从BTC DeFi 走向BTC Eco:对BTC生态的思考

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“BTC Eco-Panel”线上主题论坛探讨了BTC生态当前的发展态势,并探索比特币生态的未来发展方向。论坛现已圆满落幕,那么此次论坛传递出哪些信息?比特币未来的发展是否需要生态建设?生态未来的发展方向又在哪里?

BTC “Summer”一定是整个生态的“Summer”


但从比特币的生态来看,却一直不温不火,直到 Ordinals 与BRC20的问世,开发者大量涌入,各项目团队开始从技术角度为比特币的发展提供支持。随着在比特币、比特币侧链和Layer2开发上推出了几个快速增长的DeFi平台,更复杂的用例在基础层之上的Layer2层上实现,这些层可以处理逻辑、数据和链下吞吐量,这些项目提供智能合约功能、EVM 兼容性和其他Web3用例,保证了比特币的可扩展性、安全性和区块链的链上增长。这些项目以一种新的方式推动了比特币的发展,比特币未来的可能性在于其货币价值和基于区块链技术的创新。



BTC DeFi Summer作为市场热点,其影响力不容小觑;闪电网络则继承了中本聪最初的理念,即点对点现金系统,并在全球范围内拥有大量用户。尽管DeFi Summer与比特币的关系尚未完全确立,但其具有很大的潜力。未来比特币网络未来将会来到ECO—Summer阶段,而不只局限于DeFi赛道。目前BTC生态的发展刚刚起步,未来BTC的"Summer"一定是整个生态项目的"Summer"。








随着越来越多的人认识到安全的加密货币投资比潜在的高收益更重要,它对DeFi 开发者和投资者来说也变得越来越有吸引力。比特币不必一直是一种效用极小的货币资产,作为最值得信赖的区块链,通过构建比特币DeFi可以释放更多潜力。比特币也许可以发展成为未来金融体系的基石,其技术、应用程序和基础设施将开启DeFi新时代

The author's Chinese online theme forum discusses the current development trend of ecology and explores the future development direction of bitcoin ecology. Now that the forum has come to a successful conclusion, what information does the forum convey? Does the future development of bitcoin need ecological construction? Where is the future development direction of ecology? It must be the whole ecology. It has been years since Bitcoin came out. During this period, miners have joined the network technology, upgraded and innovated, and the gradual emergence of platforms such as lightning network has made Bitcoin gradually known to more people. More and more retailers began to accept bitcoin payment, but from the ecological point of view of bitcoin, it remained tepid until the advent of the company, and developers poured in in large numbers. Various project teams began to provide technical support for the development of bitcoin. With the introduction of several rapidly growing platforms on the side chain and development of bitcoin, more complex use cases were realized on the layer above the basic layer, which can handle logical data and offline throughput. These projects provide smart contract function compatibility and other use case guarantees. It is proved that the scalability, security and chain growth of bitcoin have promoted the development of bitcoin in a new way. The possibility of bitcoin in the future lies in its monetary value and innovation based on blockchain technology. As far as bitcoin value is concerned, bitcoin has always been regarded as pure digital gold, and its development is relatively conservative. However, bitcoin developers have gradually realized the market demand for developing applications on bitcoin in the past few years. The emergence of 2000 just shows that the network can be used for ecological applications. The construction of these platform architectures makes the whole future world and the whole economy depend on the blockchain of Bitcoin. As far as technological innovation is concerned, more and more teams are actively deploying bitcoin expansion and lightning network ecology. In terms of transaction payment, lightning network can reduce transaction loss costs, support a higher level of user volume and huge application ecology, and at the same time, the security and efficiency of blockchain can be improved by optimizing algorithms and hardware equipment. As a hot spot in the market, the influence of lightning network should not be underestimated. Lightning network inherits Satoshi Nakamoto's original idea, that is, peer-to-peer cash system and has a large number of users around the world. Although the relationship with Bitcoin has not been fully established, it has great potential. In the future, Bitcoin network will come to a stage, not just limited to the track. At present, the ecological development has just begun. The future must be the arrival of the whole ecological project. The era of ecological explosion will carry real applications. The development of Bitcoin ecology is divided into three parts. The first stage is the competition for the leading asset issuance agreement, the second stage is the emergence of more asset issuance projects and the practical application of these projects, and the third stage is based on a series of bitcoin ecological applications, strong consensus, solid fund precipitation and the influx of developers. More and more technologies and infrastructure are established on Bitcoin, and the above applications are more complex and diversified. The development of Bitcoin has expanded its narrative from value storage to smart contracts. Among them, the financial sector accounts for only a small part. In the future development process, the most important thing is the improvement of infrastructure. At first, the start of an ecology starts from some basic conceptual stages, and then gradually transitions to form a complete ecology. The basic concepts oriented by economic models gradually cross the chain, and with the expansion of the ecology and the enhancement of user consensus, the information transmission between ecosystems is gradually opened. As far as Bitcoin ecology is concerned, first of all, both the coin issuing agreement and as a new technology are very important. Great potential, but due to its security problems and performance limitations, it is still in its infancy. Secondly, the original infrastructure of Bitcoin is also a very promising field, such as blockchain distributed storage and other technologies. As a new generation of Internet platform, Bitcoin network has a strong advantage in undertaking infrastructure compared with other blockchain networks, and practical application scenarios such as flash have begun to appear. The emergence of electric network in payment field and social field is only the initial stage of bitcoin ecological application. In the future, bitcoin network will carry more applications. For investors, we should pay attention to how to lay out the investment strategy of bitcoin. For developers, we need to consider how to innovate and develop bitcoin. As the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin came out in, and it designed a secure decentralized and anti-censorship network, so it was widely trusted by the public. Up to now, it is still the most important blockchain, which has clearly established its position as a leading digital value storage means. This is a great achievement. As more and more people realize that safe cryptocurrency investment is more important than potential high income, it has become more and more attractive to developers and investors. Bitcoin does not have to be a monetary asset with minimal utility all the time. As the most reliable blockchain, it can release more potential by building Bitcoin, and it may develop into the cornerstone of the future financial system. Its technical applications and infrastructure will open a new era. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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