IOBC Capital:DePIN是Web3必不可少的基础设施

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DePIN,Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks,去中心化物理基础设施网络。


























Filecoin是全球最大的分布式存储网络,全球有超过3800个存储提供者贡献了超过17M TB的存储容量。Filecoin的愿景是将开放、公开可验证的特性带到支持数据经济的三大核心支柱(存储、计算、内容分发)。

今年还上线了Filecoin Virtual Machine,截至目前已经有超过1100个智能合约部署在Filecoin网络,有超过8w个钱包地址与这些FVM驱动的dApps进行了交互。


Render Network:去中心化GPU渲染平台

Render Network是一个去中心化的GPU渲染平台,撮合执行渲染作业的用户 与 具有空闲GPU的用户,用于3D渲染和AI行业的分布式GPU计算。

在2023年上半年,Render Network撮合了超过460万桢的渲染作业,平均成本是20美元,相较于许多中心化平台有一点价格优势。

在Token激励机制上,Render Network是采取基于OctaneBench渲染力的单位标准,将参与的GPU分为三个层级,根据不同层级的GPU渲染速度不同所能得到的Token激励单价有所不同。


Helium是一个开源协议,激励世界各地的人们共同构建无线网络。其中HNT是Helium Network的原生加密货币,HNT能够被刻录以产生数据积分(Data Credits),这对于传输设备数据至关重要,并且具有一致的美元价值。其他子网代币,例如IoT和MOBILE,其价值来自HNT,他们之间可以兑换。而要使用该网络,必须Burn HNT。

基于Helium协议,构建的第一个示范案例是LongFi——这是一个基于Helium协议和LoRaWAN技术构建的Helium IoT网络。

另一个示范案例是Nova Labs团队打造的Helium Mobile,一个Helium 5G网络,旨在以较低成本扩展Helium 5G网络的覆盖范围,并持续奖励用户。

Helium激励世界各地的人们在短短三年内建立了这个疯狂的去中心化无线网络。据项目官方报道,自推出以来已经部署了近100万个热点,覆盖192个国家的77000多个城镇。Helium 5G网络也正在经历快速增长,社区在不到一年时间部署了8000多个5G Radios。大约有10万台设备已经与Helium网络进行连接。



Orchestrators(协调者,即节点)在Livepeer Network运行一个节点,该节点通过GPU对视频进行转码的同时,可以挖矿得到Token。



Theta Network是一个双网络,由两个互补的子系统组成,即Theta Blockchain和Theta Edge Network(边缘网络)。其中Theta Blockchain提供支付、奖励和智能合约功能,而边缘网络负责图像和视频等媒体资产的存储和交付。




