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I. The troubles of the current life scene and the relationship between technology and technology


In the past decade 2020, we have been through a lot. Fortunately, these things have slowly returned to the same level and to everyday life. We have also come back from focusing on global events, on national events and, slowly, on the lives of each and every one of us.


When we get back to life, we'll find that we still face problems of promotion, employment, wealth, and health. This year we'll discuss how we can live our lives.


1. Education - is no longer a one-man bridge


A series of education-related policies recently introduced by the government has added a lot of new worries to us. If you are facing a high test, or if you are going to a high test for a child, but now there is no educational guidance facility, how can you face a high examination of this one? How can you improve a child’s grades?


In fact, a higher examination is not an end, and the real purpose of education should be to master the skills of survival in the society of the future.

Google DeepMind(人工智慧企業)是機器學習的最前沿機構,誕生了一大批人工智慧的科研成果,正在改變世界。

Google Deepmind ( artificial intelligence enterprise) is the cutting edge of machine learning, producing a vast body of artificial intelligence research that is changing the world.

Aleksa Gordic(亞歷克薩·戈迪奇)很榮幸被Google DeepMind(人工智慧企業)錄取了,但是他並沒有令人炫目的高學歷,為什麼會被錄取?就是因為他學到了最前沿的人工智慧的知識。所以,即使你是名校畢業,但如果沒有掌握未來的知識,依然可能不會重用;相反,如果你掌握了這些知識,即便沒有文憑,依然可以找到好工作。

Aleksa Gordic (Alecsa Godic) was honoured to have been accepted by Google Deepmind, but he did not have outstanding high-level academic qualifications, why would he be accepted? Because he learned the most advanced knowledge of artificial intelligence. So, even if you graduated from a famous school, it might not be used again if you did not have the knowledge of the future; on the contrary, if you had such knowledge, you could find a good job even without a document.


There is a lot of knowledge that is needed at the cutting edge of technology, and that really looks to the future, that needs to deal with future work and life scenes, not from higher education institutions, but from educational institutions. When knowledge changes faster, education institutions are clearly falling behind.


Where can this knowledge be learned? Social chemistry is a major trend now, and many front-line communities bring together a group of people who are curious about the future and interested in research, who come together and interact and communicate with each other, and who are slowly becoming experts in the field.

Aleksa Gordic(亞歷克薩·戈迪奇)就是社群化學習網站Github(GitHub是一個面向開源及私有軟體項目的託管平台)中非常活躍的學習參與者,同時,他也帶動了更多人在領域掌握了更新的知識,他們的未來也會更光明。

Aleksa Gordic (Alexa Godic) is a very active learner in the social chemistry website Github (a trusting platform for open-source and private software projects), while also bringing more people into the field with updated knowledge and a brighter future.


If you ask another question, not how to make today’s high test better, but what kind of knowledge we need in the future, how to get it, you will no longer be troubled by today’s teachings, today’s high test. Less and less people in the future will talk about the high test, more and more about skills, abilities, opportunities, and that is a normal society.


I believe that with the passage of time, the phenomenon of thousands of troops crossing the one-man bridge will change, because what society really needs is not those who go to college, not those who have received a certain degree of documentation, but those who have the real skills to face the real problems in the future.


2. Employment -- you can find your own location, you can shine .


A lot of people are worried about their work now, and there are 996 stories about their work, about their inner volume, about their equality. Why lie down? Because they can't see the direction, they can't see the purpose. At the same time, they have to admit that there are a lot of successful people in every way.


In fact, young people do not want to lie down and not fight, but they want to fight for something that makes sense, and they can fight for something that makes sense. When he can’t find any sense, he prefers to lie even when he has only paid for his job.


So, there is no lack of opportunity in the times of `strung', and when you mourn that you have been taken away by others, do you not see it before? To know that any success requires a long time before it is done. missed the opportunity now, and where is the future? In fact, there are many technological opportunities ahead of us.


When we were kids, we all heard about education like this -- "Learn math and walk around the world without fear." If you have a high IQ, you have enough opportunities and achievements.


It turns out that it is one-sided, such as Li Jiachen, whose IQ is not so high, but he has achieved a great deal. This is because he has a high level of affection, a good sense of hospitality, a sense of solidarity, a group of people working for himself, and much more than he does alone.


But we found that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had a lower level of intercession, but they all had a lot of success. In conclusion, they had a very high IQ -- a human IQ -- the ability of people to understand machines and make them serve themselves.


We all know that machines can be copied indefinitely, and in the future world we need more machines to serve people. In future societies, the number of machines will be much larger than the number of people. Everyone has a N machine to serve you, and the person who has the most machines to control and adapt to serve you may be the richest person in the future.


So the kind of skills that are needed in the future are to master machines to provide better services to people. If today is the day to build the foundation for future skills and to design the path for future posts, perhaps you will be the success of that time. So,


There was a saying before that men were afraid to go into the wrong business. But now that men and women are equal, everyone is worried about going into the wrong business. In fact, technology is entering every industry and changing every domain.


More importantly, technology now requires in-depth collaboration, not only by those who do it, but also by those who do the market, those who do research, those who do research cooperation, and those who do the supply chain. Each field is able to explore its own opportunities, and if it finds its own unique place in the whole industry, it can flourish in it.


3. Wealth -- put eggs in the basket of technology


A lot of people now worry about missing real estate, stocks, bitcoins, and so on, and it doesn't seem to be growing fast enough. What should we do?


Indeed, there are many opportunities for wealth in the future. As we all know, the global opportunities for wealth are in the technology industry. Historically, the wealth of every generation is that of technology entrepreneurs, such as once Ford, then of microsoftness, today's Google, and so on.


Every time a technology enterprise leads to the development of the industry of the times, and it creates great opportunities for wealth creation. One of the joyful facts of ‘strong’ is that there are still a lot of businesses that are still rising. You can also be one of the contributors to wealth if you seize the opportunity.


Now there's a financial theory -- don't put eggs in the same basket. We think we should put eggs in the same basket, because we already know that the basket that creates wealth is called a technology business, so what you really should invest in is the best technology business.


The idea that "eggs should not be placed in a basket" is particularly opposed in the field of risky investment. Sun Justice has voted for Ali Baba because he believes that electricity is a future business, so he has a lot of layout in the electronics business, and while all else has failed, one Ali Baba has earned him a high return.


It's a general rule, contrary to society's understanding, that the real freedom to be rich and the real return on good investment is precisely to be in the head business. Not to invest in 10 businesses, but to pay off even nine, if you're in the future, you're in it.


So the real way to invest is to find a big bet on the head business. , you'll say, even if there is such an investment, it's not as rich as the big ones. But the money in the big agencies, on the other hand, is spread evenly, leaving eggs in different baskets, so he doesn't pay back as much as you do.


