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作者:Daniel Kuhn,coindesk 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

科技领域正在发生一场动荡,而加密货币是其中的一部分。上周五,OpenAI联合创始人兼首席执行官Sam Altman被毫不客气地罢免。该组织的董事会最初在宣布解雇时使用了激烈的措辞,OpenAI最初是作为一个非营利组织成立的,后来添加了由Altman领导的以盈利为目标的公司部门。




Worldcoin是由Altman共同创立的一家名为Tools for Humanity的公司构建的通用数字身份协议,最初在消息公布时其代币暴跌。如今,在Altman被微软挖角领导内部人工智能研发后,Worldcoin的代币上涨了两位数,这是一个非常令人信服的信任投票,尤其是在解雇的背后故事尚未完全公开的时刻。




在很大程度上,Worldcoin遭到了不公平的攻击。在2019年宣布时,该项目的反乌托邦色彩令世界震惊。这不仅是由许多人认为可能成为世界上第一位万亿富翁的人(正在建造一个岛屿掩体)创立的,而且World ID系统通过使用称为“Orb”的金属球扫描人们的虹膜。这简直出自科幻小说。

撇开现状不谈,这个项目本身有很多值得关注的地方。我在科技领域认识的一些最聪明的人都对实际正在构建的东西感到着迷。Worldcoin的开发人员正在研究零知识(ZK)密码学解决方案,以更安全地进行生物识别扫描。至今还没有人能够持久地在线构建个人身份。尽管项目的领导层,包括首席执行官Alex Blania,有时会以低调的语气谈论。

Worldcoin可能最终会成为一个代价高昂的错误,就像任何初创公司一样。但在评估一家公司的时候,要区分其实质和美学之间存在着差异。借用网络著名经济学家/博主Tyler Cowen的一句话,大多数关于Worldcoin的谈论只是“情绪关联”——人们说出他们认为其他人想要听到的话。

例如,完全有可能我认识的所有喜欢Worldcoin的人只是喜欢一个项目的想法,该项目是为了防范当(或者如果)人工智能能够创造自己的真实或虚假的虚拟身份并淹没人类而构建的...因为他们对艾萨克·阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov)的看法太认真了。


Altman,在Worldcoin宣布时主要以领导大获成功的初创企业孵化器Y Combinator而闻名,在成为OpenAI的代表人物后,他的声望爆发式增长。而在被解雇后,他的地位似乎只有增无减。

他也颇具争议。有人称Altman是“一代人才”,是硅谷最伟大的筹资者之一。其他人说他是“失败者上位”。他的科技创业起点Loopt并没有取得成功,但他以4,340万美元的价格退出。在担任总裁期间,Y Combinator在Altman的领导下迅速发展,但据说也失去了其灵魂。2014年,作为Reddit的首席执行官,他的任期还不到斯卡拉穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci)少。

他还被认为正在与中东和中国的有争议的投资者合作创办一个芯片代工厂以与NVIDIA竞争。他是Humane AI的最大股东,该公司正在构建一个非手机的移动人工智能“引脚”,但对其推出一直漠不关心。

换句话说,Altman与Worldcoin的联系是一个有趣的问题,但他参与其中的可能性为零。其他因素,例如肯尼亚政府提出的隐私问题、 《麻省理工学院技术评论》提出的入职问题以及对该系统专有技术的担忧,都更为突出。例如,公民记者曾尝试窥探(又名“去中心化审计”)Orb,但成效有限。



The co-founder and CEO of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network were unceremoniously dismissed last Friday. At first, the board of directors of the organization used strong language when announcing the dismissal. At first, it was established as a non-profit organization, and later, the profit-oriented company department led by it was added. Obviously, there was no consistency in communication with the board of directors, and almost no other remarks triggered speculation. Companies that develop a variety of artificial intelligence tools, including applications that get 1 million users the fastest, are often called the most important start-up company in the world. The relationship between Microsoft and almost all other industries is the same. The encryption industry has been exploring the field of artificial intelligence. This primary technology is predicted to change the way developers build and audit applications, the way traders make portfolios and the way users interact with all this. One of the most important artificial intelligence drivers in the encryption field is. The universal digital identity protocol, which was built by a co-founded company named, was initially announced, and its tokens plummeted. Now, after the internal artificial intelligence research and development led by Microsoft, the tokens have risen by double digits. This is a very convincing vote of confidence, especially at the moment when the story behind the dismissal has not been fully disclosed. It is also a signal that when Microsoft invested billions of dollars, it was investing in many aspects, and speculators were also betting on this pioneer of artificial intelligence, even though it was. Completely independent entities, but apart from this common point, there are close similarities between the two. There is no reason to think that artificial intelligence and the final basic income based on encryption are basically unproven technologies, and they all have similar doubts, although some people are fascinated by them far away. Some of them think that these technologies may tear the society independently, and their vision of pushing the whole mankind forward has been largely met. The dystopian color of the project shocked the world when it was announced in 1998. It was not only created by people who thought it might be the world's first trillion-dollar man who were building an island bunker, but also the system scanned people's irises by using so-called metal balls. It was simply from science fiction. Aside from the present situation, there are many things worthy of attention in the project itself. Some of the smartest people I know in the field of science and technology are fascinated by what is actually being built. Researchers are studying zero-knowledge cryptography solutions to carry out biometric scanning more safely. Up to now, no one has been able to build a personal identity permanently online. Although the leadership of the project, including the CEO, sometimes talks in a low-key tone, it may eventually become an expensive mistake, just like any start-up, but there are differences between its essence and aesthetics when evaluating a company. It's just emotional connection. People say what they think others want to hear. For example, it's entirely possible that all the people I like just like the idea of a project, which is built to prevent when or if artificial intelligence can create its own real or false virtual identity and drown mankind, because their views on Isaac Asimov are too serious and connected. At the time of announcement, it was mainly famous for leading a successful start-up incubator. After becoming a representative, he became a representative. His popularity has exploded, but his position seems to have only increased after he was fired. He is also quite controversial. Some people call him a generation of talents and one of the greatest fundraisers in Silicon Valley. Others say that he is a loser. His starting point of scientific and technological entrepreneurship has not been successful, but he quit at a price of $10,000, which has developed rapidly under the leadership of President, but it is said that he has lost his soul. As a CEO, his term of office is less than that of Scaramucci. He is also considered to be working with the Middle East and China. Controversial investors cooperate to establish a chip foundry to compete with the competition. He is the largest shareholder. The company is building a mobile artificial intelligence pin that is not a mobile phone, but has been indifferent to its launch. In other words, the connection with is an interesting issue, but the possibility of his participation is zero. Other factors, such as the privacy issues raised by the Kenyan government, the entry questions raised by the MIT technical review and the concerns about the proprietary technology of the system, are more prominent. For example, citizen journalists have tried to peek. It's no secret that technology is in a transitional moment, and the so-called technical criticism is weakening. Part of the reason is that the promise of artificial intelligence seems revolutionary now, but at this time last year, the technology almost seemed unfeasible, but the extraordinary statement needs extraordinary evidence and is worth reviewing. Some technical experts think it is a symbol of progress, and they are not even willing to wait for the new acting CEO to conduct an internal review of the dismissal to join his camp. This moment can be regarded as an imperfect barometer of these competing trends of technical hobbies and technical doubts in society. 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