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根据《刑法》第二百八十七条之一的规定:“利用信息网络实施下列行为之一,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处罚金:(一)设立用于实施诈骗、传授犯罪方法、制作或者销售违禁物品、管制物品等违法犯罪活动的网站、通讯群组的; (二)发布有关制作或者销售毒品、枪支、淫秽物品等违禁物品、管制物品或者其他违法犯罪信息的; (三)为实施诈骗等违法犯罪活动发布信息的。单位犯前款罪的,对单位判处罚金,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依照第一款的规定处罚。有前两款行为,同时构成其他犯罪的,依照处罚较重的规定定罪处罚。”同时根据《关于办理非法利用信息网络、帮助信息网络犯罪活动等刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第七条的规定:“刑法第二百八十七条之一规定的‘违法犯罪’,包括犯罪行为和属于刑法分则规定的行为类型但尚未构成犯罪的违法行为。”












Introduction: Tell a story. We reported the case a week before the official thunderstorm in China's currency, and got the receipt of the criminal case at the first time. However, the eggs still became extrajudicial fanatics. No matter how messy the currency circle was, it was always leeks. On the one hand, a pile of currency circle exchanges without thunderstorm were put on file for investigation, which led to the loss of money for leeks. On the other hand, the exchange cut tens of billions of leeks, but the case has not been established so far. The leeks have even gone to the flower circle in the boss's hometown to dig their ancestral graves, and they still can't put As the first lawyer in China who reported the case before the thunderstorm and got the receipt of the case only two weeks after the thunderstorm, the teacher broke the news today about some carefully thought-out facts of the thunderstorm case in China, and analyzed why he became a fanatic outside the law. From accepting the case to having no criminal facts, the exchange suddenly issued a notice saying that it had stopped charging the currency service. However, what everyone didn't know was that lawyer Guo had received it at the beginning of the month of. At that time, Mr. Guo was confident that even if he could not withdraw money, as long as the exchange was still there, it would be easy to say that the money was there. However, in reality, the case collapsed just after the first step, and this case became one of the few failed cases in which Mr. Guo represented the money circle refund. Since then, he has run away through the domestic office and the data coins on the chain have turned away. It is very important to notarize the information of the chat record website. Even though the server has been shut down, we still have the collection and arrangement of evidence at that time and the preparation of legal documents such as reporting materials. On April, Mr. Guo accompanied the client to file a criminal complaint with shenzhen public Nanshan Branch. The charges involved include fraud, fund-raising fraud, illegal business operation, illegal absorption of public deposits and illegal use of information networks. The facts involved include both criminal charges against the project leader and criminal charges. In order to confuse the criminal report of the exchange, I asked Du Niang why she reported so many charges and looked at the sharing in the second half. Next, we can draw the first key point. At first, after reporting the case, the case-handling organ did not issue a receipt for accepting the case to us according to the law. It was not until after some complaints and in-depth communication that she received the receipt for accepting the case on. Of course, even lawyer Guo became the first lawyer in China to successfully get the result of accepting the case. Interestingly, this time, A lot of leeks are still imagining that they can come back to life and oppose others to report the case. After all, people's announcements are only technical failures, and they are not official announcements. However, after more than a month of unremitting efforts by the case-handling organs, including but not limited to summoning a few related people such as Li Laoban, an old cadre in the currency circle, a notice of not filing a case was issued, and the reason was indicated that there was no criminal fact, not to mention the fact that this project list was unknown to most people. You can find it by asking Du Nian. A bunch of acts involved, so lawyer Guo put forward the reconsideration and review conclusion of criminal filing to the case-handling unit and the higher-level case-handling unit. Finally, he applied to the Nanshan District Procuratorate for filing supervision results. So many case-handling units still have no criminal facts. Whether the conclusion is correct or not? Listen to lawyer Guo's detailed analysis. Second, there is nothing to do with the lack of law and the law enforcement. First of all, lawyer Guo gives the conclusion whether the case is filed or not or other currency cases. Whether a crime is constituted or not is fundamentally due to the lack of existing legal provisions, which is why lawyer Guo listed so many charges when reporting the case. In theory, the same legal fact only constitutes one crime in order to promote the success of filing the case as much as possible. After all, as for the specific crime, it is a matter for the public authorities. Of course, it is recommended not to list the charges so casually when reporting the case. Therefore, lawyer Guo also has a bottom charge of killing all the charges. That is, the crime of illegal use of information network. Next, we will analyze what makes it a fanatic outside the law. Why do the case-handling units not consider and constitute the crime of illegal fund-raising? Generally speaking, the crime of illegal fund-raising is the crime of fund-raising fraud and illegal absorption of public deposits. The most important feature is the formation of a fund pool, and as the name suggests, a bitcoin bank exchange that deposits money and earns interest takes into account the role of wallets and helps all kinds of counterfeit coins to enter. All the projects conform to the characteristics of the crime of illegal fund-raising. However, the key point is that the judicial organs in various places have qualitative differences on whether virtual currency belongs to the object of illegal fund-raising. According to the relevant provisions of the criminal law and its judicial interpretation, the object of non-absorption can only be funds, that is, legal tender or securities that can be used for production, operation or daily life. Therefore, whether virtual currency belongs to funds is the place where there are serious differences in judicial practice at present. However, it will be argued that virtual currency does not belong to funds, but from the prosecution's point of view, it will certainly be argued that virtual currency belongs to funds, but it is a particularly subtle point of view when it comes to whether the public security organ files a case. If the public security organ wants to file a case, it will think that it belongs to funds, and vice versa, so there will be cases of money circle wealth management wallet and virtual currency exchange. In some places, it will be convicted and sentenced for the crime of fund-raising fraud or illegally absorbing public deposits. Judgments of similar cases can be found in Guo Law. In the past, some of them were like this case. Second, why didn't the case-handling unit think that the crime of fraud, like the crime of property and the crime of theft and embezzlement in criminal law, needed to rely on property value assessment as the basis for conviction and sentencing? However, in the notice on preventing bitcoin risk, the notice on preventing the financing risk of token issuance, the notice on further preventing and handling the speculation risk of virtual currency trading and other policy documents of various ministries and commissions. Under the background of repeatedly emphasizing that virtual currency is not legal tender and related business activities are prohibited, and under the argument of the judicial academic viewpoints of the Supreme Law No.1 guiding case, such as China's prosecution and China's trial, there is a great controversy about whether virtual currency has value or not. Simply put, if the case-handling unit does not want to file a case, it can not file a case on the grounds that virtual currency can not determine the price, but on the contrary, it can file a case for investigation with virtual currency. It is also funny to say that the virtual currency represented by it will soon become a priority settlement tool in some industries, such as foreign trade gold. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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