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作者:Haotian,加密研究员 来源:X,@tmel0211 

如何看待最新发空投的模块化项目 @AvailProject?它的技术架构和组件分别是什么?会对 @CelestiaOrg 造成直接竞争威胁么?又会对以太坊带来哪些潜在影响?无论怎样,这应该算是模块化公链的终局叙事了。 接下 来,谈谈我的看法:

1)Avail定位为一个面向web3行业的Unification layer统一层,集成了模块化DA、可交互操作性、统一治理安全层等多个核心模块组件,意欲成为一个全新的web3项目统一入口。


2)Avail的核心架构主要由Avail DA、Avail Nexus、Avail Fusion三部分构成:

DA层作为模块化数据可用性层,可以为不同区块链网络提供DA能力,和Celestia一样要成为一个供区块链项目必选套餐的统一DA层。这意味着,Avail的出现,以太坊的DA能力会又一次遭到抽离,Rollup layer2链又多了一个DA供应商可选择;同时,Celestia等同于多了一个强大竞争对手,势必会给其业务拓展带来一定竞争影响;



总之,Avail把模块化最核心的三个基础组件都并流到一个统一架构下了,目标要做web3统一入口层,很make sense。

3)Polygon素有行业叙事整活大师之名,其全新项目Avail的落地,着实青出于蓝而胜于蓝。因为,就在大家正在打响DA争夺War,敲响链抽象可交互操作性 War的时候,Polygon直接又拔高一层要“入口”War了,直通云霄把模块化公链叙事最终的目标亮出来,可以说是模块化公链的Endgame叙事了。

对于以太坊而言,Celestia DA的入侵已经对其核心DA业务产生了影响,Avail的强势乱入势必也会分流掉一部分Rollup layer2公链生态。以太坊最终貌似只有全链可交互操作统一Settlement结算层一个故事具备竞争壁垒了。因为rollup layer2可以选择celesita、Avail、Near等各种DA,但其强大的共识和安全结算层并无法撼动。


比如,Avail DA可以独立于以太坊,但Nexus在跨链交互问题上还要基于以太坊做最终结算和仲裁(Finality最终确认性),不然作为一个中继链很难靠其独立共识快速赢得市场信任。因此,我认为以太坊并不会被真正威胁,反倒是对其加速做通用统一结算层的刺激和巩固。


What does the author think of the latest airdrop modular project? What are its technical architecture and components? What are the potential impacts on Ethereum? In any case, this should be regarded as the final narrative of the modular public chain. Let's talk about my view that it is positioned as an industry-oriented unified layer, integrating modular interoperability, unified governance security layer and other core module components, and intends to become a brand-new unified entrance to the project. In other words, It is said that the goal is to be a general hub, to unify the various layers of the market, and to use a set of interoperable communication standards to make all chains realize safe interaction, so that users can finally reach the core architecture of the whole chain environment directly through it. As a modular data availability layer, it can provide capabilities for different blockchain networks and become a unified layer for the required packages of blockchain projects, which means that the ability of Ethereum will be pulled away again, and there will be more chains. Having a supplier to choose at the same time is equivalent to having a strong competitor, which will inevitably bring some competitive influence to its business development. Because its interoperable layer is a set of standardized cross-chain messaging protocols, it provides interactive operations such as asset transfer contract calls between various cross-chains, so that users can interact with other different chains quickly based on the same chain entrance, and at the same time reduce cross-chain asset friction and unify the whole chain liquidity. This is what makes them tremble because they only supply modules. The goal of block capability is to make its back-end capability serve other chains well, but its ambition is to be the traffic portal of the front desk, which can not only provide services but also guide each chain, and introduce the consensus target of multi-asset pledge. The whole network provides security consensus guarantee, which not only allows tokens to have direct application scenarios, but also reduces the governance security risks of single asset pledge through the model of multi-asset pledge. How to understand it? Originally, a single asset called only independent chain consensus, and multi-asset pledge can make Ethereum A strong consensus chain participates in consensus building to help it quickly establish consensus and settle assets. It should be said that the existence of the layer will directly help it and the layer, and it is also the key for it not to be afraid of its competitors from a higher dimension. In short, the three basic components at the core of modularity will flow together under a unified framework, and the goal is to be unified. The entrance layer is known as the master of industry narrative, and its brand-new project has landed in shine on you rather than blue, because everyone is fighting for the chain abstraction. Interoperability directly raises a new level. It shows the ultimate goal of modular public chain narrative through the sky, which can be said to be the narrative of modular public chain. For Ethereum, the invasion has already affected its core business, and the strong intrusion will inevitably divert some public chain ecological Ethereum. In the end, it seems that only the whole chain can interoperate, and the unified settlement layer has a competitive barrier, because it can choose and so on, but its strong consensus and security settlement layer cannot be shaken. How to understand it? At first glance, grabbing and dividing the market of Ethereum is bound to mean that the center of gravity of Ethereum will be weakened. In fact, it is an irresistible reality that Ethereum can be divided, but it can consolidate its ability of security settlement layer to strengthen its position. After all, the more chains want to establish rapid trust and connection, Ethereum is a good settlement anchor layer. For example, it can be independent of Ethereum, but it should be based on Ethereum for final settlement and arbitration on cross-chain interaction issues. Otherwise, as a It is difficult for the relay chain to win the market trust quickly by its independent consensus, so I don't think Ethereum will be really threatened, but it will be stimulated and consolidated by the universal unified settlement layer. In summary, the strong entry has made me see the official opening of the modular public chain war. Because of the slogan of unified entrance layer, anyone can shout who can really capture a large number of developers' ecology of interoperable chains at the end and who can really operate the chain foreground application ecology and attract a large number of end users. Everything is still unknown. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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