Decentralized physical infrastructure network is a paradigm innovation in the deployment and maintenance of physical infrastructure. It is built by individuals and companies all over the world in a distributed way for anyone to use. In return, the contributors of these physical infrastructure nodes can get economic compensation and incentives for the network they are building. By using the Internet, Internet of Things and blockchain technology, more efficient decentralization and fairness can be achieved. The infrastructure deployment mode is still essential to realize the real sense. However, it is very fragile. Although it is based on the relatively prosperous application scenarios, these applications still rely on centralized cloud services, data centers and other Internet infrastructure industries. There have been incidents of data loss in some projects due to the downtime of large cloud computing platforms, and there have also been incidents in which centralized cloud service providers such as node service providers are not allowed to provide services to some projects because of regulatory sanctions. Even the code base and front-end official website will be restricted. Q: Therefore, it is essential to realize the real infrastructure. Perhaps these projects may not occupy a lot of market share of the total business volume. Perhaps the agreements may not have advantages in performance. However, the existence of these agreements may one day ensure the normal operation of the projects and enhance their robustness. Traditionally, due to the high capital requirements and logistics challenges of physical infrastructure projects, the deployment and management of physical infrastructure such as wireless networks, cloud services, mobile networks and power grids are generally centralized. This phenomenon led by the company will not only lead to poor user experience due to lack of competition and innovation, but also be detrimental to the robustness. Compared with the traditional centralized physical infrastructure network, it has the following advantages: low participation cost, decentralized physical infrastructure network reduces management costs and expenses by using the collective resources of network participants. The network robustness decentralized network provides a more flexible and safe infrastructure that is not easily affected by single point of failure, and open competition and innovation are eliminated. The high capital and large-scale entry barriers of traditional infrastructure networks are conducive to the generation of more small-scale new participants. The industrial logic of classification is very simple. There are mainly the following key roles: equipment providers, who provide physical equipment resources such as memory, storage space, bandwidth, hotspots, etc. to obtain returns, agreements and protocols, build distributed networks, design incentives for distributed equipment providers, and let network users pay for the services using the protocols, and pay for them compared with centralized products. Infrastructure has a cheaper price. To maintain the stable development of this cycle, it is necessary to ensure that the value is relatively stable. It is necessary to have a perfect value capture project for the protocol value. It can be roughly divided into the following categories: decentralized storage, decentralized computing networks, etc. From the common point of view, most physical infrastructures have three basic components, which need to be built and maintained in the real world, and these distributed physical infrastructures are jointly built into a decentralized physics. Every device in the infrastructure network is a network node chain, and the computing infrastructure depends on middleware, which allows real-world data to be captured and analyzed, and then used to calculate users' contributions. Blockchains and blockchains serve as a platform for statistics and scheduling of tamper-proof account books, equipment, registry tasks, and are one of the incentives for network contributors. They can also be used as pricing currency for network services and sometimes as collateral assets for contributors to ensure quality and quantity of services. The innovations provided by these components far exceed. The scope that centralized infrastructure can provide may bring new vitality and innovation to this field. The project cases have attracted wide attention in the industry with their low start-up cost and rapid expansion ability, and a number of projects have appeared. Decentralized storage network is the largest distributed storage network in the world, and more than 100 storage providers in the world have contributed more storage capacity. The vision is to bring open and verifiable characteristics to the three core pillars supporting the data economy to store and calculate content. It was launched this year. Up to now, more than 100 smart contracts have been deployed on the network, and more than 100 wallet addresses have interacted with these drivers. In short, the distributed storage network has become one of the most important decentralized physical infrastructures in the industry. The decentralized rendering platform is a decentralized rendering platform that matches users who perform rendering jobs with idle users for rendering and distributed computing in the industry. In the first half of last year, more than 10,000 frames of rendering jobs were matched. The cost is that the US dollar has a little price advantage compared with many centralized platforms. In the incentive mechanism, the unit standard based on rendering power is adopted, and the participation is divided into three levels. According to the different rendering speeds of different levels, the incentive unit price is different. The decentralized wireless network protocol is an open source protocol to encourage people all over the world to jointly build wireless networks, in which the original cryptocurrency can be burned to generate data points, which is very important for transmitting equipment data and has one. The dollar value of other subnet tokens, for example, can be exchanged between them, and the first demonstration case that the network must be built based on protocols is that this is a network built based on protocols and technologies. Another demonstration case is that a network built by a team aims to expand the coverage of the network at a lower cost and continue to reward users and inspire people all over the world to establish this crazy decentralized wireless network in just three years. According to the official report of the project, since its launch, Nearly 10,000 hotspots have been deployed, covering 10 countries, and many urban networks are also experiencing rapid growth. In less than a year, the community has deployed a number of decentralized live video broadcasting platforms with about 10,000 devices connected to the network. It is a video infrastructure network for live broadcast and on-demand streaming media. It aims to provide developers with innovative freedom and creators with the autonomy of the platform. The core lies in encouraging nodes to contribute to real-time video coding and distribution services through encrypted economic agreements. And bandwidth coordinator, that is, the node runs a node, which can mine and get decentralized video streaming media while transcoding video. The decentralized video streaming media network is a decentralized video streaming media platform based on blockchain technology, which improves the quality of video streaming and reduces the cost of video distribution by encouraging individual users to share surplus computing power and bandwidth resources as cache or relay nodes of video streaming. It is a dual network composed of two complementary subsystems, namely, the edge network, which provides payment incentives and smart contract functions, while the edge network is responsible for the storage and delivery summary of media assets such as images and videos. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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