CoinShares 挖矿报告:我们对 2024 年减半的见解

币圈资讯 阅读:84 2024-04-23 04:01:47 评论:0



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作者:James Butterfill,研究主管、Max Shannon、Alex Schmidt 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

这篇研究文章的发布恰逢 2024 年比特币减半,旨在更新并向投资者通报比特币挖矿行业面临的风险和机遇。最近,我们主要根据 2023 年第四季度的报告数据更新了数据。我们发现,上市矿业公司每枚比特币的平均生产成本目前约为 53,000 美元。




  • 我们预计,由于人工智能带来更高收入的潜力,能源安全地区将转向人工智能,BitDigital、Hive 和 Hut 8 等公司已经从人工智能中获得收入。这一趋势表明,比特币开采可能会越来越多地转移到搁浅的能源地点,而人工智能的投资则在更稳定的地点增长。TeraWulf、BitDigital 和 Core Scientific 目前都有人工智能业务或人工智能增长计划。

  • 我们的模型预测,到 2025 年,算力将升至 700 Exahash,尽管减半后,随着矿工关闭不盈利的 ASIC,算力可能会下降 10%。

  • 预计哈希价格将在 2024 年减半后下降至 53 美元/Ph/天。

  • 由于减半,预计成本将大幅增加,电力和总体生产成本几乎翻倍。主要缓解策略包括优化能源成本、提高采矿效率以及确保有利的硬件采购条件。

  • 矿商正在积极管理金融负债,其中一些矿商使用多余的现金来大幅减少债务。


它确实可能对某些数据中心构成威胁。人工智能计算和比特币挖矿对能源和互联网正常运行时间的需求差异很大。AI 需要极高的正常运行时间(通常为 99% 或更高)以及复杂的冗余系统。人工智能的停机通常会导致巨���合同处罚,并且可能会长时间延迟先前处理活动的恢复,从而限制其适用性。相反,比特币挖矿则不会面临这些问题。ASIC 是用于比特币挖矿的硬件,可以在几分钟内打开和关闭电源,并立即恢复散列。这种灵活性使它们成为能源不太可靠的地点的理想选择,例如使用可再生能源或滞留气体燃烧的地点,这些地点的正常运行时间要求很灵活。

我们最近的矿业公司管理层讨论揭示了一个显着的转变,一些矿工越来越多地在其能源安全站点转向人工智能。尽管这一趋势相对较新,但 Hve 和 Hut 8 等公司的人工智能收入分别占其收入的 3.6% 和 2.9%,其他公司也在开发人工智能项目。我们看到,在这些能源安全的地区,人们对人工智能的偏好超过了比特币挖矿。展望未来,可以想象,比特币挖矿可能会主要基于能源不安全的搁浅能源站点,特别是在它可以为此类能源项目提供经济补贴的地方。相反,寻求收入多元化和潜在更高利润的矿商可能会投资人工智能,从而加剧这种差异。

人工智能带来了一些挑战,特别是需要独特且成本更高的基础设施,这为规模较小、资本较少的实体设置了进入壁垒。此外,随着公司雇用更多人工智能技术人才,员工需要不同的技能,这会导致成本增加。TeraWulf 和 Bitdeer 等公司正在积极扩大产能。例如,Core Scientific 根据一份多年期合同托管 Coreweave。与此同时,BitDigital 计划将其容量增加一倍,目标是达到预计年运行额约 1 亿美元。




不过,这种方法存在几个问题。未来的情况可能会发生变化,特别是随着行业的成熟,由于能源资源有限,更有可能采用 Verhulst S 曲线,而不是功率曲线。它还没有考虑费用如何演变。到目前为止,费用是零星的,但随着网络使用量的增加,费用可能会随着时间的推移而增加。




结果令人鼓舞,并表明,使用 2011 年以来的月度数据,多项式回归是最好的方法,特别是在评估 alpha 评估(错误地得出存在关系的概率)和 T 统计数据(每个斜率系数是否有用)��估计哈希率)。而 p 值仅适用于多项式回归。



多重共线性可能会掩盖哪些因素真正具有影响力,从而损害模型结论的可靠性和精确度。结果应该通过观察方差膨胀因子(VIF)来解释,VIF 为 1 是理想的,上限为 10;我们在模型中发现,线性和多项式都有一些 VIF 高于 10 的因子。






该模型预计到 2025 年初,算力将升至创纪录的 700 Exahash。



预测哈希价格需要对 4 个输入变量做出假设。发行量具有高度可预测性,而挖矿硬件的效率(W/Th)很可能遵循相当简单的指数下降趋势,到 2028 年挖矿硬件的效率将达到 10W/Th。


采用每月 1.2% 的价格增长和 1% 的费用增长的适度假设,可以看出哈希价格在 2024 年减半后可能为 60 美元/Ph/天,并在 2028 年减半后降至 35 美元/Ph/天。


这些增长假设将相当于到 2025 年底比特币月平均价格为 8.6 万美元,费用相对于历史水平为第 80 个百分点。我们还纳入了一些异常情况��其中一种情况是费用收入降至零;这将对哈希价格产生直接影响,到 2025 年底,该价格

