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AVAX 雪崩生态中最令人兴奋的项目包括 Avaissance、Evergreen、Firewood,还有即将推出的 Teleporter。此外,自推出以来已经跨足了超过10亿笔总交易。Avalanche充满了令人兴奋的内容,本文带你一文速览亮点!


  • 超过10亿笔总交易

  • 超过280万个$AVAX被销毁

  • 共有1,500个验证器验证交易

  • 交易的最终确认在亚秒级别完成



@StargateFinance - 由@LayerZero_Labs构建的多链桥梁,承诺的交易具有即时的最终性:stargate.finance

@CoreApp上的@AVAX跨链梁 - 在比特币、Avalanche和以太坊之间快速安全地传输资产https://core.app/

@deBridgeFinance - 多链跨链桥,无需流动性池 debridge.finance

DeFi - DEX

@TraderJoe_xyz - @AVAX上的OG DEX,采用新颖的AMM设计流动性簿,提高资本效率,降低滑点,减小了非永久性损失  traderjoexyz.com

@Dexalot - 区块链中央限价订单簿(CLOB),快速执行,无滑点或托管风险 https://dexalot.com/

DeFi - 借贷

@BenqiFinance -@AVAX上第一个非托管借贷協議,支持流动性$AVAX质押 http://benqi.fi

@Aave - 由@StaniKulechov创立的多链非托管借贷平台,DeFi领域的OG项目 app.aave.com

@DeltaPrimeDeFi - 多链低抵押最低要求的Prime经纪交易平台 deltaprime.io

DeFi - 合约交易

@GMX_IO - 多链非托管杠杆交易的去中心化永续交易所,支持$AVAX,$BTC,$ETH等 linktr.ee/gmxio

@HubbleExchange - 支持杠杆、多抵押品、跨保证金的去中心化永续交易所,即将在主网上 testnet.hubble.exchange

DeFi - Vaults

@StructFinance - 提供使用固定和可变收益产品的风险调整策略 app.struct.fi


@thirdweb - 完整的Web3开发工具包,包括自定义SDK、智能合约和更多工具 thirdweb.com

Glacier API - 为您的区块链应用提供高度可靠的访问@AVAX历史区块链数据的强大工具;由@AvaCloud团队开发 avacloud.io

@Biconomy - 一个专注于账户抽象SDK、智能合约和更多工具的Web3开发堆栈 biconomy.io


@Deloitte - 德勤使用Avalanche技术构建了一个安全的平台,帮助机构管理FEMA支出的灾难救济补助金生命周期管理

@AWS - 一键部署@AVAX验证器

@Shopify - 在Shopify内轻松铸造和销售NFT;由@Venly_io构建

SK Planet - 为超过200万用户重建了区块链的忠诚度奖励计划;NFTs支持动态、定制的会员卡

@Ponta - 为1亿用户重建了基于区块链的忠诚度计划;由忠诚度营销和@playthink_inc构建

@Tencent - 轻松部署@AVAX节点

@Alibaba - 轻松部署@AVAX节点;客户还可以使用阿里巴巴云的其他即插即用的基础设施产品

@Lemonade - 构建了一个低保费的保险产品,服务于非洲的生计农民


@GunzillaGames - 由 @NeillBlomkamp 和 Richard K Morgan 领导的拥有数字所有权和深刻叙事故事情节的第一人称射击游戏playoffthegrid ;融资总额达 7100 万美元。gunzillagames.com

@playSHRAPNEL - 一款可自定义的采矿类第一人称射击游戏,玩家完全拥有数字所有权;由 @HBO 分拆出来,团队成员来自 @Halo、@CallofDuty、@DestinyTheGame;截至目前已融资 3750 万美元。https://go.shrapnel.com/m/linkhub

@HeroesChained - 移动版本交易卡牌RPG,具备PVP和PVE;开放测试于 12 月 1 日启动。heroeschained.com

@PlayProvidence - 一款具备数字所有权的基于生存探索的游戏;由 @1DynastyStudios 开发;截至目前已融资 610 万美元。https://playprovidence.io/


@TSM - 推出 Blitz,一款具备性能洞察和学习工具的个人游戏教练;已被超过 2 亿 4 千万名玩家使用。tsmshop.com

@BuildonBeam - 一款面向区块链游戏的社区驱动网络;由@MeritCircle_io 开发。os.onbeam.com


@AvaCloud - Ava Labs 旗下专业管理区块链服务的提供商;已确认的客户包括 @Deloitte、@playSHRAPNEL、@Citi 等等;avacloud.io

@ChorusOne - 一家支持 @AVAX 的多链质押服务提供商。chorus.one

@Figment_io - 提供多链机构质押基础设施的公司,拥有客户超过250家。figment.io

@MovementLabsxyz - 推出M1子网,将Move编程语言引入Avalanche。linktr.ee/movementlabsxyz


@KKR - 通过代币化其医疗保健基金,以减少运营复杂性和成本;在@Securitize上推出。 bit.ly/3sDVcb5

@RepublicNote - 一种数字资产,用于访问@JoinRepublic的私募股权投资组合。republic.com

@TRowePrice, @WisdomTreeFunds, @Wellington_Mgmt, & @CumberlandSays - 承诺使用Evergreen的Spruce Subnet;致力于吸引更多机构尝试并使用公共区块链。https://www.avax.network/evergreen


