深度解读RetroPGF Round 3:谁在薅羊毛?

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由 Optimism Collective 组织,倍受瞩目的公共物品资助项目 RetroPGF Round 3 于 1 月 12 日公布了结果。在对全部参选项目信息进行爬取和简单梳理后,我们有了以下发现:


本轮共 643 个项目参与评选,较上一轮(Round 2)的 195 个项目有了 230% 以上的增长。但负责投票及分配 OP 资助的选民(badgeholder)仅从 70 人增加到 146 人,增幅仅为 100% 多一点。第二轮投票时,平均每位选民需考察 20 至 40 个项目,许多选民表示“项目太多了”、“处理不过来”,那么第三轮会不会进一步加剧这种情况呢?


Optimism 很机智地加入了“列表”(list)功能。任何选民都可以将数个项目加入至公开的列表中,并说明自己将这些项目归入同一列表的理由。如此,其他尚不熟悉项目的选民也可以快速通过各类列表定位到自己喜欢、擅长的领域,并为其分配 OP 。

与前几轮一样,本轮 RetroPGF 依然采用了分配 OP ——取中位数——筛选符合条件的项目——重新按比例分配 OP 的流程。所有项目均需尽可能详细地填写概况、贡献,并尽可能通过数据量化自己在 Optimism 生态内的影响(impact)。选民有 1 个月的时间查看项目,并根据自己的判断把 3000 万 OP 代币分配给参选的项目,投下自己的一票(ballot)。投票和分配 OP 的原则是尽可能让项目的影响与利润(profit)匹配。投票结束后,Optimism Collective 会取每个项目收到的 OP 中位数,并筛选掉票数不足 17 以及 OP 中位数小于 1500 的项目,再将剩余项目的 OP 中位数作为各自的权重,重新计算各个项目应得的 OP 数量。最终,本轮参选的 643 个项目里,有 501 个项目获得了 OP 资助。

此外,虽然为了统一,本文将所有参与评选的单位均称为“项目”,但有 112 个单位是以个人的名义参与评选。


本轮投票中,Optimism Collective 设置了四个大类(标签)。标签非唯一,一个项目可以同时加多个标签。

1. OP堆栈

(OP Stack)

对整个 Optimism 堆栈、生态的效率、安全、可靠性以及知名度/影响作出贡献的项目。本轮共 165 个项目参选, 146 个项目拿到资助。

2. 联合体治理

(Collective Governance)

对 Optimism Collective 治理产生影响,或协助引进新的治理成员的项目。本轮共 104 个项目参选,全部获得资助。

3. 开发者生态

(Developer Ecosystem)

对 Optimism 生态开发者产生影响,或协助引进新开发者的项目。本轮共 304 个项目参选, 252 个项目获得资助。

4. 终端用户体验及使用

(End User Experience & Adoption)

对终端用户产生影响,或协助拉新的项目。本轮共 472 个项目参选, 355 个项目获得资助。

在所有参选的项目中,以个人名义参加的有 112 个,其中 72 个获得了资助。以项目(集体)名义参选的有 531 个,其中 429 个获得了资助。个人名义的通过率(64.29%)比项目名义的通过率(80.79%)低了许多。


深度解读RetroPGF Round 3:谁在薅羊毛?


深度解读RetroPGF Round 3:谁在薅羊毛?


可以看到,没有任何一个项目获得 0 票,数量最少的项目也有 4 票。同时虽然有部分项目例外,但整体上来说,项目获得的票数越多,得到的资助也会偏多些。

不过同样是一票,代表的价值( OP 数)却不尽相同。所有项目获得的票数与平均每票获得的 OP 的分布情况如图:

深度解读RetroPGF Round 3:谁在薅羊毛?

所有项目获得的票数与平均每票获得的 OP 的分布情况

可以看到,绝大部分项目平均每票获得的 OP 都集中在 2000 左右。其中 OP 堆栈、开发者生态、终端用户体验及使用三个大类的平均每票 OP 分布相差不多。但有着 100% 通过率的联合体治理类项目的平均每票 OP 却大大落后。选民虽然似乎相对更愿意给治理类项目投票,却并不愿分配太多的 OP。


1. 描述贡献的用词

所有参选的项目都需要用一段文字描述自己做的贡献,以及在指定时间段内在指定领域产生的影响。在对获得资助项目的贡献内容进行初步分析,并剔除虚词等无关的单词后,出现频率最高的 25 个词如下:

深度解读RetroPGF Round 3:谁在薅羊毛?

出现频率最高的 25 个词

其中提及最多的词是 community。的确,Optimism 能在公共物品领域占得一席之地,靠的也是社区的力量。

仅次于 community 的词是 build 和 ecosystem。

虽然没有很统一的定义,web 3 也出现了 114 次。

虽然有 104 个项目打上了 governance 的标签,这个词却只出现了 63 次。

2023 年 8 月, Optimism 和 Base 达成了合作关系,本轮所有项目的贡献中也有 65 次提到了 Base。

2. 描述影响内容的用词

各项目的影响内容出现频率最高的 25 个词如下:

深度解读RetroPGF Round 3:谁在薅羊毛?

