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作者:Hedy Bi

近日,香港证监会在其官网发布“致持牌法团、获证监会发牌的虚拟资产服务提供者及有联系实体的通函 - 打击洗钱/恐怖分子资金筹集经更新的《打击洗钱/恐怖分子资金筹集的自我评估查检表》”,其中在更新的《打击洗钱/恐怖分子资金筹集的自我评估查检表》中再提区块链分析工具。具体而言,证监会在“与虚拟资交易及活动有关的持续监察”部分强调区块链分析工具的重要性





区块链分析工具在国际上一直是虚拟资产服务提供商的必备合规工具。香港监管当局也逐渐意识到其重要性:从今年年初,香港证监会《有关适用于获证券及期货实务监察委员会发牌的虚拟资产交易平台运营者的建议监管规定的咨询》对公众进行问询,该版本是没有提到区块链分析工具。欧科云链研究院在建言中以欧科云链Onchain AML科技解决方案为例深入剖析链上转账和交互等在内的链上世界,并提出“金融机构应采用适当的科技方案(如区块链分析工具),以便追踪虚拟资产及相关钱包地址,并识别潜在可疑交易”的建议。

今年6月,香港证监会更新的《有关适用于获证券及期货实务监察委员会发牌的虚拟资产交易平台运营者的建议监管规定的咨询总结》新增附录B - 虚拟资产的第12章,区块链数据分析工具在第12.7.3新增的134条脚注中得到了特别强调。再到11月14日证监会更新的《打击洗钱/恐怖分子资金筹集的自我评估查检表》内容,可以看出证监会更希望虚拟资产服务提供方自己采用区块链数据分析工具等科技解决方案,提前规避洗钱风险。



  1. 大额转账偏爱链上交易

大额交易通常涉及更高的风险包括洗钱、欺诈和操控市场等风险 ,不仅在传统金融还是虚拟资产市场都是监管重点。大部分大额转账交易实际上并不在中心化交易平台上进行,而是在钱包之间完成,链上的转账和交易往往有匿名性和抗审查性,这会给监管带来难度。

根据欧科云链链上浏览器上的数据分析显示,除了交易所账户的资金流转和做市商(Market Maker Service) 与交易所间的资金流转,个人账户的大额交易多通过链上而非中心化交易所进行。

  1. 洗钱犯罪在不断升级演变

相对于传统洗钱犯罪,利用加密资产进行洗钱犯罪更具隐蔽性和难以追踪。且由于其技术特性可以在洗钱犯罪三个阶段———置入、培植和 融合中,发挥不同作用。此外,还存在不法分子盗取合法用户的账户并利用此进行洗钱。

FATF在“Money Laundering Using New Payment Methods”报告中所提到,网络支付方式常被用于清洗基于身份盗窃的诈骗犯罪非法收益,或通过计算机黑客、钓鱼等方式盗窃银行账户、信用卡或借记卡中资金犯罪之非法收益; 并利用加密数字货币的匿名性把这些非法所得资金转移到无法追踪的地方。这是由于大多数加密数字货币交易不需要面对面接触,这为行为人提供了滥用其合法账户进行洗钱的机会。







