A transaction can contain binary data (payload) and an Ether currency.



When EVM executes the transaction, it will be consumed in accordance with specific rules.

BBE for Ethereum

2. 购买创建

2. Purchase creation


Cluster Package Selection

? 百度区块链引擎BBE>以太坊>创建以太坊网络

♪ 100-degree block-link engine BBE ♪ Ether ♪ ♪ Create the Ether section network ♪

? 根据业务应用场景,选择合适的计算资源进行购买,目前提供三种标准规格的套餐:普通配置、高级配置、豪华配置

• Select appropriate computing resources for purchase based on business application scenarios and currently provide three standard-size packages: general configuration, advanced configuration, luxury configuration


Network Initial Parameters Configuration


Web infrastructure:

? 网络名称:自定义您的以太坊网络名称,用于标识您的网络信息。

# Network name: Customize your web name to identify your network information.

? 挖矿/交易节点:以太坊区块链功能的计算单元,包括但不限于区块生成、交易验证、数据存储、网络通信、合约运行等功能。

• Mining/transaction nodes: calculation units using the Tetsu block chain function, including, but not limited to, block generation, transaction validation, data storage, network communication, contract operation, etc.

? 最大peer节点连接数:一个节点能够连接的最大peer个数(eg:有4个节点,最大peer节点连接数大于4,那么这4个节点能够全互联;有4个节点,最大peer节点连接数为1,那么只能两两互联

♪ Max Peer node connection: maximum peer number that a node can connect (eg: with 4 nodes and more than 4 peer node connections, the 4 nodes can be fully connected; 4 nodes, maximum peer node connections are 1 so only two are connected)

? 同步模式: full 模式,从开始到结束,获取区块的header,获取区块的body,从创始块开始校验每一个元素,需要下载所有区块数据信息。速度最慢,但是能获取到所有的历史数据。 fast模式,获取区块的header,获取区块的body,在同步到当前块之前不处理任何事务

Synchronization mode: Full mode, from start to end, to get the header of the block, to get the body of the block, to check every element from the start of the block, to download all block data information. Slowest speed, but you can get all historical data. Fast mode, to get the header of the block, to get the body of the block, to do nothing until the current block is synchronized.

出块配置: - 出块初始难度:设置创始块中的出块初始难度

Block configuration: - Initial difficulty of leaving a block: Initial difficulty of setting out a block in the original block

Gas设置: - GasLimit:一次交易可使用的Gas的上限 - GasPrice:单位gas对应的ETH价格 -目标GasLimit:GasLimit动态调整的下限

Gas Settings: - GasLimit: Maximum limit of Gas available for a transaction - GasPrice: unit gas corresponding ETH price - Target GasLimit: Lower limit of GasLimit dynamic adjustment

日志: - 日志级别:设置日志展示的级别:0=silent, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug,5=detail

Log: - Log level: Set the level of the log display: 0=silent, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug, 5=detail

1. 概念介绍

1. Concept presentation

超级账本(Hyperledger Fabric)

Superbook (Hyperledger Fabric)


It is a modular block chain framework that uses unique distributed accounts to achieve technology that provides enterprise-level network security, scalability, confidentiality and performance.

分布式账本(Distributed Ledger)

Distributed Book


Recording all transactions in the Fabric network is jointly maintained by decentralised nodes.



用户根据业务逻辑开发的应用程序,支持多种语言 如Go、Node.js、Java等,运行于Fabric网络中。通过交易执行链码,可修改账本内容。

Users support multi-language applications such as Go, Node.js, Java, etc. that are developed according to business logic and run on the Fabric network.




A transaction was initiated as a chain code call for node, and the results obtained were recorded in a book of accounts.




Private “subnets” between two or more members of a specific network are used to carry out private or confidential transactions.


Organization (Org)


There can be multiple nodes in an organization.


Sort Node (Orderer)


Provision of consensus services for sorting and packing blocks of transactions in the block chain network.


Node (Peer)


Host books and smart contracts, which form the physical structure of the Fabric network.

BBE for Fabric 技术架构

BBE for Fabric Technology Architecture

2. 购买创建

2. Purchase creation


Cluster Package Selection

? 百度区块链引擎BBE>Fabric>创建Fabric网络

♪ 100-degree block chain engine BBE > Fabric ♪ Creates the Fabric network

? 根据业务应用场景,选择合适的计算资源进行购买,目前提供三种标准规格的套餐:普通配置、高级配置、豪华配置

. Select appropriate computing resources for purchase based on business application scenarios and currently provide three standard-size packages: general configuration, advanced configuration, luxury configuration


Network Initial Parameters Configuration

? 网络名称:自定义您的Fabric网络名称,用于标识您的网络信息。

Web name: Customizes your Fabric network name to identify your network information.

