比特币Runes协议上线 哪些项目值得关注?

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作者:Ash 来源:medium

从昨天比特币减半 Runes 协议上线到现在已经快一天半了,大家无论在群里还是 space 都在等倒计时再到顶着高 gas 开启打符文的阶段,都有点像在庆祝节日一样,现在已经有 4700+的符文项目上线,矿工费相对于昨天降了很多,我们可以静下心再进行梳理一下符文项目以及投资的建议,可以分为三大类的机会:

一、0–9 号符文


0/ UNCOMMON•GOODS 由 @rodarmor casey 部署,一共 4 年时间无上限可以参与,有点类似 brc20 中的 sats,总量大,有着最好的叙事,毕竟是 0 号符文,建议大家可以在之后 gas 低的情况下进行参与,比特币的叙事不会仅仅只来一次。

1/ Z•Z•Z•Z•Z•FEHU•Z•Z•Z•Z•Z 一号符文也是在昨天经历了乌龙事件,最开始大家都认为是 @FehuLayer,同时也看到 3 月份的推文,项目方正在收集 ORDI, Runestone 和 RSIC 的持有者地址,任务 4 月 30 日结束,有兴趣可以去参与一下,但肯定不是 1 号符文了。真正部署者是 @RuneFehu,昨天下午已在链上确认了真实性,但目前项目方只是介绍了自己是如何进行部署的,还未公布下一步的细节。

2/ DECENTRALIZED @CyberKongz 项目方已挖完用于空投,是最晚进入 pre runes 的项目,最开始的 NFT 就是空投开局的,免费的就是最贵的,符文上线就抢到了排名 2 号的符文,NFT 的价格也是水涨船高,地板也是涨了 2–3 倍,再来空投给持有人,相对于其他格局很大,官宣了@decentralized02为符文 DECENTRALIZED 的推特帐户,目前还没有进行快照,可以持续关注。

3/ DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON @LeonidasNFT 符文石项目,会 100% 空投给 Runestone 的持有者,快照将在区块 840269 进行,最为 pre runes 项目热度很高的项目,很多项目都是给符石的持有者白名单或者空投,目前 NFT 价格没有大幅度变化,可以期待一下这个项目以及之后的符文代币。

4/ THE•RUNIX•TOKEN @BVMnetwork 是做比特币的 L2,前一周还与 io 合作探索 AI 的 BTC L2,该符文是 BVM 旗下 RuneChain 的项目,其 NFT Runer 的持有者需要将 Runers 连接到 RuneChain 可以开始激活采矿能力,开启后钱包中看不到这个 NFT 资产,停用时将从 RuneChain 桥接进入比特币钱包,目前官网已开通符文 Swap 功能。玩法多样。

5/ DOG•DOG•DOG•DOG•DOG,匿名团队,目前全预挖,没有更多细节。

6/ SATOSHI•NAKAMOTO 匿名团队,有龙头的迹象,首先是名字中本聪,其次,是前 10 ticker 里最少的预留 20%,也是目前持币地址最多的符文,已接近 20000 的数量,是这一天来交易量最大的符文,在今天中午也是在 Gate 交易所上线。目前地板价为 9450 sats,市值为 120M。

7/ MEME•ECONOMICS 匿名团队,预留了 20%,总量大,钱包地址数也才 3500 多,不建议参与。

8/ RSIC•GENESIS•RUNE @rune_coin 是由 RSIC METAPROTOCOL 项目方已全部预留,之后会根据积分空投给之前挖矿的 NFT 用户。今天上午项目方开始顶着高 gas 进行空投的发放,花费超过 6 BTC,单号可以获得万 U 左右的收益,下午有一波抛压卷地板行为,钱包地址数量仅次于 6 号符文为 11000+个,现在价格 18sats 左右,市值大约 2.6 亿。玩法多样,之前还有关于稀有度、加成挖矿、抽奖等玩法,项目方也计划进行第二阶段活动。

9/ LOBO•THE•WOLF•PUP 项目方为 @_BuoyantCapital,会将全部空投给 Runestone 和 Rune Doors 持有者,Rune Doors 的 NFT 的地板价也从公布消息到现在翻了 5 倍。



1/ COOK•THE•MEMPOOL:编号 37,公平 mint 没有预留,还没开始 mint,限时不限量,mint 区块在 844032–848064,差不多还有 4000 个块开始,大家可以留意关注下。

