
币圈资讯 阅读:36 2024-04-22 12:01:11 评论:0



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  • 这东西TA不是货币,最多只能是商品;

  • 既然是商品,就不能有金融属性,不能炒作。



RWA是指将真实世界的资产(Real World Asset,简称RWA)通过区块链技术转化为可流通的数字代币,从而实现资产的去中心化、透明化和高效化。RWA代币化的优势在于可以降低交易成本、提高资产流动性、扩大投资者群体、增加资产价值等。其应用场景包括房地产、金融、艺术品等领域。





















  • 根据《刑法》第一百七十六条的规定,非法集资是指违反国家有关规定,未经批准擅自从社会公众筹集资金,并承诺支付利息或者以其他方式返还本息的行为。

  • 根据《刑法》第二百六十六条的规定,诈骗是指以非法占有为目的,使用虚构的事实或者隐瞒真相的方法骗取他人财物的行为。




The industry is developing. China's regulatory attitude towards virtual currency is actually very clear. This thing is not money. It can only be a commodity at most. Since it is a commodity, it can't have financial attributes and can't be speculated. It can be said that grasping these two red lines can be avoided for blockchain entrepreneurs in China. However, it has been cool for a while to make money, so it is always cool to make money. Therefore, I think that friends who pass the issuance are in an endless stream and the banner is advancing with the development of the industry. In the past few years, it may be behind. The new narrative is to transform the abbreviation of real-world assets into negotiable digital tokens through blockchain technology, so as to realize the decentralization, transparency and efficiency of assets. The advantage of tokenization is that it can reduce transaction costs, improve asset liquidity, expand investor groups and increase asset value. Its application scenarios, including real estate, finance, art and other fields, are very promising and good things in Qian Jing by definition, but if the goods are not used after leaving the factory, It's a little troublesome for the project party to use the Ming book. You may not believe what you want to say when you do things. The best thing to be played in China is actually that a friend who starts a digital collection says that it is entrepreneurship. It is not empowering for the industry. For example, if you buy a digital collection issued by the project party, you can enjoy the right to exchange a certain commodity service. If you don't want to exchange or pick up the goods, you can wait for the real assets to appreciate and then transfer it to other friends who want it through the consignment market. Theoretically, this narrative is so. It's quite logical and easy to sell goods. There are more sales scenes and more reasons for buyers' friends to hoard and buy goods, especially those that may appreciate over time, such as tea and liquor. Some friends may say that the number you mentioned is not hidden, but what I want to express is that it is just a problem of different model parameters. In such a model, a real asset with stable price or slow growth may be a stable supply in the traditional market. It's hard to relate to demand, because you can bring a leap in value if you token it, and if the pricing range of a thing can be mysterious, such as a digital art, radish and cabbage, Zhang San is willing to give a piece, but Li Si is willing to give it to both parties if it can be freely reached, which is good, but if Li Si belongs to the person who pulled the price in the market and then took over the offer, it is estimated to be a bit dangerous, so in these two scenarios, the former market is easy to refuse to buy because the investment income is too limited and the latter is easy to be hurt because of gold. Some time ago, the team of lawyers in Man Kun received a case, which can be said to be a living case. The general situation is that a company registered a company overseas, and the company held some real assets through purchase and business cooperation. How to revitalize the assets and make them bigger and stronger? The solution they thought of was to divide these assets into several forms and sell them on the Internet, in addition to publicizing the attractive value of the assets and telling buyers to hold the corresponding ones. The income from offline assets is your dividend, which is a good idea, but the economic downturn has not only failed to realize the appreciation of the real assets, but the company is also a little mismanaged, which almost turned yellow. The users who got on the bus in the early days saw the price in the market collapse, and the users who came at that time with the idea of getting rich quit, saying that this was fraud, and they wanted to unite to send the project party in, and then they went to various places to report the case in an organized and disciplined manner, fearing that the project party's friends would be made public one day. Ann pressed her head to tell the truth, this is the real situation that we can see with the naked eye in China. Many entrepreneurs with high education and high cognition are easy to get hurt physically and mentally in this cruel jungle. One of the important reasons is that others who mistakenly think they understand understand understand not only the users but also the police. Plus, they think that if you register the company overseas and strictly abide by the moral bottom line of the team, you can have a clear conscience without worrying about the risks, but as a startup, You tell users that the meta-universe is decentralized, but users only talk to you about whether they make money or not. If he makes money here, you are his leading brother or Britney Spears. If he accidentally makes a pick-up man in the market, you are Mrs. Niu, whose heart can be blamed in his eyes. We have reason to believe that many friends who do it are really holding the initial intention to revitalize assets, promote investment and benefit users, but the reality is how to make their projects clean up without being stained. How to make your own entrepreneurial projects involve lower legal risks? Apart from market operation risks, all the friends you are thinking about should consider how to prevent legal risks. If your market development is oriented to the mainland of China, you need to pay special attention to ensure the legitimacy and authenticity of assets in at least the following three aspects. Whether you can issue money or not, the premise of doing business is to ensure that the assets involved are legal and not in violation of the state. At the same time, we must ensure that the assets involved are true and there is no fraud or concealment. Whether you anchor a large amount of real estate like a house or a small commodity with pure e-commerce logic, there is a consumer protection law under the criminal law, which must be observed. Therefore, we must do some due diligence and audit on the real assets anchored by digital tokens, and sign a purchase agreement with relevant parties to stipulate the quality, fidelity and after-sales of the goods. These are the most basic proof of compliance workload. Be careful about the nature of issuing tokens, which is the most important thing in compliance. It is not important to issue assets as whether they are digital collections or not. What matters is the nature of these digital tokens, whether they are commodities, money, securities or others, which will directly affect the nature of issuing behavior. China's regulatory attitude towards virtual currency is relatively clear, that is, it is forbidden to issue and circulate any form of substitute currency. Therefore, entrepreneurs should avoid positioning tokens as money or substitutes when tokenizing. If tokenization involves the issuance of shares, creditor's rights, fund shares and other certificates that can reflect investors' rights or claim rights, it may constitute securities. If tokenization involves standardized trading contracts and promises to deliver physical assets or perform cash settlement at a certain time in the future, it may constitute futures. These are obviously the red lines of China's financial supervision. Please be sure to stay away from two laws that friends in the currency circle should be familiar with and stay away from. According to the provisions of Article 176 of the Criminal Law, illegal fund-raising refers to raising funds from the public without approval in violation of relevant state regulations and promising to pay benefits. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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