There is also a key problem: when the value of a stock drops by 10% and by 20%, the major agency sells the stock, because it can’t afford to lose it. But any good technonomic institution will have a wave, which in many cases exceeds 10% or 20%.


So it's often those who really get a big reward for their firm belief in technology, their understanding of technology, their commitment to future technology ventures, and perhaps their understanding of technology.


4. Health -- using technology to serve humanity


Human beings are entering an old-age society, especially in China.


Now that parents are getting older, the most important worry is that parents’ health, especially illness, is like a time bomb, will explode at a time when they don’t know. In the event of an explosion, the whole family will be under a lot of pressure, not just financial expenses, but also a lot of mental stress.


But we don't know when the disease will come, as the president of the Chinese gene said: 60% of cancer patients spend 60% of their savings on the last 28 days of life. In less than a month, you spend all your savings and are unlikely to live a healthy and happy life.


It's a tragedy, and how to avoid it? And I want to tell you that there's more and more advanced technology now, not just to help parents, but to help people better understand their health. Even simple things like an apple watch, it's not just blood oxygen, heart rate, sleep, and workout.


This is a paradox: on the one hand, advanced technology has been able to provide us with health security and help us monitor health conditions; on the other hand, older people are the ones who use advanced technology at the latest because they are not fit for advanced technology.


At a time like this, every one of us needs to make an effort to help older people in our homes use advanced technology to protect their health. Most importantly, these technologies have been invented, but we do not know that they exist, and older people are much further away from them. This requires that our younger generation fully understand the advances in advanced technology, find the best technologies to use, so that older people in our homes can use them early.


Airdoc, who has recently been listed in Hong Kong, uses artificial intelligence to test every person’s bottom blood vessels. Eye vessels are the only ones that are visible, visible, detectable, and detect many diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.. If they are detected early, they will be very good, not only for money, but also for pain.


Technology has come to this day, a lot of diseases can be cured at an advanced stage, and many diseases can be treated well if they are discovered at an early stage. The only question is how each and every one of us is willing to use advanced technology to make it truly work for us.


Although every one of us has problems of promotion, work, wealth and health, if we learn to use technology and master the rules of its development, we will find that today's worries need not be addressed because, with time, today's worries are no longer a problem in the future.


Why not? Because technology is helping us change the world, it's making our world today better, and it's becoming a force that shapes the future.


Our future is shaped by technology. We need to understand how technology shapes the future. With this understanding, we can predict what society will look like; if we know what the future looks like, we can be the biggest winners in the future.



As the film Returning to the Future says: If we know the next horse in advance, we can bet. Although it's a science fiction scene, it's a big signal that we need time, energy, not today, but the future, to know how the future will evolve and how to prepare for the future.


II. Modelling of production and services


So, what is the greatest force that shapes the future? The greatest force that shapes the future is the new wave of technology that we call services.


1. Motivation and limitation of production to society


We know that the most powerful force for moving society is the industrial revolution. Before the industrial revolution, human economic growth was basically a horizontal straight line, and after the industrial revolution, the entire human society moved into an accelerated and growing curve, and we grew faster.


What does the industrial revolution bring us? A lot of people say it's a steam engine, it's a factory, it's actually the most essential thing that's produced.


How do you understand how to scale production and services?


Everyone has needs, and you get the right reward for meeting the needs of others, which is the basic principle of a business.


Let's say I have a need for ice-cold watermelon because summer is too hot. How is it satisfied?


If you are honoured to live at the emperor's house, you can eat iced watermelon hundreds of years ago in the summer heat, because there are cellars in the palace, ice is cut out in the winter into the cellar, cotton is covered outside, and ice can be used in the summer for iced watermelon.


The Emperor, alone, enjoys a watermelon of ice, and needs 100 people to serve. So, if 100 people need a service, 10,000 people need a service, it is not realistic, because more people serve fewer people, so there is no way to quantify it.


What do we do at this time? The industrial revolution gave us the idea that we called, "Put the service in the product." There's no way to offer you a model service, but because you have a factory, and you have a built-up capacity, you can solidise the service you want into a product, which is a refrigerator.


So when you buy a refrigerator, you get an ice-cold watermelon. That's when everyone's needs are satisfied. And the demand is much broader than in the past, because 100 life refrigerators are enough for 10,000 people, and a few serve a large number of people, and the economy as a whole is benign and can be modeled.


So, when the industrial revolution of `strung' appeared, society moved into a phase where people's services were satisfied with a chemically manufactured product. you had a need for ice-cold watermelon, sold your refrigerator, you had a need for laundry, sold your washing machine, you had a need for food, sold your microwaves and all kinds of stoves, and you had a need to clean your floors and sell your floors.


So that each and every one of us could enjoy the services that only the emperor could have enjoyed in the past. But this pattern still has a flaw, because it takes you to do it without giving it to you directly.


We all know that there was a saying in the past: I didn't want the drill, but the hole in the wall, because I had to punch a hole to put a picture on the wall, but I had to buy a drill to do it.


So there's a small regret at the production scale, where everyone buys more and more products, and many of them may only be used once, and I want services, and I don't need to own them. Even some of the defects of the products themselves are borne by the consumers.


For example, we buy cars to facilitate travel, and we need to travel whenever we want, not because we really want to own the car. But because travel can't be solved, we have to buy the car. When we buy the car, there's more trouble.


For example, when you travel to your destination, you have to find a parking lot. Moreover, when every 10,000 cars sell, several of them will be damaged and maintenance will have to be maintained. As for which of them, the maintenance rate is one in ten for the manufacturer, and 100 per cent for every consumer, if you really want to fix the car. It's the factory's fault, but if you catch it, you have to pay for maintenance.


So, for the first time, product modalization has made everyone's desired services widely available and extremely convenient, but it also raises a problem, because you sell not services, but products.


2. .


Since the 1970s, from PC to software, including subsequent Internet connections, to the current trend of artificial intelligence, we call it the digital revolution, because of the drive of the digital revolution, especially in recent years.


Artificial intelligence can learn by itself through big data. The big strong data is actually solid in human experience, especially the best in humans. It is even better to learn from human experience than it is for humans.


So, this is the first time that we humans have entered a phase in which services can be scaled up, and where everyone can enjoy the best and best of human services, this is the era of service modulation. The characteristics of this time will determine the way forward.


What future business will be reshaped? By describing the next 12 life scenes, by predicting future production trends, you know how you should seize the opportunities of the future.


iii. Service modulation changes the environment in which humans live


The first thing to hit is our food and clothing. What will our future food and clothing be?


1. Habitat


The way forward must be super-urbanization.


On the one hand, each and every one of us enjoyed the benefits of the city, taking out food for 30 minutes and shopping for 30 minutes, for the simple reason that the population density was high enough for the services we received to be so easy and fast.


On the other hand, when everyone is freed from heavy and repeated labour, we can focus on creativity and we need people with enough density to interact with each other to create more creativity.


