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据路透社报道,11月24日,曾经宣扬比特币好处的阿根廷新当选总统Javier Milei周五表示,根据其办公室在社交媒体平台 X发布的一份声明表示,尽管「谣言已经散布」,但关闭央行是「不容谈判的问题」,但没有提及经济美元化。

这些言论是为了回应他所谓的「虚假谣言」,这位自由主义经济学家在 12 月 10 日上任前竞相组建自己的内阁团队,有迹象表明他正在选择一个比预期更温和的内阁团队。

据英国金融时报报道,经济史教授、前投资银行家Emilio Ocampo是Milei团队中抛售阿根廷比索、转而使用美元的主要倡导者。作为最近一篇倡导美元化论文的作者,他一直在制定新政府将于 12 月 10 日上台后实施该计划的蓝图。

Milei曾在竞选期间表示,Ocampo将领导央行,其使命是关闭央行,并于 9 月份补充道,经济美元化和关闭银行「没有商量余地」 。



金融时报报道称,Milei尚未确认央行行长的替代人选,但当地媒体报道称,正在考虑在时任总统Mauricio Macri领导下担任该机构副行长的Demian Redl。

经济部长的关键角色是另一个尚未填补的职位。在周三的采访中,当讨论该职位的可能任命时,Milei赞扬了 20 世纪 90 年代摩根大通拉丁美洲交易主管、后来在德意志银行工作的Luis Caputo。

Caputo于 2017 年至 2018 年担任中右翼Macri政府的财政部长,Macri曾将Caputo形容为「财政界的梅西」,指的是阿根廷的明星足球运动员。


2018 年,他曾担任央行几个月的职务,随后因与国际货币基金组织在当年破纪录的 570 亿美元救助计划设定的条件上存在分歧而辞职。



随着Milei在 12 月 10 日就职前敲定关键经济投资组合,当地金融市场显示出越来越大的压力迹象。


周四,美元在黑市上的交易价格约为 1,020 比索,几乎是官方固定汇率 364 比索的三倍。

另外根据上述声明内容,鉴于Milei承诺削减国家支出和补贴,阿根廷社会保障管理局ANSES也是一个重要机构,该机构将由来自Cordoba中部地区的经济学家Osvaldo Giordano领导。


与此同时,其在竞选期间所倡导的经济美元化、关闭央行以及将YPF(国有石油) 等国有企业私有化,如果这些能够实现需要非常多的时间。


Qin Jin, the author, reported from Reuters that the newly elected Argentine president, who preached the benefits of Bitcoin on May, said on Friday that according to a statement released by his office on social media platforms, closing the central bank was not negotiable, but he did not mention dollarization of the economy. These remarks were made in response to what he called false rumors. The liberal economist competed to form his own cabinet team before taking office on May, and there were signs that he was choosing a more moderate cabinet than expected. According to the Financial Times, the former investment banker, a professor of economic history, is the main advocate of selling the Argentine peso and switching to the US dollar. As the author of a recent paper advocating dollarization, he has been drawing up a blueprint for the new government to implement the plan when it takes office on May. During the campaign, he said that he would lead the central bank and added in May that the dollarization of the economy and the closing of the bank were not negotiable. In an interview in May, he said that he would abolish the peso and blow up the central bank. This is the core of his bold plan to revive Argentina's economy during the election campaign, drastically reducing the peso to a three-digit annual inflation target and repairing public finances. The TV economist vowed to use a chainsaw to balance the budget of the country and promised extensive privatization. The Financial Times reported that the replacement of the central bank governor had not been confirmed, but local media reported that the key role of the economic minister who was considering serving as the vice president of the institution under the leadership of the then president was another one. In an interview on Wednesday, when discussing the possible appointment of the post, he praised JPMorgan Chase's Latin American trading director, who later worked in Deutsche Bank and served as the finance minister of the center-right government from to. He once described Messi as a star football player in Argentina, who supervised the issuance of one-year sovereign bonds when investors were most enthusiastic about Argentina during his tenure in the Ministry, but this tool was abandoned by the current Peronist government after default. He served as the central bank for several months, and then resigned due to differences with the International Monetary Fund on the conditions set by the record-breaking billion-dollar rescue plan that year. He said that there is no doubt that he is a person who can do the job. He has the professional knowledge needed to solve the currency problem and provide financial market solutions for him. Local news reports said that the former minister has not yet made a final decision on whether to accept the job, with the finalization of key economic investments before taking office on May. The combination of local financial markets shows increasing signs of pressure. The central bank is trying to find buyers of short-term debts denominated in pesos. These debts are issued to suck local currency out of the system, which shows that its efforts to curb inflation are weakening in the face of market uncertainty. On Thursday, the trading price of the US dollar on the black market was about three times that of the official fixed exchange rate peso. In addition, according to the above statement, in view of the commitment to cut state spending and subsidies, so was the Argentine Social Security Administration. An important institution, which will be led by economists from the central region, faces major obstacles in implementing a more radical reform plan. The biggest challenge is to dismantle the price and currency control network carefully built by the outgoing Peronist government without causing hyperinflation and economic collapse. At the same time, it is reported that it will take a lot of time to close the central bank and privatize state-owned enterprises such as state-owned oil, which it advocated during the campaign. The Free Will League has very limited seats in Congress and there is no governor. He must also take into account the demands of the more mainstream conservative groups, and the key to their victory in the election last week was the support of his supporters. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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