TRB 「过山车」始末:巨鲸控盘、团队出货、过度杠杆

币圈资讯 阅读:45 2024-04-22 11:03:04 评论:0



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2024年刚开始,预言机赛道的老项目Tellor Tributes 代币TRB完成了一次“过山车”表演。


12个小时,暴涨暴跌,Logo形似”圆月弯刀“的TRB 制造了加密资产市场新年第一个“多空双爆”惨案,全网合约爆仓金额为7310万美元,做多做空投资者都愤怒了,他们被这个“妖币”戏耍了。

市场上一个已存在的声音终于被听见:最大供应量为2586819 的TRB已被控盘。链上分析工具Spot On Chain 此前统计,“在流通的250万TRB中,大约有170万在交易所,而20只鲸鱼持有66万。”

一些地址吸筹的行为正发生在TRB 起涨的2023年8月,当时,加密资产投资及服务机构了得资本(LD Capital)曾在报告中提到TRB的链上建仓行为。或因如此,有投资者将控盘者指向了LD,引得该机构合伙人楼霁月以公开“悬赏1000万美元寻证据”的方式出面澄清。

此后,有链上分析师指出,1月1日 TRB暴跌前,Tellor Tributes团队将4211 TRB存入了中心化交易所Coinbase。而链上数据显示,2天前,该团队已将7000 TRB转入Coinbase,那时正是TRB 持续上涨阶段。



多空双爆 「圆月弯刀」12小时回旋收割 






1月1日,去中心化合成资产发行协议Synthetix (SNX) 创始人@kain.eth在X平台表示,由于TRB异常波动,SNX质押者损失了约200万美元。


TRB的价格异常还出现在交易所的报价上。1月1日10时许,OKX上的TRB/USDT价格报233.24美元,而币安 TRB/USDT的报价为170.74美元,价差达36.6%。

其实,这个Logo宛如“圆月弯刀”的TRB早在2019年就出现了,它是去中心化预言机协议Tellor Tributes的原生代币,总供应量为258.6819万,目前的流通量为255.3723万,几乎全流通。





埋伏4个月  巨鲸吸筹控盘


事实上,在12月29日,当TRB上涨至225美元时,链上数据分析工具Spot On Chain就发布了提醒消息,“在流通的250万$TRB中,大约有170万在交易所,而20只鲸鱼持有66万。”

Spot On Chain分析数据后还表示,持筹鲸鱼在8月和9月以15美元的有利价格积累了TRB,从那时起,该代币的价格增长了15倍,总共赚取了1.2亿美元(实现盈利4,000万美元,未实现的盈利8,000万美元)。在过去的两个月里,鲸鱼们慢慢地将他们的代币存入交易所,形成了一个拉高抛售的循环来清算他们所持的代币。


Spot On Chain当时提示,由于大部分代币仍在鲸鱼手中,他们控制了游戏。价格可能会经历大幅上涨以清除空头头寸和硬抛售以清算其持有的资产。

Spot On Chain的提示最终一语成谶,新年刚开始的6个小时,TRB就跳水了。



有人将操盘者指向了一家加密资产投资服务商。社交媒体上,一些人指责起华人币圈很多人都熟悉的了得资本(LD Capital)。






1月1日,链上分析工具 Lookonchain 根据跟踪数据称,与 Tellor Tributes开发团队相关的一个钱包地址,在TRB价格暴涨后将4211个TRB转入了交易所Coinbase。按照当时的价格,这些TRB价值 240 万美元。

Tellor 团队相关地址多次转移TRB至Coinbase‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

根据链上数据,这个开头为0x1B8的地址在12月这一个月内,曾向Coinbase 转入12735 TRB,还曾通过Tellor的多重签名收到了20000 TRB。

据此,不排除Tellor Tributes团队在TRB的高点中获利。

而分析人士@Riyad_carey 指出,Tellor Tributes团队是在价格暴跌前几个小时将TRB存入Coinbase的,但币安上的抛售比Coinbase早了大约2分钟。但在Tellor Tributes团队第二次将TRB充入Coinbase后,市场出现了35万美元的抛售,导致TRB价格从500美元跌至400美元。他就此认为,Tellor Tributes团队不排除清筹,但真正严重操纵价格的鲸鱼藏在币安。

这一分析也与Spot On Chain追踪的数据不谋而合,该工具建立的巨鲸地址提示集合数据显示,从9月起,吸筹鲸鱼钱包内的TRB多数流向了全球最大的加密资产交易所币安。



