Solana 生态安全和审计策略

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11 月 14 日至 17 日,Solana Hacker House 在香港举办为期四天的线下活动,由 Solana Labs 核心工程师提供现场指导,同时还有来自其他生态系统团队的导师支持。慢雾安全团队的公链安全负责人 Johan 受邀在活动中做了一个主题为 Advanced Security and Auditing Strategies for Solana Blockchain 的演讲,从开发中的安全考量、Solana 中的安全事件、如何做智能合约安全审计三个方面为大家讲解 Solana 生态安全和审计策略。



Solana 的 Public key 由 Ed25519 算法生成,该算法安全快速,有一定的抗量子计算的能力,且生成的签名具有确定性,可以更好地抵抗签名延展性攻击。

Solana 账号

Solana 的设计理念和 Linux 的文件有一定的相似性,账号可以用于存储数据,也有严格的所有权和读写权限控制。Linux 通过 Path 来指向要读写或执行的文件,而 Solana 通过 Public key 指向要读写或运行的账号,不同的是 Solana 账号需要为存储空间支付费用。

Solana 账号具有以下特性:

  • 账号是用于存储数据的

  • 账号的最大存储空间是 10 MB

  • 存储空间需要支付租金

  • 默认创建账号时的 owner 是 System Program

  • Programs 是存储在账号中的可执行程序

  • Programs 可由用户和其它 Programs 调用

  • Programs 是无状态的

  • PDA 账号最大存储空间是 10 KB

程序账号 & 数据账号

由于 Solana 的 Programs 是无状态的,因此它在存储数据的时候就需要创建用于存储数据的账号,即 PDA 账号,PDA 账号的 owner 可以将数据以特定的结构序列化后存储在 Data Account 里。


下图是 Solana 智能合约的调用示意图,和以太坊的智能合约不同的是,Solana 一个 Transaction 里可以通过 Instruction 调用多个 Program。客户端调用 Program 时,首先需要传入几个关键参数(Program ID, Accounts, Data) 来构造 Instruction,这个调用非常简单灵活,但也因此存在非常多的安全引患。

账号的校验就是其中一个严重的安全隐患,智能合约需要非常严谨地设计账号的关联关系,我们看下图的结构,key 指向账号本身,lamports 需要校验租金是否足够,data 要根据特定场景解析出具体的值进行校验,owner 通常与 Program ID 相关联,还有要校验签名、账号是否可写等等。


程序在运行时受到 runtime 的约束,例如:

  • 只有账号的所有者才能更改所有者

  • 未分配给 Program 的账号不能减少其余额

  • 只读和可执行账号的余额可能不会更改

  • 只有所有者可以更改账号大小和数据

  • 账号被添加可执行属性以后就无法回退

  • 任何人都无法修改与帐号相关联的 rent_epoch


这是 runtime 对智能合约的调用做的另一个限制。在以太坊创建早期,发生过一起知名的重入攻击事件,导致大量投资人的资金被盗,Solana 吸取了这个教训,禁止了合约的重入。


  • Key 校验:检测传入的账户是否是预期的账户,例如 Sysvar 账户

  • Owner 校验:验证数据编写者是否具有适当的授权

  • Signer 校验:认证发起请求的调用者的身份

  • Program ID 校验:确认执行环境是否符合预期条件

  • PDA 校验:验证数据完整性,以确认其来自可信任的来源

  • Lamports 校验:检测用于存储数据的租金的充足性

  • Data 校验:分析数据格式,以确保符合预期结构,比如验证 SPL-Token 规范

Solana 上的资产:代币

由于 programs 是无状态的,所以 token 并不能只在单个账号中实现,token 主要由这几部分组成,token-program, mint-account 和 token-account。简单地说,发行一个 token,就是创建了一个 mint-account,接收一个新的代币,就是创建了一个 token-account。

mint-account 中存储了基本的代币信息,比如 mint-authority, supply, decimals, is_initialized, freeze-authority。

token-account 中记录了用户持有的代币信息,比如 mint, owner, amount 等,还有账号的授权信息,如 delegate, delegate_amount 等。

下图是代币各账号之间的关系图,token-program 可以无限地创建代币,用户也可以拥有无限的 token-account,他们的 account owner 都是 token-program。

