11月 Web3 游戏行业概览:市场回暖 未来趋势

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作者: lesley@footprint.network

游戏市场正迎来新生,一个月内游戏代币的市场价值增长了 34%,显示出强劲的发展势头。虽然用户数在增长,但过去五个月交易次数却持续下滑。这一现象引发了人们的疑问:在交易量减少的背景下,到底是什么因素促进了用户数量的增加?我们应如何应对这一难题,寻找到 Web3 游戏可持续发展的答案?

在这种市场趋势中,Ronin 生态系统逐渐崭露头角,成为重要的市场参与者。这也让人们开始猜想,Pixels 是否有望成为下一个 Axie Infinity。

本报告数据来自 Footprint 的 Web3 Game 研究页面。这是一个易于使用的仪表板,包含了解 Web3 游戏行业最重要的统计数据和指标,并实时更新。您可以点击此处了解有关价格、项目、融资等方面的最新信息。



  • 比特币价格持续上涨,月初开盘价为 34,629 美元,并以 9.3% 的增幅收官,收盘价达到了 37,848 美元。

  • 币安和解案被普遍看好,因为它降低了加密行业的系统性风险,增强了投资者信心。

Web3 游戏市场概览

  • 11月游戏代币总市值有了显著的增长,从 11 月 1 日的 492 亿美元攀升至 11 月 30 日的 661 亿美元。

  • 解决更加可持续的关键在于两个方面:广泛采用和持续的用户参与。

Web3 游戏公链概况

  • Solana 交易次数却表现出色,市场占比增长到 13.6%,远超 10 月时的 4.2%。

  • Ronin 在 11 月的表现尤为出色,交易量占据了市场的 21%。

Web3 游戏概览

  • 一些项目不仅在 11 月价格大幅上涨,而且在过去三个月内保持了价格的稳定性,这些游戏包括 Imperium Empires、Gamee、Bulliverse、Chain Games 和 DeFiLand 等项目。

Web3 游戏投融资情况

  • 尽管市场充满挑战,Animoca Brands 依然成为本月投资和融资活动中最为活跃的公司之一。


  • Axie Infinity 推出 NFT 货币化解决方案和官方商品

  • PancakeSwap 推出游戏市场

  • TreasureDAO 正在构建游戏链,计划用MAGIC 作为 Gas 代币

  • Chromia 链确认将于 2024 年发布主网

  • Team Liquid 与 Illuvium 建立战略合作伙伴关系

  • 沙特阿拉伯 NEOM 计划向 Animoca Brands 投资 5,000 万美元

  • Metaverse IP 公司 Poglin 宣布获得 Animoca Brands 的投资

  • 阿联酋领先的游戏工作室 Farcana 获得 Animoca Brands 的战略投资

  • 收藏卡牌游戏 Shardbound 开发商 Bazooka Tango 完成 500 万美元融资

  • 链游项目 EthXY 完成 160 万美元 Pre-Seed 轮融资

  • Saga 宣布种子扩展融资 500 万美元以加速增长

  • Matr1x Fire 背后游戏工作室完成 1,000 万美元融资

  • GameFi 平台 Citadel 完成 330 万美元种子轮融资,1kx 领投

  • 3D 生成式 AI 平台 Atlas 完成 600 万美元种子轮融资


11 月份,比特币价格持续上涨,月初开盘价为 34,629 美元,并以 9.3% 的增幅收官,收盘价达到了 37,848 美元。同期,以太坊开盘价为 1,812 美元,并稳步增长 11.9 %,月末收盘价为 2,028 美元。


数据来源:BTC Price & ETH Price

金融市场对多项潜在风险的反应相对温和。市场对现货比特币 ETF 批准的期待助长了牛市情绪,而中东冲突的积极进展缓解了对更广泛地区不稳定性的担忧。同样,美国消费者价格指数(CPI)保持下降趋势,增加了市场对美联储可能降息和美国经济可能实现“软着陆”的乐观预期。

作为与美国机构之间 40 亿美元和解方案的一部分,赵长鹏(CZ)在 11 月 21 日辞去了币安 CEO 的职务。此次和解结束了司法部等美国多家监管机构对币安涉嫌反洗钱法等法规的广泛调查。币安和解消息一经发布,比特币价格一度跌至 35,800 美元,但到次日早晨回稳至 36,000 美元中段。市场普遍对这一和解持积极态度,认为它降低了加密行业的系统性风险,增强了投资者信心。

