拟3年增税360亿英镑 英首相遭反对;欧央行“校准”紧急购债;比特币“法定货币日”闪崩;安联面临监管调查 |一周国际财经

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  第602期 | 2021/09/12

No. 602 & nbsp; nbsp; 2021/09/12


With the impact of the epidemic, countries face a major challenge of how to fill the fiscal deficit. UK Prime Minister Boris John announced the introduction of a tax increase plan to raise nearly £36 billion over the next three years to address the financial crisis in the areas of health care and social security. This scheme has led to opposition from all quarters, and Johnson's conservative party support rate has fallen.


The ECB “calibration” of emergency debt purchases this week, plans to slow down the pace of debt purchases. In the context of the easing of the shock and economic recovery, the ECB’s policy shift is a major challenge. Daily Economic News (,


On the market side, Bitcoin officially became the legal currency of El Salvador, and the Japanese currency collapsed, with a sharp fall of about $7,000 in more than one hour. It remains to be seen whether encrypted currency can become the mainstream currency of transactions.


More than that, it's in The Week of International Finance.


The proposed 3-year tax increase of Pound36 billion!

  英首相遭反对 执政党支持率骤降

The British Prime Minister's opposition to the ruling party's support dropped sharply .


People passed by near the House of Parliament in London, England.

  图片来源:新华社 韩岩摄

Photo by Xinhua Society, Han Rock.


In order to cover the government’s resulting fiscal deficit, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on September 7 a tax increase of £36 billion over three years to alleviate the British social security system and social welfare crisis.


Specifically, starting in April 2022, the British Government will take the lead in increasing the tax rate of (NI) for employers and employees respectively. Starting in 2023, this 1.25% will be separated into an independent income tax - a health and social care tax. The scheme will also include an increase of 1.25 percentage points in the dividends tax rate, which will affect entrepreneurs and investors dependent on dividends.


According to BBC 6, the tax increase scheme means that people with an annual salary of £30,000 or more will pay an additional £255 a year. Those with an annual salary of £50,000 or more will pay an additional £505 a year.


These taxes will be used mainly to support the NHS (National Health Service) in dealing with the backlog of patients due to the new crown epidemic and will provide approximately Pound5.3 billion in support of social care services.

  从2023年10月开始,作为政府社会福利计划的一部分,任何资产低于2万英镑的人,其社会护理费用(Social Care)将由国家全额支付。资产在2万英镑到10万英镑之间的人将根据收入调查获得一些国家支持。

From October 2023, as part of the government’s social welfare program, any person with an asset of less than £20,000 will be fully paid for by the state.


According to the United Kingdom think tank Institute of Finance (IFS), if Johnson succeeds in this tax scheme, the tax revenues of the British Government are expected to reach the highest level ever.


However, Johnson's move met with strong opposition from within and outside the Conservative Party, and critics believe that it would be a blatant violation of the Prime Minister's commitment not to raise taxes on British workers in the 2019 campaign.


But Conservative Party members and cabinet ministers have warned that Johnson will lose the trust of voters if he insists on increasing national insurance. According to the British Guardian, Jack Berry, a member of Parliament leading the Northern Conservative Group, argues that it would be unreasonable to allow low-income people to pay more taxes to help the wealthier retirees “safe houses.”


Labour leader Kyle Stamo said: “This will only strike low-income people, young people and businesses.” There are also parliamentarians who have expressed the hope that the British Government will not impose arbitrary tax increases “neglected by public opinion” when there are no concrete plans on how to use these funds.


Sulen Tyru, head of economics of the British Chamber of Commerce, said: “Enterprise is strongly opposed to raising national insurance contributions, as this will slow employment growth in an absolutely critical period. This new tax increase will result in a significant increase in the cost of business and discourage the entrepreneurship needed to drive economic recovery, thus affecting the wider recovery.”


A poll by YouGov showed that, as of 9 September, the Conservative Party’s support among voters had fallen sharply by 5 percentage points, to 33%, the lowest level since the 2019 election. While Sir Stammer’s support for the Labour Party rose by 1 percentage point, to 35%, the first time that the Labour Party has been leading the Conservative Party since January of this year.


High inflation, good economy


European Central Bank “calibration” of emergency purchase debt


European Central Bank President Lagarde


Source: Xinhua Society (European Central Bank contribution)


On September 9, local time, the ECB stated that it would take the first small step toward phasing out emergency aid by reducing the size of its emergency anti-epidemic debt plan (PEPP) in the coming quarter, but maintaining the potential size of PEPP at €1.85 trillion. At the same time, the ECB decided to maintain a negative 0.5% key interest rate.


PEPP is scheduled to be implemented in March 2020 to support the eurozone in coping with the economic crisis caused by the epidemic. The programme is scheduled to end next March.


In explaining this latest decision at a press conference, the ECB President, Lagarde, said: “I am not cutting the purchase debt, and what we are doing today, with the agreement that we are doing, is to calibrate our purchases in order to achieve our goal of favourable financing conditions. We have not discussed the next course of action.”


