在大科技公司阴影下 Web3如何防止中心化

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作者:Conor,medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

万维网曾经就像 Web3 一样。


很容易看出类似的剧本如何在 Web3 上发挥作用,并且在当今的环境下很快就会发挥作用。

Web3 的身份问题

目前,Web3 尚未受到大多数成熟企业的关注。大多数人将其与投机性加密货币和 NFT 联系在一起。街上的普通人可能会因脚趾浸入水中而被烧伤而感到头晕,或者因自己保持清醒并且没有像他们的一些朋友那样赔钱而松一口气。


需求的缺乏使得 web3 行业规模相对较小。大型企业正在投资创新举措,金融科技公司正在寻找与加密资产整合的方法,但市场需求还不足以让科技公司在这一领域进行适当投资。

谷歌、微软和 AWS 都有积极的举措,但他们采取的是观望态度,而不是像 web3 领域的企业家那样试图大幅推动这一领域的发展。





我想到的一些例子包括谷歌收购了 YouTube、Android 和 Deepmind,Facebook 收购了 WhatsApp、Instagram 和 Oculus,亚马逊收购了 Twitch 和 Ring。



谷歌、Facebook、亚马逊、X 和 LinkedIn 都是万维网的产品。除了成功重塑自我的微软和苹果之外,它们都是在没有大型网络公司寻找收购机会的情况下出现的。

web3 的情况有所不同,因为有很多大型网络技术公司一有机会就会投入大量资金来吸收成功的新贵。

我们还没有看到这种情况发生,部分原因是大多数在 web3 领域获得巨大关注的公司都在数字资产领域。由于缺乏明确的监管以及人们认为其中一些资产可能是证券,大型科技公司不太可能收购这些加密货币公司。



许多为 web3 行业提供服务、具有足够规模的基础设施公司可能会成为大型科技公司自然的收购目标。

我们有像Alchemy、Infura和Thirdweb这样的公司,提供类似云的 API 服务来启动和开发区块链应用程序。


尽管目前尚不清楚对应用链的需求有多大,但如果它们像某些人认为的那样广泛,它们可能会在整个 web3 生态系统中占据重要地位。


我不认为 AWS、Google、Azure 在这种情况下会袖手旁观并忽视它们。他们可能会去收购一些领先的公司。



如果 web3 具有许多支持者所期望的影响力,那么很难想象这样的剧本不会在未来发挥作用。


过去 15 年里,我们处于历史低利率环境,导致风险投资公司有廉价资金投资高风险初创企业。初创公司可用的资金已经不多了,这给他们的成功带来了更多的困难。这将使挑战大型科技公司的主导地位变得更加困难。


在此背景下,为了防止 web3 被 web2 公司吸收,web3 协议和应用程序需要大规模建立并迅速达到临界质量。

Coinbase 就是一家以这种方式建立起来的公司。Brian Armstrong 正在尝试通过钱包和 Base 网络等举措来发展 web3 生态系统。我们不太可能看到 Coinbase 被任何 TradFi 公司收购。

幸运的是,为 web3 构建的结算轨道(例如以太坊网络)已经成功地将自己打造成互联网规模的公用事业,并达到了无法完全拥有的规模。


人们不想使用亚马逊股票来支付 AWS 计算费用,并且如果不采用稳定币等更好的价值储存手段,这对许多人来说是一个障碍。


重要的是不要忽视第一代 Web 与现在的 web3 非常相似。有很多开放、去中心化的协议,人们在其基础上构建了令人惊叹的创新。


Web3 确实有自己的支付方式和代币激励措施,项目可以选择采用。然而,最初的网络并没有被资本雄厚的公司所包围,这些公司已经是互联网本地人,也认识到这样一个平台的影响力的价值。

在这方面,web3 面临着更艰巨的挑战,即要忠于其起源。


这将导致一个看起来与我们当前的 web2 没有太大不同的景观。这不会是一个失败,但会让许多构建者感到惊讶,他们有真正去中心化服务的利他目标。

互联网并不存在于真空中,一旦公司达到一定规模或提供一定类别的服务,一些法律法规对公司就具有重要意义。正如我们在美国市场所看到的,这些可能会阻碍企业的发展。因此,重要的是要记住,web3 可能不会像每个人希望的那样干净利落地发挥作用。