Recently, the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission (SFC) issued a circular letter to the virtual asset service providers and related entities licensed by the SFC in official website to combat money laundering terrorist fund-raising. The updated self-assessment checklist for combating money laundering terrorist fund-raising mentioned blockchain analysis tools in the updated self-assessment checklist. Specifically, the CSRC emphasized blockchain analysts in the continuous monitoring part related to virtual capital transactions and activities. It is of great importance that the CSRC issued this letter to establish a systematic and comprehensive framework for self-assessment of compliance with the main requirements of anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. Compared with the version used in, a chapter on virtual assets has been added. The source of blockchain analysis tools has been successfully compiled. This is not the first time that the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission has put forward a scientific and technological plan on blockchain analysis tools. Blockchain analysis tools have always been a necessary compliance tool for virtual asset service providers in the world, and Hong Kong regulatory authorities are gradually interested. Recognizing its importance, at the beginning of this year, the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission consulted the public on the proposed regulatory provisions applicable to the operators of virtual asset trading platforms licensed by the Securities and Futures Practice Supervision Committee. This version did not mention the blockchain analysis tool. In the proposal, Ou Ke Yunlian Research Institute took Ou Ke Yunlian technology solution as an example to deeply analyze the online world including online transfer and interaction, and proposed that financial institutions should adopt appropriate technology solutions such as blockchain analysis tools to catch up. Suggestions on Tracing Virtual Assets and Related Wallet Addresses and Identifying Potential Suspicious Transactions; Consultation summary on the proposed regulatory provisions applicable to the operators of virtual assets trading platforms licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission updated by the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission in May this year; The new appendix, Chapter of Virtual Assets, Blockchain Data Analysis Tool, was particularly emphasized in the new footnote; as can be seen from the contents of the self-assessment checklist for combating money laundering terrorist fund-raising updated by the CSRC on May, The CSRC hopes that the virtual asset service providers can avoid the money laundering risk in advance by adopting scientific and technological solutions such as blockchain data analysis tools. The focus of Hong Kong's attention is that virtual assets and online transactions are innovative and highly complex, and their technical characteristics are significantly different from those of traditional financial products, which makes it difficult for the traditional supervision methods to be directly applied to the supervision of online transactions. Therefore, the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission proposed a comprehensive supervision framework in this month. Chain transactions pay special attention to why the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission pays attention to chain transactions, and favors large-scale transfers. Large-scale transactions usually involve higher risks, including money laundering fraud and market manipulation, which are the focus of supervision not only in traditional finance but also in virtual asset markets. Most large-scale transfer transactions are not actually carried out on centralized trading platforms, but are completed between wallets. The transfer and transactions on the chain are often anonymous and anti-censorship, which will bring difficulties to supervision. The data analysis on the Internet browser shows that besides the capital flow in the exchange account and the capital flow between the market maker and the exchange, the money laundering crime is escalating and evolving, which is more hidden and difficult to track than the traditional money laundering crime using encrypted assets, and it can play different roles in the three stages of money laundering crime because of its technical characteristics. In addition, there are criminals stealing legal use. The online payment method mentioned in the report is often used to clean the illegal income of identity theft-based fraud crimes or to steal the illegal income of bank account credit card or debit card crimes by computer hacking, and use the anonymity of encrypted digital currency to transfer these illegal income funds to untraceable places. This is because most encrypted digital currency transactions do not need face-to-face contact, which provides the perpetrator with the abuse of their legal accounts. Anonymity on the opportunity chain and transparency on the chain of money laundering do not mean that it is difficult to supervise. Although blockchain technology has brought anonymity and other characteristics, at the same time, the tamper-proof and open transparency of blockchain technology allow every transaction on the chain to be verified and traced back. Transaction records are permanently recorded in the distributed blockchain network, which makes it difficult to tamper with or delete, which enables regulators to track the flow of funds more accurately and find suspicious transactions and money laundering behaviors. Blockchain analysis tools have become the best choice for the industry to efficiently interpret the data on the chain. By analyzing the transaction patterns, address associations and capital flows, these tools can find abnormal patterns and risk indicators, and provide clues and decision support for regulators and virtual asset service providers. Liang Fengyi, chief executive of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, talked about the fact that the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission regulates virtual assets for the protection of investors and mentioned that using new technologies must have new risks, so we should try our best to reduce the risks. At the minimum, we must have new tools that can cope with new risks before we can enjoy the benefits brought by new technologies to financial services. With the recognition and increasing demand of blockchain analysis tools by regulators and virtual asset service providers, there will be more investment and innovation in this field. For entrepreneurs and even investors including retail investors on other tracks, with the more active exploration and application of blockchain data analysis tools in the industry, we can better understand and manage virtual asset transactions. Risks, such as Ouke Cloud Chain, can provide investors with a variety of tools to understand the transaction data and activities on the chain through simple operations, so that retail investors can better evaluate the reliability and risk level of the project and make investments more cautiously, and it has become necessary to use new tools to deal with new risks. Blockchain analysis tools have become a must, and the idea of Hong Kong speed and ex ante risk management can be used to effectively protect investors and promote sound development. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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