Web3 游戏市场概览

在 Web3 游戏市场中,代币作为游戏内货币或治理工具扮演了关键角色。据 Footprint Analytics 的数据,11 月游戏代币总市值有了显著的增长,从 11 月 1 日的 492 亿美元攀升至 11 月 30 日的 661 亿美元,反映出 Web3 游戏行业在这一月内取得了显著发展。


Market Cap: Game Token vs BTC

与此同时,活跃钱包的数量也在 11 月份增长了 18.7%,从 11 月 1 日的 110 万增至 11 月 30 日的 130 万,与游戏代币市值的快速增长趋势相符。


Active Users & Chg%

尽管活跃钱包和代币价格均呈上升趋势,整个市场的交易次数和交易额相比上个月却有明显下降。月交易次数甚至从 10 月的 515.25 亿次降至 11 月的 400.47 亿次。

我们可以推测,目前代币和玩家数量的上升趋势可能源于市场的乐观情绪和 FOMO(错失恐惧症)驱动的短期用户,而非长期稳定投入于生态系统的用户群。虽然对 Web3 游戏的兴趣和初步参与在增长,但我们尚不清楚这是否转化为了玩家的持续参与或投资。

这一现象引出了一个关键问题:Web3 游戏行业如何从目前的短暂热潮转变为更加可持续的模式?


Web3 广泛采用

解决这一问题的关键在于两个方面:广泛采用和持续的用户参与。为实现广泛采用,行业领袖正在与流行的社交平台进行整合。例如,Animoca Brands 投资于 Telegram 的区块链 TON 生态系统,实现了游戏与 Telegram 的无缝集成;而像 XPet 这样的 Twitter 托管游戏展示了 Web3 游戏在社交网络中的潜力。

目前,Web3 游戏吸引长期用户的优势点还在于,即主流的 Web2 游戏正在逐步涉足 Web3 领域,Web2 的成熟游戏体系有助于提升 Web3 游戏的可玩性。比如 Axie Infinity 的开发商引入了日本的 Web2 游戏到 Ronin 生态系统,而 Immutable 则与 Ubisoft 的战略创新实验室合作,共同开发游戏平台。

许多人都在猜测与期待,Web3 游戏是否会在下一个牛市周期中迎来繁荣发展。

Web3 游戏公链概况


Monthly Games by Chain

在游戏数量方面,老牌公链 BNB 链、以太坊和 Polygon 依然处于领先地位,分别拥有 964、781 和 479 款游戏。

但市场并非一成不变,新兴的区块链技术正带来新的活力和对未来网络游戏的期待。引人注目的新兴力量包括韩国的 Layer2 区块链 Kroma Network 和计划于 2024 年上线主网的 Chromia,还有正致力于打造自己的游戏区块链的 TreasureDAO。


Monthly Txns Shared

过去五个月间,游戏行业整体交易量持续走低。具体来看,Wax 区块链上的交易活动尤其受到影响,以 Alien Worlds 为例,其交易次数显著减少。与 10 月份相比,交易量减少了高达 8,900 万次。

虽然过去五个月游戏交易次数持续下降,但从交易市场份额来看,Solana 却表现出色,市场份额增长到 13.6%,远超 10 月时的 4.2%。

而 Ronin 在 11 月的表现尤为出色,交易量占据了市场的 21%。


Monthly Volume Shared

在月度交易量分布方面,Ronin 链的日活跃用户数(DAU)从 11 月初的 15,964 人激增至月底的 147,101 人,增长了 821%,总用户数也达到了 153,000 人。这一显著增长主要得益于 Pixels 游戏加入到 Ronin 网络。


Pixels is Live on Ronin Network

Pixels 是开放式农场和虚拟世界,其团队特别强调社区的重要性,并重视其在 Ronin 区块链上庞大的用户基础。Pixels 最近在声明里面说:“在 Pixels,社区始终是我们的动力源泉。得益于 Ronin 吸引的 Web3 用户数量超过其他任何区块链,我们期待着拥有一个更加充满活力和紧密连接的社区。”

