Blur之后 盘点近期最有可能上线币安现货交易的项目代币

币圈资讯 阅读:44 2024-04-22 12:03:18 评论:0



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众所周知,币安作为加密货币交易平台龙头,只要某个代币上线币安,价格一般都会被爆拉,例如前几天币安公布将要上线 BLUR 现货交易,导致 BLUR 价格当天就上涨了 30% 以上。




操作方法其实并不难,使用 EXCEL 就可以实现。

首先使用 coinmarketcap 等工具,把上线币安的 1162 个现货交易对以及282个合约交易对分别复制到 EXCEL 表格中,然后进行去重、分列和对比,就可以找出目前已上线币安合约交易但还未上线币安现货交易的币种。




Pyth Network(PYTH)是一个新晋的预言机项目,是 SOL 生态的代表项目,旨在通过区块链技术向项目和协议以及公众提供链上有价值的金融市场数据,已集成了 90 多家交易所、做市商和金融服务提供商,他们在链上共享其独家价格数据。Pyth 已支持超过 800 亿美元的交易量,目前被超过 235 个链上和链下应用程序使用。


PYTH 目前市值达到了 6亿多美元,但全流通市值为 40多亿美元,近期 PYTH 现货交易已上线 OKX 等多个主流交易平台,币安也已于11月22日上线了合约交易。


Big Time 作为 GameFi 赛道中的明星项目,备受市场关注,它是上一轮牛市的产物,2021年正式启动,2022年4月上线内测,今年10月10日开放季前赛刮版本,本质上它是一款玩法类似于《暗黑破坏神》的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)。



Big Time 拥有豪华的创始团队,由Decentraland 前CEO Ari Meilich牵头,团队成员大多都来自英雄联盟、堡垒之夜等大型游戏公司,融资近 2000 万美元,前期的 NFT 销售也得到大多用户的支持,(保守计算)NFT 销售总计共筹集超 7000 万 USDT,从游戏开发运营角度来看,Bigtime 的资金充足,融资加上 NFT 销售额近 1 亿美元。

目前现货交易已上线 OKX 等交易平台,币安已于10月12日上线了 BIGTIME 的合约交易。


Kaspa 是基于 GHOSTDAG 协议构建的 POW 公链,与比特币相比,Kaspa 主要是区块链的结构模式发生了改变。比特币采用的是单一链式结构,而 GHOSTDAG 采用的是有向无环图(DAG)结构,其中一个块可以指向多个块。


代币 KAS 于 2021 年 11 月上线,总供应量 287 亿,流通量 217 亿,占比为 75% ,市值 28 亿美元,代币上线至今,涨幅已达700多倍,近一年的涨幅达到了 13倍,KAS 作为最火的矿币,11月17日已上线币安合约交易,但是,币安和 OKX 这些大所都还未上线现货交易。


Bonk 是建立在 Solana 链上的一个 MEME Coin,也是第一个面向大众的 Solana 链上的狗币(以狗为主题的表情包代币、类似于我们熟知的Shib)。


该项目代币总供应量的50%已空投给了 Solana 的 Degen 和 DeFi 交易员、NFT艺术家和开发人员,这种大规模的空投分配也为 Solana 生态系统注入了更多的流动性。

由于Solana 的成功复兴,投资者似乎对 MEME 币产生了极大的炒作兴趣,也直接带动了 BONK 代币的进一步上涨,最近一个月价格上涨了5倍多,目前 BONK 代币的市值已达到了 2.2亿美元。


币安已于11月22日上线了 BONK 代币的合约交易,但现货交易还未上线币安和 OKX 这些大所。



众所周知,以太坊(Ethereum)是当前最大的区块链之一,最开始采用的共识机制是 PoW,然而在去年9月,以太坊成功完成分叉升级,向 POS 共识机制过渡,意味着以太币挖矿时代的结束。


2022 年7 月27 日,宝二爷(ChandlerGuo)在推特上提出了分叉以太坊的讨论,该话题受到了极大的关注,也吸引了一些矿工的参与,特别是来自反对以太坊合并的矿工。

