Etherscan很棒 但也是以太坊的一个致命缺陷

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作者:Marco Worms,Hash Payments 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网


本文反映了我对 Etherscan 的看法,对于任何以太坊用户或开发人员来说,这是一项非常方便的服务,我经常使用这项服务,并对部署它的人表示感谢。如今,Etherscan是探索以太坊交易的最大提供商。这是一个非常方便的网站,您可以:

  • 跟踪以太坊中的任何交易。

  • 跟踪任何合约交互及其事件。

  • 查看生产中使用的合约源代码。

  • 与合约读取和写入功能交互。

Etherscan 的强大功能之一是它既适合新手用户,也适合高级用户:

  • 如果您是新手,您可以轻松查看自己的钱包交易并导航与智能合约的交互

  • 如果您知道自己在做什么,那么您可以通过使用 Etherscan 并避开任何其他现有网站,在以太坊中做几乎任何事情

如此强大的功能为用户带来了如此多的便利,使其成为加密生态系统中使用最多的网站之一。以下是过去 3 个月 Etherscan 网站和其他热门 DeFi 网站使用情况的快速比较:



Etherscan 的主导地位如何使以太坊社区面临风险?

今天与 Etherscan 相关的最大风险是源代码是封闭的,因此其他用户无法复制,这消除了我们在以太坊中拥有的“服务器冗余的可用性弹性”因素,并引入了由单个节点控制的“默默无闻的安全性”实体。



旁注:高级用户将跳过与 Etherscan 的交互,并使用ApeWorx或Foundry等工具进行链上交互,这些都是开源的,可以跳过上述风险。但很多人不会学习如何使用任何开源 CLI 工具,他们会依赖 Etherscan 网站来阅读信息,有时甚至写作。

这是涉及 Etherscan 的末日场景:他们的 DNS 被劫持,网站重定向到恶意钱包训练器(这种情况在加密货币领域经常发生,甚至对于拥有最佳安全措施的团队也是如此)。这种情况可能发生在任何协议网站上,这就是为什么我认为学习如何自我托管是一项重要技能。

越多的人依赖 Etherscan 并且没有好的替代方案,恶意行为者就越有动力将其用作以太坊社区的攻击媒介。

我不是来抨击 Etherscan 的。我相信他们的团队正在尽最大努力改善,我在独立游戏开发方面的经验告诉我,如果不重复某些默认的市场策略(广告、微交易),有些市场很难盈利,而且它会期望他们开源而没有任何回报是天真的。那么让我们谈谈一些替代方案!







以上所有内容都是 Etherscan 的替代品。如果你在下次使用区块链浏览器时尝试它们,你已经在参与分散化链上的这一部分,而且如果你能够自己托管它们,那就更好了!但我们不能依赖利他主义来维护这一点,我们已经看到由于商业化问题而关闭的浏览器,我认为这是我们整个难题的核心之一,也是为什么 Etherscan 最初是闭源的原因!


可见交易探索者存在激励问题,我们看一下 Etherscan 网站:



我不够聪明,无法提出一个能够解决当前区块链浏览器的实际系统设计,但我确信以太坊可以考虑为人们运行分散节点提供更好的激励,这些节点可以作为 Etherscan 的替代品,在我们完全依赖它作为社区之前。这可能从激励开源替代品开始,同时激励将它们提供给公众使用。

以太坊的 RPC 节点可能存在类似的集中化问题,但与区块链浏览器相比,现在更容易分散化 RPC,因为最好的 RPC 客户端是开源的,容易复制。



为了给对话带来更多观点,以下是当我向 Otterscan 创始人Willian Mitsuda 提出一些问题并向他展示这篇文章时的想法:


问:是什么促使您创建 Otterscan?它在架构和功能上与 Etherscan 有何不同?

Etherscan 已经是一个很棒的工具了。我想创造一些东西来填补空白并吸引 Etherscan 无法覆盖的受众:能够在家里运行自己的浏览器,使用自己的节点,在消费类硬件上运行,而不是在昂贵的云机器上运行。

一切都是开源的,因此用户可以破解和修改它。我们使用 Sourcify 等开放数据库进行合同验证,因此即使背后的公司消失,重要的东西也不会消失。

Etherscan是一个闭源SaaS,因此我们无法在架构层面进行公平的比较。但对于 Otterscan,我们的最终目标是达到与 Etherscan 相同的功能(我们还没有,但我们会),同时测试常规以太坊节点的限制。

要做到这一点,Erigon(以及他们发明的所有技术)是基础。3 年前,当 Erigon 使存档节点达到约 2TB(主网)和几天的同步时间时,Otterscan 还无法存在。

Otterscan V1 之所以成为可能,是因为 Erigon 在消费类硬件中启用了存档节点,并且很容易公开节点内存在的数据,但无法通过标准 JSON-RPC API 获取。

Otterscan V2(目前处于 alpha 版本)之所以成为可能,是因为 Erigon 不断发展,并且 Erigon 3 中基于 tx 的索引的新架构(而不是基于块的索引)将允许我们通过派生来构建和增强标准节点功能有效地从中获取新数据。

这将使我们非常接近生成 Etherscan 为用户提供的大部分数据,但除了您的节点和一些(负担得起的)额外磁盘空间之外不需要任何其他东西。


我认为为探索者寻找商业模式与其他 web3 产品一样具有挑战性。我们很高兴得到 Erigon 的赞助,这使我们能够在没有任何风险投资资金的情况下继续将其作为开源公共产品进行研究。

新的赠款计划,例如Optimism 的追溯公共产品资金,有可能使类似产品长期生存。

问:社区如何为 Otterscan 的开发和改进做出贡献?您正在寻求什么样的贡献?

