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作者:David Ma,AllianceDAO 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

在之前的文章中,我启动了一个项目,对 Web3 中的借贷协议进行分类。

快速回顾一下,贷款协议是一套规则,用于管理借款人如何暂时占有贷款人的资产并承诺偿还这些资产。这样的协议将定义如何从借款人向贷方征收利息,以及如何构建抵押来保护贷方。本系列的第 1 部分探讨了利息期限内的主题:零期限与正期限、贷款滚动和永续化、选择性,并在该框架内对一些协议进行了分类。



利率是借款人向贷款人累积额外付款的利率。为了便于比较,该利率通常以年化格式报价。以年化百分比率 (APR) 或收益率 (APY) 形式表示。两者之间的区别在于,APR 假设不进行复利,而 APY 则假设复利。例如,年利率为 10%,半年复利将导致年利率为 10.25%。

两者与以下公式相关: APY = (1 + APR / k)^k — 1 其中 k 是每年复利的次数。

在 Web3 中,大多数贷款都是连续复利的(k = 大),因为大多数贷款都是零期限贷款。因此,他们以 APY 报价来告诉用户,假设利率保持不变,他们一年会赚多少钱。对于定期贷款,更常见的是以年利率报价。

顺便说一句,如果 2020 年式的简陋单产农业卷土重来,请警惕 APY 中的掠夺性报价,因为这些机会都不会持续足够长的时间,以致复利变得重要。在 APR 中进行心算要容易得多。对于固定奖励池,TVL 加倍意味着奖励率减半。简单的。




  • 订单定价:最灵活且由市场驱动,但需要权衡用户体验

  • 基于利用率的定价:该模型在 defi 中找到了产品市场契合度,但不是 100% 有效,并且在极端情况下表现不佳

  • 拍卖:定价好,贷款效率高,但需要用户提前计划,二级市场碎片化,摩擦小等。

  • Ajna 的使用:对经典使用方法的一种改造,适合在无预言机协议中工作

  • Tazz 的永续贷款融资:一种新的 p2pool 借贷原语,可以让市场定价利率,从而使抵押品完全模块化。

  • 手动定价:或治理主导的定价。




  • 不熟练的用户不知道如何为他们的订单定价。这些用户只是想在不支付巨额成本的情况下进行交易。

  • 下达限价单就像写一个免费期权。市场流动性越差,出块时间越慢,期权就越有价值。换句话说,理论上的真实价格在订单未被执行的情况下变动得越多,这些限价订单本身包含的期权价值就越大。

  • 订单簿的良好运营需要积极的管理。您需要取消过时的限价订单。您需要与其他参与者一起玩竞价战游戏。

  • 它需要大量的交易。



  • 订单簿交易创建点对点贷款匹配。违约风险是不可替代的。

  • 持续发放定期贷款会产生彼此不能完全互换的头寸。相反,Pendle 和 Notional 等协议选择在特定日期固定期限发放贷款。代价是可用贷款的期限总是很奇怪,比如 37 天、159 天等等……

  • 短期贷款创造了更多交易。您可以自动化滚动,但如何为下一笔贷款定价?

所有这些都导致了市场的分散,或者至少是复杂的交易体验。也就是说,像 Blur 和 Arcade.xyz 这样的 NFT 借贷平台仍然依赖于类似订单簿的用户体验。他们每个人都想出了可以减轻糟糕的用户体验的功能。

  • Blur 融合了一种永续贷款的形式,以消除期限维度。

  • Blur 和 Arcade 都有“集合优惠”,贷方将整个 NFT 集合视为可替代的,集合中的任何 NFT 都可以用作抵押品。


AMM 是订单簿的一个子类别。如果一个协议可以将足够多的人聚集到可替代的借贷市场中,那么 AMM 是一个不错的选择。利率比代币更容易回归均值,因此使用 AMM LP 化利率比 LP 化代币更安全。这就是 Pendle、Notional 和 Tazz 的工作原理。





第一个也是最大的链上借贷平台 Aave 就采用了这种方法。它仍然是流动性和可替代资产最流行的利率定价方式。

请注意,Aave 并不是从这个设计开始的。EthLend(Aave 品牌重塑前)2018 年白皮书概述了 p2p 定期订单簿。他们的 2020 年白皮书中介绍了该利用模式。这种对金融原语的彻底重新思考(uniswap AMM 是另一个例子)是 defi 的乐趣之一。


