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原标题| Web 3.0漫游指南

Original title: Web 3.0 Wandering Guide


In this paper, we will study Web3.0 because it is related to the sharing of distributed (P2P) documents. Decentralization is relatively new and still at the development stage. The same term may mean different groups, so I will first outline some general concepts and definitions so that we can agree on semantics.

Web 2.0是Internet的最新版本—它是当今大多数基于Web的应用程序和服务使用的框架,也是大多数用户认为的“Internet”或“network”。

Web 2.0 is the latest version of the Internet - it is the framework for most Web-based applications and services today, and it is what most users consider “Internet” or “network”.

web2.0这个术语是由Tim O’Reilly在网络时代创造的。它粗略地定义了web1.0在移动、社交和云计算领域的创新。这个想法更为微妙,但可以概括为两个主要概念——“服务,而不是打包软件”和“高于单个设备级别的软件”。

The term web 2.0 was created by Tim O'Reilly in the network age. It broadly defines the innovation of web1.0 in mobile, social and cloud computing. The idea is more subtle, but it can be summarized as two main concepts: “services, not packaged software” and “software above the individual equipment level”.


Although web 2.0 still has a high value for innovation, especially in enterprises, there are some successful projects emerging from the potential next Internet example (today known as web3.0). It is still in its early stages, but many believe that it is the next evolution of the Internet and that it will serve as a framework for defining the next software era.


Like Web 2.0, the definition of Web3.0 is delicate (which is still being developed, and different people usually have different definitions). In this paper, I will simply define web3.0 as a transition to decentralised networks that rely on peer networks, rather than a client-server network that relies on centralized infrastructure. We will discuss in greater depth the details of the P2P network, but let us first discuss why it is valuable to go down to centralization.



Decentralized networks usually have better performance. Let's look at a file-sharing case. Usera wants to send a video file to user B. In a centralized client-server network, the user's video file is uploaded and downloaded to the server, and user B then downloads the file (and then the server uploads it).


Performance is limited by user a's upload speed, user B's download speed, server's upload download speed and distance. In a pure point-to-point system, the file is transmitted directly from one point to another. It is limited only by user a's upload speed, user B's download speed and distance between users.


Thus, if the distance between the user and the server is close and the server has a higher upload/download capacity than user a and user B, the performance may be comparable to that of the P2P network.


However, as the distance between user and server increases and/or server performance decreases (e.g. due to high demand), the client-server network will have less performance than the P2P network.


Decentralized networks are anti-fragile -- stronger as additional “pressures” increase. Network performance and usability will actually increase as more users (requirers) join the network. In web 2.0 social applications, this is reflected in “network effects”: the value of networks/products increases with the size of the network.


Unfortunately, this is not the case for bottom infrastructure. As applications based on the client machine-server model become more popular, application providers must increase server capacity/centre computing to maintain performance and usability.



Decentralized networks do not need to be trusted - the participants do not need to understand or trust each other, nor do they need to trust third parties in the system. Because of the client-server relationship, the web 2.0 application relies on a centralised server/service, which means that users must trust the central body (the person or entity that owns/operates the server) internally.


This central authority has the power to unilaterally determine rules. In practice, this usually manifests itself as a conflict over ownership of data. For example, the popular storage and file-sharing service Dropbox uses client-server mode: users upload data to central servers owned and operated by Dropbox and download data from these servers.


As a result, all data are transmitted through Dropbox, and Dropbox has the technical capacity to read and copy the data. So the only thing that protects Dropbox data is that they believe that Dropbox will comply with (rather than change) the user protocol. In the decentralised P2P network, there is no central authority. The user is the owner and operator of the data, and trust lies in the software itself (not the operator).


Decentralized networks are safer. Its name is " point-to-point ". The data is uploaded directly from one peer, downloaded from another peer, without the need for an intermediary (central server).


This means that there is no central authority or custodian of your data (unless you choose to do so). In addition, when you have a central authority, there is a higher motivation for the attack, because the data/values are combined (i.e., the attackers gain a lot of value from a success).