The world wide web used to be just like the world wide web, which is rich in open source decentralization protocols. Developers and engineers are at the forefront of this new field. With the passage of time, the success of social networks, cloud computing and other large-scale scientific and technological initiatives has changed the pattern, which is beneficial to a few existing enterprises. Their platforms have begun to provide services to most Internet users. It is easy to see how similar scripts will play a role in the world and will soon play a role in today's environment. At present, the identity of users has not been paid attention to by most mature enterprises. Most people associate it with speculative cryptocurrency. Ordinary people on the street may feel dizzy because their toes are immersed in water and burned, or they are relieved because they stay awake and don't lose money like some of their friends. Enterprises are investing in blockchain technology, but ordinary people don't care about this. The lack of demand makes large enterprises with relatively small industries invest in innovative measures. Financial technology companies are looking for ways to integrate with encrypted assets, but the market demand is not enough for technology companies to properly invest in this field. Google, Microsoft and DuDu have taken active measures, but they have taken a wait-and-see attitude instead of trying to greatly promote the development of this field like entrepreneurs in the field. Some early measures we have seen, such as Microsoft's blockchain as a service initiative on its cloud, have ended because the demand for such services on the cloud is not large enough for large organizations like Microsoft. It takes tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times to deploy cloud services, which is worthwhile for them. For startups and small companies, the situation is different. Tens of thousands of users can create lucrative businesses. This attitude is good for builders because it provides them with opportunities to create products without trying to compete directly with existing enterprises with abundant funds. However, there is a critical point in scale, which makes the platform change from an insignificant small enterprise to the potential of existing enterprises. Threats or competitors, these competitors were quickly acquired. Some examples I think of include Google's acquisition and acquisition and Amazon's acquisition and these purchases enable these companies to use key network technologies that are not developed internally to establish important market positions. These large companies have almost unlimited funds to acquire other companies. Only legislators can prevent these transactions from happening. Google, Amazon and products that are all World Wide Web, except Microsoft and Apple, which have successfully reinvented themselves. They are all in the absence of large network companies looking for acquisition opportunities, and the situation is different, because many large network technology companies will invest a lot of money to absorb successful upstarts whenever they have the opportunity. We have not yet seen this happen, partly because most companies that have gained great attention in the field are in the field of digital assets, and people think that some of them may be securities, and large technology companies are unlikely to acquire these cryptocurrencies. Companies, however, other parts of the landscape may become more attractive. Many infrastructure companies with sufficient scale to provide services for the industry may become natural acquisition targets for large technology companies. We have companies like and to provide cloud-like services to start and develop blockchain applications, and a large number of companies provide services to start blockchain networks and recent application chains, including and so on. Although it is not clear how much demand for application chains is at present, if they As widely as some people think, they may occupy an important position in the whole ecosystem. If they reach the threshold of having hundreds of thousands or even millions, it may become a catalyst to promote major cloud infrastructure providers to seek to provide their own services. I don't think they will stand by and ignore them in this case. They may buy some leading companies, especially when you consider that cloud providers are already responsible for supporting a large number of public blockchain infrastructures. Some companies may be decentralized purists, but it is doubtful that they are all so. After all, quitting is good for founders and investors. If it has the influence expected by many supporters, it is hard to imagine that such a script will not play a role in the future, especially with the economic environment, which is conducive to large enterprises with healthy balance sheets. These enterprises can obtain healthy risk-free returns through their capital. In the past year, we were in a historical low interest rate environment, which led venture capital companies to have cheap funds to invest in high-risk start-ups, and the funds available for start-ups were running out, which brought more difficulties to their success, which would make it more difficult to challenge the dominant position of large-scale technology companies to reach a critical scale. In this context, in order to prevent companies from absorbing protocols and applications, it is necessary to build them on a large scale and quickly reach a critical quality. A company established in this way is trying. We are unlikely to see the ecosystem developed through wallet and internet. Fortunately, the settlement track built for us, such as Ethereum, has successfully turned itself into an Internet-scale public utility and reached a scale that cannot be fully owned. It is not clear whether new infrastructure companies can do this. Those who wish to decentralize services will rely on unstable practical tokens and cryptocurrencies, which is a major obstacle to entering these areas. People do not want to use sub-infrastructure. It is an obstacle for many people to learn from history if we don't use better value storage means such as stable currency. It is important not to ignore that the first generation is very similar to the present, and there are many open and decentralized agreements. People have built amazing innovations on it. As time goes by, most of the contents of the network have abandoned many written agreements and been replaced by proprietary agreements and platforms, and they do have their own payment methods and token incentives. Measures and projects can be adopted. However, the initial network is not surrounded by well-funded companies. These companies are already Internet natives, and they also realize the value of such a platform's influence. In this respect, they are facing a more arduous challenge, that is, to be loyal to its origin. Undoubtedly, some core infrastructures, such as the larger blockchain network, have successfully established their position in this respect, but many upstarts who build services for these networks may find themselves absorbed by large technology companies in the next few years, which will lead to a landscape that looks not much different from our current one. This will not be a failure. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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