EIP-4844 对 L2 用户意味着什么?

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作者:Ed Felten,Offchain Labs 联合创始人 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

截至撰写本文时,EIP-4844 和 Dencun 升级的其余部分目前计划于 3 月 13 日在以太坊主网上上线。

下一个以太坊硬分叉 Dencun 已在测试网上运行,并将很快进入主网。Dencun 对于 L2 用户来说是个大新闻,因为它带来了 EIP-4844,这是一种新的数据可用性系统,有望大幅降低 L2 成本。如果您使用像 Arbitrum 这样的 L2,这对您有何影响?我们来调查一下。

Rollups数据可用性和 EIP-4844

Rollups 花费大量资金来确保其交易数据可供所有节点和验证器使用。大多数汇总都是通过将数据作为调用数据写入以太坊来实现的。按当前价格计算,每兆字节的成本约为 1000 美元。好的汇总通过使用高级数据压缩将成本降低到每兆字节 300 美元。尽管如此,数据发布成本仍占 L2 交易费用的最大部分。

为什么以太坊 calldata 这么贵?因为以太坊的需求量很大,所以 Rollups 必须比其他想要使用以太坊资源的各方出价更高。

EIP-4844 为以太坊添加了一种新型数据可用性,称为blob数据。Blob 缺乏 calldata 的一些功能——它们不适用于以太坊合约,并且只能存储 18 天——但它们满足了 rollups 的数据可用性需求,因此它们为 rollups 提供了一种新的、希望更便宜的方式记录他们的数据。


4844 基础知识

4844 个数据 blob 包含大约 125 KB 的数据。每个以太坊区块最多可以包含 6 个 blob,目标是每个区块包含 3 个 blob。Blob 的价格会随着时间的推移而波动——如果以太坊区块有超过 3 个 Blob,那么 Blob 的价格就会上涨;如果少于 3 个 Blob,则 Blob 价格将会下降。


Blob 定价类似,但它不寻求恒定的温度,而是寻求恒定的 Blob 使用率。如果汇总使用了太多 blob,价格就会上涨,因此汇总将会减少。如果汇总使用的 blob 数量少于目标数量,则价格会下降以鼓励更多使用。结果应该是一个平衡,其中 rollups 每个以太坊区块使用大约 3 个 blob,并且价格设置得恰到好处来维持这一点。

当然,条件会随着时间的推移而变化,因此均衡价格可能会随着条件的变化而变化,但平均每块使用 3 个 blob 是成立的——就像恒温器如何在室外天气变化时使你的家保持在合适的温度一样,使用外面较冷时,加热器的功率更大。

这提出了寻找均衡价格的方法。我们可以问自己:如果 Blob 价格为 10 美分,Rollups 将使用多少 Blob?如果价格是 1 美元怎么办?如果 10 美元呢?等等。均衡价格将是 Rollups 每个以太坊区块恰好使用 3 个 blob 的价格。


Rollups 如何使用 4844 个 blob

良好的汇总将以最适合汇总用户的方式使用 blob。用户希望从汇总的数据海报中获得两个主要的东西:低成本和快速发布。

这两个目标是紧张的。使用 Blob 的成本最低的方法是等到汇总有足够的数据来填充 Blob,然后才购买 Blob 并发布数据。但是,如果汇总不会等待那么长时间,而是更频繁地发布部分完整的 blob,则发布速度会更快。这会更昂贵,因为即使您没有全部使用,您也必须为完整的 blob 付费,因此频繁发布策略将购买更多的 blob。

如何平衡这些因素取决于 blob 的价格。如果 Blob 非常昂贵,您希望使用尽可能少的 Blob,因此值得等待更长时间并发布完整的 Blob。另一方面,如果 Blob 非常便宜,那么您可以非常快速地发布,发布大部分为空的 Blob,几乎不需要任何成本。Blob 价格越低,您发布的频率就越高,您的 Blob 就会越空。


