虚拟币交易所平台,数字货币,NFT丨“元宇宙”概念明年可能会东山再起 比特币能源消耗和法律审查等问题

币圈资讯 阅读:34 2024-04-22 04:58:32 评论:0



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360创始人周鸿祎表示,受到OpenAI推出Sora影响,元宇宙概念在明年可能会东山再起。他认为,有三样东西会对元宇宙发展有巨大帮助,第一是头显设备,包括苹果推出的Vision Pro;第二是AIGC的发展能产生更多3D内容;第三是用AI做3D建模,此后再做渲染。即便如此,元宇宙依然还是应用性概念,不是仿真性概念,仿真性还是人工智能的概念。


比特币代码早期合作者Martii“Sirius”Malmi最近公开的一批电子邮件显示,中本聪在2009年5月的电子邮件中警告称,比特币可能会成为能源的重要消耗者。中本聪写道:“如果它确实增长到消耗大量能源,我认为它仍然比它所取代的劳动力和资源密集型传统银行活动更少浪费。成本将比支付所有实体建筑、摩天大楼和垃圾邮件信用卡优惠的数十亿银行费用低一个数量级。但如果我们最终不得不在经济自由和保护之间做出选择,那就太讽刺了”。 中本聪还预见到区块链的非金融用途,他表示:“比特币是一个用于交易的分布式安全时间戳服务器,几行代码就可以创建一个交易,其中包含任何需要加时间戳的额外哈希值。” 中本聪还担心,将比特币标记为一种投资可能会引起当局的法律审查。他写道:“我还是不愿意明确地说‘将其视为一项投资’,这样说是很危险的,你应该删除这个要点。如果他们自己得出这个结论也没关系,但我们可以不要这样描述”。












共和党众议员称政府机构的比特币矿工调查是 “滥用权力”

明尼苏达州共和党众议员TomEmmer表示,美国管理和预算办公室 (Offhce of Management and Budget)允许一个独立机构开始收集比特币矿工的能源使用信息是滥用紧急权力。Emmer的这封信是在德克萨斯州区块链委员会和比特币挖矿公司Riot Platforms, Inc.本周起诉美国能源部并宣布破产之际发出的。


Ava Labs联创:Avalanche主网中断与代码错误相关而不是性能处理问题

针对Avalanche主网出块中断问题,Ava Labs联合创始人Kevin Sekniqi在X平台表示,该问题似乎是与gossip相关的内存池管理错误,这纯粹是与代码相关的错误,而不是性能处理问题。铭文似乎已经达到了极限情况,但铭文并没有影响性能。本次主网宕机问题似乎与内存池处理的edge-case Bug有关,目前正在Avalanche测试网进行Bug修复测试。


Uniswap基金会发文表示,《激活 Uniswap 协议治理》提案的 Snapshot 投票将于 2024 年 3 月 1 日发布,链上投票将于 2024 年 3 月 8 日开始,该提案建议升级协议,使其费用机制奖励委托和质押其代币的 UNI 代币持有者,拟议变更包括: 1.升级 Uniswap 协议治理,实现免许可和程序化收取协议费用; 2.将任何协议费用按比例分配给已质押和委托其投票权的 UNI 代币持有者; 3.允许治理继续控制核心参数:哪些池需要付费,以及费用的大小。



    加密交易所Kraken已向法院提交动议,请求驳回 SEC 对其提起的诉讼。SEC 的诉状中并未声称存在任何欺诈或消费者损害,仅基于注册问题而主张 Kraken 作为一个未经许可的证券交易所、经纪人、交易商和清算机构运营,因加密代币被视为所谓的「投资合约」。即使将 SEC 的所有指控视为真实,其论点在法律上仍然存在缺陷。 Kraken 强调,SEC 从未指出 Kraken 上的买家与代币发行者之间存在任何「合约」,因此不可能构成「投资合约」。根据法律,SEC 投诉中提到的资产都不是投资合约。长达八十年,美国最高法院和第九巡回上诉法院(本案的提起地)始终要求 SEC 在确认投资合约存在时指出合约。 Kraken 进一步请求法院驳回 SEC 的诉讼,因为除了不存在合约外,也不存在投资合约。根据美国最高法院著名的 Howey 判决,投资合约需要满足:1)投资资金;2)共同事业;3)投资者合理期待通过他人努力获利的条件。SEC 在其对 Kraken 交易所的指控中未能证明上述任何条件成立。Kraken 呼吁法院驳回此案,并将立法权力归还给国会,坚持其为客户和创新者社区所认为正确的事情。


    美国前总统、共和党领跑者唐纳德·特朗普表示,比特币已经“变得自成一体”,可能需要一些监管。特朗普在南卡罗来纳州举行的市政厅活动采访表示,“很多人正在使用比特币。我一直喜欢美元,对比特币可能需要一些监管。” 特朗普此前曾称央行数字货币(CBDC)是危险的,并誓言如果当选就不会允许使用它们。


