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据Coingecko的数据,截至2024年2月,DePIN板块有流动性的资产规模已经超过160亿美元,而Messari Report预测DePIN的市场规模有望在 2028 年达到 3.5 万亿美元规模。


DePIN是去中心化物理基础设施网络 (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks) 的简称。简单来说,DePIN是基于区块链,利用Token激励的手段,让用户参与到网络的建设和硬件大规模地部署中来,从而形成基础设施网络。









DePIN已经逐渐从“炒概念卖矿机”开始落地有实际应用,价值逐步被市场所认可。最具有代表性的项目Helium转型成功,深度绑定Solana,另起炉灶搞的Helium Mobile近期在美推出的20美元无限通话流量的套餐备受好评。去中心化GPU渲染网络RNDR也与苹果、微软、谷歌、英伟达和迪士尼等巨头建立合作。基本面的改善意味着这个赛道不再只是空中楼阁。

任何新技术的炒作都离不开资本的推动。2022年以前,对于整个DePIN赛道没有一个整体的定义,对于项目的分类也都是去中心化物联网、去中心化存储、去中心化计算等等。直到2022年底,Messari 通过投票的方式正式提出DePIN这个概念,随后在2023年初判断DePIN会是未来十年加密领域最值得关注的赛道之一。资本的入局使得DePIN快速发展,目前有统计的就有超过600个DePIN项目。而市场的转暖,风投们又开始活跃起来,DePIN领域的新增投融资更是不计其数。








以Wireless为例,WiFi板块一共列举了5个项目,分别是Metablox、Wifimap、Wayru、Wicrypt、Wifi Dabba。(数据基于2023/12)

Wayru 、Wicrypt 、Wifi Dabba主要做发展中地区(如拉丁美洲、印度)的无线网络,社区规模较小,基础设施建设较为迟缓。

WiFi Map用户数最多,但功能类似360万能钥匙的海外版,无硬件设备支持,主要盈利方式为订阅和广告,团队Web3运营经验较弱。



Metablox是无线宽带联盟(WBA)OpenRoaming的Identity Provider (IDP)的11家公司提供商之一,也是里面唯一一家Web3企业。

信息来源于WBA OpenRoaming官网


用户还能共享使用OpenRoaming联盟里Boingo、Cisco、Global Reach等企业在陆地、船舶、飞机上部署的超过300万个WiFi节点,可以在全球各地进行方便、安全的WiFi连接,实现网络漫游自由。












MetaBlox NFT:由MetaBlox基金会发行的NFT,可绑定到具体的挖矿设备上。持有NFT的用户可以通过质押NFT来获得mPoints,同时NFT也为其持有者提供了社区内的特殊身份。

这些代币之间存在着复杂多层次的互换机制:mPoints可通过质押销毁来兑换治理代币,而MetaBlox NFT可通过质押获得mPoints奖励。这种设计构成了一个既复杂又紧密相连的代币生态。





DePIN利用分布式透明系统提高基础设施的扩展性和运作效率符合加密货币行业的原则。此类项目应用代币经济学,汇集存储容量和算力等众包资源,无需投资大量初始资本。其于各行各业拥有潜在应用场景,预示着巨大的潜在市场 。