由于白皮书中没有对此进行解释,因此我对这种方法背后的动机的猜测非常简单。考虑经济学 101 模型——当利率高时,愿意借钱的人更少,而愿意放贷的人更多。“最佳”利率是指愿意借款的人数与贷方的数量完全匹配,且利用率为 100%。

当利率太低时,愿意借款的人比贷款人多。利用率将达到 100%,但它并没有告诉我们模型所处的位置。此外,贷方无法退出贷款。

当利率太高时,大量贷款供应就会闲置。APY 利差(1-利用率)随着利率的增加而增加。这还是在平台收取费用之前。右侧的图表经过简化。贷方实际上获得的利率低于 r。


上述 Aave 的“利率模型”有点用词不当。数学爱好者喜欢将其称为 PID 控制器,但只是部分自动化。首先,Aave 选择目标利用率(例如 90%)和扭结曲线。如果利用率经常保持在 >90%,Aave 的治理(因此部分自动化)将使利率曲线变得陡峭,试图将利用率压低。如果利用率太低,则反之亦然。

有时,市场会遇到特殊情况,PID 控制器反应太慢。例如,在 2022 年 9 月的以太坊合并期间,合并前的以太币将被分叉为权益证明以太币(我们现在持有的以太币)和工作量证明以太币(由 Justin Tron 赞助,有点像)。PoW 以太币被市场认为价值约为 PoS 以太币的 2%。市场参与者看到了这一点,并希望在钱包中保留尽可能多的合并前的 ETH。一种方法是将稳定币作为抵押品并借入以太坊。只要借款期限内的累计利息低于 2%,这就是合理的交易。在不到 1 周的时间内赚取 2% 意味着可以支付超过 100% 的年利率。Aave 的利率上限为 100%。不用说,在合并之前的几天里,Aave、Compound、Euler、Inverse 和每个 PID 控制器借贷协议的以太借用利用率都达到了极限。如果我没记错的话,Inverse 没有设定利率上限,年利率达到了 1000%。


总而言之,好处在于正常市场条件下的用户体验。随时借、借、走。但当利用率达到 100%(如合并期间)时,贷方就陷入了无追索权的境地。其他缺点是 10% 的贷款缓冲资产导致资本效率低下,以及无法提供定期贷款。



Term Finance是一个相对较新的协议,就是受到这种机制的启发。他们的拍卖实施细节值得一读。他们的文档清晰简洁。




不利的一面是,拍卖需要一些预先计划,而且不那么用户友好。对于美国国债来说这是一个不错的选择,但在加密货币领域,定期贷款市场的参与度还不够高。另一个挑战是市场的碎片化。加密货币有很多类似但不可替代的资产。这将是一个更难启动的产品,但我希望有一天,Term Finance 能够在以太坊打印机的全力支持下发行以太坊国库券。


Ajna 是少数不依赖于预言机的借贷协议之一。对 Ajna 如何实现这一目标的完整阐述超出了本文的范围。相反,其设定利率的高水平值得讨论。

贷方首先选择他们愿意借出报价代币(例如 USDC)的抵押品(例如 ETH)估值。借款人从最高估值向下累积匹配。贷款风险最高(贷款与抵押品比率最高)的借款人设定“最高门槛价格”(HTP),估值较低的贷款人不会获得利息。



利率也由利用率函数决定,但这里的计算仅考虑将抵押品估值设置为高于 HTP 的贷方。利率从 10% 开始,每 12 小时乘以或除以 1.1,具体取决于利用率与“目标利用率”的比较情况。


尽管借款人和贷款人可以随时离开(零久期),但考虑到 Ajna 的初始费用为 1 周,利率半衰期为 3 天,Ajna 的设计期限至少为一周。由于 Ajna 进入市场的时间还不够长,所以现在了解这种机制的全部优缺点还为时过早。