NFT 也一种 SPL-token,目前默认使用的是 metaplex 创建的标准。相比同质化代币,NFT 的主要特点是它的 supply 为 1,decimals 为 0,代表 NFT 独一无二且不可分割。

值得一提的是,token 的授权模型中一次只允许授权给一个账号,相比 ERC-20 标准,这种方式大大降低了代币被盗的风险。

以下是 SPL-token 在编程中需要注意的事项:

  • Token Program ID 校验:确认代币是由官方项目发行的

  • Mint 校验:确保收到的是正确的代币

  • Mint Authority 校验:保护代币铸造权利,利用如多重签名等方法以防止私钥滥用

  • Decimal 校验:验证代币的小数精度,以确保准确的交易

  • Amount 校验:实施范围验证,以防止溢出并保持计算准确性

  • Freeze Authority 校验:确保 NFT 的发行权限被不可逆地终止

Solana 中的安全事件

据慢雾区块链被黑档案库( 统计,截至目前,Solana 生态中的损失已超过 5 亿美元。

接下来我们简单介绍一些 Solana 中发生过的黑客攻击事件,让大家了解黑客是如何攻击 Solana 应用的。

1. Wormhole 跨链桥被攻击

这个事故的主要原因是传入的一个系统账号没有校验,黑客使用伪造的账号,使用精心构造的数据填充账号,使得智能合约错误地给黑客增发了代币,此次事件造成了 12 万个 ETH 的损失。

2. Nirvana 遭闪电贷攻击

该项目没有开源,只能从浏览器进行分析,我们可以看到黑客从 solend 里借出了大量的 USDC,操控了代币的价格,进而获利 300 多万美元。由此可见,并不是项目不开源就不会被黑客攻击,有经验、有耐心的攻击者还是可以分析出协议中可能存在的安全漏洞,因此开发团队不能有侥幸心理。

3. 大规模盗取私钥的事件

2022 年 8 月,我们发现 Solana 社区有大量的用户被盗取私钥,奇怪的是调查发现他们使用的并不是同一个钱包,而且使用习惯也不相同,所以该事件的原因并没有定论。但是我们发现有一些钱包由于使用了 sentry 组件,导致私钥被上传到服务端。慢雾安全团队曾写过慢雾:Solana 公链大规模盗币事件的分析,感兴趣的朋友可以点击查看。

4. 代币假充值攻击

这是一个链下的安全问题,攻击者创建一个 token-account,往这个账号里转移代币,然后转出,最后把这个 token-account 的 owner 转移给交易所的充值地址,交易所在检测 token-account 的链上记录时,会误认为这个账号有真实的充值,于是为这个恶意用户进行充值,导致了攻击的发生。



智能合约安全审计是一个严谨过程,所需要掌握的知识和技能也很多,慢雾安全团队在 Github 上开放了智能合约安全审计技能树( 和 Solana 智能合约安全最佳实践(,欢迎感兴趣的朋友移步到 Github 上阅读。


慢雾安全团队在智能合约安全审计领域里耕耘多年,Badwhale 是慢雾安全团队独家且沉淀多年的商业系统,为数十个平台持续服务多年,已避免了预估几十亿美金资产的假充值风险,也支持 Solana 的假充值检测。目前,慢雾安全团队已审计过数十个 Solana 的项目,如果项目方有审计方面的需求,欢迎与我们联系。

