以太坊升级路线图 Electra/Prague硬分叉提案细节

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作者:Phil Ngo,Lodestar团队 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

随着 Deneb/Cancun 更新即将完成,客户端团队被要求就下一次 Electra/Prague 硬分叉的包含内容提供建议。本文旨在概述 Lodestar 主要贡献者的综合共识,其灵感来自于 Paradigm 的 Reth 团队的文章,并得到了 AllCoreDevs 执行会议对 179 的赞扬。


  • 以太坊客户端团队在 AllCoreDevs 执行会议 179 上普遍同意,利用升级的势头,在 2025 年主网上部署 Verkle 树(一项预计在 2025 年完成的重大工作)之前,于 2024 年进行一次较小的分叉。其他团队可以同时进行平行工作流程。

  • 对于 Lodestar 等共识客户端,主张包含以下 EIP 是合理的:

    • EIP-7495:SSZ StableContainer

    • EIP-6493:SSZ 交易签名方案

    • EIP-6404:SSZ 交易根

    • EIP-6466:SSZ 收据根

    • EIP-6465:SSZ 退出根

    • EIP-6110:在链上提供验证器存款

    • EIP-7002:可由执行层触发的退出


    • EIP-7549:将委员会索引移到 Attestation 外部

    • EIP-7594:PeerDAS

    • SSZification

    • EIP-3074:AUTH 和 AUTHCALL 操作码

Electra 包容性的支持性共识 EIP

我们认为 Electra 应该包含以下以太坊改进提案(EIP):



该纳入将提高存款的安全性,减少存款提交和处理之间的延迟,消除对 JSON-RPC API 数据轮询的依赖,并降低执行和共识客户端之间的复杂性。


EIP-7002 建议添加一个新的有状态预编译,允许验证者使用其执行层 () 撤回凭证触发信标链的退出0x01。这种机制使得这些新的执行层退出消息能够附加到执行层块以供共识层读取。

包含此 EIP 将有助于更好地控制验证者,并改善托管安排的安全性。该 EIP 对于流动质押运营商和智能合约控制的验证者特别有用,可以减少可信的集中管理。除了简化退出验证者的过程之外,失去活动密钥访问权限的验证者仍然可以使用其提款凭证退出并恢复资金。质押者(集体和单独)的巨大用户体验改进证明了这种包容性。


EIP-7251 建议提高MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE来减少验证器集大小,从而减少 P2P 消息、BLS 签名聚合和 BeaconState 内存占用的数量。这一变化对小型和大型验证者都有好处,允许更灵活的质押增量和复合奖励。

尽管讨论仍在进行,并且正在对规范进行优化,但获取最新信息以就其是否处于纳入准备状态做出明智的决定非常重要。我们认为,这个 EIP 对于确保最大程度的去中心化、网络带宽优化以及节点的计算开销至关重要,因为超过 210 万个验证器的“Big Boy”(Holesky 之前)测试网确定验证器状态存在理论上的上限。


EIP-7549 的主要目标是将委员会索引字段移到签名的证明消息之外。这一变化旨在允许平等共识投票的聚合,从而使共识规则的验证更加高效。



PeerDAS 旨在利用以太坊中已投入生产的知名且经过实战检验的 p2p 组件来扩展数据可用性,使其超出 EIP-4844 提供的范围,同时保持诚实节点的工作负载与 EIP-4844 中的类似(每个插槽下载少于 1MB) 。



本部分包含以下完整完成的 EIP:

  • EIP-7495:SSZ 稳定容器

  • EIP-6493:SSZ 交易签名方案

  • EIP-6404:SSZ 交易根

  • EIP-6466:SSZ 收据根

  • EIP-6465:SSZ 提款根

我们支持 SSZ 数据结构的一致性,并希望继续向 SSZ 化这些结构过渡,即使速度很慢。高效的Merkle Proofs将有助于进一步赋能轻节点/客户端,并在数据存储、网络传输和代码复杂度方面带来更多优化。我们首先建议支持和StableContainer迁移,因为这些结构更有可能通过每个硬分叉进行修改。BeaconBlockBodyExecutionPayload


尽管下面列出的 EIP 通常被认为是执行变更,但 Lodestar 希望根据其他执行客户端团队的意见,表示支持此 EIP 以纳入Prague:


