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& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; virtual currency is once again slowly floating in front of mapcard. While the hottest Ethers are still falling, the number of mine machines and computing difficulties are increasing every day, and the enthusiasm for mining across the country is hard to stop, after all, when electricity costs are only one in a few, regardless of the difficulty of counting.

结果出乎意料 A/N多卡挖矿实力对比横评


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; currently stats are made mainly by card cards, without the presence of a professional mine like bitcoin. This is particularly important now that, while the card is almost all-line free, many miners and scatterers are more aware of the cost and output.

算力暴涨 究竟哪张卡挖矿算力最高?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; I tried today to collect the types of cards on the market for mining, to test them for arithmetic for each card, including some of the ultra-frequency data often discussed by miners, to test them for different stages of ultra-frequency. The Ether currency has certain entry requirements for the cards, requiring more than 2 GB for storage, excluding 2 GB, so there will be no less than 2 GB visible cards for this test.



    在正常价格的情况下,A卡对于以太币的挖掘是十分具有优势的,所以A卡先于N卡断货一段时间。但是后来当A卡在普通渠道、电商渠道逐渐缺货之后,N卡也开始逐渐被疯抢了,先是GTX 1060,然后是GTX 1070、1080、1080Ti、1050Ti也跟着遭殃了,笔者能收集起现在这些显卡也是不容易了,可能有些比较老的显卡真的是问不到,但主流的显卡还是有的,大家也能看个明白了。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; AC cards are very good for Ether digging under normal prices, so ACs are ahead of NCs for a period of time. But when ACs are running out of supplies through ordinary channels and electricity suppliers, NCs are starting to go crazy, starting with GTX  1060, followed by GTX  1070, 1080, 1080 Ti and 1050 Ti are also suffering, and it is not easy for me to collect these now . Some of the older cards are really unquestionable, but the mainstream cards are still visible and can be seen.

算力暴涨 究竟哪张卡挖矿算力最高?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the graphics above are all popular models and brands on the market and are also popular among miners. we have selected ETH mining software for the Starfire pond, version V2.71, and as long as and file a wallet address, the software will normally identify the visible cards and start.

算力暴涨 究竟哪张卡挖矿算力最高?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; this test is a single-card test, which, since it is difficult to find as long as the card is visible now, can only be done, and we do not have the best working conditions of the Cadox, so we can only test it with the resources available. This test collects only one type of data, that is, the amount of money.



& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; A card we use AMD

算力暴涨 究竟哪张卡挖矿算力最高?

    N卡方面我们使用MSI Afterburner(微星小飞机)来进行超频,图形化界面非常好操作,对于显卡核心的主频我们依然是拉倒最低,为-200MHz(基础频率的-200),显存频率分别提升600/700两种超频频率,进行分别记录。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Ncards we use MSI  Aterburner (microstar small aircraft) for ultra-frequency (UHF) and the graphical interface is very operational. For the core of the card, we are still the lowest, with -200 MHz (base frequency - 200), the UHF is increased by 600,700 and recorded separately.

算力暴涨 究竟哪张卡挖矿算力最高?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; in this A/N card displays a different range than the one between the two. Instead, is defined by a miner's general belief in the stable operation of a certain card. The most obvious point we can find through a series of tests is that the high end card does not have as much value to dig as we would have expected, and although it ultimately produces a higher value than it would have been in terms of value to dig.


    在正常价格的情况下,的确是RX 470更加具有性价比,而贵出RX 470好几倍的GTX 1080 Ti算力连一倍都不到,很明显是不划算的,不过高端N卡很有可能被ZEC(需要高主频核心显卡)矿工抢去了,不一定是ETH矿工。所以如果还认为是以太币导致显卡大规模脱销的,还是不要把锅都给一种币吧。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; it is indeed RX & nbsp under normal prices; 470 are more value-for-money than RX & nbsp; 470 times more GTX & nbsp; 1080 & nbsp; Ti is not even twice as strong; it is clearly uneconomical, and it is very likely that NCs will be stolen by ZEC (needing flashcard miners. So if too much money is also considered to lead to large-scale write-off, it would be very likely not to give the pots to one currency.

算力暴涨 究竟哪张卡挖矿算力最高?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; let's look first at NC's arithmetic, with NC's three variants of URF, UHF 600 and UHF 700 (not too much), so that the potential calculus of measurement is not what some miners want, and while excessive UX can bring significant short-term gains, the damage to the KC's is permanent, so moderate UX is the key to balancing the balance of payments.

算力暴涨 究竟哪张卡挖矿算力最高?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; it is clear from the position of the card that the calculus changes as prices are essentially positive. The most commonly used 1063 is actually a little less than 1066, but the difference is not big, but as the ability to calculate becomes more difficult, the great advantage will become apparent.

算力暴涨 究竟哪张卡挖矿算力最高?

    A卡如果是以前价格的话,拥有这种算力无疑是非常舒服的,可惜现在已经不可能找到正常价格的显卡了。由于一些原因,很遗憾不能添加RX 480和RX 570,毕竟能够凑齐市面上大部分显卡芯片已经实属不易了。RX 470在这次算力测试中果然没有让人失望,成绩非常接近RX 580,差距不到10%,但是官方售价却差了接近一千元。怪不得是第一款被抢光的显卡呢,但是在超频之后,并不知道由于什么原因,算力没有太高的提升,因为影响当前算力的原因非常多,并不可能一一排查到。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; A card would have been very comfortable if it had been the previous price, but unfortunately it is no longer possible to find a good card for the normal price. Unfortunately, RX  480 and RX  could not be added for a number of reasons; 570, after which most of the card chips on the market would have been difficult. RX  470 did not have any disappointment in the calculation test, very close to RX  580, less than 10 per cent, fell short of a thousand dollars for official sales. No wonder it was the first one, but after the excess frequency, it was not known for what reason, the calculus did not rise too high, because there were so many reasons that it was not possible to find a row.

结果出乎意料 A/N多卡挖矿实力对比横评 RX 470才是王道

    其实如果现在入场的话,RX 560 4G或许是个不错的算力卡,不过经过这么长时间的发展,显卡挖矿的日子应该会很快结束吧,毕竟专业挖矿的芯片(非显卡类)有可能提升几十上百倍的算力,具体情况可以参考比特币当年的矿机发展。现在虚拟货币矿机正处于一个非常关键的过渡期,如果你不是在1000元以内时候入场的大佬,现在入场的前途将会是具有相当风险的,而且显卡的价格非常不正常,所以辣条奉劝各位一句,玩币有风险,入场需谨慎。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; in fact, RX  560  4G may be a good calculus card if you are in now, but after such a long period of development, the date of mine digging should be over soon, after all that the professional mine chip (non-card type) has the potential to increase hundreds of times its value, as can be seen from the development of the mine machine in Bitcoin at the time. The virtual money miner is now in a very critical transition period, and if you are not the big man who will be in the field in less than $1,000, the future of entry would be quite risky and the price of the card would be very abnormal.


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