    ▌美股高开 英伟达市值破2万亿美元






        Headline Zhou Hongyi's concept of metauniverse may make a comeback next year. Founder Zhou Hongyi said that the concept of metauniverse may make a comeback next year. He believes that there are three things that will be of great help to the development of metauniverse. First, head-mounted display devices, including Apple's, second, development can produce more content. Third, it is used for modeling and then rendering. Even so, metauniverse is still an applied concept, not a simulation concept, but an artificial intelligence concept. Satoshi Nakamoto is in the early days of electronics. E-mail mentions bitcoin energy consumption and legal review, etc. A batch of e-mails recently released by early cooperators of bitcoin code show that Satoshi Nakamoto warned in an e-mail in June that bitcoin may become an important energy consumer. Satoshi Nakamoto wrote that if it does grow to consume a lot of energy, I think it will still waste less than the traditional labor-intensive and resource-intensive banking activities it replaces, and it will be more favorable than paying all physical buildings, skyscrapers and spam credit cards. The cost of a billion banks is one order of magnitude lower, but it would be ironic if we finally have to choose between economic freedom and protection. Satoshi Nakamoto also foresees the non-financial use of the blockchain. He said that Bitcoin is a distributed security timestamp server for transactions, and a few lines of code can create a transaction, which contains any additional hash value that needs to be timestamped. Satoshi Nakamoto is also worried that marking Bitcoin as an investment may lead to legal review by the authorities. He wrote, I still don't want to. It is very dangerous to say that it is an investment. You should delete this point. It doesn't matter if they come to this conclusion by themselves, but we don't have to describe the market like this. As of press release, the data shows that the latest transaction price of the US dollar has risen and fallen in the day. The latest transaction price of the US dollar has risen and fallen in the day. The latest transaction price of the US dollar has risen and fallen in the day. Virtual currency has become the highest inspection policy. Important Soil for Breeding and Fostering Cybercrime Today, the Supreme People's Procuratorate held a press conference. Ge Xiaoyan, deputy procurator-general of the the Supreme People's Procuratorate Party Group, said that the current cybercrime is accompanied by new technologies and new formats, and the black and gray industry is accelerating iterative upgrading. New cybercrime such as the Meta-universe blockchain binary futures platform is constantly emerging, and virtual currency has become an important soil for breeding and fostering cybercrime. Republican Congressman said that the investigation of bitcoin miners in government agencies is an abuse of power. Rep. Republican of Nisuda said that the U.S. Office of Management and Budget abused emergency power by allowing an independent organization to start collecting information about bitcoin miners' energy use. This letter was issued when the Texas Blockchain Committee and Bitcoin Mining Company sued the U.S. Department of Energy this week and declared bankruptcy. Blockchain application co-creation of the main network interruption is related to code errors rather than performance processing problems. The co-founder said on the platform that the problem seems to be related to the block interruption of the main network. Related memory pool management error This is purely a code-related error, not a performance processing problem. The inscription seems to have reached the limit, but the inscription has not affected the performance. The downtime of the main network seems to be related to the memory pool's handling. At present, the testing network is undergoing repair and testing. The Foundation issued a new proposal to allocate the agreement fee to the pledged token holders. The Foundation issued a document saying that the voting on the proposal to activate the protocol governance will be released on, and the proposal will be built on,. Discuss the upgrade agreement to make its fee mechanism reward the token holders who entrust and pledge their tokens. The proposed changes include upgrading the agreement governance to realize license-free and programmatic collection of agreement fees, and distributing any agreement fees to the token holders who have pledged and entrusted their voting rights in proportion, allowing governance to continue to control the core parameters, which pools need to pay and the size of the fees. Cryptographic currency submitted a motion to ask the court to dismiss the lawsuit against it. Cryptographic exchange has submitted a motion to the court to dismiss the lawsuit against it. The complaint does not claim that there is any fraud or consumer damage, but claims to operate as an unlicensed stock exchange broker, dealer and clearing institution because encrypted tokens are regarded as so-called investment contracts. Even if all the allegations are regarded as true, its argument is still flawed in law, emphasizing that there is no contract between the buyer and the token issuer, so it is impossible to constitute an investment contract. According to the legal complaint, the assets mentioned in the complaint are not investment contracts. For 80 years, the Supreme Court of the United States and the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit have always demanded that the contract be pointed out when the existence of the investment contract is confirmed, and that the court further request the lawsuit to dismiss it, because there is no investment contract besides it. According to the famous judgment of the Supreme Court of the United States, the investment contract needs to meet the conditions that the investors of the joint venture can reasonably expect to make profits through the efforts of others. In their accusations against the exchange, they failed to prove that any of the above conditions were established and called on the court to dismiss the case. And return the legislative power to Congress to insist on what it thinks is right for customers and innovators. Trump Bitcoin may need some supervision. Donald Trump, the former US president and Republican frontrunner, said that Bitcoin has become self-contained and may need some supervision. An interview with Trump at a town hall event in South Carolina indicated that many people are using Bitcoin. I have always liked the dollar. Bitcoin may need some supervision. Trump had previously called the central bank digital currency dangerous. And vowed that if elected, they would not be allowed to use their important economic trends. US stocks opened higher in NVIDIA, and the market value broke through trillions of dollars. The Dow opened up about a point. The S&P index rose, while the Nasdaq rose in NVIDIA, and the market value broke through trillion dollars. The market value went from trillion dollars to trillion dollars, which lasted less than a month. What is the bond curve in the Golden Encyclopedia this year? In decentralized finance, the bond curve uses smart contracts and mathematical formulas to adjust its price according to the supply dynamics of tokens. Bond curve is an intelligent contract, which determines the price of tokens according to the circulation supply algorithm of tokens. As more tokens are purchased, the price goes up, while contemporary coins are sold or removed from circulation. Disclaimer: The contents of articles published by Bitcoin Trading Network as a blockchain information platform are for information reference only, not as actual investment suggestions. Please establish a correct investment concept and be sure to raise your risk awareness. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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