真正的无需许可和不可变的协议很少见,因为它们很难正确执行。但当它们确实发生时,它们就成为可组合性的基石。我真心希望 Ajna 能够成为借贷界的 Uniswap。

Tazz 的永久贷款融资

Tazz 是即将推出的贷款协议,引入了新的利率定价原语。同样,该机制的完整描述超出了本文的范围。请继续关注未来的深入文章。

债务始于零息永续贷款,类似于 Aave。债务代币( Aave 术语中的AToken)可以在任何 dex 上进行交易。除了协议破产之外,Aave 的 Atoken 交易几乎总是接近 1:1,而 Tazz 的债务代币(ZToken)则由市场定价。ZToken 的价格决定了名义债务累积的利率(即资金)。如果名义债务继续增加,抵押参数将触发清算。

持续资金支付与 k * (1 – ZToken 价格相对于代币的 TWAP) 成正比。常数k越低,债务期限越长,越容易受到利率风险的影响。

请注意,在这种机制中,抵押与协议的其余部分完全模块化。您可以设置无抵押品、nft 抵押品、LP 代币、非流动性代币、锁定代币、基于预言机的抵押品定价或一次性定价的池。这并不重要,因为市场可以为承担风险所需的利率定价。


  • 点对点借贷

  • 100% 贷款利用率,因此利差较低

  • 合并流动性,仅按抵押条款和期限划分

  • 任何抵押品类型

一个潜在的缺点是它需要监控池价格(但少于 Ajna)。如果不切实际的价格持续太久,就会导致不切实际的利率。ZToken 的流动性市场将使借款人和贷款人都不必过于密切监控。


鉴于 GHO depeg,这一点值得一提。有一些债务抵押头寸(CDP)稳定币。Maker 的 DAI 规模最大,Liquity 的 LUSD、Lybra 的 eUSD、Prisma 的 mkUSD 等紧随其后。

尽管 CDP 看起来不像贷款,但实际上却很像。借款人用 ETH(Maker v1)、LST(Prisma、Lybra)或其他资产进行抵押。借款人铸造一个 CDP,协议预言机按照 1:1 的价格计算美元的价值。CDP 可以在公开市场上出售,从而借款人“借入”另一种资产,贷方收到 CDP。该贷款是永久性的,期限未知,并且可能不会固定在 1 美元。借款人向协议支付利率,贷款人可以从协议接收另一个利率(例如 Dai 储蓄利率)。有时,有一个称为“稳定模块”的后盾基金,以避免自我强化的 CDP 脱钩。



Aave 的 GHO 是一个具有手动利率的 CDP。目前 GHO 的借款利率为 3%(低于国库券和 Dai 的 5%),他们在 Aave 上的贷款(储蓄)利率为 0%(除非您知道在哪里寻找激励性游戏)。因此,愿意借钱的人太多,愿意放贷的人太少,导致 GHO 价格下降。

Aave 治理论坛上的争论已经持续了数月。争论的本质归结为是固定钉住汇率还是保持稳定的利率(因此利率是可变的,但期限为正)。在 GHO 获得更多市场主导地位之前,GHO 无法两者兼得。



