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Anxieties, which are the basic emotions that humans have created in order to adapt to their living environment. Most people have anxiety about areas they don't know about, such as performance, futures, marriage, and so on. However, from the second half of last year, there is one thing that makes some people feel that the more they understand, the more anxiety, or even panic, occurs.


It's a block chain.


& ldquo; the chain of blocks and the digital currency were in my eyes investment items, but with more and more information and data in hand, I felt that it was becoming less and less reliable & rdquao;


The founder of the investment agency, Liu Jiao, told me that last year his company had intended to be involved in block chain operations, and that some of its financial investors had come to consult with Bitcoin and Letco’s protagonists. But after analysing the domestic block chain industry in its entirety, he firmly stopped the operation, “ and that, to say the truth, it was a trick to cut vegetables, and that it was not impeccable.

正如最近True Link Financial的创始人斯廷奇库姆在一篇题为《区块链是一项垃圾技术》的文章中所言:区块链不仅是垃圾的技术,还是糟糕的未来愿景。迄今为止区块链未能实现广泛应用,原因就是建立在信任、规范和传统制度上的系统只要运作起来,天生就要胜过区块链设想的那种不需要可信任方的系统。

As True Link Financial’s founder, Stinchikum, recently said in an article entitled “The Block Chain is a Waste Technology”: The Block Chain is not just a junk technology; it is a bad vision for the future. So far, the Block Chain has not been widely applied, because systems based on trust, norms, and traditional systems, when functioning, are born to outperform systems that do not need trust.


However, this voice still does not conceal the impulses and anxiety of a large number of block chain operators.


A large number of investors, speculators, entrepreneurs are getting anxious as the chain of blocks rises out of the water. So, what causes & ldquo; chain anxiety & rdquo; and what kind of anxiety is there for practitioners in different situations?


& & ldquo; now that some of the currency circles' friends are sitting together, they rarely talk about ” as a senior & & & ldquo; old cuisine & & rdquao; and Joo's a bit of remorse for getting involved in currency circles. He said that six months ago, currency circles were meeting with friends at a café, and that one of the digital currencies that had an investment value. And now, people come together every once in a while, they can only talk to each other about the focus of recent intense discussions in currency circles in order to ease their anxiety.


& & ldquo; from over $10,000, who can be treated as usual when he falls around 7,000 (US$) now? & & & rdquo; Joo told to understand notes and that since February, he has been coming home late every day to reduce the chances of having dinner with his family, especially his wife, in fear of being asked about the growth and fall of Bitcoin.


In his eyes, the stock market, like an old-fashioned old man, is hard to dig out new investment values; while the chain of blocks is like a vibrant young man with unknown and curious prospects. But a wife, also a financial professional, does not believe, or even strongly opposes, his impulsive approach.


& & ldquo; at first I felt that women had short-sightedness and could not see the future value of digital money. & & & rdquo; so he did not listen to his wife’s advice, but rather the portion of the money he would withdraw from the stock market & & & & rdquo; plus the money he had mortgaged from the car and bought nearly $200,000 in bitcoins through the agency trading platform.


& & ldquo; then I felt that my decision was entirely right, but she (wife) thought there was a bubble and a big risk, so I took it. & & rdquo; the old man who had slashed his eyes in the ring, how easily did he stop. With the strong encouragement of his friends in the ring, he borrowed money from some of his friends and friends, and continued to chase up $100,000 in bitcoins.


It is not surprising that, after spring, digital currency prices, such as Bitcoin, began to fall sharply, and even broke at the end of March, with $7,000. At first, the monetary circle’s friends were always urging each other, convinced that the digital currency was going to warm again, but the price was again and again & & ldquao; falling & & rdquao; and psychological defense.


& & & ldquo; & & & rsquo; but even worse, I also carry the foreign debt. & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & & & & & ;


For some investors who are still immersed in currency circles, the fall and fall in digital currency prices in the last two months has certainly left them restless. Especially those who have been & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; several times, still struggling & & & & & & & & ; & & & ; & & & ; & & & & & & ; ; and that if you sell the coins held in your hands, it means that there is no blood.

这就左右为难了, 一方面担心跌价,另一方面担心没有新“韭菜”来接盘。

And that's hard, on the one hand, to worry about falling prices and, on the other, not having a new & & & & & & rdquao; to pick up the dishes.


However, in addition to the cut & ldquo; the pickles & rdquao; the pains of the cut & ldquao; the pickles & rdquao; part of the & ldquao; the coins & rdquao; and the institutions, new worries are emerging.


& ldquo; the rhythm is too slow, the rhythm is too slow! What do you do?


Almost every week after the spring festival, Leung Hae-pyung yells at his staff. The block chain that he created, nearly a year ago, is also preparing to issue his own money & & ldquo; PBC & rdquo; but in terms of the promotion of private subscriptions, the progress is far from satisfactory.