EIP-3074 旨在允许 EOA 将控制权委托给合约,从而有效地使它们能够像智能合约钱包一样运行,而无需部署合约。该委托是使用两个新操作码AUTH和来实现的AUTHCALL

我们支持包含此 EIP 或它的某些风格,以增强用户与以太坊的交互。正如f00bar 在执行层会议 179上所介绍的那样,包容性对于以太坊生态系统的持续发展至关重要。

With the update of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network, which is about to be completed, the client team is asked to provide suggestions on the contents of the next hard fork. This paper aims to outline the comprehensive consensus of the main contributors, which was inspired by the team's articles and won the praise points of the executive meeting. At the executive meeting, the client team of Ethereum generally agreed to use the upgrade momentum to deploy a tree on the main network in 2008, and make a smaller fork in 2008 before a major work expected to be completed in 2008. His team can carry out parallel workflow at the same time. For equal consensus clients, it is reasonable to include the following transaction signature scheme, transaction root receipt root exit root, and provide verifier deposits on the chain. The exit increase that can be triggered by the executive layer moves the Committee index to the outside and the opcode is inclusive. We believe that the following Ethereum improvement proposal should be included to provide verifier deposits on the chain. This proposal aims to attach the verifier deposits to the block structure of the executive layer. This change will accommodate the deposits. The responsibility of deposit and verification is transferred to the executive layer, thus eliminating the need of the consensus layer for deposit or voting. The verifier deposit list in the block will be obtained by parsing the deposit contract log events issued by each deposit transaction contained in the given block, which will improve the security of deposits, reduce the delay between deposit submission and processing, eliminate the dependence on data polling and reduce the complexity between execution and consensus clients. The executive layer can trigger the exit suggestion to add a new stateful precompiled permission check. This mechanism enables these new execution layer exit messages to be attached to the execution layer block for the consensus layer to read, which will help to better control the verifier and improve the security of the escrow arrangement. This mechanism is especially useful for mobile pledge operators and verifiers controlled by smart contracts, which can reduce the credible centralized management. In addition to simplifying the process of exiting the verifier, the verifier who loses the access right of the active key can still use it. The huge improvement of the collective and individual user experience of the fund pledge has proved this inclusiveness. It is suggested to increase the size of the verifier set to reduce the number of message signature aggregation and memory occupation. This change is beneficial to both small and large verifiers, allowing more flexible pledge increment and compound reward. Although the discussion is still going on and the specification is being optimized, it is very important for me to obtain the latest information to make an informed decision on whether it is ready for inclusion. Experts believe that this is very important to ensure the maximum decentralized network bandwidth optimization and the calculation cost of nodes, because the previous test network with more than 10,000 verifiers has determined that there is a theoretical upper limit on the state of verifiers. The main goal of moving the Committee index outside the certification is to move the Committee index field outside the signed certification message. This change aims to allow the aggregation of equal consensus votes, thus making the verification of consensus rules more efficient. The simplicity of this realization and the optimization of the certification process. It is proved that the performance of incorporating it into the beacon chain is reasonable. The purpose is to use the well-known and field-tested components that have been put into production in Ethereum to expand the data availability beyond the scope provided, while keeping the workload of honest nodes similar to that in the middle. We believe that this proposal may become the biggest implementation work of the next consensus hard fork. Data space may be one of the most important commodities in the blockchain, and the benefits brought by improving scalability will prove this work. Rationality By reusing reliable components, we can realize this function more easily and maintain manageable workload for single nodes of all sizes. This part contains the following complete stable container transaction signature scheme: transaction root receipt root withdrawal root. We support the consistency of data structures and hope to continue the transition to these structures, even if it is slow and efficient, it will help to further empower light-node clients and bring more optimization in data storage network transmission and code complexity. First of all, we suggest supporting and migrating because these structures are more likely to be modified through each hard fork to support the implementation of inclusion. Although the following list is usually considered as an implementation change, we hope to support it according to the opinions of other execution client teams. The purpose of inclusion and opcode is to allow the control to be delegated to contracts, so that they can effectively run like smart contract wallets without deploying contracts. The delegation is realized by using two new opcodes and we support the inclusion of this or. Some of its styles enhance the interaction between users and Ethereum. As introduced at the executive meeting, inclusiveness is very important for the sustainable development of Ethereum ecosystem. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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