热钱纷纷涌入Web3.0 欧科云链:目前投资机构对概念仍存较大认知代差

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Source: FAFIA


Cryptopolitan data show that, in the first quarter of 2022, Web3.0 had received more than $173 million in investment. By contrast, Web3.0 received $380 million out of 93 transactions in 2021, compared with $20 million in 2020.


Web3.0 has gradually become the overall term for an increasing number of block-chain-based applications and, although there is still no precise definition of the concept, Web3.0 continues to attract significant market interest and capital investment.


According to incomplete statistics from the daily block chain media, at least 15 wind-spill agencies launched the Web3.0 special fund this year, amounting to over $4 billion.


According to Chiang Seok, a senior researcher at the Ocoun chain institute, Web3.0 is in the early stages of development, and most Web3.0 companies have great potential for future development and greater growth potential; as more and more hot money is pouring into Web3.0, the entire industry is entering a period of rapid development, and the value of the enterprise will rise.


"Strong" agencies are betting on the Web 3.0 area


Web3.0 is widely recognized as the next phase of the Internet, a decentralized network based on encryption and block chain technology.


McKinsey, a management consulting firm, described the Yuan cosmos and Web3.0 as the two largest technological trends in 2022. Just before the end of the first quarter of this year, more and more capital has focused on the Web3.0 ecosystem.

一方面,针对Web3.0领域的风险基金陆续推出。3月份,专注于游戏的风险投资公司Griffin Gaming Partners、世界最大的创投公司之一贝恩资本都宣布成立以支持Web3.0建设者的基金,价值分别为7.5亿美元和5.6亿美元。

On the one hand, risk funds are being introduced for the Web3.0 area. In March, the venture capital company Griffin Gaming Partners, one of the world’s largest venturers, was announced to be a fund to support the Web3.0 builders, valued at $750 million and $560 million, respectively.

3月23日,a16z前合伙人Katie Haun领导的风投机构Haun Ventures宣布已为其Web3.0风投基金筹集了15亿美元。Haun表示,该公司将投资“Web3.0技术堆栈的每一层”。

On 23 March, Haun Ventures, a former partner of a16z, Katie Haun, announced that it had raised $1.5 billion for its Web3.0 wind deposit fund. Haun stated that it would invest in “each level of the Web3.0 technological stack”.

实际上,在Web3.0相关项目或公司披露的融资主体中,不论是领投还是参投方,都不乏众多知名VC的身影,包括红杉资本、Coinbase Ventures、Animoca Brands等等。

In fact, there are many well-known VC figures in the web3.0-related projects or in the financing subjects disclosed by the company, both in the lead and in the contributors, including Redwood Capital, Coinbase Ventures, Animoca Brands and others.


According to Reuters, the Soft and Silver Vision Fund2 has so far invested 14 times in Web3.0 operations.


On the other hand, a large number of start-ups in the Web3.0 area are also gaining attention and funding from VC. In 2021, for example, Redwood India, through a combination of equity and token investments, made about 20 investments in Web3.0 start-ups such as Betafinance, Clearpool, and so forth, a trend that continues.


In addition, the tech giant has started adding the code Web3.0 and has accelerated the recruitment of the relevant talent. The encrypted currency wallet, MetaMask's parent company, ConsenSys, raised $450 million last month in a round of finance supported by Microsoft, Silver and Lightmassy, with ConsenSys estimated to be over $7 billion.


Other technology companies exploring Web3.0 include Meta, who submitted eight digital asset applications and Web3.0 trademark applications in March this year.


Status of financing in the area of Web3.0: high valuation, covering major infrastructure


At present, valuations are higher in comparison to those of the funded Web3.0 start-up company and the Licorne enterprise.


In recent days, according to media reports, the United States Block Chain Starter, BloXroute, received $70 million in round B financing for a $410 million valuation; in addition, it was created by people of Indian origin to become Web3.0 of the Amazon web service, with Polygon, a Pacific outreach programme, raised $450 million in a new round of financing in February, valued at $13 billion.

红杉印度董事总经理Shailesh Lakhani此前在接受媒体采访时曾表示,针对Web3.0公司的估值“非常高”。他表示,“五年前的web2.0公司的估值、融资规模等都远不如目前的web3.0公司。”

In an earlier media interview, Shailesh Lakhani, the Managing Director of Redwood India, stated that the valuation of Web3.0 was “very high”. He stated that “Web 2.0 five years ago was much less than the current Web3.0.”


In response to the reasons for the higher valuations, Chiang, Senior Researcher at the Okoun Chain Institute, stated that, given the current bottlenecks in the development of the traditional Internet industry, new narrative logic was urgently needed in capital markets, and the huge stimulus of Web3.0 allowed businesses to present a more ambitious picture of the future and “better stories” for capital.


“Secondly, Web3.0 is in its early stages of development, and most Web3.0 companies have great potential for future development and greater growth potential; then, with more and more hot money pouring into Web3.0, the entire industry is entering a period of rapid development, and the value of the business will rise.” He added.


It is also worth mentioning that the current investments around Web3.0 cover a wide range of areas ranging from infrastructure to games, social applications to economic tools for creators.


As more and more funds are freely flowing into the Web area, in addition to intensifying competition between the winding agencies, investment risks and future returns are also a matter of concern.


“Web3.0 is still at a very early stage of exploration, with many pilot projects and very few real success, mostly at the necessary cost of innovation error, and therefore investment risks are very high.” Liu Chang, an expert in the think tank of the Whale Platform and Director of the Centre for Block Chain Economic Research at Chongqing University of Commerce and Industry, argued that “the key to the return on investment is long enough, so that there is a high probability of significant returns in the medium to long term in the 3-10 years.”


Chiang echoed the same view, noting that “Web 3.0 is going at a very fast pace. For investment agencies, given the current large cognitive gap between different institutions over the Web 3.0 concept, it is possible to expect a full return if real good business and good projects can be discovered during this period, invested early and held over the long term.”

不过,据TechCrunch报道,Web3.0的一位投资者——Eden Block创始人兼管理合伙人Lior Messika指出,(注入Web3.0的)资金最终必须与人才和人力资源相匹配,才能更大化利益。

However, according to TechCrunch, Lior Messika, a founder and management partner of Web3.0, Eden Block, stated that the funds (injected to Web3.0) must ultimately match human and human resources in order to maximize the benefits.


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