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原文来源:Binance Blog  原文编译:Kate, 火星财经


• 2023 年 12 月 1 日,Binance 新任首席执行官 Richard Teng 在 X Spaces 上花了近一个小时的时间,回答了大量用户的问题。

•一些最有趣的问题包括 Richard 对成为 Binance 新任首席执行官的想法,加密的实用性以及继续 CZ 的旅程。

•自 Binance 成立以来的六年里,今天的形势发生了巨大变化,利益相关者、挑战和解决方案也各不相同。

• Binance 从动荡中脱颖而出,变得比以往任何时候都更加强大。我们对增强资金自由度的承诺没有动摇,用户仍然是我们使命的核心。

以下是 Richard Teng 在 2023 年 12 月 1 日的 X 空间 AMA 上对一些问题的回答摘要。请注意,出于篇幅和清晰度的考虑,本文经过了编辑。


关于成为 Binance 首席执行官

作为 Binance 的新任首席执行官,您感觉如何?您当前的首要任务是什么?


过去两年来,美国的调查一直阴云密布。通过最近的决议,我们已经克服了这一点。自 2017 年成立以来,用户保护一直是神圣不可侵犯的。然而,缺乏合规控制。

从过去的行动中吸取教训,我们现在作为一个组织变得更加强大,我们有了坚实的基础。随着阴霾的消散,许多新的合作伙伴正在接近我们。这个行业仍然具有弹性,我们的用户基础也在继续增长。今天,我们拥有超过 1.66 亿用户,而且这个数字还在持续强劲增长。感谢这种至关重要的信任和支持,我们将继续为未来而努力。



第三个承诺是与我们的合作伙伴合作,继续推动加密货币的采用和部署。在过去两年半的时间里,很少有机构在这方面投入时间。现在,每个人都有一个区块链、Web3 或加密议程。每个人都急于推出新产品和服务,以满足该领域的用户需求。我们期待着与他们合作,促进采用。





与传统金融每周 5 天从上午 10 点工作到下午 4 点不同,加密货币不睡觉。它全天候工作。它以低成本向世界提供了一个开放的基础设施,这就是它如此强大的原因。我们将继续推动建立新的产品、系统和用例,以增加资金自由度,改善全球数十亿人的生活。


关于 Binance 的罚款



美国机构没有声称存在任何挪用用户资金的情况。用户资金一对一支持,用户可以选择在任何时间点提取 100% 的资金。用户可以放心,我们非常重视我们的保管责任。

用户对这一切都非常积极,我们很荣幸地看到大量的支持。现在注册用户比以往任何时候都多,达到 1.66 亿。这些罚款不是问题。我们将继续推进。我们的开支不大,利润和收入都很可观。



考虑到最近的事件,Binance 的项目列表是否会受到更严格的安全保护?




关于继续 CZ 的旅程

你认为自己会致力于并继续 CZ 的旅程,还是会尝试不同的方法来实现你对 Binance 的愿景?

Richard:我之所以担任这个职位,是因为 CZ 和我们的领导层对我的信心和信任,能够将这个系列——一个非常重要的系列——带入下一个篇章。我们的口号保持不变:支持资金自由。我们将继续是一个以用户为中心的组织,因为用户是我们工作的核心。没有你们的支持,我们的平台将毫无意义。

用户的信任、信心和支持已经转化为 1.66 亿用户,而且我们还在继续增长。我期待着进一步推动这一数字,并支持下一个十亿。希望我们能比预期更快达到这个数字。如果你看看加密货币的采用速度,未来五年将比过去五年快得多。我致力于这一使命、议程和愿景,这是我们伟大公司的基础。我有一个优秀的核心团队,所以我们有非常坚实的基础。

今天,我们所处的位置与六年前 CZ 刚创立公司时不同。当时的情况完全不同。我们现在正在与不同的利益相关者群体打交道。六年前,没有监管机构,大型机构也不接受这个领域。今天,我们进入了一个不同的局面。在许多情况下,监管机构开始大量互动,机构也在这一领域进行投资。