Web3 游戏概览

在 11 月,区块链游戏领域呈现出积极的发展迹象。活跃游戏数量(即至少有一个玩家的钱包与合约交互的游戏)略有上升,总数达到了 2,708 个。


Volume & Chg%

11 月份的交易金额在两个日期(11 月 9 日和 11 月 27 日)出现了显著的增长。11 月 9 日的交易量激增主要来自于 ImmutableX 的相关活动(可能是官方行为)。而 11 月 27 日的增长则是由 Axie Infinity 驱动,较前一天增长了 203.56%。

Axie Infinity 一直在不断地发展其生态系统,11 月 24 日更是推出了 NFT 货币化方案及 Axie Merch Store。

分析 11 月表现最佳的代币与过去三个月表现最佳的游戏的交集,我们发现一些项目不仅在 11 月价格大幅上涨,而且在过去三个月内保持了价格的稳定性,这些游戏包括 Imperium Empires、Gamee、Bulliverse、Chain Games 和 DeFiLand 等项目。


November Top Tokens

这些游戏中特别值得一提的是,Gamee 作为 Telegram 上最受欢迎的游戏平台,本月实现了高达 1241.71% 的增长。而 Chain Games,作为月度和年度价格增长的佼佼者,其年度价格增长达到了 277.6%,显示了其在加密货币市场中的长期魅力和实力。

Web3 游戏投融资情况

在当前的熊市环境下,资本参与 Web3 游戏领域都保持着更加细致的研究和审慎的态度。


沙特阿拉伯 NEOM 与 Animoca Brands 宣布战略合作以及投资

尽管市场充满挑战,Animoca Brands 依然成为本月投资和融资活动中最为活跃的公司之一。该公司成功从沙特公共投资基金旗下的智慧城市项目 Neom Company 获得了高达 5,000 万美元的资金支持。此外,Animoca Brands 还对 Web3 多媒体平台 Poglin 进行了投资,并为阿联酋的游戏初创公司 Farcana 提供战略指导。

在本月的投资风潮中,有三个游戏项目获得了资金支持。Bazooka Tango 获得了 500 万美元用以发展其游戏 Shardbound,EthXY 成功完成了种子前轮融资,而 Matr1x Fire 游戏工作室则为其 NFT 手机射击游戏筹集了 1,000 万美元,The Citadel 也在 1kx 领投的种子轮中获得了 330 万美元。

除了游戏项目本身,支持游戏平台也在持续获得资本市场的亲睐,投资机构对游戏相关平台和技术的投资兴趣日益浓厚。Saga 在其种子轮中追加获得了 500 万美元,而 3D 生成式人工智能平台 Atlas 则以其虚拟世界构建项目获得了 600 万美元的投资,Artifact Lab 也在种子前轮融资中筹集了 200 万美元。