The ECB did not provide specific guidelines on the size of the purchase debt over the next three months, but Reuters quoted three sources as stating that the monthly debt purchase target set by ECB policy makers for PEPP at the Thursday meeting ranged from Euro60 billion to Euro70 billion, maintaining flexibility to increase or reduce the purchase debt according to market conditions.


Lagarde has now postponed to December the decision on how to phase out the PEP, emphasizing that, even after the plan ends, the ECB will continue to maintain low credit costs while trying to drive inflation to its targets. She said, “PEP’s work has not been completed, because we have yet to meet the 2% inflation target.”


With the rapid introduction of vaccinations across Europe, prospects for economic recovery have improved, and policymakers are under new pressure to acknowledge that the worst period of the economy has passed and then to adjust their policies.


According to its analysis of Daily Economic News, the World Bank, Geoffrey, Europe's economic indicators are now moving in the direction of optimism.


The current level of inflation in Europe is at peak for 10 years, while unemployment is declining at 7.6 per cent in July, a 0.2 per cent decline in the ring comparison, a steady increase in lending (3 per cent in July) and an accelerated trend in mortgage growth, with 5.7 per cent being the best since 2008.


Against this background, ECB bank lending surveys show that the willingness to finance borrowing for investment purposes is increasing. Real interest rates, measured in terms of CPI and PPI, have been at their lowest levels in 30 years, which is certainly helpful.


The European Central Bank has increased its economic growth expectations this year from 4.6 per cent to 5 per cent, and from 4.7 per cent to 4.6 per cent in 2022, while the Bank has reduced inflation expectations by 2.2 per cent this year, compared with 1.9 per cent expected to fall to 1.7 per cent next year and 1.5 per cent in 2023.

  太平洋(601099,股吧)投资管理公司投资组合经理Konstantin Veit预测,欧洲央行将在很长一段时间内保持高度宽松,因为短期内不大可能满足加息条件,与日本央行类似,对政策可持续性的考虑可能越来越重要。Veit预测,欧洲央行可能会在未来几年继续购买资产。欧洲央行的PEPP可能在2022年结束净买入状态,但随后会提高常规资产购买计划的购买量。

(, ) investment portfolio manager


Note: The above interviews represent only institutional views and do not represent the position of Daily Economic News, nor do they constitute investment proposals.


anti-epidemic report


Source: (000681, )


Modner for the development of a double-enhanced vaccine


Prevent new crowns and influenza at the same time


On September 9, local time, Modena stated that the company was developing a two-in-one booster vaccine to prevent both new coronary pneumonia and seasonal influenza. The new vaccine, known as mRNA-1073, was a single dose, combining the new coronary vaccine currently being developed by Moderna with the influenza vaccine under development.


Britain approves two new crown vaccines as boosters


On 9 September, the British medical regulatory authority approved the use of Pfizer and Aslicom's new crown vaccines as boosters, but it is still up to all parties to decide whether or not to introduce an additional vaccination programme. The Chief Executive Officer of the United Kingdom Drug and Health Administration said, “I am pleased to confirm that Pfizer and Aslicon produce new crown vaccines as safe and effective boosters. It is now up to the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization to recommend whether to provide reinforcements.”


Japan intends to issue a “vaccine passport” in December

  据《日本经济新闻》当地时间9月5日报道,日本政府将从12月起在线发行 “疫苗护照”,计划采用通过智能手机应用程序显示二维码,需要时进行扫码的形式。届时还将启动在线办理“疫苗护照”申请。

According to Japan Economic News, on September 5, local time, the Japanese government will issue an online “vaccine passport” starting in December. The plan is to display two-dimensional codes through smartphone applications, which will be scanned when required.


Currently, a vaccine passport is being issued in writing for people in need. The main purpose of issuing a vaccine passport is to facilitate the departure of the population from the country, and consideration is not being given to expanding its use in Japan.




bitcoin has become the legal tender of El Salvador

  首日闪崩 1小时跌7000美元!

First day of the first day of the crash, $7,000 fell an hour!


Photo source: Photonet


On 7 September, El Salvador became the first country in the world to officially adopt Bitcoin as the legal currency. The President of the country, Naib Burke, stated that this would save Salvadorans living abroad millions of dollars in remittance charges. At the same time, he said that El Salvador had purchased 400 bitcoins.


But Bitcoin became the first legal currency, and in the early hours of September 8, Beijing time, the price of Bitcoin collapsed, falling from around $50,000 to a low of $42830 in more than an hour, falling by more than $7,000 and falling by 18.73 per cent in the day. Other encrypted currencies also fell sharply. After the crash, the price of Bitcoin recovered rapidly, but the fall failed. According to Coindisk, the price of Bitcoin was $45152.76 as of September 12.05.