So super-urbanization is certainly the future, but it also causes trouble for our lives, meaning that everyone's living space is getting smaller and smaller. Everyone has a big house, and this dream is hard to realize.


Maybe you can go to a big house while you're on vacation, but you're still trapped in the city when you work in daily life. Especially in terms of population density, if you're in a small place and you're full of stuff, your anxiety will be great, so a simple residence must be the way of the future.


But the isolation, the simple way of living, also means that there are no furniture in the house, the space seems clean, and the problem is that you have a sense of loss and a sense of complacency, because each and every one of us needs to be satisfied.


At that point, technology can give you a sense of virtual satisfaction. What is a sense of virtual satisfaction?


Satisfy is rich and has all the products. Although these products are not in my house, in a real closet, and not in a real closet. But I can show them on the Internet and even on the screen in real time, like a virtual locker, when I want a product, it comes in half an hour or less.


Now that there's a technology company working on it, there's a single storage unit next to our door, and the goods delivered from the outside are placed in the storage unit, and even this storage unit has some heat protection that you can get from it.


If you look at the whole chain, the future if you want any item, click on the Internet and open the door of the house in half an hour, it's already there. At this point, you get a sense of virtual satisfaction, even though the goods are not in the house, but you feel like you have everything.


On the other hand, the existence of virtual satisfaction depends on whether you have someone to serve you. If you're a rich man or a former emperor, someone must be around you 24 hours a day, like a housekeeper, to help you with everything you need.


An artificial intelligence robot can now offer similar services. The Amazon has launched a small robot, Astro, whose principles are simple, who follows his family, not just with him, but at your disposal. Does it look like a housekeeper who does his job?



You get a sense of virtual satisfaction when you have a robot at home to serve you, to listen to your orders, and all kinds of goods to satisfy you at any time.


At a time like this, even if your living space looks small, you have a lot in the virtual world, in your imagination.


2. Traveling


Where are the sources of anxiety for travel? How?


According to the statistics of the Chinese Urban Design Institute, the number of Chinese workers who spend more than 60 minutes of commuter hours a day reaches 10 million, and the traffic is crowded and exhausted, and the experience is very bad.


Now, auto-drive applications are getting closer. In the future, travel time may not be the most anxious time of your day, but the happiest time of your day. There is no need to worry about traffic congestion, which can be used for social shopping, games, movies.


We can even predict that, when traffic travels are satisfied with autopilots, we can spend more time on entertainment, which will result in some adaptation changes.


For example, the film of the future is no longer 90 minutes or 120 minutes, more like today's series, 30 minutes or 40 minutes, and the goal is to get you to see it from work to home, to enjoy it when you go home, and to be the happiest free time of your day.


Another business affected by auto-drives is travel. In the past, travels, booking tickets, and possibly rerouting, are complicated. In the future, with auto-drives and intelligence services, there will be service providers to solve all your problems: there will be auto-drive cars out of the house, you will be sent to the airport or train station, and you will be picked up by auto-drives when you reach your destination.


There is no need for manual intervention throughout the cycle to achieve full automatic service. Traveling is no longer a painful experience, but rather a seamless, comfortable experience.


3. Catering >/strong>


There's a big contradiction between today's meals. We're looking at health more and more, and even today's young people have to count calories every day when they eat.


But a healthy meal is a weaker taste than a healthy meal. If you eat healthy food every day, you will be tired of eating the same food.


So, how is it possible to provide such a service? It's not human, it's technology, it's technology, it's technology, it's personal. It's good if a cook can do 10 kinds of handy food, it's harder for 100, it's difficult for people to do so, and it's hard for us to do so, and it's food and drink and service robots.


In many future restaurants, cooks are no longer humans, but robots. It is not easy for robots, such as steak-cooking robots, to bind Michelin's three-star cooks to the system. So, this steak is actually Michelin's three-star chef's cooking, but it's not his own. Because Michelin's three-star cooks are limited, it is not realistic that they can feed everyone, but with the technology they can replicate their abilities so that everyone can enjoy the best food and drink.


At the same time, from the point of view of the industry, ,


The key to the expansion of diets at the lower end of the scale is not to choose the chef, which is a standard operation, but the taste and variety of the standard cooking products are often lacking.


Everyone is more interested in high-end experience, and you don't eat McDonald's every day, but if you eat French meals made by different cooks, you will not refuse.


How is that enough? When you have a food robot, and the food robot is complicated enough to learn enough, you can make a lot of high-end dishes. If you can make a high-end dish, it means that a high-end restaurant can be locked up.


As a result, it is highly likely that there will be a number of high-end catering companies in the future whose market value will go to the forefront of the world. The reason is simple, because he uses robots that can serve you as a model, and because robots change foods as much as we download software on the Internet, new foods come out and simply download the program from the web far away into the robotic system, so that he can learn to cook new foods and customers can enjoy new foods.


4. Shopping >/strong


There is also a contradiction in shopping: now that shopping on the line is becoming more common, many people have moved from the past to the online shop.


But there is still a major flaw in online shopping, and we can't afford to look more directly at goods, especially clothing. It's not just style, but quality is comfortable, and it's hard to get online. So many people, after buying clothes online, find out how they feel different from buying pages, so they have to return them.


But there are many people who are willing to go on the line and buy. But the goods that you can try under the line are related to their storage, and the physical stock of any mall is not unlimited, leaving little to choose.


It's a lot of experience under the line, but there are few choices, and on the other hand, there are a lot of choices, but the experience is too thin. Can you combine the two?


There are technology companies already doing this, and in the future, when you try clothes in an online dress shop, it's not about style, it's about quality. You put on some kind of quality dress, you can see different colors and even different patterns in the mirror, you can get a lot of experience, you can get a good look, and you can buy what you want when you're shopping.


All aspects of our lives have been changed by technology. What is the bottom line behind this? Why change it? Why are we predicting a society like this in the future? The truth is that technology is so simple that it allows us to live better, and that it will find new, better solutions to all the problems we face now.


Technology helps us determine the direction of culture, and instead, when we have technology as a better solution, we embrace technology, everyone chooses these options, and culture determines technology.


So the future of society is technologically and socially evolving. On the one hand, technology drives society to use new technologies to better satisfy itself, and, on the other hand, because it is satisfying, it entrenches those technologies that make me more satisfying and leaves room for greater development.


So, on the basis of this two-way choice, it's the collective intelligence of all of us, together, that finds a direction that makes us all feel better, and technology is the main force.


From this perspective, you'll understand why we can clearly predict the future, and with this, you can better predict the future and find your own development opportunities.


IV. Technology makes life richer


1. Electric competition - both competitive and entertaining


We all know recently that the winner of the Heroes League Finals is a Chinese sports team, so young people in particular are having a national party.


We think electricity is the future, why do you say that? Because it's both competitive and entertaining.