@DokyoWorld - 由社区推动的风险投资工作室艺术收藏;迄今销售额超过640万美元;专注于与食品相关的企业。

@0xCampfire - 原生的@AVAX NFT市场;正在创新购买和出售NFT的方式,例如Floor Pools。campfire.exchange

@JoepegsNFT - 原生的 @AVAX NFT市场;由@TraderJoe_xyz团队创建。joepegs.com

@HyperspaceAvax - 多链NFT市场;推出了用户增长激励计划。http://avax.hyperspace.xyz

@Salvor_io - 原生的@AVAX NFT市场;通过提供NFT流动性来赚取收益。salvor.io

@TeresaMelvinart - 推出@avaramona系列;10%的首次销售款项捐赠给@Adobe4Kids

@ARCtheCommunity - 亚洲领先的Web3社区,通过NFT会员通行证启用;是Mona Lisa计划的成

@Raina - @PaceGallery的导演;是Mona Lisa计划的成员

@MadebyOona & @SamJStudios - 通过表演艺术挑战有关性别、社会和人类行为的对话;在Avalanche Summit II上以$40,000卖出FAILSAFE

@zero________one - 艺术交易市场,让艺术更美好;重新思考艺术社区的培育方式;由@GalleryofCrypto创建。zeroone.art

@SuperchiefNFT - 第一个实体NFT画廊,从不同场景和集体中帮助艺术家提升自我获得成长。superchiefgallerynft.com

NFT - Avaissance文艺复兴计划

@Em0n33y - 两次艾美奖获奖的动态图形艺术家;Avaissance导师(第1季)

@DaveKrugman - 世界著名摄影师;@AllShips创始人;Avaissance导师(第1季)

@thatguygeo - 音乐企业家;Avaissance导师(第1季)https://www.artonavalanche.com/avaissance

NFT - 案例

@Legitimate - 通过独特的数字体验增强物理产品;最近与 @PUMA x @RocNation 合作推出

@MynaSwap - 简化了在线购买和销售运动鞋的方式;由 @Coolkicksla 团队打造;筹集了600万美元的种子轮资金


@AvaScanExplorer - 支持 @AVAX 平台和子网的综合浏览器 avascan.info

@DeFiLlama - 针对 DeFi 和 NFT 的多链数据分析和可视化工具 defillama.com

The most exciting projects in the avalanche ecology include those that will be launched soon. In addition, more than 100 million total transactions have been crossed since the launch, which is full of exciting contents. This article takes you through the highlights. More than 100 million total transactions have been destroyed, and a total of 10,000 verifiers have been used to verify the final confirmation of transactions. These statistics show the strength and activity of the ecosystem, with a large number of transaction verifiers and fast transaction confirmation. The multi-chain bridge built by the cross-chain bridge. The transaction promised by Liang has real-time finality. Cross-chain beam can quickly and safely transfer assets between Bitcoin and Ethereum. Multi-chain cross-chain bridge does not need to adopt novel design on liquidity pool to improve capital efficiency, reduce slip points and reduce non-permanent losses. Blockchain central limit order book can quickly execute slip points or custody risks. The first unmanaged lending agreement supports liquidity pledge. The project in the field of multi-chain unmanaged lending platform was founded with minimum requirements of multi-chain and low mortgage. Brokerage trading platform contract trading multi-chain unmanaged leveraged trading decentralized perpetual exchange support and other decentralized perpetual exchange supporting leverage multi-collateral cross-margin will soon provide risk adjustment strategy developer tools using fixed and variable income products on the main network. The complete development kit includes custom smart contracts and more tools to provide your blockchain application with a powerful tool for highly reliable access to historical blockchain data. A team will develop an abstract intelligence focusing on accounts. Development stack capable of contracting and more tools Enterprises and institutions use Deloitte technology to build a secure platform to help institutions manage expenditures, disaster relief subsidies, life cycle management, one-click deployment of verifiers, etc. It is easy to cast and sell. The loyalty reward plan that has rebuilt the blockchain for more than 10,000 users supports dynamic customization of membership cards, and loyalty programs based on blockchain has been rebuilt for hundreds of millions of users. It is also possible for customers to deploy nodes easily through loyalty marketing and construction. Using Alibaba Cloud's other plug-and-play infrastructure products, a low-premium insurance product is built to serve the livelihood of farmers in Africa. The first-person shooter game led by Yuhe, which has digital ownership and profound narrative storyline, has a total financing of US$ 10,000. A customizable mining first-person shooter game player has full digital ownership, and the team members come from the mobile version of the trading card that has raised US$ 10,000 so far. It has been available and open for testing in June. A game based on survival exploration with digital ownership was launched on the 20 th, and a personal game coach with performance insight and learning tools was launched by the development of game tools. More than 100 million players have used a community-driven network for blockchain games. The confirmed customers of the blockchain service provider under the development infrastructure include a company that supports the multi-chain pledge service provider to provide multi-chain institutional pledge infrastructure. Having more than 100 customers, launching subnets, introducing programming languages into institutional applications, and reducing operational complexity and cost by tokenizing its health care fund. A private equity portfolio with digital assets for access is committed to attracting more institutions to try and use public blockchains. The art collection of community-driven venture capital studios has so far sold more than 10,000 US dollars, focusing on food-related enterprises. The original market is innovating ways of buying and selling, such as the original. The raw market was created by the team, and a multi-chain market was launched, and a user growth incentive plan was launched. The original market earned income by providing liquidity, and the first sales money of the series was donated to the leading communities in Asia. The director was a member of the plan, and the dialogue about gender society and human behavior was challenged through performing arts. The art market was sold to make art better, and the way of cultivating art communities was reconsidered by creating the first physical gallery. Jinghe Collective, a dynamic graphic artist tutor who helped artists to improve themselves and gain growth in Renaissance Plan, won two Emmy Awards, the first quarter of the world-famous photographer, the founder tutor, the first quarter of the music entrepreneur tutor, and the case of enhancing physical products through unique digital experience. Recently, the team cooperated with and launched a multi-chain data analysis and visualization tool that simplified the way of buying and selling sports shoes online, and the team built a seed round tool support platform and subnet that raised 10,000 US dollars. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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