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01.Primodium是如何进行Lazy Update的

作者:Emerson Hsieh


一个全链上的游戏必然会消耗大量的gas,因此我们必须找到方法以减少玩家签署交易的数量。引入lazy update后,我们只在玩家执行操作时计算所需的游戏资源。

在 Primodium 的第一个版本中,玩家必须先在节点旁边放置矿机,然后才能放置传送带将资源运输到主基地。


  1. 如何跟踪每个玩家所拥有的矿机;

  2. 让这些矿机连接到正确的加工厂;



在@AlirezaN95加入了我们团队后,他对我们基于MUD开发的资源组件进行了重设计。在 v0.6.0 版本中,我们为每个玩家提供了一个全局资源生产速率,每当在资源上建造一个矿机,该生产率就会增加。






作者:Emerson Hsieh


在 Primodium 中,你将出生在一个资源丰富的小行星上。通过建造矿机采集资源,并用这些资源来强化建筑、训练军队并攻击其他玩家。


在使用 Lattice 的 MUD V1 版引擎构建的 Primodium 最初版本中,所有智能合约都围绕实体组件系统(ECS)架构开发。


例如,Primodium v0.0(十一个版本前!)中,仅存储玩家物品就需要63个合约。@l_udens提出了一个有效的解决方案:使用资源名和玩家地址的哈希值作为一个统一的组件键,以将所有内容简化为一个组件。



我们还将游戏引擎升级到了 MUD V2 版本,这意味着我们必须重构我们资源的合约架构。

@0xhank 重新设计了合约,使用了以实体(entity)和资源(resource)作为key schema的表,避免了额外的哈希计算步骤。


通过 @AlirezaN95 构建的store hooks系统,游戏能够实时更新生产率和消耗率,进而改变玩家的资源数量。玩家每次行动时,资源计数都会更新。



作者:Tax cuts


由于Play to Earn游戏过去带来了太多灾难性的后果,开发者们纷纷转向全链游戏,寻求以不同的方式将Crypto融入游戏之中。对全链游戏的主要观点是其增加了游戏的可组合性(Composability)和永久性(Permanence),而金融化的部分往往被强烈抵制。


金融化是加密货币作为底层架构存在的根本原因。想象一下,如果我在我的个人电脑上运行比特币协议,他可以显示你有1 BTC,我有5 BTC,没有人会赋予缺乏去中心化共识的比特币真实价值。因为我可以随便篡改后台数据,说我其实有50个BTC。

可见,在中心化服务器上运行比特币协议依赖于对中心化服务器的信任。而在crypto的世界里,去中心化共识让谁持有1 BTC这件事需要通过一定数量节点的验证,从某种角度来说,去中心化构成了赋予加密货币现实价值的基础。在去中心化共识的保护下,人们愿意赋予加密货币价值。



对于全链上游戏来说,想象一下,如果不仅仅是部分资产,而是整个游戏都被放在链上 —— 那么每一件物品、每一个单位、决策、建筑都会获得真正的价值,因为他们都是去中心化共识守护下的稀缺资源。

而提供这样的稀缺资源正是primodium的诸多目标之一。基于这种价值赋予过程,你可以建立真正的经济体,这是一件令人兴奋的事(我将会在另一个thread中解释为什么 web2.5 游戏行不通,其中的主要原因是他们需要面对非常多的监管和合规问题。)

你可能会反驳:但是 tax cuts先生,金融化意味着每个人都试图从系统中提取利益并赚钱,所以这个系统终将崩溃!

但我的观点是,在BTC 挖矿的过程中,每一个参与者也都在努力赚钱,只要这个系统拥有外部价值,他就能持续下去。而显而易见的是,维持下去的关键在于平衡,所以这个游戏会提供足够趣味性,以保证他对于大多数人来说是能达到期望值的。