最后,感谢 Solana Hacker House 的邀请,希望通过本次分享帮助大家更好地认识了 Solana 的生态安全和审计策略。

Background A four-day off-line activity was held in Hong Kong from April to April, with on-site guidance from core engineers and support from mentors from other ecosystem teams. The head of public chain safety of slow fog safety team was invited to give a speech at the event, and explained the ecological safety and security considerations in audit strategy development from three aspects: how to do smart contract security audit, how to generate the algorithm security by the algorithm. It has a certain ability to resist quantum computing quickly and the generated signature is deterministic, which can better resist the signature extension attack. The design concept and files of the account are similar. The account can be used to store data, and it also has strict ownership and access control. By pointing to the file to be read, written or executed, it points to the account to be read, written or run. The difference is that the account needs to pay for the storage space. The account has the following characteristics: the account is the maximum storage of the account used to store data. Storage space is storage space, which needs to pay rent. By default, when creating an account, the executable program stored in the account can be called by users and others. The account is stateless. The maximum storage space is the program account. Because the data account is stateless, it needs to create an account for storing data when storing data, that is, the account can serialize the data in a specific structure and store it in the program instructions. The following figure shows the call schematic diagram of the smart contract and the smart contract of Ethereum. The difference is that a call can be constructed by passing in several key parameters when calling multiple clients. This call is very simple and flexible, but there are also many security risks. The verification of accounts is one of the serious security risks. Smart contracts need to design the relationship of accounts very strictly. We look at the structure below, pointing to the account itself, and we need to verify whether the rent is enough. We need to analyze the specific values according to specific scenarios for verification. Usually, it needs to be verified. Whether the signature account is writable or not, etc. Constraints of the program at runtime. For example, only the owner of the account can change the account that the owner has not allocated, and the balance of the read-only and executable account may not be changed. Only the owner can change the account size and data account, and after the executable attribute is added, it cannot be rolled back. No one can modify the re-entry protection associated with the account. This is another restriction on the call of smart contracts. A well-known re-entry attack occurred in the early stage of construction, which led to the theft of a large number of investors' funds. This lesson has been learned. It is forbidden to re-enter the contract. Account security coding Precautions Check whether the incoming account is the expected account, for example, whether the account verification data writer has the appropriate authorization to verify and authenticate the identity of the caller who initiated the request, and whether the execution environment meets the expected conditions. Check and verify the integrity of the data to confirm that it comes from a trusted source. Check and test for. The adequacy of the rent for storing data is checked and analyzed to ensure that the data format conforms to the expected structure, such as the asset token in the verification specification. Because it is stateless, it can not be realized only in a single account. Simply speaking, issuing a token is to create a new token, which is to create a new token. For example, the basic token information is stored in it, such as the token information held by the user and the authorization information of the account. The following figure shows the token between the accounts. The relationship diagram can create tokens infinitely, and users can also own them infinitely. What they have is also a standard that is used by default at present. Compared with the homogenization token, the main feature is that its representative is unique and inseparable. It is worth mentioning that in the authorization model, only one account is allowed to be authorized at a time, which greatly reduces the risk of token theft compared with the standard. The following are the matters needing attention in programming. Verify that the token is issued by an official project to ensure that it is received. The purpose is to verify the correct token, protect the casting right of the token, and use methods such as multiple signatures to prevent the abuse of the private key, verify the decimal precision of the token to ensure the accurate transaction verification, implement the scope verification to prevent overflow and maintain the accuracy of calculation, and ensure that the issuance authority is irreversibly terminated. According to the statistics of the slow fog blockchain by the black archive, the loss in the ecology has exceeded 100 million US dollars. Next, we will briefly introduce some hacking incidents that have occurred in the past for everyone. Explain how hackers attacked the cross-chain bridge of the application. The main reason for this accident was that an incoming system account was not verified. Hackers used forged accounts to fill accounts with carefully constructed data, which made smart contracts mistakenly issue more tokens to hackers. This incident caused tens of thousands of losses and was attacked by lightning loans. The project was not open source and could only be analyzed from the browser. We can see that hackers borrowed a lot of money from it to manipulate the price of tokens and then earned more than tens of thousands of dollars. It is not that the project will not be attacked by hackers if it is not open source. Experienced and patient attackers can still analyze the possible security loopholes in the agreement, so the development team can't be lucky. We found that a large number of users in the community had their private keys stolen. Strangely, the investigation found that they didn't use the same wallet and their usage habits were different, so the cause of the incident was inconclusive, but we found that some wallets were private because of the use of components. The key was uploaded to the server. The slow fog security team once wrote an analysis of the large-scale theft of coins in the slow fog public chain. Interested friends can click to view the fake recharge attack of tokens. This is a security problem under the chain. The attacker creates a recharge address to transfer tokens to this account and then transfers it to the exchange. When the exchange records on the detected chain, it will mistakenly think that this account has a real recharge, so it will recharge this malicious user, which leads to the attack. How to be smart? Contract security audit security is not only done technically, because the security environment may introduce new variables after time changes, which will make the system fragile. We believe that there are three important factors to be considered in doing a good job of security, such as a security budget, a continuous audit, and a senior manager who is directly responsible for security work. Smart contract security audit is a rigorous process, and many slow fog security teams have opened a smart contract security audit skill tree and smart contract security best practices on the Internet. Welcome interested friends to move to the website to read the conclusion. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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