
币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 10:15:06 评论:0



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zetachain是建立在Cosmos SDK和 Tendermint PBFT共识引擎上的权益证明区块链,可以把它当成一种实现互操作性的应用特定区块链框架,通俗来说就是“链中链”,采用了一种“blockchain of blockchains”(BOB)的方法,由特定链嵌入进全链环境中来提供数据、网络、共识、激励和合约层的框架,以实现区块链之间的互操作性。






3)基于智能合约管理的原子交易特性实现外链使用原生资产。比如可以基于此特性实现跨链AMM去中心化交易所,每个链上的资产都先与ZETA进行配对,若要在A链上的资产X与B链上的资产Y进行交换,可一先用A链上的资金池将X兑换成ZETA,然后在将A链上ZETA跨链信息传递至B,再将B链上的ZETA通过Y/ZETA交易对转化成Y。这和 不同链各自交易然后再跨链再交易的差别会很大,直接减少了交易滑点磨损和跨链损耗,对于DeFi协议的跨链部署和应用大有裨益。



Author Hao Tian's view on the source chain: Recently, the release of airdrops by public chains on cross-chain interoperability has aroused the market's concern about the chain abstract track. What is the difficulty of chain abstraction and full-chain interoperability? What are the core features? In my opinion, if modularity is a vertical strategy, then chain abstraction is one of the key tracks that Lian Heng must pay attention to. Next, I will talk about my understanding that both vertical and Lian Heng are an alliance strategy. Modularization is to group idle blockchain development capabilities in the form of components. The comprehensive grand chain of cooperation and confrontation, while the chain abstraction is to connect the liquidity scattered among the chains in an integrated form to enhance the use experience of developers and users. What is the chain abstraction? The co-founders throw out the concept of chain abstraction, simply understand modularity, and separate different functional layers of blockchain into settlement layers and execution layers, which greatly stimulates the prosperity of the chain construction market, but at the same time, it will make the liquidity between the chains more dispersed, bringing great benefits to ordinary users and even developers. The big threshold chain abstraction is to solve the problems of cross-chain communication assets transfer and cross-chain intelligent contract call between different chains by constructing universal all-round intelligent contracts. The common interoperability problems of the whole chain mainly include the communication problems between two different types of intelligent contract chains, such as how to establish effective communication connection between this kind of non-intelligent contract platform and this kind of account intelligent contract platform. The non-method transfer problem of cross-chain assets is a common cross-chain bridge solution, but the hand of this kind of scheme is Friction such as renewal fee has a great problem of capital loss, and it is usually accompanied by a greater risk of centralized management of multi-signing of assets. So, can these two problems be solved and how can they be solved? Blockchain can be regarded as an application to achieve interoperability based on the equity certificate of consensus engine. Generally speaking, the specific blockchain framework is that the chain in the chain adopts a new method to embed the specific chain into the whole chain environment to provide the framework of consensus incentive and contract layer of data network to realize the blockchain. The core architecture of interoperability between the two is mainly divided into verifier, observer and signer. The verifier can verify the consensus of maintaining the chain by pledging tokens. For example, the state transfer of the other chain submitted by the observer needs to be confirmed by the verifier's vote, so the verifier can get a certain token. The observer's responsibility is to monitor all nodes of the external chain to synchronize the specific transaction log transfer events and state information and synchronize the information to the verifier who confirms the consensus. The signer is mainly responsible for identity confirmation of the external chain. The signer can participate in asset signing to ensure asset security and cross-chain interoperability. Based on these basic frameworks, the above-mentioned full-chain interoperability problem can be effectively solved. When it comes to asset circulation between chain and model chain, because there is no smart contract in Bitcoin network, the only effective way is to deploy light nodes and conduct multi-party signature operation based on signature algorithm. Because you can hold private keys and addresses, you can realize the local management of Bitcoin network with smart contract connection. Observers in the whole process of assets should effectively track and manage bitcoin. The core logic is to use bitcoin as an asset settlement layer to realize the effective control and circulation of assets through multi-signature algorithm. At present, the common cross-chain bridge scheme is the logic of chain locking and asset chain issuing assets. This interactive premise will not only lock the liquidity of a single chain, but also produce asset loss in the packaging process. In related application scenarios, it is often criticized for its asset loss. The whole chain intelligent contract has created the token standard, which makes the whole chain asset circulation based on non-state popular understanding. In the whole chain environment, it is equivalent to the chain settlement layer chain initiating the transfer to the chain assets, which is equivalent to the chain first and then settling, and then the settlement state is synchronized to the chain chain to obtain the right to use the corresponding token. There is no asset loss and friction in the whole process. Based on the atomic trading characteristics of intelligent contract management, the external chain can use the original assets. For example, cross-chain decentralized transactions can be realized based on this characteristic. All the assets on each chain are paired with each other first. If the assets on the chain are to be exchanged with the assets on the chain, the capital pool on the chain can be used to convert them into, and then the cross-chain information on the chain can be transferred to, and then the difference between the through-transaction pairs on the chain and the different chains can be greatly reduced, which directly reduces the slip point wear and cross-chain loss, which is of great benefit to the cross-chain deployment and application of the agreement. For the current significance of blockchain ecology, it can reduce the cost of deploying various protocols across the chain for end developers, and manage liquidity in the full-chain environment, which not only unifies market management but also reduces the exposure of security risks, especially in the multi-chain era of modular assembly. The full-chain interactive operability scheme will become a necessary supplement for end users, and the chain abstraction will simplify the relationship between users and various back-end protocols to users and applications, and even users can directly interact with wallets to achieve a full-chain interactive experience wallet as the processing center of users' complex intentions. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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