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V神(Vitalik Buterin),区块链名人—以太坊(Eth)创始人

V (Vitalik Buterin), Celebrity of Blocks - Founder of Eth


As at February 2018


Ether is the second-highest-market encrypted currency, also known as the “second-generation block chain platform”, after Bitcoin.


At last year’s supermarket, the price of Etherton was soaring, with the original price of less than $10 rising more than 100 times, with a market value of 32% of the total value of the market, when Bitcoin’s nostalgia represented 39% of the total value of the market. And, to some extent, last year’s crypto-money market, Big Bull, was led by Taiphs.

以太坊(Ethereum):是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台。通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether,又称“以太币”)提供去中心化的虚拟机(称为“以太虚拟机”Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。

Etheeum: is an open-source public block chain platform with smart contracts. A decentralised virtual machine (known as the Ether Virtual Machine) is available to handle point-to-point contracts through its exclusive encryption currency in Teen Currency (Ether, also known as the Ether Virtual Machine).



One, or Frontier.


Homestead (Homeland)


Three, Metropolis.


In the first three phases, the Workload Certification Mechanism (POW) was introduced in the Taipan Consensus algorithm, and in the fourth phase, the Proprietary Mechanism (POS) was replaced.


with the development history and major events of Taiga


2013年年末,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin发布了以太坊初版白皮书,在全球的密码学货币社区陆续召集到一批认可以太坊理念的开发者,启动了项目。

In late 2013, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Etheria, released an initial version of the White Paper in Etheria, bringing together a group of developers from the global cryptography monetary community who recognized the Ethermian concept to launch the project.


In the period from December 2013 to January 2014, the focus of Ether's work was on how to activate the vision set out in Vitalik's White Paper. The team concluded that it was a good idea to pre-sell Genesis, and after a long, multi-layered discussion, the team decided to postpone the sale of Ether, originally scheduled for February 2014, in order to create an appropriate infrastructure and legal strategy.



The month of February 2014 was a very important month for Etheria, where all aspects of community growth, code writing, wiki content writing, business infrastructure, and legal strategy are moving fast. This month, Vitalik announced the Ether project for the first time at the Miami Bitcoin conference and organized the first “Ask us anything” event at Reddit, where the core development team became a world-class cryptography currency team.


In March 2014, the third version of the testing network (POC3) was released and will eventually be moved to the canton of Chug, Switzerland, from Taipan headquarters.

2014年4月,Gavin Wood发布了以太坊黄皮书,这是以太坊的技术圣经,将以太坊虚拟机(EVM)等重要技术规格化。

In April 2014, Gavin Wood published the Etherwood Yellow Book, the technical Bible of Ether, which will be customized with important technical specifications, such as the e-Team Virtual Machine (EVM).


In June 2014, the team released POC4 and moved quickly to POC5.


In July 2014, the team created the Swiss Etherm Foundation, launched POC5, which began in 24 years, and organized a second “Ask us for anything” at Reddit. On July 24, the Etherm started a 42-day pre-sale in Ether, raising a total of 31,531 bitcoins, the second-largest crowd project at the price of the then bitcoin, which amounted to $18.43 million.


Two weeks before the sale, a bitcoin can buy 2,000 Ethers, a bitcoin can buy less with time, and in the last week, a bitcoin can buy 1,337 Ethers. The final amount sold is 60,102,216.


The autumn of 2014 was a harvest season for the Taikus, and much progress had been made in both code and operation.


On 5 October 2014, POC6 was released. One of the highlights is the speed of the block chain. Block time was reduced from 60 to 12 seconds and new GEOST-based agreements were used.

2014年11月,以太坊在柏林举办了第一次小型开发者会议(DEVCON 0)。

In November 2014, Etheria organized the first Small Developers Conference (DEVCON 0) in Berlin.



In January 2015, the team released POC7.


In February 2015, the team released POC8.


In March 2015, the team issued a series of statements on the creation block, while POC9 is under intense development.


In May 2015, the team released its last test network (POC9), code-named Olympic. In order to better test the network, members of the testing network will receive an NT reward from the team during the Olympic phase.


In July 2015, the official Etherm Network was launched, which also standardizes the formal operation of the Etherm block chain.

2015年11月9日到13日,以太坊在伦敦举行了为期五天的开发者大会(DEVCON 1),吸引了全世界三百多名开发者参加。

A five-day Developer Conference (DEVCON 1) was held in London from 9 to 13 November 2015, bringing together more than 300 developers from around the world.


On March 14th, 2016, the Homestead phase was launched in Ether. At this stage, Ether provides a graphically interfaced wallet, the ease of use is greatly improved, Ether is no longer the exclusive domain of the developers, and ordinary users can easily experience and use Ether.

2016年9月,第三次开着大会(DEVCON 2)在上海举行。

In September 2016, the third General Conference (DEVCON 2) was held in Shanghai.