We know that sports are better for us, because electric competition may be more of a hand-craining process, a quick brain shift, a few fingers. But we're hoping not just for these fingers, but for the whole body to be strong, with its arms and legs staggered.


What do we do now? There are applications in this direction, like running APPs. We should have some time to jog every day, and it's good for our bodies, but running is boring, and running around a road every day is boring.


The APP will tell you that you can choose a different route, and at the same time, you can go to PK with someone like that or exactly the same route, or you and your own PK, and how your daily grades change, adding fun to it, and someone even runs out of a rose.


Let's conclude that these are good things for us in the future, but less entertaining sports, how to make it more entertaining, we're called e-merit, e-competing.


So not only do we have to see the part of electronic competition that might delay time, but we also have to see the part of electronic competition that is good, so that we can be fully entertained and entertained, so that we can hold on to what is good.


2. Game -- learning skills in digitalization


Of course, we see another problem: a lot of people are critical of the game. But we've thought about how to make our game work and how to make what works as fun as a game.


But in our day-to-day lives, there used to be a very stylish word called Gamiface. Our lives are like games, aren't they more fun?


In the early days of the Internet, the giants of the Internet organized the "Sword of West Lake". The first "Sword of West Lake" invited Kim as a guest, and after Kim came to power, he said, "Mr. Kim, you're going to kill us."


Mr. Kim was strange. He didn't know Ding. He asked him, "Why did you say so?"


Ding said, "Because I like martial arts novels, I read martial arts novels every day when I passed my exams, so I failed to do so."


In fact, we've all been through that time, especially when little boys are being distracted by games, martial arts and all kinds of temptations.


But I'm still confused as to why our teaching books can't be made as brilliant as Kim's martial arts novels, or that they are based on Kim's martial arts to make an amendment to tell you which of Kim's martial arts are historical and which are not. We'll feel better if we believe in this historical teaching book based on Kim's martial arts.


Fortunately, we know that the future has become more digitized, and that the future of mankind has become more digitized, more and more based on the digital system, and on the virtual environment of the virtual system to solve the problem and accomplish the task.


At that point, you'll find that today's game is the best tool to prepare for the future. The game is no longer useless. The golden novel you've learned really helps your history.


We also have practical examples, such as the United States Federal Aviation Authority, which, when recruiting air traffic controllers, is clearly proposing a game player. Why? Air traffic control is the tone of the aircraft. There are a lot of tactical games where people learn to adjust their resources in the game, learn how to fail, learn how to be more efficient.


When animals are small, games are an adaptation tool, for example, when young coyotes are able to hunt through games and learn to adapt to their adult lives. is therefore designed to adapt to the future and to the skills that need to be acquired when there is a real need for independence in the face of society.


Then, of course, there was a phase in which the game was out of step with reality. Fortunately, it was not the game that was slowly becoming more adaptable to the future society, but the future society was becoming more and more gamelike, because the future society was becoming more digital, the future society was becoming more cooperative, and the game was slowly returning to its very purpose.


So, we're using games to train ourselves to fit into the future world. At this point, when parents see children playing games, they don't just say stop, but ask them what kind of games you're playing, what skills you're training yourself.


If it's just simple, unskilled games, it may not be too encouraging, but if it's possible to train children in complicated skills, for example, by agreeing, or even by doing more complicated things together, you should be encouraged. And now there are more and more games like this, and we need to have faith in the children of the future and in their judgment.


They duplicated their surroundings in the game, and then added to it elements that they thought would make the environment a better place, but he was preparing for his future as a city designer, so the game was preparing for future life.


3. Changes in travel patterns - virtual reality integration


We need to expand our eyes, and we need to be able to see a wider place. We need to read not just a thousand volumes, but a thousand miles.


The first point highlighted by travel is the experience, because it is the only way out that such experience can be obtained.


The second point is sharing.

我們旅遊的時候體驗會面臨一個問題,這和當地的情況是相關的。比如,要到黃山看日出,但是陰天、雨天就看不到了,你雖然到了那個地方,但你的體驗打了折扣,所以未來世界一定是虛實結合的,實指物理世界,虛指數字世界,未來世界可以叫做數字物理融合世界(Cyber Physical System)。

When we travel, there is a problem, which is relevant to the local situation. For example, to see the sunrise in Yellow Hills, but not in the dark or in the rain, you get there, but your experience is discounted, so the future world must be virtual, the physical world, the digital world, and the future world can be called Cyber Physical System.


When we get to that physical world, if the virtual environment of the digital world is not good enough, we can change it for you to experience it. If it rains on Yellow Mountain and you bring a virtual reality glasses, you can see the sunrise of Yellow Mountain when it's clear.


Afanda was filmed on the south side of Mount Tianmen, and the view of Mount Tianmen was beautiful. But when you went to Mount Tianmen, you were not able to enjoy it, because it was taken in the air. We can only see on the ground.


How to get experience in the air? With drone angles, we'll see what we've never seen before. With drones on virtual reality glasses, more and more travels from drone angles overlooking the world will take place.


Tourists not only want to be experienced, but they want to share their experiences and be accessible to others. Many people take pictures, send pictures, even video, during travels, but one way to put people on the ground is to provide a direct virtual live feed, with a 360-degree camera on their heads, and the surrounding scenes can be filmed by you, which can also be relayed in real time.


All your friends have to do is put on virtual reality glasses, whether they go back or forth, and they're in the same situation as they see yourself, so they're traveling with you at a time like this. Why go from your scene? Because everyone has more unique experience with travel, knows which lines are better, knows how to look more interesting, and the future will be a travel host.


It's hot now, but most of it is in the studio, and the future is probably on the way, because the scenery on the road is better, allowing you to get his experience on the road. So traveling is not just expanding his own life, but it is expanding everyone's life.


4. Mental health -- Meditation and Retreat


As far as our hearts are concerned, we still have to stay in the city. The problems of urban life have to be addressed, for example, when the population is concentrated to the benefit of service delivery, which is favourable to the impact of ideas, creativity, but anxiety after all.


How? We need to focus more on our hearts than travel, play games. So attention to our hearts is one aspect of the future that technology can help.


Meditation is becoming more widespread. Meditation can be done by thinking together, by sitting around for a while.


In addition, there is a much more exciting thing, "AsMR," which is simply a massage of the brain. The nervous system of the brain has its own ideas, its own rules of operation, and it feels extra pleasure to hear a voice that is equivalent to a massage of our brain, and the younger people are more sensitive to it.


APPs that imitate the sound of ASMR are starting to rise, not to mention that there are many more APPs that help meditate. But I think it's more important than that -- Retreat (evacuation). The word will also get warmer in the future.


The idea began with some businesses in the West, and many years ago Microsoft had a habit of taking a week away from the office, away from the city, off to a relatively remote place, cut off communications and discuss the stars and seas.


Because every day it's hard to think and think about poetry and distance in order to go any further. So, to this day, Microsoft is one of the largest companies in the world, and many setbacks can continue to develop, but it's about how far it goes.