In the previous article, I started a project to classify the loan agreements in China, and quickly reviewed that the loan agreement is a set of rules for managing how the borrower temporarily occupies the lender's assets and promises to repay these assets. Such an agreement will define how to collect interest from the borrower and how to build a mortgage to protect the lender. The first part of this series discusses the theme of zero-term and positive-term loans rolling and perpetuating during the interest period. Selectivity and classification of some agreements within this framework. In this article, I continue to construct a classification to discuss how to determine the interest rate of various agreements. Interest rate is the interest rate at which borrowers accumulate extra payments to lenders. In order to facilitate comparison, the interest rate is usually quoted in annualized format and expressed in annualized percentage rate or rate of return. The difference between the two is that assuming that compound interest is not carried out, for example, compound interest at an annual rate of six months will lead to an annual interest rate, which is related to the following formula. The number of times of compound interest every year in China, most loans are large in continuous compound interest, because most loans are zero-term loans, so they use quotations to tell users how much they will earn in a year if the interest rate remains unchanged. For term loans, it is more common to quote at an annual interest rate. By the way, if the annual crude yield agriculture returns, please be wary of predatory quotations, because these opportunities will not last long enough so that compound interest becomes important. It is much easier to do mental arithmetic in China. Doubling the reward pool means halving the reward rate. Now, after the definition is simple, we can discuss the pricing. Price pricing is a mechanism to calculate how much interest rate borrowers and lenders pay each other. Although it is not detailed, this paper will introduce some of these mechanisms. Order pricing is the most flexible and market-driven, but it needs to weigh the user experience. The model finds the product market fit in the model, but it is not effective and does not perform well in extreme cases. Users are required to plan in advance the use of the secondary market with less fragmentation and friction, which is a transformation of the classic use method. A new lending primitive is suitable for the perpetual loan financing working in the Oracle-free agreement, which can make the market price interest rates so as to make the collateral completely modular. Manual pricing or governance-led pricing order book pricing The most common way to price assets is to let the market organize its own order book and let borrowers and lenders issue price limit orders to stipulate the amount and interest rate that they are willing to borrow or lend as orders. Booking transactions when matching, however, the order book also has shortcomings. Unskilled users don't know how to price their orders. These users just want to trade without paying huge costs. Issuing a limit order is like writing a free option. The worse the liquidity of the market, the slower the time to block, the more valuable the option is. In other words, the more the theoretical real price changes when the order is not executed, the greater the option value contained in these limit orders. The good operation of the order book needs to be positive. Management: You need to cancel outdated limit orders. You need to play the bidding war game with other participants. It needs a lot of transactions, which is why the order book is still unpopular in the chain. On the contrary, automatic market maker inquiry and auction are more suitable for the product blockchain. In terms of lending, the order book faces greater challenges. Trading in the order book creates peer-to-peer loans to match the default risk, which is irreplaceable. Continued issuance of term loans will produce positions that cannot be completely exchanged with each other. On the contrary, the agreement choice is equal. It is always strange to issue loans at a fixed term on a specific date, for example, every day and so on. Short-term loans have created more transactions. You can roll them automatically, but how to price the next loan. All of these have led to the dispersion of the market or at least a complicated trading experience, that is to say, lending platforms like Hehe still rely on the user experience similar to the order book. Each of them has come up with the function of alleviating the bad user experience and integrated a form of perpetual loans. In order to eliminate the term dimension and the preferential treatment of all sets, lenders regard the whole set as an alternative set, and any of them can be used as collateral, which is a subcategory of the order book. If an agreement can gather enough people into the alternative lending market, it is a good choice. The interest rate is easier to return to the average than tokens, so it is safer to use the interest rate than to use tokens. This is the working principle of sum. Looking back, although the order book can handle simple assets well, the loan order book has it. Too many dimensions need to be considered and ingenious methods are needed to reduce the complexity of user experience. Pricing based on utilization ratio is the ratio of the total amount of borrowed assets to the total amount of loanable assets. Pricing based on utilization ratio defines interest rate as the increasing function of utilization ratio. This method was adopted by the first and largest online lending platform, and it is still the most popular interest rate pricing method for liquidity and alternative assets. Please note that it was not before the rebranding started from this design. The white paper in 1998 outlined the regular order book, and their white paper in 1998 introduced the utilization model. This thorough rethinking of financial primitive is another example. It is one of the pleasures. Because it is not explained in the white paper, my guess on the motivation behind this method is very simple. Considering the economic model, when the interest rate is high, fewer people are willing to borrow money and more people are willing to lend. The optimal interest rate means that the number of people willing to borrow matches the number of lenders completely and the utilization rate is when the interest rate is too low. There are more people willing to borrow than lenders, and the utilization rate will reach, but it doesn't tell us where the model is located. In addition, lenders can't withdraw from loans. When the interest rate is too high, a large number of loan supplies will be idle. The spread utilization rate will increase with the increase of interest rate. This is before the platform charges fees. The chart on the right side is simplified, and the interest rate actually obtained by lenders is lower than that due to the unobservable lending curve changing with market conditions. Therefore, the challenge is to keep the interest rate close to the optimal interest rate and withdraw for lenders at the same time. Keep a certain buffer. The above interest rate model is a bit of a misnomer. Mathematicians like to call it a controller, but it is only partially automated. First, choose the target utilization rate, such as the kink curve. If the utilization rate is always kept under control, partial automation will make the interest rate curve steep. If the utilization rate is too low, the vice versa. Sometimes the market will encounter special circumstances. For example, during the merger of Ethereum in June, the ethereum before the merger will be forked into the ethereum to prove its rights and interests. The amount of ethereum we hold now is a bit like ethereum being marketed by sponsorship. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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