超潜力 JAM 链何以超越中继链 引领 Polkadot 2.0 新航向?

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It looks like you have shared a detailed Chinese text about the JAM protocol and its implications for the Polkadot ecosystem. Here's a translation of the content into English: --- **Character, helping innovative exploration of Polkadot ecosystem projects with modular and simplified technical design.** During the event, professionals from the Web3 Foundation also introduced that the JAM protocol specification will be completed by the end of the year, developed and deployed by Fellowship, and strive to complete the development of 3 independent specification instances, allocating 10 million DOT tokens to teams involved in this work. After the event, Gavin Wood expressed his expectations for the future development of JAM through the X platform, believing it to be an important technological direction guiding the Polkadot ecosystem, representing the future of Polkadot. Interested developers in the Polkadot ecosystem may be curious about the JAM protocol. What exactly is this decentralized network? What project innovations and new opportunities for Web3 development can it bring? Just over a month ago, on March 12th at the sub0 conference in Bangkok, Gavin Wood shared the JAM architecture for the first time with everyone. Today, let's delve into the technical advantages and application potential of JAM, looking forward to the new trends in empowering Polkadot ecosystem development with JAM. **Click to view the JAM Graypaper:** [https://graypaper.com](https://graypaper.com) **Stateless Decentralized Network JAM** JAM stands for Join-Accumulate Machine, representing a forward-looking design that inherits the relay chain. As a new network in the Polkadot ecosystem, JAM is a new computing infrastructure that supports multi-core computing functions, smart contract construction, and other technical businesses. The early version of the JAM protocol was first proposed in Polkadot Fellowship RFC-31, then known as "Core JAM," named after its core collection/refinement/connection/accumulation computational model. In subsequent upgrades and iterations, a completely new JAM RFC draft emerged and took shape. **Single Upgrade, Disrupting the Technical Path of Core JAM** Unlike previous technical upgrade paths, JAM will be introduced as a comprehensive single upgrade, driven by two important factors: 1. Unified upgrades limit post-upgrade operations, which is a challenge for iterative methods. 2. A single upgrade can mitigate continuous minor upgrades and major changes that occur every few weeks/months. It is reported that JAM also innovatively integrates elements of Polkadot and Ethereum, providing a global singleton unlicensed object environment and secure off-chain computing solutions, achieving parallel processing on scalable node networks. Additionally, it supports existing Substrate-based parachain services, allowing developers to start projects using Substrate for deployment, supporting multi-client, multi-language information interaction and transfer through on-chain decentralized governance to maintain stable community operations. **Open, Free, Trustless: JAM's Superior Features** It is worth mentioning that JAM's protocol, in order to become more universal and open, can integrate data output into a shared state to provide necessary support equipment for data aggregation. Apart from this, JAM distinguishes itself from common features of smart contract chains through transactionless operations, able to handle Rollups based on execution engine technology without complex calculations, all without permission yet ensuring security and reliability, highlighting JAM's trustless nature. On a network of such multi-core computers, all tasks of JAM will be packaged into work packages for delegated computation, completing a series of project execution processes through refinement, accumulation, and transmission to further improve computational efficiency. **Unveiling the Operating Process: JAM Protocol Breakthrough** In fact, in the refinement, accumulation, and transmission processes mentioned above, there are technical ingenuity and innovative breakthroughs in the JAM protocol. During project execution in JAM, the three stages "perform their duties" to form a smooth and stable operating system: - Refine is a function that performs most stateless calculations, defining the summary transformation of specific services. - Accumulate function receives output data from Refine and folds it into the overall service state, accepting multiple output data from Refine, all originating from the same service. - On Transfer processes data information from other project services asynchronously, promoting service communication in an asynchronous manner, handling messages and tokens sent together. Accumulate and On Transfer are designed to be executed in parallel, allowing different service projects to accumulate and transfer simultaneously, theoretically enabling secondary core projects to be used for executing certain Accumulate processes and providing them with more Gas space. **Structural Differences: How Does JAM Go Beyond the Relay Chain?** The important structural difference between JAM and the relay chain lies in the degree of fixed functionality: - The Polkadot relay chain is composed of different components, while JAM restructures this technical architecture, allowing developers to build various technical services through displayed basic components, including general DA services, rather than just focusing on parachain development. While the relay chain has repaired certain technical functional elements during upgrades, such as the language used to define protocols (WASM), JAM progresses faster and more stably in this regard, such as specifying types for encoding blocks and decentralized solutions. By understanding the specific tasks that the JAM chain must perform and the ability to set fixed parameters clearly, optimization in network topology and timing becomes more feasible. In contrast, frequent changes during upgrades in the relay chain make technical optimization more complex. Despite these structural differences, JAM still retains the flexibility of application-level functionality, including core time sales, staking, and governance, all managed in an organized manner within application services. Additionally, JAM introduces a new concept by associating token balances with services, providing opportunities for economic model adjustments, which are not easy to achieve in the relay chain's upgrade process. However, JAM's technical and application advantages go far beyond this: - It more widely utilizes underlying consensus mechanisms to implement more innovative solutions in a flexible manner. - It supports a mixed resource consumption model, optimizing validator resource utilization rates to reduce costs by pairing services and resource demands. - It introduces significant enhancements, simplifying benchmark testing work and relieving future benchmark testing requirements' pressure. - It retains compatibility with existing settings, introducing concepts such as protocols, multiple instances, and multi-shard smart contracts to manage and execute specific interaction protocols between parallel chains. Believing in more technical advantages, when you decide to enter the Polkadot ecosystem and start exploring JAM protocol development, you will have a deeper and more interesting innovative experience. As the Polkadot 2.0 underlying consensus gradually takes shape, the JAM chain represents a breakthrough new paradigm introduced in Polkadot 2.0, with the potential to become the foundation of Polkadot 2.0, providing multi-core computing and support for more blockchains, including more smart contracts, ZK-rollups, and more, bringing users more efficient and secure Web3 technology solutions. Let's wait and see! **JAM Implementers Bonus Plan** Now, there is an excellent opportunity to incentivize developers to explore the JAM chain. Recently, the Web3 Foundation announced the "JAM Implementers Bonus" - a bonus pool worth 10 million DOT tokens, aimed at promoting diversity in JAM protocol development. Its goal is to encourage developers to create multiple clients to enhance network resilience and to promote and encourage projects involved in JAM protocol development from the start, ensuring a more decentralized protection of protocol participants' rights and reducing the risk of a comprehensive network collapse due to a single error. If JAM is formally recognized as a Pol


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