在2022 年8 月底,ETHPoW 的拥护者在一封致以太坊社区的公开信中表示了对以太坊转向权益证明的不满,并表示,「PoS 确实改变了游戏规则,但只是在不好的方面」 。

这时以太坊POW(EthereumPoW)诞生了,其目的是坚持 PoW 共识机制,让矿工保持自己的收入。

ETHW 作为以太坊分叉币,目前市值为 2.9亿,现货交易已上线了 OKX 等多个交易平台,币安已于11月28日上线了 ETHW 的合约交易。


TokenFi 是由明星 MEME 项目 Floki 推出的资产代币化平台,旨在促进市场的代币化进程,可以理解为广义的RWA项目,帮助资产进行代币化,而 TOKEN 是TokenFi 平台的项目代币。


TOKEN 目前市值为 2600多万美元,币安已于11月3日上线了 TOKEN 代币的合约交易,但是,币安和 OKX 都还没上线该代币的现货交易。


Orbs Network 是以色列一个区块链IaaS平台,致力于构建一个去中心化的公共平台,帮助软件应用行业实现区块链技术转型。


Orbs 是混合型商业用公链,采用rPoS共识协议,具备高安全性、完全去中心化以及更少节点的优势,Orbs为每个DApp分配专有通道,帮助客户专注于DApp开发,避免出现错误、重载以及其他问题。

ORBS 币是 Orbs Network 的平台代币,发行于2019年4月3日,供应总量为100亿枚。ORBS 已上线 OKX 等平台的现货交易,币安已于10月17日上线 ORBS 合约交易。


BSV 大家已经比较熟悉了,它是比特币现金(BCH)的硬分叉产物,其全称为 Bitcoin SV,即比特币中本聪愿景(Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision),BSV 的目标是恢复并维持比特币创始人中本聪在 2008 年发布的比特币白皮书中所描述的原始比特币协议,并实现更高的可扩展性。


由于 CZ 和澳本聪发生一些争执,币安于 2019年4月15日下架了 BSV 的现货交易对,对 BSV 造成了较大的冲击,然后在4年后,币安于今年10月20日又重新上线了 BSV 的合约交易,导致 BSV 当天上涨了 30% 以上。