各项目的影响内容出现频率最高的 25 个词

与 contribution 不同的是,许多项目都喜欢将自己对用户的影响写下来。绕口令:参选项目在贡献内容里不怎么爱提「贡献」这个词,却爱在影响内容里提及「影响」,impact 这个词共出现了 97 次。同样得益于双方的合作,Base 也出现了 67 次。参选的项目共产生了 59 个「第一」(first)。虽然跟公共物品似乎没有特别直接的关系,NFT 这个词还是出现了 93 次。

此外,虽然参选的项目领域、形态各异,还是有 17 个项目不约而同地提到了 Collective governance,另有 7 个项目提到了 client diversity。


本轮的 RetroPGF 中,虽然大多数参选项目都比较符合“公共物品”的定义,但还是出现了一些略显“奇怪”的项目。有些项目的“奇怪”在于他们与公共物品的关系似乎不大,还有些项目虽然可以勉强被定义为公共物品,却似乎并不需要捐赠,可以把机会让给更需要的项目。比如:

1. Messari

深度解读RetroPGF Round 3:谁在薅羊毛?

Messari 是区块链领域非常厉害的研究机构,我每天都会读他们的研报,也从中受益良多。但是他们申请公共物品资助这件事的确有些让人摸不着头脑。

Messari 提到自己的主要贡献是 Newsletter 的订阅人数。他们的 Newsletter 每个工作日更新,内容几乎全部由 Messari 原创收集,包括各领域的研报,以及各大 DAO 的提案汇总。

Messari 有很成熟的商业模式。虽然他们没有公布过收入明细、财报等内容,但是作为有几年历史,客单价几百上千美元的 2B 公司, Messari 可能比绝大多数申请资助的项目都有钱得多。此次 Messari 获得了 38 票,最终分得了近 25000 个OP。或许 Messari 的确有着独特甚至不可替代的贡献,但是作为一家非常有钱的企业,他们的 profit 大概会比 impact 高很多很多。肯定还有其他项目比他们更加需要这 25000 个 OP 。

2. Bankless 全家桶

深度解读RetroPGF Round 3:谁在薅羊毛?

Bankless DAO 之前申请 Arbitrum 的资助时就争议满满,这次在 Optimism,Bankless 更是有多达 12 个分身申请了资助,得票数集中在 20 至 50,共获得 116271.14 个 OP 的资助。

Bankless DAO 一如既往地甩了一堆阅读量几千的推文和互动偶尔达到两位数的 Instagram 作为影响力的证明。跟 DAO 关系密切的 Publishing、Africa 等版块既出现在了 DAO 的贡献声明里,又作为项目单独申请了资助,实在不能不让人怀疑是在有组织地薅羊毛。

3. Synthetix 等 DeFi 协议

深度解读RetroPGF Round 3:谁在薅羊毛?

DeFi 是金融的未来。各大 DeFi 协议不断发展壮大后,一定能在金融市场占有一席之地。

但是 DeFi 协议又相对较单一,本次划分的四个大类中,只有终端用户体验一类似乎算得上有些关系。

此外,这些协议的收入又都是很可观的。TVL 动辄上百万甚至上亿,加上自家代币的加持,实际上的影响跟利润之间的差距大概率会比没有稳定收入来源的、公共物品属性更强的项目小得多(事实是好多 DeFi 协议并没有公布自己的收入情况,选民很难估计其影响与利润之间的差距)。诚然,分发额外的代币确实会吸引来更多的用户,但这样吸引来的用户无论是粘性还是参与度上都不一定比得上基础设施、开源协议类项目。



承接上一节的内容,虽然 Optimism Collective 为避免这种情况做出了许多努力,比如默认的项目展示顺序是“随机”,比如引入列表功能。实际的资助结果也并没有展示出极强的马太效应,但依然不妨碍许多并不怎么需要资助的项目依靠自己的名气来薅羊毛,从更需要资助的项目那里分 OP 。

一点不成熟的建议:未来的 RetroPGF 资助可以引入专门的背调团队或发布背调 bounty 任务,对参选的项目进行稍完备一些的背调,比如有无链下实体公司,链上/链下的收入概况,让项目利润相关的信息更加完备、充分,尽可能地将资金分配到更需要的项目那里。此外,虽然 RetroPGF 是回溯性激励,也可以针对有潜力的新项目设置一些专项奖,让一些刚起步但有巨大潜力的项目获得奖励。


与同为 Optimistic Rollup 的 Arbitrum 用 ARB 激励 DeFi 协议不同,Optimism 的 OP 资助集中在公共物品领域,鼓励项目/个人为系统生态以及基础设施添砖加瓦。通过三轮的 RetroPGF,Optimism 既资助了许多刚起步的项目开天辟地,又为许多存续的项目持续输血。

目前的公共物品领域虽然依然没有一套极其完备、可量化的评价及资助方案,Optimism 也是在这条路上走得最远的组织。通过不断的复盘和迭代,Optimism 的回溯激励系统必定能够进一步成长、蓬勃发展,并使整个生态变得更美好。