过度杠杆  「赌场」无人生还







8月正是鲸鱼开始吸筹的阶段, TRB价格的上涨也开始吸引了期货合约的交易者入场,TRB合约市场的持仓量也正是从8月开始。









At the beginning of 2008, the old project token of predicting the machine track completed a roller coaster performance. In more than a month, it went all the way from the US dollar to the US dollar without braking, but climbed to the top of the US dollar in the next hour. A more surprising scene followed, which also plunged to the US dollar in the next hour. It was like a full moon machete. It created an encrypted asset market. The first long and short double explosion tragedy in the New Year, the whole network contract exploded for 10,000 US dollars, and investors were angry. A demon coin played an existing voice in the market and was finally heard. The analysis tool on the chain with the largest supply was previously counted. According to statistics, among the ten thousand in circulation, about ten thousand were on the exchange, while a whale held ten thousand addresses to attract funds. The behavior was taking place in the rising year. At that time, the crypto asset investment and service institution Capital had built positions on the chain mentioned in the report, or because of this, some investors pointed the controller to Lou Jiyue, a partner of the institution, to publicly offer a reward of ten thousand dollars to find evidence. After that, some analysts in the chain pointed out that the team would be deposited in the centralized exchange before the plunge on March, and the data in the chain showed that the team had been transferred to the centralized exchange days ago. At that time, it was in the continuous rising stage, and the over-leveraged trading positions in the illiquid market also contributed to the surge and plunge. Some traders observed that the daily contract transaction volume was more than 100 million US dollars, and there were many gamblers. The whale control panel team shipped over-leveraged and uncontrolled demon coins, thus completing the first cut of the New Year. Long-short, double-explosion, full-moon machete hour revolving harvest The score of the night before the New Year has been rising continuously from USD within months to the next morning, and it has risen to USD, which has successfully attracted the market's attention, and then it has fallen to a low point within the next hour in a cliff-like manner. The sharp fluctuation of USD's decline from the high point in a short time has directly caused the long-short and double-explosion data of the contract market. It shows that the amount of futures contracts exploded in the hours before the morning of January is USD 10,000, of which the empty orders exploded beautifully. In addition to the explosion in the centralized exchange, the decentralized application has not been spared. The founder of the decentralized synthetic asset issuance agreement said on the platform that due to abnormal fluctuations, the pledgee lost about $10,000, explaining that there was an open contract limit of $10,000, but with its price rising in the past few months, the upper limit has expanded to $10,000, but the risk control is not strict. Today, the price soared several times. Short positions were opened, but because of the dislocation of spot price and contract price, the arbitrage balance failed, which is a lesson for me. The price anomaly also appeared in the exchange's quotation, which was quoted in US dollars on the day of last month, while the price difference of currency security reached US dollars. In fact, this is like a full moon machete, which appeared as early as 2000. It is the original token of decentralized Oracle agreement. The total supply is 10,000, and the current circulation is almost 10,000. The third-party data platform shows that it entered the second level at the beginning of June. At first, only the US dollar climbed to the US dollar during the encrypted bull market in, and fell below the US dollar a few days later. Since then, the price has been fluctuating in the digits. In recent years, the price has suddenly remained between the US dollars since the year of the month, until March, when it rushed from the US dollar to more than US dollars in less than a month. At the end of the month, some exchanges even surpassed the US dollar to repair it for half a month, and then it continued to rise from the vicinity of the US dollar on March to the stage high of the US dollar at the beginning of the month. Finally, at the end of the year, it surged and fell into a The contract washing market came into being in such a year, and the projects in recent years suddenly came back to life and oscillated all the way up last month. By the end of the year, they turned into long-short and double-explosive killers. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon ambush. After the monster currency was released, the situation of the giant whale controlling the market gradually became clear. In fact, when it rose to US dollars, the online data analysis tool issued a reminder message. About 10,000 of the 10,000 in circulation were on the exchange, but only whales held the analysis data. Raising whales accumulated at a favorable price of US dollars in February and October. Since then, the price of the token has doubled, earning a total of US$ 100 million, achieving a profit of US$ 10,000 and an unrealized profit of US$ 10,000. In the past two months, whales have slowly deposited their tokens in the exchange, forming a cycle of pulling up and selling to liquidate the tokens they hold. It is well known to players that when chips are excessively concentrated in the hands of one or a few people, money has become a tool for dealers to manipulate prices. As most of the tokens are still in the hands of whales, they control the price of the game and may go through a sharp rise to clear short positions and hard sell to liquidate the assets they hold. Finally, the tip is in one word. The whales who control the chips dive in the first hour of the new year. It is a pity that although the openness of the blockchain address can let anyone see the flow direction of the assets, the anonymity of the blockchain cannot let the outside world know the specific identity of the holders. Someone will trade. The writer pointed to a crypto asset investment service provider. Some people on social media accused the Chinese currency circle of gaining capital, which many people are familiar with. Lou Jiyue, a capital partner, responded to his real name in a number of superior social channels and offered a reward of $10,000 for finding any information about the currency security account number and the transaction cost related to me and any of our related parties and this wave of price fluctuations. Otherwise, he reserved the right to pursue relevant legal responsibilities for spreading the information that exceeded the reading volume. The reason may be that the agency released a report on capital analysis on March last year. In fact, Capital mentioned some situations of address financing in the report at that time. The report showed that there was a big fluctuation in the chain on March, which was the highest level since last month, and the price did not fluctuate greatly around the US dollar. We think that at this time, someone may build positions in the chain without the correspondence between address and identity. This report cannot be accused of capital control. It is proved, but the report does prove that the whale does attract whales at a low point, but the person who sells them at a high point is caught. According to the tracking data, a wallet address related to the development team was transferred to the exchange after the price soared. According to the current price, these team-related addresses with a value of 10,000 US dollars were transferred several times to the address starting with the data on the chain, and multiple signatures were received within the month of January. According to this, it is not excluded that the team will make a profit at a high point, but analysts pointed out that the team will deposit the money several hours before the price plummeted. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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