我们为什么要投资UTXO Stack

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作者:Lao Bai;;来源:X@Wuhuoqiu

ABCDE领投的UTXO Stack在技术上可以帮助项目开发者一键发行基于UTXO架构的BTC Layer2,并原生集成RGB++协议能力。在安全上结合通过质押 BTC、CKB 以及 BTC L1 资产以保障Layer2安全。

简单来说,UTXO Stack就是比特币生态的“OP Stack + EigenLayer”。

一. BTC Layer2之争与RGB++

要想讲清楚UTXO Stack,就不可能绕得开RGB++。

目前市面上的BTC Layer2已经超过20条,但绝大多数都是EVM解决方案,基本是在拿ETH的技术栈+桥来解决BTC的扩容问题。虽然在短期内可以快速搭建起生态,但长期来看,这种解决方案第一在安全性上与BTC主链都没有强绑定关系,且重度依赖与桥,第二是意识形态上拿ETH的Account模型和EVM虚拟机来扩容UTXO的BTC,多少显得有些不够“Bitcoin Native”。

而安全性与BTC L1关联度高,又足够BTC Native的解决方案,闪电网络运行多年一直未能取得理想的效果,且有着不能支持智能合约的天然扩容短板。Taproot,RGB等客户端验证范式的方案也都存在着落地时间长,技术进展缓慢等诸多问题。这也是当前EVM扩容方案大行其道的主要原因。

而在公链领域深耕多年的Nervos利用与BTC同是POW+UTXO的天然结构性优势+创新型的“同构映射”技术把RGB的客户端验证范式“无缝搬迁”到了CKB之上,命名为RGB++。 在牺牲了少许隐私的前提下换来了极大的功能与灵活性拓展,且安全性与BTC L1形成了强绑定。更为重要的是,RGB++就在几天前真正落地了!也就意味着这不再是一个停留在概念或是开发层面的扩容叙事,而是实实在在可以开始构建生态和解决方案的产品。

如果上述名词像是客户端验证,同构绑定还是过于抽象的话,那么可以用以下的近似类比来理解RGB++  - 用户在BTC L1发起一比交易来触发CKB上面属于该用户的RGB++资产交易,当这比交易在CKB上完成时,再写回BTC L1上一个Commitment。


你也许会疑惑 - 这也没省掉Gas费不是?用户在BTC L1上照样还得发起交易,照样得付BTC上的Gas费,现在还得加上CKB这边的Gas费,感觉,更贵了?


1. RGB++作为资产发行协议,让BTC L1拥有了发行RGB新资产的能力(想想Merlin的BRC420)

2. 在CKB上面的RGB++资产交易是完全图灵完备,具备可编程性的

3. 你可以等多笔RGB++转账完成后,再汇总发送一个Commitment到比特币L1上,这被称为“交易折叠”,是不是很有Rollup即视感,这不就省掉很多Gas费用了 

4. 不光是RGB++资产可以被映射到CKB,Atomical,Rune等具备UTXO特性的资产一样可以映射到CKB上来做图灵完备的交易


因为Bitcoin L1上面的UTXO才能操作或更新RGB++UTXO,所以在RGB++里,CKB成了BTC的“执行+DA”层,BTC L1成了真正意义上的“结算层”,这是目前任何EVM和非EVM BTC 扩容方案都无法做到的。

如果你觉得这套方案还是速度不够快,费用不够低怎么办?毕竟BTC L1上的交易依旧不可避免,CKB作为一条POW L1的极限TPS也只有几百。有没有更加灵活快速的扩容方案,就像……ETH生态那边的Appchain?