Instead, when the data/values are highly distributed, the attacker must try more successfully to obtain values of the same size. Decentralization reduces the motive/reward of the attacker.



To some extent, you are right, but there are some fundamental differences between the P2P service in web 2.0 and the P2P service that we are building today on web3. For example, BitTorrent, which was first released in 2001, has three main problems (which can now be solved): it is not completely decentralized, there is no incentive model, and the code is not available or unextensible.


BitTorrent (and other similar services) has not been decentralized in two important ways: it uses a centralised server to track peer and store content metadata. Although point-to-point connections (i.e., by increasing the number of “seeders”) have been established, their exemplarization requires a special server called a tracker, which facilitates communication between nodes.


The tracker also tracks the location of a copy of the file on the peer, which is available when requested by the client, and helps to coordinate the efficient transmission and reassembly of the copy. The use of the tracker increases the cost to the service provider and limits the privacy/security of the user.



BitTorrent will provide download priorities for seed users (a higher priority will be given to those who upload more quickly). There is, however, no real incentive to sow or store files. BitTorrent is vulnerable without incentive, as it depends on the availability of seeds and documents.


BitTorrent (and similar services) has a well-developed software availability problem, which makes it difficult to take advantage of previous work. Some examples include the lack of good documentation (or none), restrictive licensing (or lack of permission), difficulty of contact points, closed source (or no longer existing) codes, non-open and friendly API realization, and the close integration of these projects with specific cases.


In the end, this means that services are severely limited in their ability to adapt to and change user demand. In many cases, this makes it impossible to deal with new cases. In particular, BitTorrent has made some improvements (which, compared to the past, rely less on trackers), but it is basically the same service as it was 20 years ago.


Today, you can build a completely decentralised P2P application. The protocol lab has developed libp2p (for decentralised transmission) and IPFs (for decentralized storage) as leaders in this area.


Specifically, the transfer protocol for libp2p (through circuit relays and NAT loops) addresses the problem of connecting two peer points without a special tracking server. Moreover, IPFs (a decentralised storage service using content search) allow for complete centralization and do not rely on content servers or a large number of active/usable counterparts to achieve document availability.


 behind the Web3.0 concept</p>
<p>Web3.0的加密/代币概念解决了激励问题。具体来说,filecoin是一个去中心化的存储网络,它将云存储转变为一个算法市场。</p><p>The encryption/diplomatic concept of Web3.0 solves the incentive problem. Specifically, the filecoin is a decentralised storage network that transforms cloud storage into an algorithm market.</p>
<p>市场运行在带有本地协议代币(FIL)的<a data-ail=区块链上,矿工通过向客户提供存储来赚钱。相反,客户花费fil来存储或分发数据。对于像BitTorrent这样的服务,这意味着种子程序将在filecoin中存储文件并提供下载,而窃听程序将花费filecoin来访问这些文件。

The market operates on the with local protocol tokens (FIL), where miners make money by providing storage to customers. Conversely, customers spend fil to store or distribute data. For services like BitTorrent, this means that the seed program will store and download files in filecoin and the bugging process will cost filecoin to access these documents.


This incentive structure will increase incentives to sow and store files, thereby enhancing user usability and performance. Financial incentives also create a way to exemplify legitimate business models.


In this case, the legal owner of the document (media company) may be willing to participate in the network. As Potify has shown, users do not really care about the “free” aspects of seed files, and they care about the ease of discovery and dissemination.


Most importantly, entities like protocol laboratories are addressing software availability. They are founders of libp2p, IPFs and filecoin.


Moreover, agreements like libp2p are highly modular and constructed for common purposes. This means that products constructed using libp2p are highly scalable and can be quickly modified to meet changing user needs and new usages.


In short, decentralised P2P applications have many inherent advantages (especially in terms of performance and security). We now have the tools and infrastructure to build powerful P2P applications.


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