  彭博社报道,互联网货币交易公司Oanda 高级市场分析师爱德华·莫亚在一份报告中表示,投资者非常谨慎并认为比特币成为法定货币后可能会出现暴跌。

Bloomberg reported that



Intel proposes to invest 80 billion euros to build a chip factory in Europe .


On 7 September, Intel announced that two chip plants would be built in Europe, with investments likely to reach Euro80 billion over the next 10 years, in response to a global chip shortage and future demand that would remain high.


Intel Chief Executive Officer Pat Kissinger at Munich International revealed the plan. Kissinger said that by 2030, the proportion of chips in high-priced car parts would have increased significantly. Intel would have built at least two factories in Europe in response to this growing demand.





On 7 September, Reuters quoted sources who said that German regulators had opened an investigation into the country's largest financial company, ANCU group, some of which


The German insurance company, one of the world's largest financial management companies, managed €2.4 trillion in assets through bond funds such as PIMCO and the United Nations Global Investment Fund, and the funds surveyed were managed by the United Nations Global Investment Institute.

  各种调查和诉讼均围绕安联环球投资旗下Structured Alpha Funds展开。在新冠疫情使市场陷入困境后,这些基金暴跌,在某些情况下跌幅达80%或更多。

Various investigations and lawsuits have revolved around Structured Alpha Funds, under the umbrella of the United Nations Global Investment. These funds have fallen sharply, in some cases by 80% or more, after the new crown epidemic has put the market at risk.


  瑞安航空称737 MAX 10订单谈判破裂

Ryan Air, 737 MAX 10 order negotiations broke down


Photo source: Photonet

  当地时间9月6日,爱尔兰廉价航空巨头瑞安航空公司表示,与波音关于购买737 MAX 10飞机的谈判已经破裂。

On 6 September, local time, Ireland's cheap airline, Ryan Air, indicated that negotiations with Boeing for the purchase of the 737 MAX 10 aircraft had broken down.

  瑞安航空原计划以330亿美元购买至多250架波音737 MAX 10,但双方未能就价格达成一致,谈判随即陷入僵局。瑞安航空首席执行官Michael O'Leary周一称,对未能达成协议感到失望,波音对其飞机定价的前景非常乐观,但瑞安向来不会购买高价飞机。

Ryan Air planned to purchase up to 250 Boeing 737 MAX 10 for $33 billion, but negotiations were stalled when the parties failed to agree on the price. The Chief Aviation Officer of Ryan Air, Michael O'Leary, said on Monday that he was disappointed at the failure to reach an agreement, and Boeing was optimistic about the pricing of his aircraft, but Ryan would never buy a high-value aircraft.


In response, Boeing stated that Ryan was a long-term partner and that Boeing valued their business, but would also follow principles and make decisions that were meaningful to both clients and companies.



Bill Gates throws $2.2 billion to increase four season hotel shares

  当地时间9月8日, 比尔·盖茨旗下的投资公司Cascade Investment LLC发布声明称将支付22.1亿美元购买沙特王子瓦利德·本·塔拉勒在四季酒店及度假村集团的一半股份,这笔全现金交易将把盖茨的持股比例从47.5%提高到71.25%。该交易预计将于2022年1月完成。

On September 8, local time, the investment company Cascade Investment LLC under Bill Gates issued a statement stating that it would pay $2.21 billion to purchase half of the shares of Prince Walid Ben Talal in the Four Seasons Hotel and Resort Village Group, and that the total cash deal would raise the share of Gates from 47.5% to 71.25%. The transaction is expected to be completed by January 2022.

  交易完成后,比尔·盖茨将成为四季酒店的绝对控股股东,瓦利德王子将通过其投资媒介Kingdom Holding Co.持有剩余23.75%的股份。四季酒店创始人和董事长Isadore Sharp还将通过Triples Holdings Limited保留其5%的股份。四季酒店的整体估值约为近100亿美元。

When the deal is completed, Bill Gates will be an absolute shareholder in the Four Seasons, and Prince Walid will hold the remaining 23.75% through his investment medium, Kingdom Holding Co. The Four Seasons founder and chairman, Isadore Sharp, will also retain 5% of the stock through Triples Holdings Limited. The overall value of the Four Seasons is approximately $10 billion.



Microsoft postponed indefinitely the return of United States employees to the office


On 9 September, Microsoft indicated that it would indefinitely delay the reopening of its headquarters in Redmond, Washington, and other United States offices, as the new crown virus continued to spread in the United States. In August, Microsoft announced that it would postpone its return from 7 September to 4 October owing to the Delta virus epidemic.


This decision will affect more than 103,000 Microsoft employees in the United States. Microsoft states that beginning in September, employees will have to show proof of vaccination of the new crown before they can access any of its facilities in the United States.


Source: Every Graphic


Source: Every Graphic

  记者:张凌霄 兰素英

Reporter: Jang Ling, Ransu-young


Editor: Ransou-in


Visual: Liu Qingyan


Layout: Ransou-Engine

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The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent and represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑:李佳佳 HN153)


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