The author announced the results of the high-profile public goods funding project organized by the organization on January, and after crawling and simply sorting out the information of all the participating projects, we have the following findings: the number of participating projects in this round has increased more than that in the previous round, but the number of voters in charge of voting and allocating funding has only increased from one to a little more. In the second round of voting, each voter needs to visit an average of 20 projects. Many voters say that there are too many projects to handle, so will the third round be over? To further aggravate this situation, it will not be tactfully added to the list function. Any voter can add several items to the public list and explain the reasons for putting them in the same list, so other voters who are not familiar with the items can quickly locate their favorite areas through various lists and allocate them. As in previous rounds, this round still adopts the process of selecting eligible items by median allocation and redistributing them in proportion. Can fill in a detailed overview of the contribution and quantify their impact in the ecology as much as possible through data. Voters have a month to look at the projects and allocate 10,000 tokens to the participating projects according to their own judgment. The principle of voting and distribution is to match the impact of the projects with the profits as much as possible. After the voting, the median received by each project will be taken, and the projects with insufficient votes and less than the median will be filtered out, and then the median of the remaining projects will be used as their respective weights to recalculate each project. In addition, although all the participating units are called projects for the sake of unification, one unit participated in the selection in the name of an individual, and some basic analysis was made. There are four categories of labels in this round of voting, which is not the only project that can add multiple label stacks at the same time and contribute to the efficiency, safety, reliability and popularity of the whole stack ecology. Projects that fit governance has an impact on governance or helps to introduce new governance members. In this round, a total of projects were all funded. Developers' ecology has an impact on ecological developers or helped to introduce new developers' projects. In this round, a total of projects were funded. End-user experience and use have an impact on end users or helped to pull new projects. In this round, a total of projects were funded. Among all the projects that participated, one of them was funded by individuals. There is one candidate in the name of the group, and the passing rate of one of them who has won the sponsorship is lower than that of the project name. The distribution of the votes and the number of grants for all the participating projects is shown in the figure. The distribution of the votes of all the participating projects in bonus hunter and the number of grants in bonus hunter can be seen that no project has the least number of votes, and although there are some exceptions, on the whole, the more votes the project gets, the more votes it gets. There will be more subsidies, but the value represented by the same vote is not the same. The distribution of votes and average votes obtained by all projects is as shown in the figure. If you deeply interpret the distribution of votes and average votes obtained by all projects in bonus hunter, you can see that the average votes obtained by most projects are concentrated on the left and right, among which the stack developer's ecological end-user experience and the use of three categories of consortium governance items with similar average votes but passing rates. The purpose is that the average vote is far behind. Although voters seem to be relatively willing to vote for governance projects, they are not willing to allocate too many words to describe their contributions. All participating projects need to describe their contributions in a paragraph and their impact in a specified period of time. After a preliminary analysis of the contributions of funded projects and the elimination of irrelevant words such as function words, the words with the highest frequency are as follows. Among the words mentioned most, the word that can really occupy a place in the field of public goods depends on the strength of the community. The word yes and although there is no very unified definition, it has appeared twice. Although there is a label on a project, the word has only appeared in the next year and reached a cooperative relationship. Among the contributions of all projects in this round, the word describing the influence content has also been mentioned once. The word with the highest frequency of influence content of each project is as follows. The difference between the word with the highest frequency and the word with the highest frequency is that many projects like to write down their influence on users by tongue twisters. In addition, they don't like to mention the word contribution in the content of contribution, but they like to mention the word influence in the content of influence. Also, thanks to the cooperation between the two sides, there have been two projects that have participated in the election. Although it doesn't seem to have a particularly direct relationship with public goods, the word has appeared again. In addition, although there are different forms of participating projects, there is still one project that is not agreed. In the same place, another project mentioned a strange project. Although most of the projects in this round are more in line with the definition of public goods, there are still some slightly strange projects. Some projects are strange because they seem to have little to do with public goods. Others, although they can be barely defined as public goods, do not seem to need donations. They can give opportunities to more needed projects, such as in-depth interpretation of who is a very powerful research institution in the blockchain field in bonus hunter. Everyday I read their research reports and benefited a lot from them, but the fact that they applied for public goods funding is really confusing. I mentioned my main contribution, that is, the number of subscribers. Almost all of their updated contents every working day are collected by original sources, including research reports in various fields and the summary of major proposals. Although they have not published detailed income reports and other contents, as a company with several years of history, the unit price of customers may be hundreds of dollars more than most applications. The projects to be funded are much richer. This time, they got nearly votes, which may indeed have a unique and even irreplaceable contribution. But as a very rich enterprise, their contribution will probably be much higher. There must be other projects that need this family bucket more deeply than them. When bonus hunter applied for funding, the controversy was full. This time, as many as two members applied for funding, the votes were concentrated on getting a total of 100 grants. As always, a bunch of tweets and interactions with thousands of readings occasionally reached double digits as proof of influence and related sections appeared. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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