The author's research director translated Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network. This research article was released at a time when bitcoin was halved in 2000. It aims to update and inform investors about the risks and opportunities faced by the bitcoin mining industry. Recently, we mainly updated the data according to the report data in the fourth quarter of 2000. We found that the average production cost of each bitcoin of listed mining companies is currently about US dollars. In this report, we discussed the mining industry and its challenges in more detail. We now adopt the hash cost method to be more tolerant. It is easy to calculate the account of custody activities and the cost per bitcoin method to better understand the profitability of the industry. We expect that due to the potential of higher income brought by artificial intelligence, energy security areas will turn to artificial intelligence and other companies have already obtained income from artificial intelligence. This trend shows that bitcoin mining may be transferred to stranded energy sites more and more, while artificial intelligence investment will grow in more stable locations, and there are artificial intelligence business or artificial intelligence growth plans for us at present. The model predicts that the annual computing power will rise to, although after halving, the unprofitable computing power may decline with the closure of miners. It is expected that the hash price will drop to USD days after halving. Due to halving, it is expected that the cost will greatly increase electricity and the overall production cost will almost double. The main mitigation strategies include optimizing energy costs, improving mining efficiency and ensuring favorable hardware procurement conditions. Some miners are actively managing financial liabilities, and some of them use excess cash to greatly reduce the emerging trend of debt. Artificial intelligence. Does computing pose a threat to bitcoin mining? It may indeed pose a threat to some data centers. The demand for energy and Internet uptime between artificial intelligence computing and bitcoin mining is very different. It requires extremely high uptime, usually higher or higher, and complex redundant systems. The shutdown of artificial intelligence usually leads to huge contract penalties and may delay the recovery of previous processing activities for a long time, thus limiting its applicability. On the contrary, bitcoin mining will not face these problems. The hardware of special currency mining can turn on and off the power supply in a few minutes and immediately restore the hash. This flexibility makes them an ideal choice for places with less reliable energy sources, such as places where renewable energy is used or trapped gas is burned. The normal operation time requirements of these places are very flexible. Our recent management discussion of mining companies revealed a significant change. Some miners are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence at their energy safety sites, although this trend is relatively new, they are in harmony with people from other companies. Other companies, whose income from industrial intelligence accounts for their income respectively, are also developing artificial intelligence projects. We see that in these energy-safe areas, people's preference for artificial intelligence exceeds that of bitcoin mining. Looking forward to the future, it is conceivable that bitcoin mining may be mainly based on energy-unsafe stranded energy sites, especially where it can provide economic subsidies for such energy projects. On the contrary, miners seeking income diversification and potential higher profits may invest in artificial intelligence, thus aggravating this difference. Artificial intelligence has brought some challenges, especially the need for unique and higher-cost infrastructure, which has set up entry barriers for smaller entities with less capital. In addition, as companies hire more artificial intelligence technicians, employees need different skills, which will lead to increased costs and other companies are actively expanding production capacity. For example, according to a multi-year contract custody, at the same time, it plans to double its capacity, with the goal of achieving the expected annual operation of about 100 million US dollars. Hash rate modeling of the overall network. Modeling can be done simply. People can think that it follows some form of Moore's Law or, better yet, the power curve of its growth, which can determine what path it will take in the future. However, there are several problems with this method, and the future situation may change, especially with the maturity of the industry, because of the limited energy resources, it is more likely to adopt a curve than a power curve. It has not considered how the cost has evolved so far, but it may be sporadic with the increase of network usage. With the passage of time, our goal is to calculate the hash price, miners' profitability, so that it is easier to determine the miners' profitability, especially because it is difficult to use each bitcoin method in calculating custody. The components of the price, including circulation, miners' fees and price circulation, are predictable, and the hash rate can be modeled, which allows forecasters to adjust their assumptions about price and cost to determine the hash price. If we want to use regression analysis, we will carry out the hash rate. Modeling to help calculate hash price is the biggest challenge so far. In our method, we adhere to the sensitivity principle and only identify those meaningful potential inputs in the model, not because they are accidentally related to hash rate. However, from the sensitivity point of view, we don't think they are closely related to computing power because there is a lag effect in the transmission of lower and higher interest rates to miners. We have identified four factors to predict hash rate. The efficiency distribution and price results of cost miners are encouraging, and it shows that polynomial regression of monthly data since the use of years is the best method, especially in the evaluation of the probability and statistics that there is a relationship incorrectly. Whether each slope coefficient is useful or not, and the value is only suitable for polynomial regression, we also test multicollinearity, which is usually called autocorrelation. When multiple variables in the model are highly correlated, multicollinearity will appear, which means that they provide overlapping information. Sex may cover up which factors are really influential, thus damaging the reliability and accuracy of the model conclusion. The result should be interpreted as the ideal upper limit by observing the variance expansion factor, because we find that both linear and polynomial have some higher factors in the model, although we don't think we should give up the model completely because of this. In many aspects, we can expect the relationship between various factors, and the price affects the hash rate because it affects the miners' capital expenditure decision. Linearity is sometimes harmful in regression analysis, but it depends on the background and goal of the model. Because our main goal is to predict the existence of multicollinearity in the model, it is not a major problem. Even if the independent variables are highly correlated, the model can still make accurate predictions. Interestingly, adjusting the model highlights that the increase in hash rate will depress the hash price, which makes sense, because more miners' hash computing power is equivalent to less income for each miner. Although the increase in bitcoin price will indeed have a major impact on the hash price in the short term, in the long run, the increase in bitcoin price will often encourage more people to dig. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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