ZKByte: 基于零知识证明和BitVm的比特币Layer2拓展解决方案

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作者:ZKBase(前 ZKSpace);来源:Medium






Layer2区块链采用账户模型。整个区块链的状态是通过基于Halo2证明系统的zkVM来验证的。Layer2状态与比特币主网络进行同步,并且所有Layer2状态都由BitVM实现的零知识证明(ZKP)验证器进行验证。 我们使用一个UTXO来追踪所有的Layer2状态。此外,我们还使用了一个可信的预言机来确保只有锁定/解锁脚本的输入/输出遵循Layer2协议。








· 一个特定区块中的交易;

· 应用这些交易后的新账户状态;

· 当前区块状态下的新UTXO(即使协议被破坏,也始终准备好);

· 比特币网络的区块信息;

· 零知识证明(证明从上一个区块到当前区块的状态转换是正确的) 所有这些比特币主网的状态都记录在一个UTXO交易历史中。

3.1 关于证明的更多信息


· Layer2的区块交易被正确签名。

· 所有账户的新状态被正确处理。

· 在比特币主网的某个特定区块之前的所有充值交易被正确处理。

· 对于当前状态,所有UTXO的分配都被正确创建。

3.2 区块信息挑战


3.3 ZKP电路和BitVM增强


  • 相同的二进制电路承诺只能使用一次。也就是说,如果相同的电路承诺用于多个区块,可能会揭示一个比特承诺的0和1。

  • 对于ZKP验证,除了电路的满足性外,还应检查“公共输入”。



资产可以通过两种方式从Layer2移动到比特币主网:提现(withdrawal)和强制提现(force-withdrawal)。 提现交易是从Layer2触发的,ZKP电路确保交易按预期进行处理。强制提现交易是从比特币网络发起的。

4.1 提现和强制提现交易


4.2 UTXO分配




The main goal of this design is to build a customized network for the bitcoin blockchain. The bitcoin network is designed to meet the growing demand for faster and more efficient transactions in the bitcoin ecosystem. By releasing some transaction processing tasks from the main network, it is designed to alleviate the congestion problem of the bitcoin main network and greatly reduce the time required for transaction confirmation. In view of the inherent limitations of the computing power of the bitcoin virtual machine, our design uses it to demonstrate the implementation of intelligence between the two networks. The potential of the contract shows a new method of the programmability of the bitcoin network by using the challenge and response scheme, which breaks the traditional limitation. In order to enhance the security and integrity of the bitcoin network, the design realizes the state verification by integrating zero-knowledge proof technology. These advanced encryption technologies allow the bitcoin main network to effectively verify the state of the network without damaging the privacy and confidentiality of the underlying transactions, and zero-knowledge proof can verify the information without revealing the specific details of the transaction, thus protecting the hidden. On the whole, the design aims to improve the scalability, speed and efficiency of Bitcoin network by adopting intelligent contract execution and integrating zero-knowledge proof technology to verify the status, while maintaining the privacy and security of the underlying transactions. The blockchain adopts account model, and the status of the whole blockchain is synchronized with the Bitcoin main network through the verification based on the proof system, and all the statuses are carried out by the realized zero-knowledge proof verifier. In addition, we also use a trusted Oracle to ensure that only the input and output of the locked and unlocked scripts follow the protocol. The Committee and the trusted Oracle are responsible for supervising the overall operation of the network. When there is a protocol problem, the Committee can intervene and stop the protocol to protect all users' assets. The trusted Oracle is very important for verifying the correctness of the input, output and scripts. Create a single address on the special currency network to represent the protocol. When one is created and transferred to the address, it is actually recharged from the bitcoin main network to the protocol or the committee account, and the transfer authority for all recharged assets is specially handled. Only the protocol trusted Oracle or the committee account can change the stored ownership. The trusted Oracle ensures that the ownership transfer transaction contains the correct output scripts and is synchronized to the block of the bitcoin main network. The status of all networks is synchronized to the ratio in the form of blocks. The special currency main network should provide the following information for a block, and apply the new account status after these transactions to the transactions in a specific block. Even if the agreement is broken, the block information of the bitcoin network is always ready. Zero-knowledge proof proves that the state transition from the previous block to the current block is correct. All the states of these bitcoin main networks are recorded in a transaction history. More information about the proof. Zero-knowledge proof is used to prove the correctness of the following. The block transaction of content is correctly signed, the new status of all accounts is correctly handled, all recharge transactions before a specific block in Bitcoin main network are correctly handled, and all allocations to the current status are correctly created. Block information challenge: In order to ensure the correctness of the block information specified in Bitcoin main network, we use a challenge and response scheme. The prover can prove the accuracy of block information by pointing out that there are still blocks after a specific block in the lock-up period. And enhancement, as shown in this paper, verification can be represented as a binary circuit that can be challenged by two participants. A challenge can be sent through a pre-signed transaction to obtain the bit commitment of the circuit. If the sum is revealed, then the challenge is successful. In order to verify the use, it is necessary to pay attention to the following two points: the same binary circuit commitment can only be used once, that is, if the same circuit commitment is used in multiple blocks, one bit commitment may be revealed, and for verification, besides the satisfaction of the circuit, the public input should be checked. In order to deal with these two shortcomings, a unique binary circuit is created for each block, and the fixed public input bitcoin script is used to process the hash of public input and check the correct public input bits. It is promised to be checked by a trusted Oracle machine. As far as circuit satisfaction is concerned, any member of the Committee has the right to challenge. Assets can be withdrawn from the main bitcoin network in two ways, and transactions can be guaranteed from the triggered circuit. Handling as expected, the forced withdrawal transaction is the withdrawal initiated from Bitcoin network and the forced withdrawal transaction is verified from the triggered withdrawal transaction to ensure the correct handling of the transaction. The forced withdrawal transaction initiated from Bitcoin network must be included in the next block status update. When the status of a block is updated, the allocation will be synchronized. In the case of the agreement stopping, all can be applied to ensure the safety of all user assets. Among these, only the withdrawal or forced withdrawal protocols are available. If the agreement is stopped, the Committee will sign all the assignments specified in the latest block status, with which users can withdraw cash without any loss. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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