Haust Network:革新区块链领域的革命性Web3巨擘

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备受Web3业内关注的Haust Network(正式上线并启动第一阶段的发展,整合并扩展社区,现如今Haust Network在全球范围已拥有庞大的社区参与者,其成员来自欧美、日本、韩国、迪拜等多个国家和地区,让Haust Network迅速成为全球区块链领域的领军者,为用户提供更多自主权治理的Web3区块链投资方案。

Haust Network, which has attracted widespread attention within the Web3 industry (, has officially launched and started the first phase of development, integrating and expanding the community. Currently, Haust Network has a large community of participants from around the world, including members from Europe, the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Dubai, making Haust Network quickly become a global leader in the blockchain field, providing users with more Web3 blockchain investment solutions with autonomous governance.

Haust Network作为独一无二的第一层绝对流动性网络,与以太坊虚拟机(EVM)兼容,并采用了最先进的股份授权证明(DPoS)共识机制。这个项目的诞生犹如一场彻底改变未来的革命,向全球展示了区块链技术的无尽潜力和卓越前景。

As a unique first-layer absolute liquidity network, Haust Network is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and adopts the most advanced Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism. The birth of this project is like a revolution that completely changes the future, showcasing the endless potential and excellent prospects of blockchain technology to the world.

作为全球唯一并且是首个开发整合原生收益的区块链,Haust Network能够无缝连接至Solana、币安、Polygon、Avalanche、以太坊等多种主流公链,为用户提供多样化的交易体验。在Haust Network进行交易时,用户将无需支付任何昂贵的GAS费用,这无疑是对区块链交易的巨大突破。

As the world's first and only blockchain project to develop and integrate native revenue, Haust Network seamlessly connects to multiple mainstream public chains such as Solana, Binance, Polygon, Avalanche, and Ethereum, providing users with a diverse trading experience. When trading on Haust Network, users will not need to pay any expensive GAS fees, which is undoubtedly a major breakthrough in blockchain transactions.

通过Haust Network,用户可以享受在网络上余额自动复利的独特优势。这种令人惊叹的机制来自于将流动性质押至不同POS(权益证明)网络中产生的协议。这些协议所产生的丰厚收益将自动流回Haust Network用户的账户,让用户在短时间内实现惊人的资产增值。

Through Haust Network, users can enjoy the unique advantage of automatic compounding of balances on the network. This amazing mechanism comes from protocols that stake liquidity to different Proof of Stake (POS) networks. The substantial returns generated by these protocols will automatically flow back to the accounts of Haust Network users, allowing them to achieve amazing asset appreciation in a short period of time.

值得关注的是在研发阶段的同时,Haust Network已受到众多顶级基金会和风险投资公司纷纷表现出极大的兴趣。这种空前的关注凸显了Haust Network的巨大潜力和独特吸引力。预计未来将有大量资金涌入项目,以支持项目的进一步发展和生态建设。

It is worth noting that during the development phase, Haust Network has attracted great interest from numerous top foundations and venture capital companies. This unprecedented attention highlights the enormous potential and unique appeal of Haust Network. It is expected that a large amount of funds will flow into the project in the future to support the further development and ecological construction of the project.

在技术层面,Haust Network的核心是吸器节点,它是部署在多种区块链网络上的资产管理智能合约系统。这些智能合约负责将用户资金分配至每个供体网络中的高收益项目中,确保用户的资金得到最大程度的增长。

At the technical level, the core of Haust Network is the absorber node, which is an asset management smart contract system deployed on multiple blockchain networks. These smart contracts are responsible for allocating user funds to high-yield projects in each supplying network, ensuring the maximum growth of user funds.

用户将资金存入其中一个供体网络中的Haustoria合约将根据预先定义的风险和收益参数,在供体网络内的各种收益项目之间分配接收到的资金。用户存入资金后,将在Haust Network中以1:1比例接收相等数量的代币。随着收益从收益项目中生成,Haustoria合约将利润按照持有者的份额比例分配给所有代币持有者。

Users who deposit funds into the Haustoria contract in one of the supplying networks will distribute the received funds among various income-generating projects in the supplying network based on pre-defined risk and return parameters. After depositing funds, users will receive an equal number of tokens in Haust Network at a 1:1 ratio. As the returns are generated from income-generating projects, the Haustoria contract will distribute profits to all token holders in proportion to their holdings.

Haust Network采用最先进的基于ve-token和二次投票的治理模式,为用户提供前所未有的参与决策权和引导生态系统发展的机会。HAUST代币持有者可以通过锁定代币获得ve-token,并借此参与重要协议开发的投票决策。这种创新的治理模式为社区带来了巨大的灵活性和自主权。

Haust Network adopts the most advanced governance model based on ve-token and secondary voting, providing users with unprecedented decision-making power and the opportunity to guide the development of the ecosystem. HAUST token holders can obtain ve-tokens by locking tokens and participate in voting decisions for the development of important protocols. This innovative governance model brings great flexibility and autonomy to the community.