The author's game market is welcoming a new life. In one month, the market value of game tokens has increased, showing a strong development momentum. Although the number of users is increasing, the number of transactions has continued to decline in the past five months. This phenomenon has aroused people's doubts. Under the background of decreasing transaction volume, what factors have promoted the increase in the number of users? How should we deal with this problem and find the answer to the sustainable development of games? In this market trend, the ecosystem has gradually emerged as an important market participant. This also makes people wonder whether it is expected to be the next research page from which the data in this report comes. This is an easy-to-use dashboard that contains the most important statistics and indicators for understanding the game industry and updates them in real time. You can click here to learn the latest information points about price, project financing and other aspects. Overview of the encryption market Overview Bitcoin prices continue to rise. At the beginning of the month, the opening price was US dollars, and the closing price reached US dollars with an increase. The security settlement was generally optimistic because it reduced encryption. Systematic risks in the industry have enhanced investors' confidence. Overview of the game market The total market value of monthly game tokens has increased significantly, from $ billion on March to $ billion on March. The key to more sustainable solution lies in two aspects: extensive adoption and continuous user participation in the game public chain, but outstanding performance in the number of transactions. The market share has increased to far beyond the month, and the performance in the month is particularly outstanding. Overview of the game in which the transaction volume has occupied the market. Some projects not only rose sharply in the monthly price, but also in the past three months. During the month, the price stability was maintained, including the investment and financing situation of these games, such as peace and other projects. Although the market is full of challenges, it has become one of the most active companies in the investment and financing activities this month. This month, the news released monetization solutions and official commodities, and the game market is building a game chain. It is planned to be used as a token chain to confirm that it will release the main network and establish a strategic partnership in 2008. Saudi Arabia plans to announce its investment to a company with an investment of 10,000 US dollars. Acquired strategic investment collection card game developers completed the $10,000 financing chain tour project, completed the $10,000 round of financing, announced the seed expansion financing of $10,000 to accelerate the growth, behind which the game studio completed the $10,000 round of financing platform, and completed the generation platform of $10,000 round of financing encryption market overview. Bitcoin prices continued to rise in January, and the opening price at the beginning of the month reached $10,000, and the closing price reached $10,000 at the same time, and the opening price of Ethereum increased steadily. The final closing price is in US dollars. The financial market's response to a number of potential risks is relatively mild. The market's expectation of spot bitcoin approval has fueled bull market sentiment, while the positive progress of the Middle East conflict has eased concerns about instability in the wider region. Similarly, the downward trend of the US consumer price index has increased the market's optimistic expectation that the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates and the US economy may achieve a soft landing. As part of the $100 million settlement plan with American institutions, Zhao Changpeng resigned on January. The settlement ended the extensive investigation by the Ministry of Justice and other American regulatory agencies into the suspected anti-money laundering laws and regulations. Once the news of the settlement was released, the price of Bitcoin once fell to US dollars, but it stabilized to the middle of the US dollar the next morning. The market generally took a positive attitude towards this settlement, saying that it reduced the systematic risk of the encryption industry and enhanced investor confidence. Overview of the game market, tokens played a key role as in-game currency or governance tools in the game market, according to the data month. The total market value of game tokens has increased significantly from $100 million on March to $100 million on March, reflecting that the game industry has made remarkable development in this month. At the same time, the number of active wallets has also increased from $10,000 on March to $10,000 on March, which is in line with the rapid growth trend of the market value of game tokens. Although the prices of active wallets and tokens are on the rise, the number of transactions in the whole market has dropped significantly compared with last month, and the number of transactions per month has even dropped from $100 million to. Billions of times, we can speculate that the current upward trend of tokens and the number of players may be due to the optimism of the market and the short-term users driven by the fear of missing, rather than the long-term and stable users who have invested in the ecosystem. Although the interest and initial participation in the game are increasing, we still don't know whether this has turned into the continuous participation or investment of players. This phenomenon leads to a key problem, how can the game industry change from the current short-term craze to a more sustainable model and widely adopt it to solve this problem? The key lies in two aspects: wide adoption and continuous user participation. In order to achieve wide adoption, industry leaders are integrating with popular social platforms. For example, the blockchain ecosystem invested in has achieved seamless integration of games and hosting games like this show the potential of games in social networks. At present, the advantage of attracting long-term users is that mainstream games are gradually involved in the field. The mature game system helps to improve the playability of games, such as the introduction of developers. Japan's game has developed into an ecosystem, while it has cooperated with the strategic innovation laboratory to jointly develop a game platform. Many people are speculating and expecting whether the game will usher in prosperity and development in the next bull market cycle. In terms of the number of games, the old public chain Ethereum and the one that is still in the leading position have two games respectively, but the market is not static. The emerging blockchain technology is bringing new vitality and expectations for future online games, including the blockchain in South Korea. In the past five months, the overall transaction volume of the game industry has continued to decline. Specifically, the transaction activities on the blockchain have been particularly affected. For example, the number of transactions has decreased significantly, and the transaction volume has decreased by as much as 10,000 times compared with the month. Although the number of game transactions has continued to decline in the past five months, it has performed well in terms of market share, and the performance in the month is particularly outstanding. In terms of the distribution of monthly transaction volume, the number of daily active users of the chain has surged from the beginning of the month to the end of the month, and the total number of users has also reached 200. This remarkable growth is mainly due to the fact that the game has joined the network as an open farm and a virtual world, and its team has particularly emphasized the importance of the community and attached importance to its huge user base in the blockchain. Recently, it said in a statement that the community has always been our source of power, benefiting from attracting more users than any other blockchain, and we are looking forward to having a more dynamic and closely connected overview of community games, which has shown positive development in the field of blockchain games in the month. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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