于是乎我们有了UTXO Stack,基于BTC与RGB++的“OP Stack”。

二. UTXO Stack - BTC的OP Stack+EigenLayer

如果你熟悉OP Stack,RAAS(Rollup as a Service)协议栈的话,UTXO你理解起来应该非常容易。

有了UTXO Stack,你可以一键发行BTC的同构UTXO Appchain,且这些Appchain有如下特性:

  1. UTXO模型,超高TPS (UTXO天生自带并行处理),超低Gas费用

  2.  POS机制,安全性由BTC上质押的BTC/CKB来提供(类似EigenLayer)

  3.  资产协议采用RGB++,因为同构映射技术的存在,资产可以在Appchain/CKB/BTC之间任意跳转,无需跨链桥

  4.  可以复用CKB智能合约栈

  5.  可以复用BTC钱包(用户对于CKB这条链无感知)



可以预见的是,在不久的未来,BTC EVM layer2与BTC UTXO layer2会在技术,生态,乃至意识形态多个层面展开一轮正面对抗。 

RGB++从2月正式提出到4月落地,只用了短短不到两个月的时间,展现出团队极其强大的工程能力。UTXO Stack在RGB++落地的同时推出,更是给予了BTC生态资产发行与玩法上更加多样+Bitcoin Native的可能性。我们相信并携手UTXO Stack,一起将比特币生态推向一个更加美好,更加繁荣的未来。

From the author's source, it can technically help project developers to issue architecture-based and native integration protocols with one click, and combine security through pledge and assets to ensure security. In short, it is a dispute over bitcoin ecology. If you want to make it clear, it is impossible to avoid the expansion problem that there are more than one technology trestle on the market, but most of the solutions are basically taken. Although the ecology can be built quickly in the short term, this solution can be seen in the long run. First, there is no strong binding relationship with the main chain in terms of security, and it relies heavily on bridges. Second, the number of models and virtual machines that are ideologically used to expand is somewhat insufficient, but the solutions with high security and relevance are sufficient. Lightning network has not achieved ideal results for many years, and there are many problems such as long landing time, slow technical progress and so on. This is also the current expansion plan. The main reason of Tao is that it has been deeply cultivated in the field of public chain for many years, and the innovative isomorphic mapping technology has seamlessly moved the client verification paradigm to it, which is named as great function and flexibility expansion at the expense of a little privacy, and security and strong binding have been formed. More importantly, it really landed just a few days ago, which means that this is no longer an expansion narrative that stays at the concept or development level, but can actually start to be constructed. If the above-mentioned terms are too abstract, such as client authentication isomorphic binding, then the following approximate analogy can be used to understand that the user is initiating a transaction to trigger the asset transaction that belongs to the user. When this is more than writing back the last image when the transaction is completed on the internet, you may wonder that this has not saved the fee. It is not that the user still has to initiate the transaction, but now he has to add the fee here, which feels more expensive. Otherwise, there are four benefits. As an asset issuance agreement, you have the ability to issue new assets. Think about it. The asset transaction on it is completely Turing, complete and programmable. You can summarize and send one to Bitcoin after several transfers are completed. This is called transaction folding. Isn't it very visual? This saves a lot of expenses? Not only can assets be mapped to other assets with characteristics, but they can also be mapped to the internet to make a Turing-complete transaction image. Because the above can be operated or updated, it has become in the internet. The executive layer has become a real settlement layer, which is impossible for any expansion scheme or non-expansion scheme at present. What if you think this scheme is still not fast enough and the cost is not low enough? After all, the transaction in the world is still inevitable, and the limit of one line is only a few hundred. Is there a more flexible and rapid expansion scheme, just like the one on the ecological side? So we have a two-based expansion scheme. If you are familiar with the protocol stack, it should be very easy for you to understand that you can have the isomorphism of one-click distribution and these. The model has the following characteristics: ultra-high inherent parallel processing and ultra-low-cost mechanism; security is provided by pledge; similar asset protocols are adopted; because of the existence of isomorphic mapping technology, assets can jump between them at will; smart contract stacks can be reused without cross-chain bridges; wallet users can reuse the image of this chain; finally, we have a hair-chain infrastructure based on Bitcoin, which also integrates the proposed concept of cold start and security while giving better empowerment. It is foreseeable that in the near future, the participants will launch a round of head-on confrontation at multiple levels of technical ecology and even ideology. It took less than two months from the formal proposal to the landing of the month, showing the team's extremely strong engineering ability. The launch at the same time of landing has given more diverse possibilities for the distribution and play of ecological assets. We believe and work together to push Bitcoin ecology to a better and more prosperous future. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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