For each and every one of us, this is also the moment to get out of our daily work, out of our daily troubles, think about poetry and far away, and do the retreat.


In conclusion, it provides 12 scenarios of future life, including education, work, wealth, health, habitat, transportation, catering, shopping and our various entertainment and sports games, travel and spiritual life, all of which have been changed and enhanced by the wave of technology.


V, technology enablers,


Enjoys the benefits of technology > /strong


Each one of us is also a choice, because we chose better technology to bring us a better life, and that's why technology drives social progress, and we're part of it.


1. Crossing the Rift Valley Theory

但參與者和參與者獲得的利益是不一致的,這涉及到跨越裂谷理論(Crossing the Chasm)。這個理論其實不是用在整個社會上的,這個理論是在20年以前,矽谷的一個很著名的營銷專家Jeffrey Moore提出來的,是用在高科技產品的推廣上的。

But the interests of participants and participants are inconsistent, and this involves crossing the Rift Valley theory. This theory is not actually used in society as a whole, but it was proposed 20 years ago by Jeffrey Moore, a well-known marketing expert in the Valley, for the promotion of high-tech products.


He found that many high-tech products were popular when they first came out of the market, and it felt so good, but it was just a little bit of a boom, especially when they started selling, when technology firms were expanding, and when it was expanded, sales fell so fast, that technology products died after a very short period of time.

他總結出了這種現象的原因:他將所有人群分成5類人,最領先一類人叫創新者(Innovator);另外一類是早期採用者(Early Adapter),他們特別願意應用新產品,使用新產品,這兩類人就是高科技產品的第一批用戶。所以很多高科技產品因為性能很優秀,所以上來就有了這批用戶,才會一上來就有一個高速的市場增長。

He summarized the reasons for this: he divided all the groups into five categories, the first being Innovator, and the other was Early Adapter, who was especially interested in new products and new ones, which were the first users of high-tech products. So many high-tech products, because of their excellent performances, had this user base, and there was a high-speed market growth.


Unfortunately, the mainstream users in the back are divided into early mainstream, late mainstream and backward-legged users, and the three categories of users in the back are very different from the previous ones. He will not use you because of your good performance, but rather will see if my experience is satisfied and comfortable. Others will use it without looking at social behavior.


At the beginning of many advanced technologies, the experience of their use was flawed and, while performance was excellent, there were many applications that needed to be perfected and refined.


A large number of users at this time come from early users, but because performance is inadequate, because performance is not good, but it is not good enough for mainstream users to use. By expanding your production at this time, you actually accelerate the financial problems of businesses, even when they may be bankrupt.


2. Participant benefits mode


The benefits of technology are different for the five categories of people.


The fifth category of people, advanced technology, brought him negative aspects, because when technology brought benefits to others, when the whole society was raised by technology, he was left behind, so technology was negative to him.


Early and late mainstream use by others, and the benefits that technology brings to him are even and not enough good.


So technology really brings benefits to the primary users. These primary users may have to cross a lot of barriers when they use them.


There's a mindset that's not good for technology, so I don't use it. They're either mainstream or backward users;


The other is that technology is not yet easy or perfect, and if I focus on how to make better use of it and how to improve it, I will be the first to benefit, and I can use the benefits to expand the impact of the big technology, expand the scale, and make me more useful as a horse, and this kind of person will benefit from it, as early users and creators.


In society as a whole, it is not possible for all to be creative and for all to be early users, most of them to be mainstream users, including early mainstream and late mainstream users. More or less creative people make up only 2.5 per cent of the population, while early users make up only 13.5 per cent of the population. So the first group to consider using any advanced technology is 16 per cent.


Historically, technology has been driving social progress, but why is the mainstream voice in society always anti-technology because mainstream users are not the biggest beneficiaries of technology?


And we have a choice: are we going to be mainstream users or I going to be the users? I believe you already have an answer.


Technology is the future. It's the future. It's the future. It's the future. It's the future. So the advice we give you is: sees the future, acts. When you embrace the future, you'll be the winner of life, and you'll be the master of your own life, because you're not prepared for it, of course it's the best.


The main initiative is divided into two layers, the first layer, one user, and any advanced technology is used but not in the industry; the second layer, not only in the industry, but also in the industry.


How to get involved in the industry? First, we have to understand the nature of the industry, so let's tell you about it.


6. Service-based industry regulations


The current phase is the modulation of products from the industrial revolution of the past, into the modulation of services from the digital revolution.


The so-called typologies are extensive, and the definition of services is not simple services, not low-end services, but high-end, complex services that require a lot of intellectual attention, especially in terms of individualizing references to each individual.


For example, good housekeepers are not exactly the same advice for all families and for all situations, but must be the most accurate advice about your current situation.


1. Service modulation bottom support -- 4 modernizations


So why is it happening today? Because there are four modern ways to support it.

第一,數據化。所有的數字革命的起源是上世紀70年代, PC個人計算機和軟體帶來的。有了PC,有了軟體,我們的工作生活都和電腦聯繫起來了,都被電腦記錄下來了,你的所有行為都被數據化了。

Number One, Data. The origins of all the digital revolutions of


In the last 10 years, the A.R.S. system has developed dramatically. The computer depth system is now very similar to the thinking of the human brain. When the brain understands the outside world, the brain is a black box locked in the skull, and the brain and the outside world connect are neurosynthetic, the only thing that the neuroses can feel is electrical signals.


After the transmission of the telecoms, a simulation of the outside world was created, not by our direct visualization of the outside world, but by entering the data into it and reconstructing the outside world in the brain.


Of course, we are very precise about the outside world, so basically real, so interacting with the outside world basically reflects the real external world. So, artificial intelligence already mimics human intelligence on at least a certain level, so as long as there is a large amount of data input from the outside, as in our brain, it can handle and make decisions about the external world once there is some signal input.


Artificial intelligence is equivalent to a copy of a brain that may not yet be strong, and once external data are entered, it can create a perception of the environment.


Humans are trained in driving to determine the environment, and driving is safe. Autopilots are taken through external data collections (e.g. laser radar, visual cameras, etc.) and fed into artificial intelligence systems, which bring people safely and efficiently from point A to point B.


With the data, we can get smart decision-making with data training in a brain-type system, and we can get high-end intelligence services.


Third, generalization. provides these services everywhere.


There are many pre-conditions for the ubiquitous provision of services.


First, there must be an ubiquitous network. The next step is to expect intelligence to be everywhere when the network is covered. This requires a margin calculation. The distribution of intelligence is not just about entering data, but also about processing data, that is to say, arithmetic.


The distribution of arithmetic is now divided into three layers:


One layer is the central one, where cloud computing often requires a large computing centre, and even now many large-scale centres consume as much electricity as a small city, with huge power consumption.