Primodium V0.9 中推出的游戏内资源交易市场正是朝着这个方向迈出的一步,但我们未来要做的工作还有很多很多。

This article is compiled from the Twitter long text system of the two founders, and introduces how the team can reduce the consumption of the resources in the game and why financialization is also indispensable for the full-chain game. The author's original text linking a full-chain game will inevitably consume a lot of money, so we must find ways to reduce the number of transactions signed by players. After the introduction, we only calculate the required game resources when the players perform operations. In the first version, the players. Mining machines must be placed next to nodes before conveyor belts can be placed to transport resources to the main base. When players apply for resources from their main base, we must figure out the following questions: How to track the mining machines owned by each player and connect these mining machines to the correct processing plants? Our first plan is to conduct depth-first search from their main base when players extract resources. Players can place up to four mining machines next to each block. When we introduce factories that obtain resources from mining machines, players can. Began to build a more complex structure to optimize the output of resources. For example, the player created the following factory design. After joining our team, he redesigned our development-based resource components. In the version, we provided a global resource production rate for each player. Every time a mining machine is built on the resource, the productivity will increase, which makes the update atomized. Every time the player performs an operation, we can quickly calculate the total amount of resources through its productivity, and when they are builders, When a factory consumes resources to produce goods, it will simply deduct the part that consumes resources from the global productivity. In the subsequent version, we found that the participation of players decreased after the mining machine was built. This may be because the construction mechanism of mineral conveyor belt puzzled some players. By setting the global resource productivity, we can completely remove the mineral conveyor belt and transmission nodes, so as to realize the more complicated gameplay in today's game. In our latest version, we redesigned it and stored it in the smart contract. The way to store and calculate the productivity of resources lays the foundation for the exciting new functions to be launched soon. How to store player resources? The author links in the original text. You will be born on a resource-rich asteroid. By building a mining machine, you will collect resources and use these resources to strengthen the building, train the army and attack other players. In the initial version of the engine, all intelligent contracts were developed around the physical component system architecture. At the beginning, I designed for each resource. An independent new contract is made, which enables the client to track the quantity of each resource separately. However, with the increase of the complexity of the game, it has caused intractable expenses. For example, eleven versions ago, only players' items were stored, and a contract was needed. An effective solution was put forward, using the hash value of resource name and player address as a unified component key to simplify all the contents into one component. In the next few months, we continued to increase the content and complexity of the game. The following figure shows the complex base built by an enthusiastic player in the current beta version. We also upgraded the game engine to the version, which means that we have to reconstruct the contract structure of our resources, redesign the contract, use the table based on entities and resources, and avoid the extra hash calculation steps. The productivity of related resources will increase when players build factories or mining machines, for example, building iron mines can improve iron. Productivity is the same. Building a factory that uses iron, such as an iron plate factory, will increase the iron consumption rate. By building a system game, the productivity and consumption rate can be updated in real time, thus changing the player's resource quantity. Every time the player acts, the resource count will be updated. Before the player executes the transaction, the client will display the predicted resource value on the designed panel in advance. In the future version, we plan to conduct more in-depth technical exploration and open our contract to facilitate the community to explore new gameplay. Why? Financialization is also indispensable for full-chain games. Because the game has brought too many disastrous consequences in the past, developers have turned to full-chain games to seek different ways to integrate them into the game. The main point of view of full-chain games is that they increase the composability and permanence of the game, and the financialization part is often strongly resisted, but I think financialization is still very important. Financialization is the fundamental reason why cryptocurrency exists as the underlying architecture. Imagine if I were in my personal computer. Running the bitcoin protocol in your head can show whether you have me or not, because I can tamper with the background data at will and say that I actually have a decentralized consensus that running the bitcoin protocol on the centralized server depends on the trust in the centralized server. Who should hold this matter needs to be verified by a certain number of nodes. From a certain point of view, decentralization constitutes the basis for giving the encrypted currency real value. Under the protection of the centralized consensus, people are willing to give cryptocurrency value, and whether this value is USD or USD 10,000 is not the focus of our discussion today. The key lies in the limitation of block space and decentralization consensus, which makes things recorded in the chain scarce, and this scarcity gives it real value, which is unheard of in other industries. They can't create really valuable things out of thin air. You may say that game companies can create them even in games without cryptocurrency. It is true to create items worth billions of dollars, but these companies have the consensus formed by players' trust for many years, and it will be more difficult for startups to achieve this, which is similar to the way that US dollar fiat and cryptocurrency gain value. For the whole chain game, imagine that if not only some assets but the whole game is put on the chain, then every item, every unit and decision-making building will gain real value because they are all under the protection of decentralized consensus. It is an exciting thing that you can build a real economy based on this value-giving process. I will explain why the game doesn't work in another book. The main reason is that they have to face a lot of regulatory and compliance problems. You may refute it, but sir, financialization means that everyone tries to extract benefits from the system and make money, so the system will eventually collapse, but my point is that every participant is also trying to make money in the process of mining. As long as the system has external value, it will continue to be obvious. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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