? 网络类型:选择私有链或联盟链,私有链相关Fabric网络中机构节点(peer)不以EIP方式对外网暴露,联盟链相关Fabric网络中

# Network type: select private or union chains, private chain-related Fabric network with institutional nodes (peer) not exposed by EIP, union chain-related Fabric network

? 机构节点(peer)将会以EIP方式对外网暴露服务。

♪ The institutional node (peer) will be exposed in EIP mode.

? 通道名称:自定义您的通道名称,其表示一个账本,其状态由所有参与该通道的参与方维护。

Channel name: Customizes your channel name, which represents an account book whose state is maintained by all participants involved in the channel.

? 机构名称:自定义您的机构名称,该机构将会参与fabric网络的通道,进行链码管理及交易背书。

* Name of the institution: Customize your name, which will be involved in the channel of the Fabric network, chain code management and transaction endorsement.

? Orderer节点数:选择Orderer节点数,最大值为所选集群的最大节点数。

The number of orderer nodes: select the number of orderer nodes, the maximum value being the maximum number of nodes in the selected cluster.

? Peer节点数:选择Peer节点数,最大值为所选集群的最大节点数。

# Peer nodes: Select the number of Peer nodes, the maximum value being the maximum number of nodes in the selected cluster.

1. 概念介绍

1. Concept presentation

超级链(Xuper Chain)

Super Chain (Xuper Chain)


The 100-degree superchain is the 100-degree self-researched solution of 3.0 per cent of the block chain with a strong network absconding capacity, high-commitability validation capacity and scalable storage capacity.


Supernode/supervised node

超级节点是超级链中的特殊节点,采用分布式计算技术,保证每个节点的存储和计算是可以扩展的,从而为区块链网络提供源源不断的存储和计算支持。在非 POW 的共识机制下,超级节点会计算链上提交的交易,并执行合约。超级节点采用多核并行计算与分布式计算相结合的方式提升计算效率。而监督节点主要用于交易的验证。

Supernodes are special nodes in the super-chain, using distributed computing techniques to ensure that each node is stored and calculated in an expansionable manner, thus providing a continuous stream of storage and computational support for the block chain network. Under the non-POW consensus mechanism, supernodes calculate transactions submitted on the chain and execute contracts. Supernodes improve computing efficiency by combining multiple-nucle parallel calculations with distributed calculations. Supernodes are mainly used to verify transactions.


Smart Contract

由于 UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) 模型相较于 Account 余额模型有更好的并发性,超级链底层基于 UTXO 模型,扩展了对智能合约的支持,并且可以加载不同的合约虚拟机。

Because the UTXO (Unspent Transport Output) model is better and more dynamic than the Account balance model, the superchain bottom is based on the UTXO model, extending support for smart contracts and allowing for the loading of different contractual virtual machines.




Super-chains use parallel technologies within chains, recalibrable side-chain technologies, and parallel-chain technologies achieve stereo networks on block chains.

链内并行:超级链将事务挖掘形成 DAG 图,并由 DAG 图来控制事务的并发执行。 可回归侧链:超级链通过把复杂的智能合约放在侧链执行,实现利用其它并行资源而不消耗主链资源,当满足侧链回归条件时,主动引发侧链合并。 平行链:超级链可以通过 Root 链来创建一个独立的、真实的区块链体系。

The chain is parallel: the super-chains dig the matter into a DAG figure, and the DAG maps control it. The side-chains can be returned: the super-chains are implemented by placing complex smart contracts in the side chain, using other parallel resources without consuming the main-chain resources, and when the side-chain returns conditions are met, the side-chain merges are initiated.


Lightweight Node

轻节点仅同步少量数据就可以完成数据的访问和校验,适用于普通 PC、手机和嵌入式设备上,不需要强大的算理和存储就能有效访问区块链网络数据。

A light node can complete access to and validation of data only by synchronizing a small amount of data, applying to ordinary PCs, mobile phones and embedded devices, without the need for strong algorithms and storage to effectively access block chain network data.

