Mantle生态创新Meme项目Puff开启创世Mint 一文了解玩法、空投+Mint教程

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Puff 是一种非常创新的 Memecoin 玩法,围绕着 Mantle Staked Ether → mETH 展开。

BTC已破前高,Ethereum 的再质押赛道吸引了大量资金,PEPE、DOGE等代币的 Memecoin 也一路飞涨,整个加密市场都充斥着金钱的味道!目前,贪婪与恐惧指数已经达到了90,属于极度贪婪区间。越是这样的狂欢时刻,越是要保持谨慎和冷静,因为 FOMO 情绪去追高是最容易被套在山顶。


昨天在律动上看到“Mantle 生态 Meme 项目 Puff 公开铸造活动已正式启动”的消息,就去深挖了一下。基于三点想法,自己也小资金参与一下!

  1. Memecoin 是目前最热的赛道,也是财富效应最强的赛道,已经涨了很多倍的不敢上,新项目的一级尝试一下未尝不可;

  2. Puff 玩法设计比较新颖,有空投分配制造热度,包括对社区的空投和对一些链上用户的空投;

  3. 有一定量的资金参与,也有推特大V关注。

Meme 结合游戏和 Stake

Puff 是一种非常创新的 Memecoin 玩法,围绕着 Mantle Staked Ether → mETH 展开。mETH 是 ETH 再质押协议 Mantle 的 LSD Token,Mantle 的 TVL 达到 18 亿美元并且一直在增长,ETH 质押收益 7.76%,相对 Lido 3.4% 的质押收益,优势自不必说。

Puff 的游戏部分分为六章,在接下来的三个月内,用户可以参与每个章节获得最多6个神秘药水配方,每个配方都可以召唤更多 Puff。

每一章还提供了赚取下一瓶药水和召唤更多 Puff 的方法。


创世 Mint 已经开启

Puff 的创世 Mint 3月4日开启直到3月7日结束,共72小时。用户可以在以太主网或者 Mantle L2 存入 mETH,等待分配。主网用户如果没有 mETH,可以使用 ETH、WETH、USDC、USDT Zap in。

创世 Mint 总共筹集 5520 mETH,最高允许超募4倍,结束后按比例分配Puff,也就是说每个用户至少能够保证25%的分配。

ETH 主网用户可以存入0.1-4 mETH,Mantle L2 用户可以存入0.05-2 mETH,每个地址只能生成一剂药水。但是在 L1 和 L2 中同时提供 mETH 也是可以的!


Mint 结束后,用户将在 Mantle L2 钱包中收到灵魂绑定的 NFT 药水,未分配的 mETH 会退回到用户地址。持有者可以使用他们的药水在 上召唤 Puff,mETH 和 Puff 的兑换比例是 1:42069。

结束后,项目方将在 的Defi Metaverse 中部署流动性,用户可以开始交易或者参与其他的 DeFi 活动。


Puff 总量 888,888,888,其中34%用于空投。其中 16% 会逐步分发给社区,Mantle L2 上的 mETH 持有者将分享 $Puff 的剩余 18%,以促进 TVL 的增长。


这 18% 将分6次空投,也就是有6个快照,每个快照空投 Puff 总量的 3%。第一个快照已经在 2月11日拍摄,mETH 持有者将在Genesis获得 3% 的空投。第二次快照将在创世 Mint 后的几周进行。

另外会有 1% 的 Puff 捐赠给 Mantle 的核心贡献者,以表彰他们为扩大 Mantle 新兴生态系统和社区所做的工作!

创世 Mint 教程

教程以在主网使用 ETH Mint 为例

如果使用 Mantle L2,可以使用官方跨链桥

  • 获得 mETH后

  • 准备好 ETH/WETH/USDT/USDC 或者 mETH,打开官网

  • 点击右上角Connect Wallet,连接钱包。然后点击 mETH 边上的下拉箭头,选择使用的币种。


  • 这里根据自己的情况选择,我选择了ETH,选择之后系统会自动调整对应的额度。


  • 填写数量,点击 Mint,等待钱包弹出确认框,点击确认


  • Mint 成功


然后等待结束后的分发和交易,以及第二章的玩法。根据官方页面透透露的三个月走完6个章节的安排,大概就是15天结束一章,节奏还算比较快。最后的可以选择继续持有 Puff 或者销毁换成一个非 MemeCoin。


