为什么 2024 年可能成为加密货币的关键年份?

币圈资讯 阅读:40 2024-04-22 12:19:28 评论:0



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Northstake 的创始人兼首席执行官Jesper Johansen 认为,2024 年将是机构进入加密货币领域的转折点。

1.4 万亿美元--这是加密货币行业截至 2023 年 10 月的全部市值。虽然这是一个令人印象深刻的数字,但与 2021 年创下的超过 2.9 万亿美元的历史最高数字相比,它几乎少了三倍。去年,包括Chainalysis、Yuga Labs、Ledger 和Coinbase在内的多家加密巨头宣布裁员。这一点,再加上无数项目的破产,都说明了一件事--我们正处于加密货币寒冬的阵痛期。但这种熊市不会永远持续下去,或许也不会持续太久。事实上,考虑到未来几周和几个月即将出现的因素,2024 年对于加密货币行业,尤其是机构投资者来说,可能是至关重要的一年。

随着各种因素的汇聚,包括美国即将批准比特币和以太坊交易所交易基金(ETF),以及欧盟加密资产市场(MiCA)立法的实施,加密资产的采用和主流接受度将发生重大转变。此外,比特币减半事件将于 2024 年 4 月发生,这将进一步刺激市场,并有可能引发大规模牛市。我认为,2024 年将成为机构进入加密领域的转折点,这将为行业技术的大规模应用带来前所未有的机遇。





与机构的想法一致,真正能为加密货币的应用打开闸门的是来自全球数万亿美元资产管理公司的支持。仅在去年,我们就目睹了 Blackrock(资产规模达 9.4 万亿美元)、GrayScale(资产规模达 170 亿美元)、WisdomTree(资产规模达 810 亿美元)和 VanEck(资产规模达 764 亿美元)等机构向美国证券交易委员会提交现货或期货加密货币 ETF 的申请。总之,已经提交了 10 多份比特币现货申请,所有申请仍在等待美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的批准。


此外,监管机构对加密 ETF 表示的主要担忧之一是市场操纵的可能性。然而,由于主要的资产管理公司都在提供这些产品,市场操纵的可能性被大大降低。凭借强大的风险管理实践、合规标准和市场监管能力,它们为加密资产产品提供了一个更加透明和稳定的环境。



除了 ETF 可能获得批准外,欧盟加密资产市场(Markets in Crypto-Assets,MiCA)立法的实施预计将对机构对加密资产的兴趣产生重大影响。MiCA 为欧盟内部的数字资产创建了一个全面的监管框架,提供了清晰度和法律确定性,为机构自信地参与加密货币铺平了道路,并促进了信任度的提高和主流采用。随着监管环境变得更加有利,机构也将紧随其后,更倾向于将其投资组合的一部分分配给数字资产。


另一个可能推动加密货币市场发展的事件是比特币减半,计划于 2024 年 4 月举行。从历史上看,每次减半事件之前都会出现以价格大幅上涨为特征的实质性牛市。新铸造的比特币进入市场的速度降低,造成供需失衡,导致价格上涨压力。如果历史重演,那么 2024 年的比特币减半有可能点燃另一轮爆炸性的牛市,吸引机构投资者寻求利用潜在的收益。



纵观另一个几乎让发达国家和发展中国家都趋于饱和的行业:智能手机,很难想象这一切都始于 30 年前IBM 的西蒙个人通讯器。这款前景看好的设备可以处理电话、电子邮件和传真,但电池寿命只有一小时。从那时起,又过了 15 年,一家名为苹果公司的行业巨头才涉足其中,帮助智能手机真正成为主流。2007 年,苹果公司发明了iPhone,在 IBM 最初提出的多功能设备理念的基础上,向数百万用户提供了前所未有的民主化技术。机构也将为加密货币行业带来同样的效果。当这一切发生时,它将与今天的格局几乎不可同日而语。

随着越来越多的传统金融(TradFi)企业开始尝试使用加密应用,这将为用户与 Web3 应用的互动带来有趣的实用案例。人们将能够在日常生活中利用这些应用程序,在链上和链下移动,在传统和去中心化金融(DeFi)平台之间无缝切换。

随着加密货币与机构投资之间的融合越来越紧密,我们可以认为,2024 年可能是加密货币支付发展的一年,并有可能被用于资助政府和私人活动--这将进一步推动这些资产的价格。


在所有这些多米诺骨牌的作用下,2024 年对于那些希望利用加密货币市场的机构来说前景广阔。监管的发展、比特币减半以及有利的宏观经济条件等因素汇聚在一起,为数字资产的应用和主流接受度的提高奠定了基础。随着机构兴趣的增长,该行业将经历更高的流动性、稳定性和爆发性牛市的可能性。机构资本的涌入和参与不仅将推动上述资产的价值,还将为数十亿用户获取区块链技术的优势并从中受益铺平道路。随着 2024 年的临近,在机构进入和全球金融民主化的推动下,加密货币行业显然正处于重大转型的风口浪尖。