There is another layer of end-point, where each end in which calculations are needed needs to be solved on the spot. For example, a self-driving car has to have a certain calculator in it. How many GPUs determine their level of intelligence. Laser radar is a tool for gathering the surrounding environment, which is capable of calculating and analysing it, so that cars have a high level of intelligence.


But there's still one level in the middle that's at the end of the spectrum, such as the fact that there may be a lot of sensors in our inner environment, and that every sensor collects data and even does a series of simple calculations to upload data to cloud ends.


If so many sensors are connected, it's not realistic for each sensor to be able to calculate. So, the edge zone is in one of the rooms, where all the sensor data are collected for the edge calculation, and then back to the center.


So, the three layers are clouds, edges, end ends. All three places have to be calculatory, with the ability to cover communications at the same time, so that the integration of all data collection and analysis decisions can be realized.


Fourth, service. , when all this works, provides users with intelligent services in real time. It provides a service, not a product, but a service. The difference between a product and a service is that the user has to do something to get it, and the service is an end state.


For example, you want to eat iced watermelon. You sell one of your refrigerators at the product stage, you go home and put watermelon ice in your own house. Now it's a little bit modulated, that's what the takeout guy brought you.


For example, to make nails. Now, if you ask someone to come to the door, or go to the nail shop, it's not a feature of the service. The future is a nail printer, sent to your door by a robot, you have a nail service, you pick it, you have less than half an hour, a robot comes to your door with a nail on it, and it hits you on the fingernail, which is a feature of the service.


2. Support services .


To satisfy this, the premise is that it will need to be supported by all sectors of industry, which today is bio-institutionalized, and a series of bio-collaboratives that together constitute a major technological wave. The following three are the three types of approaches to support service typologies:


First, big data. , in digitizing times, data is oil.


Second, Intelligentity. Artificial wisdom flows are also important, as the past few years have been marked by a new wave of artificial intelligence, especially in the light of the rapid advances in artificial intelligence brought about by in-depth learning, enabling our experience in at least one field to be solidified.


It's better to concentrate on one piece of AI than the best person to do it. Not only did the Alpha Dog beat Lee Shizuki, but the AI's game system beat the best gamers, because the game is actually handled in a single way.


third, cloud computing. Whether it is now 4G, 5G, or wide coverage, and with WiFi's end-of-life coverage, cloud computing makes the entire computing system more rational. So, with big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing makes intelligence everywhere.


The real value of the meta-cosmos is the application of fictional convergence .


Now there's a big hot spot called the meta-cosmos, and it's a very hot mess. But from now on to a very long time, what's hot in the meta-cosmos does not match the real value, that is to say, the value of the meta-cosmos is considered to be different from its real value.


1. Virtual humans: a hot wind vent in the Won Universe


One of the topics in the heat of the Won Universe is virtual humans, and the technology is now making human face simulations better, more popular and more standard. As a result, virtual people’s use of doors will be lower, and perhaps there will be a lot of virtual anchors next year.


This is called the inevitable reality of the wind vents, which bring bubbles, and the bubbles, which are too hot. We can't choke on waste foods, and the bubbles are meaningless. Because the meta-cosmos has a more central value, it makes the data more abundant.


The Internet has provided a powerful boost to human progress, and from the time of software we have developed knowledge into digital knowledge, digital knowledge, and knowledge to make it visible. The visibility has been followed by a network, which has been connected and placed on the Internet into an ubiquitous knowledge base, which has become the core of all human strengths.


2. Nature of the meta-cosmos: the cumulative system of human knowledge


None of us has all the knowledge, but when we connect everyone's knowledge, we can do anything that no one can do, like humans on the moon.


In the past, humans have successfully gone to the moon, and now they are restarting the moon, and more and more people are going to go to the moon in the future. But if you think about it, the knowledge of what is needed to get to the moon is so complicated that it is almost impossible for one person to have all the knowledge needed to get to the moon.


Knowledge that makes the moon a success is in the minds of a lot of people, but in one way you connect it, and in one way you get it together, you can do anything that no one person can do.


So the greatness of mankind lies not in a great man, but in a great man, but in a group of us. Each of us can move the entire human culture forward because of our unique contribution.


In the past, the Internet has assumed the role of the knowledge accumulation system, which in the future will be called the meta-cosmos.


At the beginning of the process, if text and pictures are the main sources of knowledge, more knowledge and accumulation are key words that form a network system with content at its core, and the search for relevant knowledge is based on a search.


In the social networking era, when more images, videos, voices, and audio are becoming available, the way knowledge and knowledge are connected has changed and become interpersonal. So Facebook rises, you have to look for relevant knowledge, you have to find an expert, you have to learn to find another expert, then you have to find another expert, or you have to find a place where these specialists are gathered, and you have to find what you want, either through an expert or an expert.


When the meta-cosmos combines the physical world with the virtual world, you find that I can be surrounded by physical reality and a great deal of knowledge.


3. Virtually integrated meta-cosmos


In many cases, we can use the game as a reference to the evolution of society. In the game, for example, you need to find a PK, and you have to look at his parameters, such as blood, skill, combat values, and so on, and then decide whether or not to go with the PK. But in the real world, there are no such numbers on the other side.


I'm always so confused because I know a lot of friends at work, but I'm blind, and I know this guy must have seen it, but I don't remember his name. I'm particularly embarrassed when people come to me with a lot of enthusiasm.


If the Woncos were to be realized, I would bring with me an enhanced and realistic pair of glasses that, on the one hand, would bring the image of each other through, and on the other hand, a system that would help me identify each other's faces and then bring out in my database information about each other, including names, where I've seen him, when he's birthday, what he's interested in, and so on.


That's one way to connect virtual data to the real world based on the real world.


On the one hand, linkages have been raised, there have been more connections, and on the other hand, there is a lot of data to sink in, and we call it digital creation, a simulation of the real world — a digitization of a lot of things in the physical world and a virtual world.


The abundance of data has increased significantly, the correlation has increased significantly, the knowledge of the whole human race has been upgraded again, so the `strong' meta-cosm is a major increase in the overall human capacity.


eight. Robots are the bottom operating system of the future society.


By increasing our capabilities, we sink more human experience and train super-servers who are more capable than humans to provide us with the best services.


But, in addition to virtualization, there is a need for physical delivery. The ability to deliver meals home is an actual service, and, of course, we see robots delivering meals now.


The robot's arm is the main direction of the robot.


When you talk about robots, a lot of people think about the human robots in the end, and they have great wisdom. No, in short, they can be considered robots with only three capabilities: perception, analysis, exercise.


Sensitivity, which is counterproductive to the environment; analytical ability, which is to understand the environment and analyse the data; and motor ability, which enables the decision to be made on the basis of the analysis.


It's called a robot, analytic, and exerciseable. In the future, your home may be a robotic system. It's a sensor, a camera, a computer, and a robotic arm that's installed on the desktop. Through an internal area network, three separate settings can be combined to become a robot.


