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3、哈希处理:使用 SHA-256 或其他常用的哈希算法对候选区块进行哈希处理,生成一个固定长度的字符串形式的哈希值。

4、难度检查: 将生成的哈希值与协议当前的挖矿难度目标进行比较,如果小于目标值,则成功挖出新区块。如果没有小于目标值,矿工就会更改随机数并重复哈希处理过程,直到找到符合目标的哈希值。为此,矿工使用每秒可处理数万亿次哈希计算的挖矿硬件或专门的 ASIC 矿机,试图尽快找到符合目标的哈希值。

5、区块提交: 一旦找到有效的哈希值,矿工就会向网络提交新区块。其他节点会对该区块进行验证,验证通过后将其 "添加" 到区块链中,提交区块的矿工则会获得一定数量的加密货币奖励。找到一个有效的哈希值需要大量的 "工作"(需要大量的计算能力和能源消耗)。这项工作任何人都可以随时验证,因此被称为 "工作量证明"。





也有人认为,全节点是网络中的无实权参与者。矿工生产区块(成本高昂),而全节点则是区块链的支持者大军,有权执行网络共识规则。拥有全网 51% 以上算力的矿工联盟可以选择生产破坏网络共识规则的区块,但他们这样做的风险是,区块链的利益相关者基本上都会拒绝这些区块,让那些矿工得不到任何回报。

矿工和非挖矿全节点之间的平衡也至关重要。由矿工主导的网络可能会变得中心化,破坏区块链技术的去中心化特性。反之,矿工太少的网络可能会降低安全性,因为它更容易受到 51% 攻击,即单一实体或联盟控制了网络的大部分挖矿能力,可以恶意操纵区块链。



In the field of cryptocurrency, miners and all nodes are two vital entities, which play an important role in maintaining the integrity, security and functionality of blockchain network. Although many people often confuse the two, their functions are significantly different, so it is very important for people to understand these differences deeply. What are miners in the field of cryptocurrency? Miners can be compared with gold miners in the real world. They screen and look for them on vast land. Rare and valuable gold nuggets, similarly, miners get the right to block through workload proof, add new blocks to the blockchain and get a considerable reward at the same time. Miners play a key role in the blockchain network. They are responsible for verifying new transactions and recording them in the global distributed ledger, that is, the blockchain. It should be emphasized that miners are a kind of all nodes, which means that they will verify all the rules of the blockchain and only accept the block mining process that meets these rules, including verifying transactions and creating blocks. And generate workload proof. Effectively generating workload proof means finding a hash output that meets the specific conditions stipulated in the agreement, also called hash output. The following are simplified steps for miners to generate workload proof. Transaction verification miners select transactions from the unconfirmed transaction set in the memory pool and verify their validity. Block creation of verified transactions is combined with the hash value of the previous block and a new random number to construct a candidate block hash processing or other commonly used hash algorithm pairs. The candidate blocks are hashed to generate a hash value in the form of a fixed-length string. The difficulty check compares the generated hash value with the current mining difficulty target of the agreement. If it is less than the target value, a new block is successfully dug. If it is not less than the target value, miners will change the random number and repeat the hashing process until they find a hash value that meets the target. For this reason, miners use mining hardware or special mining machines that can handle trillions of hash calculations per second to try to find a target as soon as possible. Once a valid hash value is found, miners will submit a new block to the network, and other nodes will verify the block and add it to the blockchain. The miners who submit the block will get a certain amount of cryptocurrency rewards. Finding an effective hash value requires a lot of work, a lot of computing power and energy consumption. This work can be verified by anyone at any time, so it is called workload proof. One of the biggest misunderstandings about miners is that it is earning. In fact, this process is resource-intensive and requires advanced hardware technical knowledge and a lot of electricity. In addition, the competition among miners is fierce, and the profit space is constantly squeezed. What is the whole node? Although all miners are all nodes, not all nodes are miners and miners are producers of the block, while all nodes are librarians of the blockchain network. All nodes maintain a complete copy of the blockchain to ensure that every transaction conforms to the network rules. They verify transactions. And the legitimacy of the block, refusing to violate the rules of trading and block non-mining, the whole node does not create new blocks, but it plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the network. They check the work of miners to ensure that the rules of network consensus are observed. Although the whole node plays a vital role, it is often misunderstood. Many people think that running the whole node needs to be rewarded, which is similar to mining, but unlike miners, the work of the whole node operators is not directly rewarded. They help maintain the decentralization and. The contribution of security to the network is selfless to a great extent. Some people think that the whole node is an unprivileged participant in the network, and the miners' production cost is high, while the whole node is the supporter of the blockchain. The miners' union with more computing power than the whole network can choose to produce blocks that break the network consensus rules, but the risk of doing so is that the stakeholders of the blockchain will basically reject these blocks, so that those miners will not get any return. The balance between nodes is also very important. The network dominated by miners may become centralized and destroy the decentralized characteristics of blockchain technology. Conversely, the network with too few miners may reduce security because it is more vulnerable to attacks, that is, a single entity or alliance controls most of the mining capacity of the network and can maliciously manipulate the blockchain. In a word, it is very important for anyone who participates in the cryptocurrency world to understand the difference between miners and all nodes, although they play different roles. The miners are indispensable to the security and integrity of the blockchain network. With their powerful computing power, they add new transactions to the blockchain, and all nodes maintain the integrity of the network by verifying these transactions. Together, they ensure the smooth operation of the blockchain network. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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