用户可以对诸如选择新的供体网络与Haust Network集成、调整风险和收益参数、分配生态基金等重要问题进行投票决策。二次投票的机制确保了社区每个成员的利益得到平衡和保护,有效防止权力集中在少数人手中。

Users can vote on important issues such as choosing new supplying networks to integrate with Haust Network, adjusting risk and return parameters, and allocating ecological funds. The mechanism of secondary voting ensures that the interests of every member of the community are balanced and protected, effectively preventing the concentration of power in the hands of a few.

Haust Network特别注重将社区纳入决策过程,并确定生态系统发展方向。通过先进的基于ve-token和二次投票的治理模式,Haust Network为社区成员提供了广泛的参与机会。这种创新的治理模式确保了社区成员的意见得到充分听取,并为生态系统的发展注入了新的活力。

Haust Network places special emphasis on incorporating the community into the decision-making process and determining the direction of ecosystem development. Through the advanced governance model based on ve-token and secondary voting, Haust Network provides community members with extensive opportunities for participation. This innovative governance model ensures that the opinions of community members are fully heard and injects new vitality into the development of the ecosystem.

Haust Network的愿景是通过提供无与伦比的用户体验和卓越的财富增长机会,成为全球区块链领域的标杆。该项目致力于将最先进的技术和最前沿的创新相结合,为用户带来前所未有的财富增长和参与机会。

The vision of Haust Network is to become a benchmark in the global blockchain field by providing unparalleled user experience and excellent wealth growth opportunities. The project is committed to combining the most advanced technology with cutting-edge innovation to bring unprecedented wealth growth and participation opportunities to users.

Haust Network作为一项革命性Web3巨擘项目,将继续引领区块链技术和Web3领域的发展。通过其独特的设计和创新机制,Haust Network为全球用户提供了前所未有的财富增长机会和卓越的用户体验。期待未来Haust Network将继续发挥其巨大的潜力,为全球区块链行业带来更广泛、更深入的影响。

As a revolutionary Web3 giant project, Haust Network will continue to lead the development of blockchain technology and the Web3 field. Through its unique design and innovative mechanisms, Haust Network provides unprecedented wealth growth opportunities and excellent user experience for global users. It is expected that Haust Network will continue to unleash its enormous potential and bring a more extensive and profound impact to the global blockchain industry in the future.


It has been officially launched and started the first phase of development, integration and expansion of the community. Now it has a huge number of community participants around the world, and its members come from Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Dubai and other countries and regions, so that it can quickly become a leader in the global blockchain field and provide users with more autonomy. As a unique first-tier absolute liquidity network, it is compatible with Ethereum virtual machine and adopts the most advanced share authorization certificate consensus mechanism. The birth of the purpose is like a revolution that completely changes the future, showing the endless potential and excellent prospects of blockchain technology to the whole world. As the only blockchain in the world that integrates the original income, it can be seamlessly connected to various mainstream public chains such as Bi 'an Ethereum to provide users with a variety of trading experiences. When conducting transactions, users will not have to pay any expensive fees, which is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough in blockchain trading. Users can enjoy the unique advantage of automatic compound interest on the balance on the network. This amazing mechanism comes from the agreements generated by pledging liquidity to different rights and interests certification networks. The rich benefits generated by these agreements will automatically flow back to users' accounts, allowing users to realize amazing asset appreciation in a short time. It is noteworthy that at the same time of research and development, many top foundations and venture capital companies have shown great interest. This unprecedented concern highlights the great potential and unique attraction. It is expected that a large amount of funds will flood into the project to support it in the future. The core of the further development and ecological construction of the project is the absorber node, which is an asset management intelligent contract system deployed on various blockchain networks. These intelligent contracts are responsible for distributing user funds to high-yield projects in each donor network to ensure the maximum growth of user funds. The contracts that users deposit funds in one of the donor networks will be distributed among various income projects in the donor network according to predefined risk and income parameters. After depositing funds, fund users will receive an equal number of tokens in proportion, generate contracts from income items with the proceeds, and distribute profits to all token holders according to the holders' share proportion. The most advanced governance model based on and secondary voting provides users with unprecedented opportunities to participate in decision-making and guide the development of the ecosystem. Token holders can obtain by locking tokens and participate in voting decisions on important agreement development. This innovative governance model brings to the community. With great flexibility and autonomy, users can vote on important issues such as choosing a new donor network, integrating and adjusting risk and benefit parameters, and allocating ecological funds. The mechanism of secondary voting ensures that the interests of each member of the community are balanced and protected, effectively preventing power from being concentrated in the hands of a few people, paying special attention to bringing the community into the decision-making process and determining the development direction of the ecosystem, and providing a wide range of opportunities for community members to participate through advanced governance models based on and secondary voting. This innovative governance model ensures that the opinions of community members are fully heard and injects new vitality into the development of the ecosystem. The vision is to become a benchmark in the global blockchain field by providing unparalleled user experience and excellent opportunities for wealth growth. This project is committed to combining the most advanced technology with cutting-edge innovation to bring unprecedented wealth growth and participation opportunities to users. As a revolutionary giant project, it will continue to lead the development of blockchain technology and fields. Its unique design and innovative mechanism provide unprecedented opportunities for wealth growth and excellent user experience for users around the world. It is expected that it will continue to exert its great potential in the future and bring wider and deeper influence to the global blockchain industry. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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