BBE for Xuperchain 技术架构

BBE for Xuperchain Technical Structure

2 购买创建

2 Purchase creation


Cluster Package Selection

? 百度区块链引擎BBE>超级链>创建超级链网络

♪ 100-degree block engine BBE ♪ Superlink ♪ Create a superlink network

? 根据业务应用场景,选择合适的计算资源进行购买,目前提供三种标准规格的套餐:普通配置、高级配置、豪华配置

. Select appropriate computing resources for purchase based on business application scenarios and currently provide three standard-size packages: general configuration, advanced configuration, luxury configuration


Network Initial Parameters Configuration

? 选择集群:选择用于部署超级链的集群,若未创建集群,点击“立即创建”可跳转至创建容器集群页

? Select a cluster: select a cluster for the deployment of a superchain. If a cluster is not created, click "Create Now" to jump to create a container cluster page

? 超级链网络名称:自定义您的超级链网络名称,用于标识您的网络信息

♪ Superlink network name: Customize your superlink network name to identify your network information

? 单块奖励:超级节点出块时每个块的奖励金额

♪ Single reward: the amount of incentive per block when a supernode comes out

? 衰减高度:出块时,每出多少个块奖励会开始衰减

♪ Decay height: When a piece comes out, how many pieces of reward begins to decline

? 衰减系数:出块时,每出一定高度的块后,新的奖励等于当前奖励乘以衰减系数

♪ Decay factor: When a block is thrown out, the new incentive is equal to the current incentive multiplied by the decay factor

? 初始分配超级币:创建网络时,给管理账户预分配的超级币数量,管理账户默认为第一个超级节点的账户

# Initial distribution of super-currencys: the number of super-currencys pre-allocated to the management account when the network is created, the management account defaults to the account of the first super-node

? 超级节点账户:具有记账权和出块权的节点,账户信息为随机生成

# Supernode accounts: nodes with billing rights and block rights, account information is generated randomly

? 监督节点账户:仅有监督权的节点,用于交易验证

• Supervising node accounts: only nodes with supervisory authority for transaction validation

“备注“单块奖励 100,衰减高度 100,衰减系数 0.5 第 1~100 个块每个奖励是100,第101~200 个块每个奖励是50,第 201~300 个块每个奖励是25,以此类推,奖励逐渐收敛。

“Remarks: Single incentive 100, deceleration height 100, decay coefficient 0.5. Each block 1 to 100 is 100, each block 101 to 200 is 50, each block 201 to 300 is 25, and so on, the incentive is gradually receding.

3. 查看超级链控制台

3. Viewing the Superlink Console


Upon completion of the deployment of the chain, the existing network of the chain can be viewed in the list of the chain.

点击 “控制台” 即可访问网络的控制台,超级链控制台分为三个部分,包括钱包、网络节点信息、网络交易信息。

Click " Console " to access the network control table, which is divided into three parts, including wallets, network node information and network transaction information.

? 钱包

♪ Wallet


Users can view their addresses and private keys, while they can conduct super-currency transactions with other node users.

? 网络节点信息

♪ Network node information

在网络节点信息列表中,用户可以查看Root链的基本信息包括Root块、最新块、链长和超级币总量。 同时用户可以在该模块中,查看现有超级节点和监督节点的状态信息。

In the network node information list, users can view the basic information of the Root chain, including the root block, the latest block, the chain length and the total amount of the super-currency. In this module, users can view the status of the existing supernode and monitor node.

? 网络交易信息

♪ Network trading information


Information on recent transactions in the superlink network and at various nodes is recorded.


Operational Steps

1. 获取账户私钥

1. Acquisition of private keys to accounts

? 点击“下载网络参数”入口

♪ Click on the Download Network Parameters entrance

- 输入手机验证码

- Enter a mobile phone authentication code

- 从下载的文件中获取用户私钥

- Retrieve private user keys from downloaded files

2. 登录超级链控制台,输入账户私钥

2. Log in the Superlink Console and enter the account private key

3. 登录之后,可以查看钱包、网络节点信息、网络交易信息

After login, you can see wallets, network node information, network transaction information

? 钱包

♪ Wallet

– 查看自己的余额

– View your own balance

- 点击 “交易” 向目的地址发起转账。

- Click " Transaction " to initiate a transfer to the destination address.

- 网络节点信息

- Network Node Information

网络节点信息包括 Root 链基本信息、超级节点列表和监督节点列表。

Network node information includes root chain basic information, supernode list and monitor node list.

>**说明:**监督节点不产生区块,没有奖励,所以默认金额为 0。

**Note:** Oversight nodes do not produce blocks and there is no incentive, so the default amount is 0.

- 网络交易信息

- Network trading information

网络交易信息包含了超级链网络上的最近 50 笔交易的详情。

The network transaction information contains details of the most recent 50 transactions on the superlink network.


**Note: ** The most recent transaction in the figure above is an incentive, so there is no sponsor.




1. The contents of this paper are synthesized from the Internet and represent only the author's own views and not his own position.


2. The content of information does not constitute an investment proposal, and investors should be independent in their decision-making and risk-taking.


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