eGirl Capital:2023年投资总结及2024年加密预测

币圈资讯 阅读:38 2024-04-22 11:50:44 评论:0



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作者:eGirl Capital;翻译:比特币买卖交易网xiaozou

圣诞节就要到了,我们很愿意在这个时候总结一下eGirl Capital 2023年的进展,并对2024年的发展进行预测。



G: 继续上涨,大部分tardfi仍然不相信整体上行趋势。人类的投资心理从来都不会变。2024年标志着比特币(以及后来的ETH)几十年超级周期的明显开始,永续DCA进入现货ETF。




knlae // 0xKNL__:比特币的“基本面”仍然是市场活动的中心和驱动力;市场形势将比预期严峻,不确定性显著(现金流、选举、首次降息、量化宽松等)。大多数交易员一整年都会严重亏损;100多个使用BTC ETF的注册投资顾问(RIA)蜂拥而入,他们会非常艰难,需要时间来适应;ETH催化剂(例如ETF)+ EIP 4844驱动ETH剧烈上涨。SOL的市场表现仍然超越ETH。Crypto x AI将催生多个500亿美元以上级别的项目。RWA为Tradfi和大众用户全速前进。计息稳定币(截止年底预计超300亿美元)与更好的加密轨道相结合,最终开始为拉丁美洲/非洲的无银行账户用户提供银行式的服务,并成为加密货币的第二个真正杀手级应用(在投机之后)。美国财政部和国税局将对美国加密货币采取严厉监管措施。2024年底加密货币将再次低迷。

Loma:ETH通缩以及CEX供应量在2023年感觉无关紧要,但机构兴趣加上2024年对ETF的投机将导致ETH飙升至3000美元以上。ETH价格的回升将使围绕NFT的兴趣回归常态,开启NFT的下一轮牛市周期。之前的NFT蓝筹项目(apes, punks, pengus)都不会创造新高(以ETH计价)。Do Kwon回归,用新化名创立了另一个项目。

PopcornKirby:我认为2024年是成为ETH maxi的大好时机。从CME的未平仓合约数量来看,Tradfi完全没有ETH持仓。它只需要1个热门加密游戏或NFT收藏品就可以重整整个行业。



CryptoCat:首个Tradfi L2即将宣布。许多游戏都将基于L2开发,但都不会太有趣。Lido首次出现了Seldon危机。基金会幸存。账户抽象到来,用户因混乱不明而亏钱。ETH/BTC突破历史新高。你感觉到了什么?

Christmas is coming, and we are willing to sum up the progress and forecast the development in 2008 at this time. We made a small investment at the end of the year, and then we made two more investments in 2008, in which we led the right first round of financing and made a second chase. They are proud of their financing in order to create a variety of games and build a similar client. Although we have also led the community round of financing, we have received support. Despite this, we are very sure that we will continue to adhere to the goal of signing more contracts every year in the future. The following are the predictions of our members that the encryption market will continue to rise in 2008. Most of them still don't believe in the overall upward trend. The investment psychology of human beings will never change, marking the obvious beginning of Bitcoin and the super cycle in the next few decades. Entering the spot will only rise, but it will not rise as straight as in 2008. At present, investors' interest in futures shows their pre-approval. Quasi-spot bitcoin has a good participation. Market participants seem to be more specialized in such fields as the collection of small counterfeit coins on the mainstream counterfeit currency chain in this cycle. I think this situation will continue. The super cycle will continue to rise slowly and steadily, and people will finally realize how to invest in cryptocurrency more stably. There will be a better version, and more things will happen in the real world. Assets, infrastructure, gambling, Ponzi schemes, blankets, etc., except indifference. The emotional view of cryptocurrency will be amplified. The market is generally upward, but the weak economy has restrained or may lead to a full bull market. The fundamentals of Bitcoin remain the center and driving force of market activities. The market situation will be more severe than expected, and the uncertainty will be obvious. Most traders, such as cash flow elections, interest rate cuts for the first time, quantitative easing, etc., will suffer serious losses all year round. Many registered investment consultants who use it will flock in. They will be very difficult and need time to adapt to the catalyst, such as driving a sharp rise in market performance. Still beyond, it will give birth to a number of projects with a level of more than 100 million US dollars. By the end of the year, it is expected that more than 100 million US dollars will be combined with a better encryption track, and finally it will begin to provide banking services for non-bank account users in Latin America and Africa and become the second real killer application of cryptocurrency. After speculation, the US Treasury and the IRS will take strict supervision measures against American cryptocurrency. At the end of the year, cryptocurrency will be depressed again and the supply will be in a sense of year. It doesn't matter, but institutional interest and speculation in 2000 will lead to soaring above the US dollar, and the price rebound will return the surrounding interest to normal. None of the blue-chip projects before the next bull market cycle will create a new high to be priced and returned, and another project will be created under a new pseudonym. I think 2000 is a good opportunity to become. Judging from the number of open contracts, there is no position at all. It only needs a popular encryption game or collection to reorganize the whole industry. Quantitative easing will return with people seeking. More other means of value storage, cryptocurrency and physical assets of commodities will rise from purchase share to spot year. For Ethereum, infrastructure and user experience are ready for high-quality experience. Institutional capital will be mouth-watering and there will be explosive growth. Zero knowledge proof will also increase greatly. Looking back at the history of cryptocurrency, we will see the comparison between before and after the large-scale adoption of technology. The year will be the first to announce that many games will be based on development, but none of them will be too interesting. For the first time, there will be a crisis. The abstract account of the foundation has arrived. What do you feel? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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