The founder and CEO of Source thinks that 2008 will be a turning point for institutions to enter the cryptocurrency field, with trillions of dollars, which is the total market value of cryptocurrency industry as of June. Although this is an impressive figure, it is almost three times less than the historical highest figure of more than trillions of dollars set in 2008. Last year, many crypto giants, including Hehe, announced layoffs, which, together with the bankruptcy of countless projects, shows one thing. However, we are in the painful period of cryptocurrency winter. The bear market will not last forever, or it may not last long. In fact, considering the factors that will appear in the next few weeks and months, 2008 may be a crucial year for the cryptocurrency industry, especially for institutional investors. With the convergence of various factors, including the upcoming approval of Bitcoin and Ethereum Exchange-traded funds in the United States and the implementation of legislation on the cryptoasset market in the European Union, the adoption and mainstream acceptance of cryptoassets will undergo a major change. In addition, the event of halving Bitcoin will occur in June. It will further stimulate the market and may lead to a large-scale bull market. I think 2008 will be a turning point for institutions to enter the encryption field, which will bring unprecedented opportunities for the large-scale application of industry technology. Macroeconomic turmoil and the global macroeconomic situation play a vital role in the investment decision-making of institutions. In recent months, due to the international war, pandemic, trade protectionism policy and supply chain interruption, we have witnessed constant financial and monetary turmoil accompanied by painfully high interest rates, which is different. Investment has created a mature environment. Investors are scrambling to put their money into safe value storage, and Bitcoin and other digital assets have become strong competitors for this kind of investment for the first time in a long time. In fact, a recent report emphasized that one of the biggest reasons for Bitcoin's increasing popularity is its demand as a digital value storage. In addition, we have witnessed many examples of institutions trying in the field of cryptocurrency, such as Standard Chartered Bank, which allows customers to participate in subscription. However, Although people's interest in cryptocurrency is increasing day by day, institutions are still in the initial stage of entering the cryptocurrency market. The potential of this industry as a global mainstream asset class has not been fully exerted. The release potential is consistent with the idea of institutions. What can really open the floodgates for the application of cryptocurrency is the support from trillions of dollar asset management companies around the world. Last year alone, we witnessed the assets reaching trillion dollars, billion dollars and billion dollars. In short, many applications for spot or futures cryptocurrency have been submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and all applications are still waiting for the approval of the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Because of the status, reputation and huge asset portfolio of the above-mentioned companies, their participation in cryptocurrency is undoubtedly of great significance. As one of the largest asset management companies in the world, their interest in bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency market indicates that the mainstream recognition is increasing. Therefore, due to Mr. Lai, The influence and credibility of Germany and its peers have increased the possibility of the US Securities and Exchange Commission approving the above application, making it difficult for them to directly reject the proposal. In addition, one of the main concerns expressed by regulators about encryption is the possibility of market manipulation. However, because major asset management companies are providing these products, the possibility of market manipulation has been greatly reduced. With strong risk management practices, compliance standards and market supervision capabilities, they have provided a more transparent and stable encrypted asset products. Given the environment, the huge scale of institutional investment potential and the massive inflow of institutional capital may bring huge purchase pressure to cryptocurrency, which may push up the price and generate positive market sentiment. In addition to the possible approval, the implementation of EU cryptoasset market legislation is expected to have a significant impact on institutions' interest in cryptoassets, creating a comprehensive regulatory framework for digital assets within the EU, providing clarity and legal certainty for institutions to confidently participate in Canada. Cryptographic currency paves the way and promotes the improvement of trust and mainstream adoption. As the regulatory environment becomes more favorable, institutions will also be more inclined to allocate part of their investment portfolio to the catalyst of digital asset bull market. Another event that may promote the development of cryptocurrency market is the plan of halving bitcoin held in June. Historically, there will be a substantial bull market characterized by a sharp rise in prices before each halving event, and the speed of newly minted bitcoin entering the market will be reduced. If the history repeats itself, the halving of bitcoin in that year may ignite another explosive bull market, attracting institutional investors to seek to use potential benefits to promote value and adoption. If everything goes according to plan, as institutions enter the cryptocurrency market, their participation will continue to promote project use cases and the overall adopted value institutions bring credibility, expertise and a lot of capital, which can improve liquidity stability and the development of complex financial products. More institutions accept cryptocurrency, which will further gain legitimacy and attract a wider range of users. The increase in the adoption rate may pave the way for the next billion users to join the cryptocurrency ecosystem, thus promoting its democratization and promoting the development of inclusive finance. Looking at another industry that has almost saturated developed and developing countries, it is hard to imagine that smart phones started years ago with Simon's personal communicator, a promising device that can handle telephone, e-mail and transmission. It's true, but the battery life is only one hour, and it's been another year since then, and an industry giant named Apple has been involved in it to help smart phones really become the mainstream. In 2000, Apple invented an unprecedented democratization technology institution based on the original concept of multi-functional devices, which will also bring the same effect to the cryptocurrency industry. When this happens, it will be almost different from today's pattern. As more and more traditional financial enterprises begin to try. Using encrypted applications will bring interesting practical cases to the interaction between users and applications. People will be able to use these applications to move on and off the chain in daily life and seamlessly switch between traditional and decentralized financial platforms. With the closer integration between encrypted currency and institutional investment, we can think that 2008 may be a year for the development of encrypted currency payment and may be used to fund government and private activities, which will further promote the prices of these assets. Under the action of all these dominoes, 2008 has broad prospects for supervision of institutions wishing to use the encrypted currency market. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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