该研究论文通过将名义上的美元成本分配给等待发布所花费的时间,然后找到使 Blob 成本加上等待成本之和最小化的 Blob 使用量,使这种权衡更加精确。正如上面所建议的,结果是 Rollup 的 Blob 使用与 Blob 价格成反比:当价格较高时,它们使用较少的 Blob;当价格较低时,它们使用更多的 Blob,而这些 Blob 不太满。



例如,如果 Rollup A 的流量是 Rollup B 的两倍,那么如果两个 Rollup 都在成本延迟权衡中做出最佳决策,则 Rollup A 每笔交易的数据成本将比 Rollup B 低约 41%,并且将发布其交易约速度提高 41%。

在某些情况下,小型汇总会更喜欢使用以太坊调用数据而不是 blob。这是因为当您使用 blob 时,无论您是否使用它,都必须为整个 blob 付费,但使用 calldata 您只需为使用的字节数付费。因此,低流量汇总可能会发现等待建立大批量会给用户带来太多延迟,并且在决定使用小批量后,发布小批量的最便宜的方法是购买少量以太坊调用数据而不是一整块。



对于较小的汇总,最佳策略是组队并共享 blob。举个例子,假设现在,Rollup C 希望发布一个已满 70% 的 Blob,而 Rollup D 希望发布一个已满 30% 的 Blob。如果他们合作,他们可以发布包含两个数据的单个 blob。他们现在可以分摊单个 Blob 的成本,而不是每人购买一个 Blob。这是双赢的。


即使是最繁忙的汇总有时也可以从团队合作中受益。繁忙的汇总可能会积累足够的自己的事务来填充 90% 的 blob,然后将剩余的 10% 的空间出售给不太繁忙的汇总,而不是等待足够的事务完全填充 blob。根据具体情况,这可能会或可能不会对两者来说是双赢。


当汇总共享一个 blob 时,可以节省资金。他们应该如何分配积蓄?或者同等地,他们应该如何分摊发布共享 blob 的成本?

一个明显的方法是根据他们使用的数据量按比例付费。在上面的 70/30 组合中,汇总 A 将支付 70%,因为它提供了 70% 的数据,汇总 B 将支付 30%,因为它提供了 30% 的数据。这是一种方法。

另一种说法是,如果 Rollup A 由于合作而成本降低了 X%,那么 Rollup B 也应该获得相同的 X% 降低。这表明他们每个人都应该为共享 blob 的一半付费。如果他们没有合作,Rollup A 就会购买整个 blob,因此支付一半的共享 blob 就可以节省 50%。同样,如果他们没有合作,Rollup B 就会购买一整块,因此支付一半也可以节省 50%。根据这一论点,团队成员应该始终为共享 blob 的同等份额付费,无论每个人贡献了多少数据。


足够的理论 我们实际上期望什么?

事实上,没有人能确定 EIP-4844 推出后会发生什么。我们可以确信,汇总交易将会变得更便宜。但我们不能有信心地说它们会便宜多少。

我们还知道一件事。尽管 4844 是重要的一步,但以太坊将继续发展和改进其数据可用性支持,并且 rollups 将继续发展其使用策略。我们将看到可用的内容以及汇总如何使用它的技术日益复杂 - 结果将为用户带来更好的交易。