2017年3月1日, 企业以太坊联盟(Enterprise Ethereum Alliance,EEA)宣布成立,其称旨在创建一个企业级区块链解决方案,共同开发产业标准。

On March 1, 2017, the Enterprise Etherprise Etheeum Alliance (EEA) was inaugurated to develop industrial standards through the creation of an enterprise-level block chain solution.


On 19 July 2017, at about 12:30 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time, hackers overtook the bugs in the Partity Wallet 1.5 or higher, launched an attack and stole a total of more than 150,000 NTs from three multiple-signature contracts, resulting in a loss of about $30 million at the market value at that time.


On 6 November 2017, the multi-signature purse created after July 20 was completely paralysed by an accidental code gap triggered by the developers and users' “fault operations”, resulting in the freezing and locking to death of over $93,000 worth of over $154 million in tamas, which has not yet been recovered.


2018年9月,比特币核心开发者Jeremy Rubin在美国科技媒体TechCrunch上发表文章《ETH的崩溃无法避免》,称就算以太坊网络继续存续,ETH的价值也会必然归零。以太坊创始人Vitalik在回应中承认了问题的存在:“如果以太坊不改变,Jeremy Rubin的言论可能是对的”。此番言论造成ETH的价钱一度下挫。同时,许多以太坊的项目开始转移到EOS﹑波场等的其他公链上,有人担心以太坊将被取代。在ETH的价格影响下,以太坊的全网算力开始收缩,按etherscan.io的算力统计显示,9月到11月以太坊全网算力下跌了20%,从近300TH/s收缩至240TH/s。

In September 2018, Jeremy Rubin, a central developer of Bitcoin, published an article on TechCrunch in the US technology media, ETH’s collapse could not be avoided, stating that the value of ETH would be zero even if it continued to exist. In response, the founder of Etheria Vitalik acknowledged the problem: “If it doesn’t change, Jeremy Rubin’s words may be right.” This speech frustrated the price of ETH. At the same time, many of its projects began to move to other public chains such as EOS, the waves, and so on, fearing that it would be replaced. Under the influence of ETH’s prices, the ETH’s entire network began to shrink, according to alternativescan.io’s calculations, fell by 20 per cent from September to November, from nearly 300 TH/s to 240 TH/s.

2018年12月10日,Vitalik在推特上宣称,未来采用基于权益证明 (PoS) 的分片技术的区块链“效率将提高数千倍”。

On 10 December 2018, Vitalik tweeted that the chain of blocks “will increase thousands of times more efficiently” in the future with the introduction of the PoS-based technology.



In 2019, the ETA project launched the Constantinople hard fork, a code that stimulates the ETA network to change its core consensus system algorithms, which, when activated, will face the so-called “ice age” and the difficulty of creating new blocks on the network will increase and eventually slow down to a complete halt. After this hard fork upgrade, the state of the ETA block chain will be “permanent” changed.


hard fork


Since the original version, the Etherm network has made several hard forks. The first fork has adjusted the difficulty of future mining to ensure that future users have the incentive to switch to proof of interest. The fifth fork is currently being developed.


Second fork: Home


A second break took place in the spring of 2016, with the first stable version known as Homestead.


Third fork: DAO and block chain fork

2016年六月,以太坊上的一个去中心化自治组织 The DAO 被骇,造成市值五千万美元的以太币被移动到只有该黑客可以控制的“分身DAO”。因为程序不允许黑客立即提取这些以太币,以太坊用户有时间讨论如何处理此事,考虑的方案包括取回以太币和关闭DAO,而DAO去中心化的本质也表示没有中央权力可以立即反应,而需要用户的共识。最后在2016年7月20日,以太坊进行硬分叉,作出一个向后不兼容的改变,让所有的以太币(包括被移动的)回归原处,而不接受此改变的区块链则成为古典以太坊(Ethereum Classic)。这是第一次有主流区块链为了补偿投资人,而透过分叉来更动交易记录。

In June 2016, the DAO, a decentralised self-governing organization in the Taiwan, was horrified, resulting in the move of the $50 million Ether into a “subdirectional DAO” that only the hacker could control. Since the program does not allow hackers to immediately extract the Ethercopics, the users of the Etheraya have time to discuss how to deal with the matter, considering options such as taking the Ethercopics back and closing the DAO, and the centralization of the DAO also means that there is no central authority to react immediately, but requires consensus among users.


This split-off created the possibility of renewed attacks between the two block chains, coupled with other cyberattacks, allowing the Ether and the classical to avoid attacks several times in each case.


Fourth fork: weight reduction and DDoS protection

2016年11月底进行了第四次的分叉。这次分叉为区块链减重(de-bloat),并加入一些避免网络攻击的设计。因为沟通疏失,这次分叉短暂造成以太坊的两个主要客户端程序 Parity 和 Geth 失去共识而产生意外的分叉,但问题在数小时内即被找出并修正。

The fourth fork took place at the end of November 2016. This fork was a de-bloat and included a number of designs to avoid cyberattacks. This fork briefly caused two major Ether client programs, Parity and Geth, to lose consensus, but problems were identified and corrected within hours.


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