The future robots will be more and more available everywhere. Even we have been insisting that the next enterprise that will be bigger than the Greater Territory is probably the one that produces the robotic arm. Because every house in the future will be equipped with a desktop arm. It may be installed in a kitchen to cook for you. It may be installed in a washing counter to wash your dishes. It may be installed in a desk to handle the desktop #8230; the general use of the desktop arm is not far away.


2. Auto-driving car is also a robot.


If, as measured by the conditions, the autopilot car is also a robot, laser radar, cameras are perceptive, the car has crystals, CPUs, GPUs, and it's getting more and more mobile, let alone the wheels that can take you where you want to be.

最近特斯拉的估值又創新高,很多人說特斯拉的估值太荒唐了,因為特斯拉已經等於「通用 福特 豐田 其它汽車公司」的市值的好幾倍。

Tesla's valuation has recently been newly high, and many say that Tesla's valuation is ridiculous, because Tesla is already equal to several times the market value of the "Universal Ford Toyota Other Car Company."


If you think Tesla's just a car company, you're right, he's overestimated. If you know that electric cars are going backwards, they're going to be autopilots, they're going to be robots, and Tesla's running a human robot this year. In that sense, Tesla is actually a robot company.


In the future, the number of robots will far exceed the number of humans, and the value of robotic companies will far exceed that of car companies, because today there are only 2 billion cars in the world and 7 billion people on Earth. But in the future, there will be more robots than 7 billion, a bigger market.


Why say the autopilot is a robot? We all know that today you're driving to work with a headache -- stop the car. Even because you're parking, the monthly cost is not too low. In the future, if you have a auto-driving car, you'll drive to the station, as long as the next order is to drive the auto-driving car on the street like a drop-in, and help you earn money. When you get off work, your car will come back for you.


3. Robotic hotel service


The biggest hotel service machine now is called Clouds, and the clouded CEO said:
"I am the biggest outsourcing company. Because we supply robots to hotels for delivery. For example, the tenant forgot to bring a towel, so that an artificial intelligence system would listen to and analyse the syntax. It understood that you needed a towel, and it would send an order to an automatic container, which would automatically send a towel to the door of your guest building when the machine received it. The entire system would not offer it to a hotel, but rather to rent it. So I would rather rent it from a robot to a hotel as an employee."


So I made a joke to him, "You're a black-hearted capitalist, because you don't give a penny to an employee, and his wages are your earnings."


This is precisely the best business model for the future, and anyone who can do it needs to have a machine IQ. The success of the support is that she has a very high machine IQ and knows how to turn the machine around to help make her own money.


So the future robotic world is particularly good, especially as the level of artificial intelligence rises and the level of robotics rises.


We've seen more and more robots around us, and I'm sure you've seen robots in hotels, food delivery robots in restaurants, guide robots in malls.


We believe that the future robot is the city's bottom operating system, because with the services of the robot, we are free from our daily heavy work and can focus on what we want to do.


Of course, realizing this bottom operating system will require a great deal of collaboration and technology. It's a big industry, with a special focus on bio-image, and it will require a group of companies to work together to create an industry.


nine, numbers are born to bring revolution to the forward. >/strang >


. Biologically competing barrel theory


When any industry has just been created, it needs a multi-element of N to make it work, and it's a barrel that we're all going to put together. When an industry is new, there's no longboard, and every piece of wood is short, and the point is whether the board can be involved in the first time that it works.


If you get involved, you'll all grow together with the growth of the industry, that is, in the process of working together, each plate will grow and grow and, finally, a big one will grow, and each one will become a long sheet.


Each board is not a pre-existing longboard, but rather a long board that grows over time in a process of collaboration with others, where early participation and long-term in-depth collaboration are truly essential requirements.


2. Cross-carriage from barrel theory


China has always been dominated by the crystal industry, and many experts have argued that it is no longer the case. If you know how the industry works, the question is wrong. Because China was largely absent at the time of the formation of the former CPU-based crystal industry, there was no board in China at the time of the creation of the whole industry.


So, China's strategy is called technical substitution and import substitution. This panel is long, I replace it, I replace it, but the whole barrel is built, and even if you have replaced a lot of panels, they can still find some boards to control you.


For example, mobile phones, computers and other end-products that use crystals, China has tried to replace them, but these narrow panels, such as light cuts, have not replaced them before.


When you can't make a complete replacement for every plate in the lifestyle, there's always a number of factors that can regulate your development. So, how do you get rid of it?


We don’t have to worry too much, because the industry is always moving forward, and the technology that was important before is not so important in the future. In the future, we will enter the age of the system’s crystals competition, which is centred on the anthropological calculations, that is to say, more than one CPU in the system’s crystals, but a bunch of CPUs and a crystals system that specializes in crystals.


In order for China to achieve an advantage in the industrial competition, it will have to look at which industry has turned, because there is no chance of going overboard. When it turns out to be new, the whole industry has its own board in every field, and when it develops, each board will form a long board, and we will no longer be contracted.


The market is a technological and cultural choice for each other .


We need to think about our opportunities and our location with different theories, first to find out what the future industry is, and then to find my place and role in the future industry, which is not exactly technology, but also a great deal of concerted decision-making, a lot of marketing and even customer demand digging.


Microsoft and Intel used to have short alliances because, although the crystals of Intel are growing fast enough, demand is not rising, so it needs to make its software more complex, bringing technology needs up when it is used.


In many cases, the market is not a technical decision, but a technological and cultural choice. So technology has to turn itself into an appliance, as well as a market where people can find it.


Facebook is an important example of rapid success, with Zuckerberg starting out at the age of 19, with a market value of more than 200 billion over eight years. Not to say that Zuckerberg is highly skilled, but Zuckerberg knows that the Internet is called a social networking segment, and he has found a social network that allows us to connect.


The best chance for the future is to find new applications for technology, because every new technology has new applications. The most successful future entrepreneur is not necessarily a technologist, but a better user.


Future psychologists, future sociologists, and future anthropologists are likely to emerge from the technical competition, because they know best how to maximize the technological advantage, which, of course, also requires a little cross-domain, because anthropologists who do not know the technology at all cannot find the greatest technological advantage.


4. Numerical helpers pre-made


Ford's time is the age of hardware, and the time of Microsoft is the time of software, and now it is the time of soft and hard integration. The development of digital technology has not only pushed the progress of software, but also the progress of intelligence, as well as the progress of hardware.


The software has a particularly good development method called rapid rotation, with problems rapidly changing, generation-to-generation excellence in the market, but there is no way that the hardware can do it fast.


Now that there is an updated digital life, the whole product can be fully digitized, and the entire development can be accomplished in a virtual environment that is exactly the same as the real environment, making hardware that could not be repeated in the past fast-tracked.


