Web3游戏发展快但问题多 用户如何实现收益最大化?

币圈资讯 阅读:43 2024-04-22 12:01:28 评论:0



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玩哪种类型的游戏能够赚到最可观的回报?很多用户最先想到的可能就是参与Web3游戏。对,Web3游戏的财富效应有目共睹,举个最典型的案例:2021年加密资产大牛市期间,顶流Web3游戏Axie Infinity的原生治理代币AXS在6个月时间内从3美元一路飙升至156美元。



在造富效应这一维度,Axie Infinity也曾创下过单月收入最高的情况,但是老牌《魔兽世界》《原神》等游戏一番对比和思索之下,一系列问题随之而来:





数字资产信息披露平台Xangle在近期的一份报告中指出,全球PC游戏的年收入从1983年左右才突破10亿美元,随后用了13年才增长到100亿美元,又用了25年才达到150亿美元。移动游戏的年收入从1995年左右才突破10亿美元,随后用了10年时间才增长到100 亿美元,又用了12年时间才达到150亿美元。



对比之下,Axie Infinity在2021年8月份的单月收入就超过了3亿美元(发行于2020年11月)。截止到2022年10月,该项目的年度总收入达到了20亿美元。显而易见的是,PC游戏和移动游戏发展数年才累积起来的全行业总收入,对于牛市期间的Axie Infinity来说只需数年就能完成。

Xangle数据还显示,Web3游戏投资占整个游戏行业的比例迅猛上升,从2020年的1.1%上升到2021年的9.5%,2022年的38.3%,2023 年第一季度更是达到惊人的57.2%。这说明更专业理性的投资人也在用脚投票,大踏步进入吸金效应更强的Web3游戏领域,传统游戏逐渐沦为“弃子”。























DappRadar数据:Gamifly 24小时内独立钱包活跃数和交易笔数增幅20%左右











从功能体验来看,DeGame的Top Communitties、Quest、Leader Board、Gaming和Event功能模块,直接向用户展示项目社区、有奖任务、项目排名、应用下载和线上线下活动的入口,用户只需点击按钮即可触达不同项目的多个功能模块,无需来回切换即可玩转各个项目;


What kind of game can earn the most considerable return? The first thing many users think of is the wealth effect of participating in the game. It is obvious to all. A typical case is the original governance token of the top-stream game during the big bull market of encrypted assets in 2008. During the bull market, the asset price trend has soared from US dollars to US dollars. In the dimension of wealth-making effect, it has also reached the highest monthly income. However, after a series of comparisons and reflections on the old World of Warcraft and other games, The question follows: after several years, can the game completely surpass the prosperity of the traditional game industry in terms of user volume and market scale? What factors determine how ordinary users can seize the opportunities of high-quality projects as much as possible in this immature market? What tools and applications can help users better find good projects and analyze the big market? The following will answer this series of puzzles for users one by one, which are only used as industry information references and do not constitute investment suggestions. Or it will devour the share of the traditional game market at a faster speed. The wealth effect derived from the game need not be said, but the trend may be more intuitive and obvious by comparing it with the development data of traditional games from a macro perspective. In a recent report, the digital asset information disclosure platform pointed out that the annual income of global games only exceeded 100 million US dollars from about, then it took years to grow to 100 million US dollars, and then it took years to reach 100 million US dollars. It took years to grow to $ billion, and it took years to reach $ billion. By contrast, the annual income of global games and mobile games exceeded $ billion in January, and the total annual income of the project reached $ billion from January to June. Obviously, the total income of the whole industry accumulated after several years of development of games and mobile games can be completed in just a few years during the bull market. The data also shows the proportion of game investment in the whole game industry. The rapid rise from 2000 to the first quarter of 2000 is even more amazing, which shows that more professional and rational investors are also voting with their feet to enter the game field with stronger gold absorption effect. Traditional games are gradually becoming abandoned, and the investment ratio of games in the whole network is reported. The data table shows that games will devour the market share of traditional games at a faster speed, and the popularity and application space of games will be greatly expanded in the future. It is hard to hide the fact that the life cycle of the game depends on the encrypted market. Although the general trend is gratifying, the game is still developing in a spiral state. This process is also accompanied by changes in the investment and financing data of the low valley, which can be directly confirmed. The annual chain tour status report released at the beginning of the month shows that the funds obtained by the game project in this quarter are $ billion lower than that in the second quarter, which makes the total financing of the previous month about $ billion, which is only equivalent to the total financing data of last year. For emerging markets, external financing is the key to extend the life cycle of industries and projects, which is completely different from traditional games. The growth logic of the latter basically depends on the player's experience and the quality of the game. In contrast, the overall market and specific projects of the game are far less stable than those of the traditional game industry. Of course, it is even more unacceptable for users that the mortality rate of game projects far exceeds that of traditional game encryption assets. The data analysis website recently issued a document saying that since the concept was born, Since, the failure of existing games has accounted for the total number of launches, among which the standard for judging the failure of games is that the average number of active users in the day has fallen more than the data. In recent years, the proportion of failed games has reached the point where the failure rate of games is so high. Many gamers are bound to sum up a standard answer. Under the influx of hot money, the increasingly impetuous industry environment makes developers unwilling to make long-term investment in the project, and the users who are single-minded and profit-seeking only participate in the economy of the game project with a speculative attitude. The model will collapse quickly and eventually leave a chicken feather with the same script. More failed projects may still be on the way. A recent industry news may be able to appropriately support the above conclusion. After the game token was launched, it has soared more than twice in a short time. Previously, the project has completed nearly 10,000 US dollars of financing, and the third round of financing in January was as high as 10,000 US dollars. However, this wealth seems to have come so fast that the core members of the team have irreconcilable differences and contradictions. One of the founders. Accusing the other two executives to the court for allegedly embezzling company funds has greatly damaged the credibility and reputation of the project, and the subsequent operation is also full of more uncertainties. However, this kind of incident is not uncommon for practitioners who know the inside story of the game industry. For the majority of users, we don't need to be overly critical of the game project developers because it is human nature after all, and the first purpose of users coming to the game market is to earn profits. What we really need to care about is how to find a good project in the industry with asymmetric information or how to seize the skyrocketing market in the shortest time. Of course, in this process, we need to pay attention to avoiding risks and ensuring the safety of assets. Three users can't control the development trend of the industry, but they can only look for value opportunities in the highly uncertain market. At present, the overall development trend of the game market is hard to say mature, and the gains and losses of ordinary users' project investment are more random, so users can't control the development of the industry. The trend of exhibition can only seek value opportunities in the highly uncertain market, but the problem is how can users who have no advantage in information resources capture industry opportunities in the opaque market? The comprehensive ranking of data has jumped to the second place in the industry, and the number of active independent wallets and transactions has increased by about one hour. Take hot projects as an example, the recent data performance has rushed to the forefront of the industry, and the data shows that the number of active independent wallets and transactions has climbed to the second place in the industry as of June. There may be some value opportunities for the rapid growth of the left and right, but the question is how users can find such projects in advance and complete the relevant layout as soon as possible. The game industry data website with wider dimensions and more comprehensive functions can help users solve this problem. At the end of the article, the author lists two representative related tools for users' reference. First, this is a native game launcher and game store aggregator, which can automatically access users' asset wallets and every game application they participate in. This month, they completed $10,000 financing to enter official website and click the button above to enter the game mall page according to the details. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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