Otterscan 由 2 部分组成:

  • UI 是一个 React 应用程序。

  • 以及嵌入 Erigon 内部的 API 实现。

因此,有兴趣做出贡献的人可以改进 UI 本身,在 Erigon 中编写新的 API 和索引器(对于任何有兴趣探索 ETH 客户端内部结构的人来说,这可能是一个很好的切入点),或者利用 Otterscan API 来做一些全新的事情,例如专门的用户界面。

另一个有趣的想法是在其他客户端中实现 Otterscan API。已经有一个独立社区计划将其移植到 Reth,另一位社区成员在 Anvil 内实现了它,因此您可以将 Otterscan UI 指向它并浏览您的开发网络。

以下是社区制作的 PR 示例,用于在 Reth 上添加对 Otterscan JSON-RPC API 扩展的支持:




About ten years ago, the Ethereum community set out to eliminate all the weak links in providing globally accessible financial services, and achieved success in many aspects. Our progress depends on our ability to reflect on the failure points and deploy open source and auditable repair programs for them. This article reflects my views. It is a very convenient service for any Ethereum user or developer. I often use this service and deploy it. One of the powerful functions of the interaction between the contract source code and the contract reading and writing function used in production is that it is suitable for both novice users and advanced users. If you are a novice, you can easily check your wallet transaction and navigate the interaction with smart contracts. You can do almost anything in Ethereum by using and avoiding any other existing websites. Such a powerful function has brought so much convenience to users, making it one of the most used websites in the encryption ecosystem. The following is the dominant position of the rapid comparison of the usage of websites and other popular websites in the past month. How to put the Ethereum community at risk? The biggest risk related to today is that the source code is closed, so other users cannot copy it, which eliminates our support in Ethereum. The availability and flexibility of some servers are redundant, and an unknown security entity controlled by a single node is introduced. The availability and flexibility of Ethereum services come from a decentralized node network, which can perform transactions even if many nodes are offline. Now this can only be achieved by providing people with open source codes, which have economic incentives for establishment and maintenance. If users of Ethereum repeatedly use the same centralized entity that most people use, then we Just walking on the road of damage decentralization, which is contrary to the spirit of Ethereum cryptopunk. The side note is that advanced users will skip the interaction with and use tools such as or to interact on the chain. These are all open sources, which can skip the above risks, but many people will not learn how to use any open source tools. They will rely on websites to read information and sometimes even write. This is the doomsday scene involved. Their hijacked websites are redirected to malicious wallet trainers, which often happens even in the field of cryptocurrency. The same is true for the team with the best security measures, which may happen on any protocol website, which is why I think learning how to self-host is an important skill. The more people rely on it and there is no good alternative, the more motivated malicious actors will be to use it as an attack medium in the Ethereum community. I am not here to attack. I believe that their team is doing its best to improve my experience in independent game development and tell me that if I don't repeat some default market strategies. It is naive to tell microtransactions that some markets are hard to make a profit and it will expect them to open source without any return. Then let's talk about some alternatives. Open source trading browser Ethereum previews the source code. Ethereum previews the source code. All of the above are substitutes. If you try them the next time you use blockchain browser, you are already participating in this part of the decentralized chain, and it would be better if you can host them yourself, but we can't rely on altruism. To maintain this, we have seen the browser shut down due to commercialization problems. I think this is one of the cores of our whole problem, and that's why the original reason is the closed source. It can be seen that the transaction explorer has incentive problems. Let's take a look at the website. Have you used other parts of the Ethereum infrastructure to see similar suspicious advertisements? No, because the incentive mechanism of other parts has developed better than that of becoming an advertising seller. Why is the Ethereum Foundation centralized? The websites of ESO and other important Ethereum applications will not show you any advertisements, because the monetary incentives of these applications are consistent, and showing advertisements is a net negative behavior, because advertisements introduce another layer of risk to end users, who just want to use a good financial product. I am not smart enough to propose an actual system design that can solve the current blockchain browser, but I am sure Ethereum can consider providing better incentives for people to run decentralized nodes. Point can be used as a substitute. Before we completely rely on it as a community, this may start with encouraging open source substitutes and providing them to the public. The nodes of Ethereum may have similar centralization problems, but now they are more decentralized than blockchain browsers, because the best clients are open source and easy to copy. I invite everyone to participate in the discussion and come up with some methods that we can test. In order to bring more ideas to the dialogue, the following is when I propose to the founder. I want to create something to fill the gap and attract an audience that can't be covered. I can run my own browser at home and use my own nodes to run on consumer hardware instead of expensive cloud machines. Everything is open source, so users can crack and modify it. We use open databases for contract verification. Even if the company behind it disappears, the important thing will not disappear. It is a closed source, so we can't make a fair comparison on the architecture level. But our ultimate goal is to achieve the same function, but we will also test the limitations of conventional Ethereum nodes. To do this and all the technologies they invented are the foundation. When the archive node reached the main network and synchronized for several days, it was possible because it was enabled in consumer hardware. It is possible to archive the nodes and easily disclose the data existing in the nodes, but it is impossible to obtain the current version through the standard. It is possible because of the continuous development and the new architecture of the index based on the index instead of the block-based index, which will allow us to build and enhance the standard nodes through derivation and effectively obtain new data from them. This will bring us very close to generating most of the data for users, but we don't need anything except your nodes and some affordable extra disk space. What do you think of the existing incentives for using and serving open source browsers? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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