Looking back at the encryption market in the past year, many participants were surprised. At the end of the year, the market fell into despair after the thunderstorm. With the release of leverage and panic, it began to bottom out. At that time, everyone thought it was just a rebound in the deep bear. I didn't expect Bitcoin to break through the 10,000 mark in just one year, and many counterfeit coins rebounded from the bottom by ten times or even dozens of times. I am afraid that devout encryption believers would not have imagined that the market rebound would be so fierce. In this process, many hot topics were born in the market. And the outbreak of hot spots on the track have provided the rising power for the market, such as the inscription, modularization of bitcoin, etc. Especially since the end of last year, the inscription has become the most concerned at present. If the inscription is the carnival of Asian retail investors, it is the darling of European and American capital. According to the data, the scale of liquid assets in the plate has exceeded US$ 100 million by the end of March, and the predicted market scale is expected to reach US$ 1 trillion by the end of 2008. The information comes from the data, which is the abbreviation of decentralized physical infrastructure network. It is said that based on the blockchain, users are encouraged to participate in the network construction and large-scale hardware deployment, thus forming an infrastructure network. Many people will have doubts when they see this. Aren't these concepts being done a long time ago? Is this the packaging concept fried rice again? Some people even compare the concept of the first mining machine release a few years ago and other projects with nature with the present, questioning that the so-called packaging concept is the opportunity to sell the mining machine track from the bottom up compared with the inscription. Generally speaking, the construction of infrastructure network is promoted by the consensus of retail investors, but the production and participation of hardware from top to bottom usually means that the project needs sufficient upfront capital support to ensure that the hardware can be spread more widely, so as to establish a strong network coverage, which requires a lot of money and long-term investment. Compared with traditional infrastructure providers, the original company usually does not have so much money to carry out continuous construction. The early team can only attract users to participate in speculation through coin-selling machines to obtain funds and then collect them. If the price of incoming coins is in the bull market cycle, the mining machine and the price of coins can continue to rise in a positive way. Participants have higher returns and attract more people to participate. However, in the last bull market, the bulls and bears changed quickly, and many project parties encountered a bear market before selling much. Many participants also faced the dilemma that they left a pile of chips in their hands and the mining machine was not mobile and could not ship. They also faced the equipment in their hands and dug electricity every day, saying that they could only produce a bunch of useless points. Therefore, they participated in such projects before the last bull market. Most of the target users didn't get a good return, and even those who participated late lost their money, which also led many people to sneer at the definition of Ponzi scheme. There is an old saying that one step ahead is the pioneer, three steps are the martyrs, and there is no doubt that there is no capital blessing and no hematopoietic capacity. The infrastructure is almost zero. Only relying on token speculation to maintain the project and encountering a bear market, these projects and participants have become martyrs. I think this fiery time is mainly due to two fundamental improvements and capital. In the final analysis, the time is right now, which has been gradually recognized by the market for its practical application value. The most representative project has been successfully transformed and deeply bound. The package of unlimited call traffic in the US recently launched in the United States has been well received. Decentralized rendering network has also established cooperation with giants such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, NVIDIA and Disney. The improvement in fundamentals means that this track is no longer just a castle in the air, and the hype of any new technology cannot be separated from capital. Before the promotion of this year, there was no overall definition of the whole track, and the classification of projects was decentralized, networked, stored and calculated. It was not until the end of the year that the concept was formally put forward by voting, and then it was judged at the beginning of the year that it would be one of the most noteworthy tracks in the encryption field in the next decade. The entry of capital made the rapid development. At present, there are more than 10 projects in statistics, and the market is warming up, and the new investment and financing in the field are not counted. Not to mention the blockchain, even the Internet of Things platform, big data cloud computing and other technologies that have been used on a large scale at present have actually experienced repeated cycles of hot speculation and bubble bursting. Therefore, we ordinary investors should not be too biased about one thing because of the past. How to choose and participate in the project? Even though the whole plate has seen a big increase now, the whole track is still in its early stage and its development needs top-down continuous cultivation, and it is almost impossible for the project side to dare to get on the bus as it is. Not to mention, there are two ways to put the myth of a 10,000-fold increase into practice in investment. One is short-term speculation. With the escort of the current hot and trending market, you can buy some project tokens, for example, when you wait for a plate leader with good liquidity. This way, you don't need to buy equipment, and you don't need to consider going back to this cycle. Stop loss is more flexible. The disadvantage is that it is easy to step on the track. If you think that this track may be a big narrative like a public chain, then it is easy. Deeply participate in some potential new projects with good fundamentals and continue to invest in construction, regardless of short-term fluctuations and gain a growth income. This shortcoming is that it takes a long time and energy, and if the project is not selected properly, it will die and there will be no harvest. Therefore, how to choose among hundreds of projects is a very important ability. Let the institutions help us screen one first. Many institutions and rating media will publish some lists for investors' reference. These lists will screen and summarize some of the same track. High-quality or well-known projects, we only need to analyze a few projects in the list, and finally we can choose the best project in each section to participate, so as to avoid looking for a needle in a haystack. For example, the section lists a total of projects based on data, such as the wireless network community in developing regions such as Latin America and India, and the infrastructure construction is relatively slow. The overseas version with the largest number of users but similar functions has no hardware equipment support. The main profit methods are subscription and advertising teams. The operating experience is weak, among which the most potential is that it is committed to establishing a global open roaming network, providing the public with enterprise-level roaming team by giving users the ability to switch seamlessly in the public network with decentralized logo and corresponding verifiable credentials. The main members of the team are located in the Canadian seed wheel, led by well-known institutions in North America, and many other institutions participated in the investment. It is one of the 10 company providers of the wireless broadband alliance, and the only enterprise information in it comes from the innovative model benefited by official website. In just two years, 10,000 self-built network nodes have been deployed in countries around the world through users' participation, according to the official website data node. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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