BitVM 概述:将有效性证明引入比特币

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BitVM 是比特币生态系统中最新的热门协议,有潜力使每个在比特币上构建的项目受益。让我们谈谈 BitVM 的设计以及它为比特币开启的新可能。


“ 比特币第二季[3] ”正在进行中,开发人员和用户都对在比特币上构建项目以及为解决在比特币上构建永恒挑战带来新用例和新方法感到兴奋。

比特币不具备可扩展性。由于区块空间有限,交易费用可能会在网络拥堵时大幅波动。每秒仅处理 7 笔交易,每个区块仅包含约 1MB 的数据,如果要让数十亿用户使用比特币,仅靠比特币是不够的。你需要扩展解决方案[4]

在比特币 L2s[5](Layer2 区块链)方面已经做了大量工作,以提高比特币的可扩展性和引入新功能。如今有数十个在比特币上构建的项目[6] ,其中最有前景的研究和创新领域之一是比特币 Rollups[7]。在高层次上,比特币 Rollups 使交易可以在链下发生,然后“卷起”成单个状态更改提交到区块链,同时有一个密码学证明系统,以便参与者可以验证提交的状态更改是否准确。

然而,将这种证明系统引入比特币存在挑战,这就是 BitVM 的作用所在。

什么是 BitVM?

BitVM[8]是一种协议/规则集,可以实现在比特币上进行欺诈证明,开发人员可以立即使用该协议,实现在比特币上的各种用例,包括比特币 Rollups、最小信任桥等。BitVM 的核心设计将计算移到链下,并在比特币区块链上实现了欺诈证明机制。

BitVM 可以在比特币上实现欺诈证明。

BitVM 白皮书于 2023 年 10 月由 Robin Linus 发布(值得注意的是,Robin 是 ZeroSync[9] 团队的一员,该项目致力于为比特币开发零知识证明系统),开发人员在过去几个月开始对该协议进行实验,并且越来越感兴趣。

你可以将 BitVM 视为参与者事先同意遵循的分布式协议/规则集,而不是由软件实现的实际虚拟机(例如以太坊虚拟机)。类似于比特币 Ordinals[10] 的工作方式,这里存在社会共识的组成部分,参与者选择加入规则,并且这些规则在协议层面上并未完全执行。

BitVM 如此令人兴奋的原因在于它为验证比特币上的任意电路提供了挑战-响应协议——你可以在链下提出声明(例如,此证明有效),并使用比特币 L1 来验证。其中“在比特币上”是关键的,因为在比特币上构建非常困难,如果实施,BitVM 协议可以用于构建乐观 Rollups、双向 BTC 锚定等,这些可以使其他在比特币上构建的项目受益。

BitVM 解决了什么问题?

任何在比特币上构建的项目都知道与链交互有多么困难(在 Hiro,我们亲身体会到了这种痛苦)。在比特币上构建的挑战之一是,比特币没有处理复杂计算的能力。


It is the latest hot protocol in the bitcoin ecosystem that has the potential to benefit every project built on bitcoin. Let's talk about the design and the new possibilities it opens for bitcoin. The second season of bitcoin is underway. Developers and users are all excited about building projects on bitcoin and bringing new use cases and methods to solve the eternal challenge of building bitcoin. Bitcoin is not scalable, and transaction costs may be on the network due to limited block space. It fluctuates greatly during congestion, and only one transaction is processed per second. Each block contains only about data. If you want to let billions of users use Bitcoin, it is not enough to rely on Bitcoin alone. You need to expand the solution. A lot of work has been done in the bitcoin blockchain to improve the scalability of Bitcoin and introduce new functions. Nowadays, there are dozens of projects built on Bitcoin. One of the most promising research and innovation fields is Bitcoin. At a high level, Bitcoin enables transactions to take place under the chain and then roll up. A single state change is submitted to the blockchain, and at the same time, there is a cryptographic proof system so that participants can verify whether the submitted state change is accurate. However, it is a challenge to introduce this proof system into Bitcoin. This is where it comes in. What is a protocol rule set that can be used to prove fraud on Bitcoin? Developers can immediately use this protocol to realize various use cases on Bitcoin, including the core design of the minimum trust bridge of Bitcoin, and move the calculation under the chain and in the bitcoin block. The fraud proof mechanism has been realized in the chain, which can be realized on Bitcoin. The white paper on fraud proof was released in October. It is worth noting that it is a member of the team. The project is dedicated to developing a zero-knowledge proof system for Bitcoin. Developers have been experimenting with the protocol in the past few months and are becoming more and more interested. You can regard it as a distributed protocol rule set that participants agree to follow in advance, rather than an actual virtual machine realized by software, such as Ethereum virtual machine, which works like Bitcoin. There is a social consensus that participants choose to join the rules, and these rules are not fully implemented at the protocol level. The reason why it is so exciting is that it provides a challenge response protocol for verifying any circuit on Bitcoin. You can make a statement under the chain, for example, this proves effective and use Bitcoin to verify it, because it is very difficult to build on Bitcoin. If the implementation protocol can be used to build optimistic two-way anchors, these can make others in Bitcoin. Any project built on bitcoin knows how difficult it is to interact with the chain. We have experienced this pain first hand. One of the challenges of building on bitcoin is that bitcoin does not have the ability to handle complex calculations. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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