2/ WANKO•MANKO•RUNES:Casey 评论并发推对该符文表示欣赏,公平限时 mint,总量共计 7525 张,持币地址数为 1800+,项目方转发推文后符文价格飙升,一天约 5 倍涨幅。


3/ INU•NI•MAKEMASEN:Casey 在 WANKO 的推文评论中发了这个全称,预留 1%,总量共计 20790 张,持币地址数为 2800+,市值 60w。


4/ ORDINALS•ARE•DEAD 今天下午 Leonidas 发推提到,也是大家常说的 meme 梗,高 gas 很快 mint 结束,总量 66666 张,持币地址数为 6000+。



前两周 BRC-20 中的木偶、巫师强大的社区及购买力使得铭文价格飙升,各社区也公布了其拥有 BRC-20 铭文以及 NFT 后对于符文分配的情况,大家可以持续关注 13 号符文 PUPS•WORLD•PEACE、17 号符文 MAGIC•INTERNET•MONEY,以及其推特、Discord 有无最新动态。

The author's source has been almost a day and a half since the bitcoin halving agreement was launched yesterday. No matter whether you are in the group or waiting for the countdown, it is a bit like celebrating a festival. The miners' fees for the existing rune projects have dropped a lot compared with yesterday. We can calm down and sort out the rune projects and investment suggestions. The opportunities can be divided into three categories. The first rune bitcoin can be deployed for a total of one year without a ceiling, which is somewhat similar. After all, it's the number rune, which has the best narrative. It is suggested that everyone can participate in the bitcoin narrative at a low level. It won't just come once. The number one rune also experienced an oolong incident yesterday. At the beginning, everyone thought it was also the month's tweet. The project is collecting and the owner's address. The task ends on March, and you can participate if you are interested, but it's definitely not the number rune. The real deployer confirmed the authenticity on the chain yesterday afternoon, but at present the project is just. I introduced how I deployed myself, but I haven't announced the details of the next step. The project has been dug up for airdrop, which is the latest project to enter. The first thing is that the airdrop starts free, that is, the most expensive rune is online, and the price of the rune with the ranking number is also rising, and the floor is doubled, and then it is airdropped to the holder. Compared with other Twitter accounts with large patterns, the snapshot has not been taken yet. You can continue to pay attention to the rune stone project, and the snapshot will be airdropped to the holder in the district. Block is the most popular project, and many projects are whitelisted or airdropped to the holders of runes. At present, the price has not changed greatly. You can expect this project and the rune tokens that follow it were explored in cooperation with Bitcoin the week before. The rune is one of its projects, and its holders need to connect it to start activating the mining capacity. When the wallet is turned on, they can't see that this asset will enter the Bitcoin wallet from the bridge when it is deactivated. At present, there are many rune functions in official website. At present, the anonymous team is fully pre-excavated, and there are no more details. There are signs that the anonymous team has a leader. The first is the name Satoshi Nakamoto, followed by the least reservation in the front, and the number of runes with the most currency addresses is close. The runes with the largest transaction volume in this day are also launched on the exchange at noon today. At present, the floor price has reserved a total amount for the anonymous team, and the number of wallet addresses is also large. It is not recommended to participate. After the project party has reserved all the runes, it will be airdropped to the users who mined before today. In the afternoon, the project party began to airdrop with a high altitude. If it costs more than the odd number, it can get a profit of about 10,000 yuan. In the afternoon, there was a wave of throwing and rolling the floor. The number of wallet addresses was second only to the symbol rune, and the current price was about 100 million yuan. Before there were various ways of playing, the project party also planned to carry out the second phase of activities. The project party thought that it would airdrop all the floors to the holders, and the price of Bitcoin No.2 fair has doubled from the announcement to now, and it has not been reserved yet. At the beginning, there is almost another block to start. You can pay attention to the comments and tweet to express your appreciation for the rune. The total amount of time-limited time is the number of addresses with money. After the project party forwarded the tweet, the price of the rune soared by about one day. Bitcoin posted this full name in the tweet comments. The total amount of reserved money is the market value. Bitcoin tweeted this afternoon, which is also often said that the total amount of addresses with money is the first two weeks of Bitcoin three communities. The powerful community and purchasing power of puppet wizards have caused the price of inscriptions to soar, and various communities have also announced their possession of inscriptions and their subsequent distribution of runes. You can continue to pay attention to the runes and their tweets. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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