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"With POW as time, UTXO/Cell as space, and energy as the driver, we can create a world."


The Bitcoin Renaissance is a topic that everyone is talking about. Many projects place themselves under this banner to explain their current behavior. At present, this wave more refers to funding, consensus, and developers gathering more towards the Bitcoin ecosystem. But perhaps we can think more deeply about this wave: what is it exactly? What will it leave behind?


I believe that the Bitcoin Renaissance is a revival of two basic value propositions, one is POW, and the other is UTXO. The former is in opposition to POS, and the latter is in opposition to the account model, with the representative of POS + Account model being Ethereum. This Bitcoin Renaissance means that after 15 years of development in the blockchain industry, it is moving from the POS + Account route led by Ethereum to the POW + UTXO route led by Bitcoin.


But why is this the case? What exactly are people feeling tired of? When people turn to Bitcoin, what kind of world is being envisioned that is different from Ethereum? (Apart from the fact that Satoshi Nakamoto's disappearance made Bitcoin a land without a master.)

Mimetic tendency and neorealism

If you carefully read the whitepapers of Bitcoin and Ethereum, you will be able to feel how different these two systems are.

 图片来源:Bitcoin Whitepaper
Image source: Bitcoin Whitepaper

In the abstract of the Bitcoin whitepaper, Satoshi Nakamoto defines Bitcoin as "a purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash". We can find a reference to Bitcoin in the real world: cash. Cash's characteristic is that it allows online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. This constitutes a kind of simulation. In the Ethereum whitepaper, there is no such reference. We will discuss this later in the article.

One of Satoshi Nakamoto's reasons for inventing Bitcoin is that this kind of peer-to-peer electronic cash did not exist in the digital world, but was needed. At the time, it was the 2008 global financial crisis, during which many banks collapsed, and people couldn't withdraw the money they had in banks. Therefore, although bank transfers provided a way for digital payments, the reliance on third parties made people realize: actually, this is not my money, I just hold a balance in the bank's account book. Real "electronic cash" did not exist, and neither did my possession of "electronic cash".

One of the things that Satoshi Nakamoto did was to successfully realize the digital simulation of real cash. How was this simulation achieved? He used POW, the proof-of-work, as the basis to provide security support for electronic cash (in fact, the role of POW may be far beyond this). POW ultimately attributes system security to real-world computing power and energy. He also used UTXO as the carrier to simulate the body of cash, storing the user's money in UTXO. The ownership relationship is resolved through the private key "lock".

Bitcoin's simulation of electronic cash is very successful. POW unifies the security foundations of the digital world and the real world, both based on energy; while UTXO provides an independent and non-interfering digital body. The combination of the two creates a deep tendency to imitate reality in the digital world. If we call Ethereum radicalism, then we can perhaps call this digital world simulation a kind of neorealism.

Why the return to neorealism?

This neorealism implies a certain insight: there is some deeper wisdom behind the real world that the digital world is worth learning from. This insight is often forgotten because people create the digital world to transcend reality. But we can still understand this point through a few examples:

· 你在某个游戏中持有一个道具,例如一把黄金宝剑。然而,由于游戏开发者资金短缺,一年后他们关闭了服务器,这把黄金宝剑也因此消失了。试想在生活中,你持有的黄金宝剑可能突然间消失吗?
- You hold an item in a game, such as a golden sword. However, due to the game developer's financial difficulties, they shut down the server a year later, and the golden sword disappears. Can you imagine your real-life possessions disappearing all of a sudden?

· Vitalik曾经钟爱暴雪游戏里的术士角色。有一天暴雪突然决定取消生命虹吸的技能,他因此痛哭,并且走向了反抗中心化互联网平台的道路。试想在现实生活中,一群天赋异禀的人可能突然被另一个公司高管抽干技能吗?
- Vitalik once loved the warlock character in a Blizzard game. One day, Blizzard suddenly decided to cancel the "life steal" skill, causing Vitalik to cry and embark on the path of resistance against centralized internet platforms. Can you imagine a group of talented people suddenly being drained of their abilities by another company's executive in real life?

· 你所钟爱的某个博客网站,被勒令关闭。甚至整个网站都不再能找到关于他的痕迹,两年后网络上甚至连这个人的痕迹也找不到了。试问在现实生活中,一本书是说消失就可以消失的吗?
- A blog website that you love is ordered to shut down. Even the entire website is no longer traceable, and two years later, there is no trace of the person on the internet. Can you ask if a book in real life can disappear just like that?


We can imagine a digital world that is crazy and far from the neorealism: news websites that can be 404 at any time. Unholdable cups. Game characters whose abilities can be canceled at any time. You will feel that something is wrong, but what exactly is wrong?

Image Source: "On the mode of existence of technical objects"

The answer is: it makes us live in a fragile, sycophantic (a high-level control method), and highly inconsistent with real ethics control system. The digital objects in this system have simulations but no solid existence, or cannot exist on their own, they must rely on a third-party platform to exist. However, we have projected a lot of emotions, time, and trust into these simulations. The emotions we project ultimately become chips controlled by the platform.

People naturally love, including loving and trusting even digital objects that cannot exist independently, but are designed by people. When love is exploited and manipulated in a systematic way, we lose the sense of life.