The new CEO spent nearly an hour answering a large number of users' questions. Some of the most interesting questions include the practicability of encrypting the idea of becoming the new CEO and the continued journey. In the six years since its establishment, today's situation has undergone tremendous changes, and stakeholders' challenges and solutions are also different, and they have become more powerful than ever before from the turmoil. The commitment of freedom has not wavered. Users are still the core of our mission. The following is a summary of the answers to some questions in the space of the year, month and day. Please note that for the sake of space and clarity, this article has been edited. The first one is about the launch of the billion-dollar fine and the future plan. How do you feel about becoming the new CEO? What is your current priority? First of all, let me thank all our users for their strong support. Users are still the core reason for everything we do. It is very exciting to see this. We are a user-centered organization, and we will continue to pay attention to the needs of users. In the past two years, the investigation in the United States has been clouded. Through the recent resolution, we have overcome this point. Since its establishment in, user protection has been sacred and inviolable. However, we have learned from past actions. We are now stronger as an organization, and we have a solid foundation. As the haze dissipates, many new partners are working. Our industry is still flexible near us, and our user base continues to grow. Today, we have more than 100 million users, and this number continues to grow strongly. Thanks to this vital trust and support, we will continue to work hard for the future. I have three urgent tasks. First, we will continue to promote the development of services and use cases as a user-centered organization to develop businesses and ecosystems. Secondly, the development direction is clear, and we will see more supervision in the field of encryption. Clear regulation is good for the whole industry. I am committed to promoting this. We need everyone to follow the same standards, which will help achieve large-scale adoption. The third commitment is to continue to promote the adoption and deployment of cryptocurrencies in cooperation with our partners. In the past two and a half years, few institutions have invested time in this area. Now everyone has a blockchain or encryption agenda. Everyone is eager to launch new products and services to meet the needs of users in this field. We are looking forward to working with. Their cooperation in promoting the adoption of these are important positive factors for all of us, which is also the reason why I am optimistic about the future. I am working closely with other members of the team and working tirelessly. This industry will continue to develop, but the most important thing is that we should be loyal to our own origins. Our core mission is to enhance the freedom of funds so that everyone can realize financial freedom. The passion and vitality of the community are the key to the application of cryptocurrency. In my work, I have traveled all over the world and I have seen it. How does cryptocurrency change the lives of many different people in the world? In many parts of the world, especially in developing economies and frontier economies, the level of inclusive finance is very low. This is usually because of the high cost of financial services. I have seen how cryptocurrency changes the lives of all people in different communities, and its cost is only a small part of it. You can remit money at a small cost charged by traditional financial institutions. You can use payment services that you could not access before. All these possibilities are positive. In completely changing people's lives and traditional finance, different cryptocurrencies don't sleep every Sunday from morning to afternoon. It works around the clock, providing an open infrastructure to the world at low cost, which is why it is so powerful. We will continue to promote the establishment of new product systems and use cases to increase the freedom of funds and improve the lives of billions of people around the world. We will tirelessly continue to promote investment and work closely with our partners and communities to understand their needs. I believe that in the future, cryptocurrency will cross all different industries and provide many solutions to the problems we see today. We have seen many community members asking about the fines that have appeared in the recent news. Can Bi An afford the fines? I promise not to worry. Our financial situation is very good. The foundation of our business is very solid. We have been profitable almost from the first day and have remained profitable since then. In terms of transaction volume, we are still the largest cryptocurrency in the world by far. Exchange, our users trust us because we have been consistent in the past six years. In any case, we pay attention to users. American institutions have not claimed that there is any misappropriation of users' funds. Users can support users one-on-one and choose the funds withdrawn at any time. Users can rest assured that we attach great importance to our custody responsibility. Users are very positive about all this. We are honored to see a lot of support. Now there are more than 100 million registered users than ever before. Money is not a problem. We will continue to push forward our expenditure, profit and income are considerable. What we are concerned about now is the future, which is still very bright. Please continue to support us to join our journey. Such a huge fine is not uncommon in the financial field. Many financial institutions have already paid a much larger fine than this. It is important that we learn from past behaviors, overcome them and become stronger from this incident than before. The list of items about the listing of new coins considering recent events is Will it be subject to stricter security protection? I want to emphasize that the problems we encountered in the United States, such as registration compliance sanctions, are all historical problems in the past. In the past two years, we have invested a lot of money in the compliance plan. We have recruited a leading team familiar with the regulatory process from the regulatory agencies, traditional finance and other departments. We will continue to improve our compliance plan as a user-led organization that meets all global compliance standards. It is something we attach great importance to and create a sustainable future listing. Compared with many other companies, our list standard is very high, because we serve users, we will consider some major things, such as use cases, whether the community participates in the project and whether it is built for the future, etc. These will not change our basic method of listing. We hope to cooperate with exciting projects to support the community through their use cases. Many times, project owners are glad that they have left, which is a challenge for the user community and investors. If you don't continue to build on these projects, everyone's situation will be worse, which is why we need project owners and sponsors to make a project release. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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