最近真的不要一直去看行情,去 FOMO 和焦虑。抓不住的就无视,能抓住的好好规划,加密市场真的是对每个人从认知到心态再到执行力的全面锤炼。

可以多去看看新赛道新项目,这些都是爆发力最强的地方。以及要改变一下刻板印象,Memecoin 在这个牛市的表现足以说明,市场的逻辑在不断变化,能及时调整跟上趋势才不会错过。


The author's chain story is a very innovative gameplay, which attracts a lot of money and other tokens around the re-pledge track that has been broken before, and the whole encryption market is full of the smell of money. At present, the index of greed and fear has reached the extremely greedy range, and the more cautious and calm it is at this carnival moment, because it is the easiest to be trapped at the top of the mountain by emotions. At this stage, a more cost-effective choice is to settle down and ambush the track base of new projects. In the case that the strength of the game is hot, you can try to participate in airdrops or the primary market. Yesterday, I saw the news that the open casting activity of ecological projects has been officially launched, so I went to dig deep. Based on three ideas, I also participated in the hottest track and the track with the strongest wealth effect. It has risen many times, and I dare not go to the first level of new projects. It is not bad to try the game design. There are airdrops, distribution and manufacturing enthusiasm, including airdrops to the community and one. There is a certain amount of capital involved in the airdrops of some users on the chain, and there is also a great concern. Combining the game and it is a very innovative gameplay. It is a pledge agreement that has reached billion dollars and has been increasing the pledge income. Needless to say, the game part is divided into six chapters. In the next three months, users can participate in each chapter and get up to a mysterious potion formula. Each formula can summon more. Each chapter also provides earning the next bottle of potion and summoning more. Methods The article "Creating Creation" is started by ecological innovation project to understand the gameplay and airdrop tutorial. The creation that has been started can be opened until the end of the month, and users can deposit it in the Ethernet main network for a total of hours. If they don't have it, they can use the creation to raise the maximum allowable super-fundraising times and distribute it in proportion after the end, which means that each user can at least guarantee the distribution. The users in the main network can deposit it in each address and can only generate one dose of potion, but it is also possible to provide it at the same time. After the tutorial, users will receive the spirit-bound potion in their wallets, and the undistributed potion will be returned to the user's address. Holders can use their potion to summon the sum, and the exchange ratio is that after the end, the project side will deploy liquidity in the project, and users can start trading or participate in other activities to airdrop the total amount, which will be gradually distributed to the holders in the community to promote the growth of ecological innovation projects. Open the article "Creation" to learn how to play airdrop tutorial, which will be airdropped in several times, that is, there will be a snapshot. The first snapshot of the total airdrop amount of each snapshot has been taken on January, and the holder will get the airdrop. The second snapshot will be donated to the core contributors in a few weeks after creation in recognition of their work in expanding emerging ecosystems and communities. The creation tutorial takes the use of the main network as an example. If it is used, you can use the official cross-chain bridge to get it ready or open the official website and click the right. Connect the wallet in the upper corner, and then click the drop-down arrow on the side to select the currency to be used. Eco-innovation project opens the creation article. Learn how to play the airdrop tutorial here. After I choose, the system will automatically adjust the corresponding quota. Eco-innovation project opens the creation article. Learn how to play the airdrop tutorial. Click on the confirmation box waiting for the wallet to pop up. Click on the confirmation box to confirm the eco-innovation project to open the creation article. Learn how to play the airdrop tutorial successfully. Learn how to play the eco-innovation project opens the creation article. French airdrop tutorial and then wait for the distribution and trading after the end, as well as the gameplay of the second chapter. According to the official website, the arrangement of completing the chapter in three months is probably that the rhythm of the chapter is relatively fast at the end of the day. Finally, you can choose to continue to hold or destroy it and replace it with one that has to be written at the end. Really don't keep looking at the market recently and ignore the good planning that can be grasped. The encrypted market is really a comprehensive exercise for everyone from cognition to mentality to execution. You can go and see more. New track, new projects, these are the most explosive places, and the performance of changing stereotypes in this bull market is enough to show that the logic of the market is constantly changing, and it can be adjusted in time to keep up with the trend so as not to miss it. In addition, this paper only shares my own research and participation ideas for the project, not investment suggestions. Everyone's situation is different, please according to their own actual situation. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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