Reality implies a kind of solidity, this solidity is the basis for the birth of ethics and morals (privacy, human rights, freedom, responsibility, sublimation). This may be the reason for the digital world's return to neorealism.

Representation of Bitcoin neorealism tendency

图片来源:Adobe Stock
Image Source: Adobe Stock

Let's go back to Bitcoin. In the Bitcoin ecosystem, we can see a strong tendency to simulate reality. Bitcoin simulates electronic cash, and the developers of Bitcoin have also found different real-world items that inspire them to simulate. Here are some examples for reference:

Bitcoin: Electronic cash

Lock:锁,后面在Peter Todd那里延伸为一次性密封条
Lock: Lock, later extended to a one-time seal by Peter Todd

RGB Protocol: Scottish deeds (Storing commitments only on Bitcoin)

Ordinals Protocol: Colored Satoshis (serialization numbers)


Thinking that time and space are driven by energy, we can get a world. Bitcoin Renaissance is a topic that everyone is talking about. Many project parties put themselves under this banner to explain their current behavior. At present, this wave is more about the consensus of funds and developers gathering more on Bitcoin ecology, but maybe we can think more deeply about what this wave is and what it will leave behind. I think Bitcoin Renaissance is two basic value propositions. One is the revival, and the other is the former and the latter are opposite to the account model, and the representative of the model is Ethereum. This bitcoin renaissance will mean that the blockchain industry is returning from the route led by Ethereum to the route led by Bitcoin after 15 years of development, but why are people so tired of what? When people return like Bitcoin, how is a world that may be conceived different from Ethereum except that Satoshi Nakamoto disappears and makes Bitcoin disappear? If you carefully read the white paper of Bitcoin and Ethereum, you will be able to feel how the two systems are different. In the abstract of Bitcoin's white paper, Satoshi Nakamoto defined Bitcoin as a complete peer-to-peer electronic currency. We can find the reference of Bitcoin in the real world. The characteristic of cash is to allow online payment to be sent directly from one party to the other without going through a financial institution, which constitutes. There is a kind of imitation, but there is no such reference in the white paper of Ethereum. We will talk about it later in the article. One of the reasons why Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin is that this kind of peer-to-peer electronic money does not exist in the digital world, but it is needed. At that time, when the financial crisis swept the world in, many banks closed down and people could not take out the money in the bank. Therefore, although bank transfer provided a way of digital payment, relying on third parties made everyone realize the reality. Actually, it's not my money. I just hold the status balance in the bank account book. The real electronic cash doesn't exist, let alone the fact that I hold electronic cash. Satoshi Nakamoto did one thing. He successfully realized the digital simulation of real cash. How did this simulation be realized? He provided security support for electronic cash based on the proof of workload, which may actually play a far greater role than this. He finally attributed the security of the system to the computing power and energy in the real world, and he thought it was a carrier model. The quasi-gold body stores the money belonging to the user in the ownership relationship. The lock of the private key solves the problem that Bitcoin is a quasi-electronic cash. It is very successful to unify the security of the digital world and the security foundation of the real world. Both of them are built on energy and provide independent and non-interfering digital objects. Together, they have created a deep quasi-object tendency to imitate reality in the digital world. If we call Ethereum radicalism, we may call this digital world quasi-object. What is a kind of retro-ism? This retro-ism implies such an insight that there is some deeper wisdom behind the real world, which is worth learning from the digital world. This insight is often forgotten because people create the digital world just to surpass the reality, but we can still understand this view through several examples. You hold a prop in a game, such as a golden sword, but after a year of shortage of funds for game developers, they shut down the server, the Huang Jinbao. So the sword disappeared. Imagine that the golden sword you held might suddenly disappear in your life. Did you once love the warlock role in Blizzard's game? One day Blizzard suddenly decided to cancel the siphon skill of life, so he cried bitterly and went to the road of resisting the centralized Internet platform. Imagine that in real life, a group of talented people might suddenly be drained of their skills by another company executive. Do you love a blog website and even the whole website can no longer find traces of him? Two years later, even the trace of this person can't be found on the Internet. Can a book disappear if it is said to disappear in real life? We can imagine that the digital world, which is madly far away from the tendency of imitation, can be used for news websites at any time, and the water cup can be cancelled at any time. You will feel that something is wrong, but what is wrong? The answer is that it makes us live in a fragile and flattering way, a high-level control means. In the control system that is highly inconsistent with the realistic ethics, the digital objects in this system have simulacra but have no solid existence, or they cannot exist freely. However, we have projected a lot of emotional time and trust to these simulacra, and our projected emotions have finally become chips controlled by the platform. People instinctively love digital objects designed by people, including love and trust, and even feel uncomfortable. When love is used and manipulated systematically in batches, we will be lost. The reality of losing one's life implies some solidity, which is the foundation of the noble birth of ethics and moral privacy, human rights, freedom and responsibility. This may be the reason why the digital world is retro to reality. The source of the picture shows that Bitcoin's objectivism tendency is a strong one. In the bitcoin ecology, we can see that Bitcoin is simulating electronic cash, and the developers of Bitcoin have found different items that inspire them to simulate it. The following is one. Some cases for your reference: Bitcoin electronic cash lock is extended there as a one-time sealing strip agreement. Scottish title deed only stores agreement on Bitcoin, dyeing smart serial number agreement, digital matter theory. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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