Not only can the hardware be superior, but the numbers can digitize the entire factory, meaning that the factory's 24-hour-a-day operation and the real situation are exactly the same, that is, the whole production system can be fast-paced.


Investment in a plant used to be a fixed cost, a one-time investment, and it would not be needed in the middle of the year unless the technology of the entire production system needs to be updated. Future investment in a plant is continuous, and the design plant will have to consider its replacement.


10, New Energy Opportunity


Not only Tesla’s performance was good, but Ninder’s performance was good. Not only Tesla’s electric cars needed battery support, but a large number of future robots needed fixed power to solve the problem.


We are entering an ubiquitous age of power, where future energy growth will be in the direction of new energy sources. Eighty-nine percent of new energy sources are solar and wind power, so there will be large-scale solar power plants in the future, power sources or power systems will be heavily constructed, and power systems can provide every kind of fixed, mobile power at any given time.


Let's just think, a very intelligent auto-driving car stops at the parking lot, charging it automatically, just like the current wireless phone. By the time the owner needs the car, the car is already full of electricity and auto-driving where the owner needs it.


11. Global supply chains are changing


With the full spread of the digital system, we've got something called the "God's Corner" that allows us to see the whole business from a broader perspective. All the data can be collected, and we have a much better understanding of the industry and, naturally, a full appreciation.


3D is hot in the previous years, but it's cooled down in the last two years, before it's hot in plastic 3D, used in assistive design, and used in modeling. Now, 3D is reheating, and this wave of heat leads to 3D in metal, which is used directly to make spare parts.


The spare parts, which used to be manufactured in bulk by suppliers, are now produced directly by 3D printing. Not only are they lower costs, but more importantly, spare parts can be provided on demand, without the need for a large storage logistics management system.


12, Biomedical breakthrough


If we used to focus on physical products, there would be a lot of bioproducers in the future, because the biorevolution is also booming, and there are a lot of individualized treatments, such as gene therapy, cell therapy, a lot of planned treatments, and even organisms slowly influencing production, and synthetic biology will become a huge tide after 10 years.


It's thanks to production support, coupled with digital support, that today we get the life we want.


13. All businesses are service businesses.


We mention hardware, software, services, but these are all surface-level things, and what's deeper? It's a more complicated arrangement, which means that the person who makes the product needs to work with the person who does the service, the person who does the service needs to work with the person who knows the client, and even with the person who does the work.

今天必須協作起來,才能提供一個更好的服務,表面上看是你生產產品,我提供服務,但實際上是割裂的,不能提供一個統一的服務,也就是不能達到最佳體驗。只有支持創新的文化才能夠完成這些事情,這就叫Pro innovation,新創新文化。

Today, it is necessary to work together to provide a better service, ostensibly a product of your own, and I provide a service, but in fact it is fragmented, and it does not provide a single service, that is, it does not have the best experience. Only by supporting a new culture can it be done, which is called Pro innovation, a new culture.


What's a new culture?


There are risks to innovation, and how can it be absorbed? By making innovation the cornerstone of its own development, it provides a constant incentive for innovation.


The same holds true for the government, which needs to ensure the stability of society, the ability to provide oversight, and the approval of the listing of any new product. But you will find that an old product is on the market because the rules are in place and the risks are lower when it is approved, while a new product is on the market when it comes to new problems and when it comes to taking risks, so that in many cases the government tends to support something that is not so new.


But the future is new, and technology needs to be creative, how governments treat each other differently, and how they support the creation of new things, which is one of the issues facing the government. For example, the listing of new products in the biomedical field has been the subject of a lot of expert research, and it is no longer the case of old-fashioned products, a success story that the government encourages to create new ones.


A society’s level of achievement depends not on the pace of innovation, but on the depth of the use of advanced technology. China’s achievements today are not because we have invented high iron, but because it has spread it to China, which has brought about an increase in the value of technology to society as a whole.


In the future, support for innovation, especially a complex, creative and collaborative culture, is the key to the long-term development of a region and an economy. With advanced technology and knowledge to create a new culture, services are becoming reality, and new user-oriented industries are emerging.


The modulation of services has made it possible for all businesses to have a process of re-engineering, and every enterprise has to rethink it. Do I turn what I've previously provided into a service?


There's a very stylish word called a product manager, saying that the good or bad of an enterprise depends on the fact that there is no good product manager in the company. The future will be called a service manager, but the service manager could have been a reception worker, the future service manager would have taken over the work of the former product manager, and all the designs would have to be in it, and the services would have to be integrated.


So, the future service is a large service concept, with technology, with services, and with services to continue. An important criterion for from product to service is whether it can create long-term service customers and the ability to interact with customers. /Strong used to sell products on a one-off basis, but later on it is a subscription service.


Services need to be calibrated and individualized, which requires hard, skilled and robotics.


1. Health management


There is also a specific domain in the service adaptation called health management, which is a huge market, because everyone needs this service transformation, and everyone needs more personalized, intelligent health tracking analysis and advice.


Modern medicine is very popular, both from diagnostics and treatments, but it does not reach everyone, that is to say, some companies have skills and some patients have needs, but the two do not get together. This interface requires an interface, which is called health management.


There will be health management companies in the future that do not develop technology themselves, but rather provide technology to more users who need it.


Health management is a great market for the future, because it will replace the health insurance industry. Health insurance is now moved, and I don't know when it's done. If it's already sick, it's not always about money. If it's about health management, it's better to know a person well in advance, to be prepared for it early, to be prepared for it before it happens.


But it's an industry that hasn't appeared yet, but it's in the process of conception.


2. Environmental intelligence


In addition to health, a new industry is emerging, which is intelligent environmental interactions, i.e. intelligent environments and displays of interactive industries.


We are now entering a meta-cosm age, one of the special features of which is to collide more digital information around the physical world, bringing our information to a higher level.


How can this data be felt when it accumulates? There's a way to show it. Because the physical world's walls are not capable of providing digital displays, more and more of the future's walls will be covered by the screen. The screen will show the numbers, and the display will not be limited to the screen.


For example, I went to the mall with my wife, and I couldn't see much more than signs and shop names, but I wanted to know what was in it, and I didn't want to go in there. If I put on a more realistic glasses, I could see the discount information in the shop, and more importantly, it was about me. I saw the same thing in the physical world that I saw in my wife, but what I saw in my more realistic glasses was definitely different from what my wife saw, because our interests might differ.


This is the ideal state of the future, so one day we'll find the physical world that we're not used to seeing naked eyes. We'll get used to seeing the physical world that has to be covered with information layers.


In the future, any layer of physics will add a layer of information, which is the real intelligent world.


We introduced 12 scenes, which were made possible by the support of 10 technology-based industries that made the scene possible and made our lives better.


This is also the most important message we want to convey to you today, that technology makes life better for everyone, and that we need to embrace technology and embrace the future.


That's all we've got for you at the outpost conference. I'll see you next year.


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