As of the writing of this article and the rest of the upgrade, the author co-founder source translation Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network is currently planned to go online on the main network of Ethereum on January. The next Ethereum hard fork has been running on the test network and will soon enter the main network, which is a big news for users, because it brings a new data availability system, which is expected to greatly reduce the cost. If you use something like this, how will it affect you? Let's investigate the data availability and spend a lot of money. To ensure that its transaction data can be used by all nodes and verifiers, most of the summarization is realized by writing data into Ethereum as call data, and the cost per megabyte is about $ at the current price. Good summarization reduces the cost to $ per megabyte by using advanced data compression. Nevertheless, the data publishing cost still accounts for the largest part of the transaction cost. Why is Ethereum so expensive? Because the demand of Ethereum is great, it must be higher than other parties who want to use Ethereum resources. Higher bids add a new type of data availability to Ethereum, which is called data lack. They are not applicable to Ethereum contracts and can only store days, but they meet the data availability requirements. Therefore, they provide a new hope and a cheaper way to record how much their data is cheaper. This is the key issue, the basic knowledge. Each Ethereum block can contain up to 10 targets. The price of each block containing 10 will fluctuate with time. If there are more than one in the Ethereum block, the price will go up; if there are less than one, the price will go down. A price regulator like this works like a thermostat. If your home is too cold, the thermostat will turn up the heater to make the room warm. If your home is too hot, the thermostat will turn off the heater, and the result is that the temperature will remain at the required level. The pricing is similar, but it does not seek a constant temperature, but seeks a constant utilization rate. If too much is used in summary, the price will go up, so the summary will be reduced. If the sum used is less than the target quantity, the price will drop to encourage more use. The result should be a balance, in which each Ethereum block uses about 100 and the price is set properly to maintain this. Of course, the conditions will change with time, so the equilibrium price may change with the change of conditions, but the average use of 100 is valid, just like how a thermostat keeps your home at a suitable temperature when the outdoor weather changes. The heater is more powerful, which puts forward the method of finding the equilibrium price. We can ask ourselves how much we will use if the price is cents, what if the price is dollars, what if dollars, etc. The equilibrium price will be the price of just one for each Ethereum block, so let's think about how to use a good summary, which will be used in the most suitable way for the summary users. The users hope to get two main things from the summarized data poster. The two goals of low cost and rapid release are tense to use. The lowest cost method is to wait until the summary has enough data to fill before purchasing and publishing the data. However, if the summary does not wait that long, but publishes some parts more frequently, the publishing speed will be faster, which will be more expensive, because even if you don't use them all, you have to pay for the whole, so the frequent publishing strategy will buy more. How to balance these factors depends on the price. If it is very expensive, you want to use as little as possible, so it is worth waiting for a longer time and publishing. On the other hand, if it is very cheap, you can publish it very quickly, and most of it is empty without any cost. The lower the price, the more frequently you publish it, and the more empty it will be. This research paper makes this trade-off more accurate by allocating the nominal dollar cost to the time spent waiting for publication and then finding the usage that minimizes the sum of the cost plus the waiting cost. As suggested above, the result is that the usage is inversely proportional to the price, and they are used when the price is higher. Less, when the price is lower, they use more, and these are not full. The surprising conclusion of this study is that the summary with more transactions is better than that with less busy transactions, and the trade-off between the cost and the final time of the busy summary is less harsh, because the busy summary will accumulate complete data blocks faster. If the busy summary makes wise decisions, it can have better cost and faster than the less busy competitors. For example, if the traffic is twice as high, then if both of them make the best decision in the cost delay trade-off, the data cost of each transaction will be lower than about, and the transaction speed will be increased. In some cases, small aggregation will prefer to use Ethereum to call data instead of this, because when you use it, whether you use it or not, you have to pay for the whole number of bytes used, so low traffic aggregation may find that waiting for the establishment of a large batch will give. Users bring too much delay and the cheapest way to publish a small batch after deciding to use it is to buy a small amount of Ethereum call data instead of a whole block. In short, a smaller summary faces a worse trade-off than a large summary. What can a smaller summary do? The best strategy for a smaller summary is to team up and share it. For example, suppose that they want to publish a full one now and want to publish a full one. If they cooperate, they can publish a single one containing two data. It is a win-win situation to share a single cost instead of buying one for each person, but why stop there? If two summaries form an alliance and always publish together, they can get lower cost and better delay than those obtained separately, which is a long-term win-win situation. Even the busiest summary can sometimes benefit from teamwork. The busy summary may accumulate enough things of its own to fill, and then sell the remaining space to the less busy summary instead of waiting for enough. Enough transactions are completely filled, which may or may not be a win-win situation for both. When sharing one, they can save money. How should they allocate their savings or equally, how should they share the cost of publishing and sharing? An obvious method is to pay in proportion to the amount of data they use, because the summary of the data it provides will pay for the data it provides. This is one way. Another way of saying this is that if the cost is reduced due to cooperation, it should also be reduced, which shows that each of them should share. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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