
币圈资讯 阅读:43 2024-04-22 12:06:15 评论:0



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比特币四年减半一次,此过程旨在减缓比特币生态系统的通货膨胀速度。例如,矿工当前每个区块获得6.25 BTC的奖励,但在计划于2024年的下一次减半事件后,此奖励将减少至每个区块的3.125 BTC。这种减半机制确保了逐渐减少新比特币引入流通的速度,模仿了像黄金这样的贵金属的稀缺驱动升值模型,这是比特币独有的吸引许多用户和投资者的特点。








在这次11月激增之前,比特币矿工每天平均从交易费用中获得21.48 BTC。然而,在此期间的高峰时期,每天从交易费用中获得的日收入激增至314 BTC,显示出显著的增长。尽管这些数字已经有所缓和,但仍然显著高于11月之前的水平,目前平均每天约81 BTC。这次对交易费用的显著增加表明了新应用和代币对比特币网络的影响,突显了其经济和运营景观的演变性质。









  1. 足够去中心化:BEVM采用Taproot实现1000验证节点托管,通过质押BTC来保证托管资产小于质押资产,进而保证网络安全性,以实现去中心化。

  2. 商业端建设:支持最方便的生态迁移。当下ETH有很多成功的案例,比如Defi和Gamefi,这些项目如果无缝迁移到BTC二层,将实现基础的应用爆发。目前,BEVM的生态中已经配备Defi四件套,已经为爆发做好准备。

  3. 低用户门槛:ETH生态价值虽然只有BTC的三分之一,但持币地址已经超过数千万。兼容EVM也就意味着用户的迁移,这将为BTC带来大量的基础用户。






Under normal market conditions, its own high price has caused high prices, which has affected many aspects of the bitcoin network. Recently, it has been noticed that the transaction cost on the network has soared, setting a new record for the bitcoin cost on the network. So how did this increase happen? In this article, we will analyze in detail what the bitcoin transaction cost is, its role in the bitcoin ecosystem and its impact on the development of the second floor. The transaction cost is the basic knowledge of most areas. Blockchain network, including the basic component of Bitcoin, generally means that users pay these fees when they start a transaction on the network. In the ecosystem of Bitcoin, these fees are collected by miners as an incentive for them to maintain and maintain the integrity and function of the network. Miners not only earn transaction fees because of their efforts in mining, but also get predetermined block rewards. This model design establishes a symbiotic relationship between users and miners. Users rely on miners to ensure the smooth operation and security of the network, especially miners. However, with the passage of time, the reward of blocks is decreasing and more and more dependent on transaction costs as the source of income for mining, making mining a sustainable and profitable business. The structure of these transaction costs is dynamic and variable, which is mainly affected by the network usage. With the increase of network usage, transaction costs tend to rise. This is because users are willing to pay more fees to ensure that their transactions can be processed quickly and included in a block, and the transaction costs on the Bitcoin network have increased significantly recently. This trend, which is attributed to innovation, such as inscriptions, or more precisely the outbreak of ecological applications, highlights the evolutionary nature of blockchain networks, exposes the dilemma of ecological continuous innovation and user increment, and highlights the importance of adjustment and optimization to balance user experience and network sustainability. Transaction costs and bitcoin are halved. Bitcoin is halved once every four years. This process aims to slow down the inflation rate of bitcoin ecosystem, for example, miners are rewarded for each block at present, but this award is given after the next halving event planned in. This halving mechanism of reducing incentives to each block ensures that the speed of introducing new bitcoins into circulation is gradually reduced, imitating the scarcity-driven appreciation model of precious metals such as gold, which is a unique feature of bitcoin that attracts many users and investors. In view of the reduction of block incentives, the growth and robustness of bitcoin network has become more and more critical. With the reduction of block incentives, miners' dependence on transaction costs as a source of income has become more obvious. The main economic incentive scenario for miners is what Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of bitcoin, expected. In the white paper on bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned a future in which the creation of new bitcoin would eventually stop to prevent further inflation. In this envisaged future, miners would mainly maintain their operations through transaction costs to ensure the long-term economic feasibility and security of the bitcoin network. This vision emphasized the complexity of finding a balance between reducing inflation and maintaining miners' incentives to ensure that bitcoin could be used as a tool. What is the stability and stability of decentralized digital currency that has led to the recent sharp increase in costs? The significant increase in activities on the monthly bitcoin network is mainly caused by the surge, which in turn leads to a significant increase in bitcoin transaction costs. This increase in network activities is related to the demand for block space, which is a basic aspect of the bitcoin economic model. This example occurred on the day of the month, which set a record transaction cost of 10,000 US dollars, mainly due to the cost of all these inscriptions. The total cost is $10,000, which not only reflects people's growing interest and activities in bitcoin inscriptions, but also highlights the innovative, interactive and money-making effects of the network. The following chart from above highlights the sharp increase in monthly expenses, for example, the peak cost of the month and day has increased compared with that of the month and day. At the same time, tokens, especially tokens like this, are becoming more and more popular, and the listing of these tokens on major cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Currency Security, has attracted these new figures more and more. The concern about word assets and the continuous interest in tokens have further promoted the activities of the network. The inscription that exceeded the peak can be visualized through the following chart. It is attributed to casting. Before this month's surge, bitcoin miners earned an average of daily transaction fees. However, during the peak period of this period, the daily income from transaction fees surged to show a significant increase. Although these figures have eased, they are still significantly higher than the level before the month. At present, the average daily transaction fees are about this time. The significant increase of bitcoin shows that the impact of new applications and tokens on bitcoin network highlights the evolving nature of its economic and operational landscape. With the rapid increase of bitcoin transaction fees, it is unrealistic for ordinary users to expect future users to pay dollars to use the main chain of bitcoin, so the two-tier solution becomes more and more critical, and it is expected that the important part of bitcoin transactions will be handled in the next few years, which will ideally exceed the transaction volume of the first tier of bitcoin. After the transaction cost becomes a miner, there must be enough transaction volume to maintain the safe operation of the network. Then only by meeting the needs of commercial and incremental users can the normal operation of the future network be guaranteed. At present, the promotion method is the product under the established rules. However, compared with their growing importance, the second-tier solution of Bitcoin is still underfunded, especially compared with the capital and market value of the second-tier solution of Ethereum. This gap highlights the need to increase in the second-tier solution of Bitcoin. The necessity of increasing investment and development: the second-tier solution of Bitcoin. At present, the second-tier solution of Bitcoin is to solve the shortcomings of the main network expansion, which can be divided into incompatible and compatible solutions, including technologies such as lightning network, which are mainly for specific purposes, such as payment. However, the development in these years has not obviously broken through the technical threshold and the use threshold, and it is still a big problem. In addition, it is a compatible solution. The industry is urgently looking forward to reducing the trust of Bitcoin between the first and second tiers. Hypothetical new solutions, for example, in view of the current state of various solutions, can be said to have the greatest growth potential, which is enough for decentralization. By implementing verification node hosting, we can ensure that the managed assets are smaller than the pledged assets through pledge, so as to ensure network security, thus realizing decentralization. The construction of commercial terminals supports the most convenient ecological migration. At present, there are many successful cases, for example, if these projects are seamlessly migrated to the second floor, the basic application will explode. At present, four-piece sets have been equipped in the ecology, which is ready for the explosion. Although the ecological value of the low user threshold is only one 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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