虽然币安恢复了 BSV 的合约交易,但目前还没有上线 BSV 现货交易。

总之,以上8个币种,尤其是 PYTH、KAS、BIGTIME 等这些明星项目,近期有很大概率将会上线币安现货交易,值得我们保持关注。

As we all know, as the leader of cryptocurrency trading platform, the price of a certain token will generally be blown up. For example, a few days ago, it was announced that it would go online for spot trading, which caused the price to rise above that day. Therefore, as long as we can predict which tokens will go online for spot trading, we can make a good layout in advance, but after all, we are not insiders of Coin Security, and we can't know the inside information of the token going online. Even so, we can still make use of it according to the on-line of Coin Security. Make a reasonable guess on the law of currency. According to the law of currency loading, the tokens traded on the online contract will generally be traded on the spot. Therefore, we can compare and analyze the on-line spot trading pairs and contract trading pairs of currency security, so as to dig out the operating methods of those tokens that have been traded on the online contract but not on the spot. In fact, it is not difficult to use them. First, we can use tools such as copying two spot trading pairs and two contract trading pairs of online currency security into the table, and then re-classify and pair them. By comparison, we can find out the currencies that have been online but not online. After comparative analysis, we find that these currencies have been online but not yet online. These are the projects that need our attention. After counting the most likely items to be online in the near future, the tokens are a new Oracle project, which is a representative project of ecology. It aims to provide valuable finance in the chain to projects and agreements and the public through blockchain technology. The market data has been integrated with a number of exchange market makers and financial service providers, who share their exclusive price data on the chain, and have supported the trading volume of more than 100 million US dollars. At present, it is used by more than 100 online and offline applications, and then the items that are most likely to be online for spot trading in the near future are counted. At present, the market value of the tokens has reached more than 100 million US dollars, but the market value of the full circulation has reached more than 100 million US dollars. Recently, spot trading has been online, and many mainstream trading platforms, such as Coin' an, have also been online for contract trading II The star project has attracted much attention from the market. It is the product of the last bull market. It was officially launched in 2008, and the online internal test was launched on March this year. In essence, it is a large-scale multiplayer online role-playing game with a similar gameplay to Diablo. After counting the project tokens that are most likely to be online in the near future, the game was created and completed based on the Ethereum network, and the concept of sustainable economic mechanism of the game was built. The game has a perfect gold-playing mechanism, and players can play strange games by brushing copies. You can get game tokens. The founding team with luxury is led by the former team members, most of whom are from large game companies such as League of Legends Fortress Night. The early sales of nearly $10,000 are also supported by most users. Conservative calculation of the total sales has raised more than $10,000. From the perspective of game development and operation, sufficient funds are raised, plus sales of nearly $100 million. At present, spot trading has been launched, and other trading platforms, such as Coin Security, have been launched on March. Third, the public chain based on the agreement is compared with Bitcoin. The main reason is that the structural mode of blockchain has changed. Bitcoin adopts a single chain structure and a directed acyclic graph structure, in which one block can point to multiple blocks, and then the items that are most likely to be online in the near future are counted. The total supply of tokens was 100 million, accounting for the market value of hundreds of millions of dollars. So far, the increase has doubled in the past year. As the hottest mining currency, it has been online, but the currency security contract has been traded, but both of them are still on the market. Off-line spot trading IV is the first dog coin on the chain for the public. The dog-themed expression pack token is similar to the well-known item token that is most likely to be on-line spot trading in the near future. The total supply of tokens in this project has been airdropped to traders, artists and developers. This large-scale airdrop distribution has also injected more liquidity into the ecosystem. Due to the successful revival, investors seem to have a great interest in coins. It also directly led to the further rise of tokens. The price has more than doubled in the last month. At present, the market value of tokens has reached US$ 100 million. After taking stock of the items that are most likely to be traded in cash in the near future, the contract transaction of tokens has been launched on January, but the spot transaction has not yet been launched. It is well known that Ethereum is one of the largest blockchain at present. However, the consensus mechanism adopted at first was that Ethereum successfully completed the bifurcation upgrade to the consensus machine last month. The transition of the system means that after the end of the mining era of ethereum, it is most likely to take stock of the items that can be traded on the spot in the near future. On Twitter, Mr. Bao proposed the discussion of bifurcated ethereum, which attracted great attention and attracted the participation of some miners, especially those who opposed the merger of ethereum. At the end of last year, the supporters expressed their dissatisfaction with the ethereum's turn to prove their rights and interests, and said that it really changed the rules of the game, but only in. On the bad side, Ethereum was born at this time. Its purpose is to adhere to the consensus mechanism so that miners can keep their own income. As Ethereum forked coins, the current market value is 100 million, and spot transactions have been launched. Many trading platforms such as Coin An have been launched on January, and contract transactions. Sixth, the platform of asset tokenization launched by star projects aims to promote the market tokenization process. It can be understood as a generalized project to help assets to be tokenized, but after counting the tokens of the platform, it is most likely to be online in the near future. At present, the market value of the project token is more than ten thousand dollars. Coin An has launched the contract transaction of the token on January, but neither Coin An nor the spot transaction of the token has been launched. Seventh, an Israeli blockchain platform is committed to building a decentralized public platform to help the software application industry realize the blockchain technology transformation, and then take stock of the project token that is most likely to be launched in the near future. Coin An is a hybrid commercial public chain with high security, complete decentralization and fewer nodes. It is necessary to allocate a dedicated channel for each customer to help them focus on developing platforms to avoid errors, overloading and other problems. Tokens are issued on the spot trading platform with a total supply of 100 million pieces on the online platform. The eight people are already familiar with it. It is a hard fork product of bitcoin cash, and its full name is Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto's vision. The goal is to restore and maintain the original bitcoin agreement described in the Bitcoin white paper published by Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto in and achieve higher scalability. After counting the project tokens that are most likely to be online in the near future, 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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