& & ldquo; and the slow pace of technology has also led to our own digital currency and the circulation of bitcoin and the lack of platform transactions between Etheria. & & & rdquo; he told me that he understood the notes and that there were not many digital currencies issued by domestic block-chain companies but that he had no circulation value. These so-called & ldquo; mountain coins & rdquo; if he is to be of value, he must first be able to exchange free transactions on the platform with bitcoin, Letco, and digital currencies more widely accepted by investment agencies at this stage. & & & & ldquao; if he fails to do so, the number of coins issued by (enterprises) has little meaning. & & & & rdquao;


Seagulls say that he should be a part of the country’s earlier chain of blocks. So, at the bottom of the technology, he has always sought stability. In his eyes, the derivatives of the chain of blocks, whether in the form of coins, submissives or in the form of blocks, cannot be separated from a solid technical chassis, and his demands on team developers have been refined.


& & ldquo; after the Spring Festival, many of the company’s employees felt that Liang was crazy and that he was dying every day. & & & rdquo; while it was always thought that products had to be hard to roll the market, on the first day of work after the Festival, he asked his colleagues from the Department of Operations and Extension to speed up the pace of moving the PBC to the market, and even if there were many imperfect places, the technical team would follow it up. & ldquao; because I realized I couldn’t wait, it would be over & rdquao; he said.


Instead, starting in January of this year, a small number of peer agencies began harvesting & & & & & & rdquao; and running back. But he hasn’t even found & & & & & ; & & & & & ; yet he has not found. Aware of the amount of time spent on technology, product systems, he quickly changed his strategy, hoping to get through & & & & & & ; in the form of trying to catch the final end of the dividend.


& & ldquo; think of the run-off of cutts, the panic of some of the scattered households, and the future market will become more difficult. & & & rdquo; he told me that the first institutions to get the notes, the first to get the cut out, did cause a lot of trouble for the industry. Besides him, there are a number of firms that have already paid their bills and have done their own private bidding, and they're worried about getting away with it before the agency, when the house is full of panic, &ldquao; but at least they're making some money, and I've invested a lot, but I haven't even opened a meeting. & & rdquao;


In addition to the numerous policies that have been put in place at the ministerial level to suppress transactions that encrypt digital money, he is now more concerned that the cost of the previous period has not been recovered, that the currency chain is yellow and that & & & & & rdquo; and, worse still, that the most recent (digital) checks have been carried out, and that I and several of my colleagues are trying to close down the platform in order to avoid some of the risks.


From the perspective of the diaspora, these institutions cut & ldquo; cabbage & rdquo; act & & & & & & rdquo; but, as a product of the wind, some of the money-distributors have become winners at the top of the pyramids. The institutions that take over this sector are the perfect receivers & & ldquo; exit & rdquao; and then, the homeless will feel deluded and lose trust.


& ldquo; I'm worried I'm going to be cannon ash in the block chain area. & rdquao;


Six months ago, Gary resigned from a listed company and joined several friends in creating a block chain company as an entrepreneur. He told him that his project, mainly through block chain technology, was to transform the enterprise’s existing OA system.


& & ldquo; in this building there were only two starters of block chains, one of which was us, and the other for digital currency. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; and six months later, he found that there were many more firms in the building with block chains, all of which were in the area of block chains & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & ; & & & ; ; & & & & & & ; & & & ; ;


Gary was a little scared. He told me that he understood the notes, and that he had never seen such a crazy entrepreneurship scene in 2014, when Internet entrepreneurship was the best.


& & ldquo; even the creation of strung-up projects such as tangles of towels, pillows, pens and so on. & & rdquo; in his view, these treacherous block lines are probably just for financing purposes, plagiarizing capital agency money, but he has to worry that his own solid block chain application will be inundated by a large and varied number of block chain projects, & & ldquao; technology is innocent, but technology does not stand up to these entrepreneurs and the chain stinks. & & rdquao;


Gary, who feels so helpless, can only try to perfect his projects and then speed up the pace of financing in the hope that he will be able to take advantage of these fancy projects & & & & & & & & & & & & & prior to investing, and get the development capital needed by the enterprise. He therefore runs into several investment agencies every day, trying to talk to eight investment managers for up to one day.


& & ldquo; tired, but not afraid to stop because competition is already intense. & & rdquo; he told me that, as the number of block chains has increased, some capital agencies have been told that they are doing block chains and have shown a chilling attitude. More investment managers have told Gary that they are numb every day because they receive multiple business models full of hard chain projects. Many projects with technology content, application value can also be routinely filtered off even & ldquao; miskilled & & rdquao;


& & ldquo; this is unfair & & rdquo; as Gary said, for a really technologically active block-linking enterprise. Today, his spirit is in a state of tension, sometimes feeling guilty of sleeping for more than five hours. Any day when he has no capital to communicate with him, he becomes very anxious. And when he sees news of a sector of chain projects being financed on the Internet, he is even determined to shut down the browser, & & ldquao; someone thinks I'm too extreme, but when the project is invested, he's really afraid of losing.


In the Internet, there is never a shortage of & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, and even & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &


However, in the field of & & & ldquao; & & rdquao; in the area of the chain of blocks, let's think about what kind of data, resources, and behaviour that sustains this kind of investment and investment, is rational or obscurant?


Forty-two kilograms of a profit business will not become universal with the birth of a block chain. Once everywhere, & ldquao; gold & & rdquao; and long ago, it was emptied by the pioneers. The rest now, perhaps, is just a chicken hair.


As Gary said, technology is not wrong. But it's obviously wrong to think of something new, full of speculation. If we don't understand it, there will be more and more anxious people in the area of the block chain.


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